Guest haviik


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How about a mod that restores the cut Genoharadan and holocrons into TSL? I know it would be mostly new content, since there was not enough data left to see what the entire intentions of Obsidian were, but it would still be new content in the spirit of cut content if that makes any sense. It would be the final piece of the puzzle with TSL (The other two pieces being TSLRCM and M4-78EP) cut content.

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Guest R2-X2

Earlier today I looked at the sandpeople files and I'm pretty sure that I can make them drop their clothing myself, so I'll take back that request for now. But I still kinda like the general idea of having a non-fighting option to acquire them :)


@ R2-X2: As far as I can tell after my quick look earlier they all have Gaffi sticks as dropable items. My guess is that there is only a certain probability of this actually happening so that some won't drop them.

I think KotOR Tool displays/sets everything as dropable when you open an utc's inventory. :)

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I think KotOR Tool displays/sets everything as dropable when you open an utc's inventory. :D


But while testing, they all dropped their gaffi sticks ;)

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It's odd how most Rebel Alliance weapons in mods are blaster pistols, yet you can easily find mods with the E-11 (Stormtrooper Blaster Rifle) and the DC-15S (Clone Trooper Blaster Carbine). Could someone create a mod with the DLT-20A (Rebel Recon Patrol Blaster Rifle) and the A280 (Rebel Armor-Piercing Blaster Rifle)?







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This is mostly for Aesthetic purposes, but could Taris be added to the Galaxy Map? Obviously not being able to return to it, much like if you try to return to Dantooine post-Leviathan, but I couldn't help noticing Peragus remained on the map in TSL for no reason aside from continuity, so it would be cool to see Taris remain on the Galaxy Map in the first game

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Hello.can someone convert this mod to k1 please.;101535


The mod is a Darth Nihilus Mask mod which i would love to use in Kotor 1.

all i ask is that it is manually installable and that i can find it on a planet rather than aquiring it with cheats.

so can someone please port this to k1 please ????????????????????????????????


I just want to be Nihilus in K1

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Once K1R has been released in 1.0 (or higher) version, I'd love to have a new compatible "Skip Taris" mod.

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Bit of an odd request, but I couldn't think of anywhere else to ask - Does anyone have a good guide on scripting force powers? There's one over at Lucasforums, but it only covers buffing powers.
Secondly, does anyone have a link to and tutorial for using TSLpatcher?

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But while testing, they all dropped their gaffi sticks ;)

Yeah, KOTORTool does some crazy stuff to .utc's. Which is why I just use it to check them, but leave extracting and modifying them to other tools.


Adding gear I still do with KOTORTool but rather copy over the result from the modified file using K-GFF rather than using the resulting file, since simply adding the same areas with K-GFF doesn't work for some reason.


I stopped asking stuff like 'why?' in regards to TSL long ago as long as something works as I want it to.

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I stopped asking stuff like 'why?' in regards to TSL long ago as long as something works as I want it to.

Oh that is gold! :D And somewhat true for K1R...

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Playing TSL, I noticed most Jedi robes appear to have a folded hood. While I almost never use robes in either KotOR or TSL, I thought it would be nice if someone could make it so that the Handmaiden's robes, which originally belonged to her mother, were to have a raised hood. This type of modification has been done with Revan's robes and the Star Forge robes in KotOR.

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I have a request to make THIS compatible with TSLRCM & M4-78. 


The compatibility forum states it is NOT TSLRCM compatible even though the download says that it is... (4th from bottom)



So...the request is either to make it compatible, or just confirm the compatibility.... 


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Could I bring up the idea of making Captain Gelesi's head selectable in character creation?


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Can anyone make a mod that gives the Player Darth Bandon's armor that he wears? Not the one you recieve when you kill him, I'm talking about the one that he wears in cutscenes and when he battles with you. I've been looking for a mod that does this but I've had no luck. Thanks in advance.

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With the KotOR 2 Steam update, I've started playing again and now the seam down Atton's face is bugging me. Does anybody have a fixed head mesh for him? I think Carth had the same problem in 1, too.

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Can anyone make a mod that gives the Player Darth Bandon's armor that he wears? Not the one you recieve when you kill him, I'm talking about the one that he wears in cutscenes and when he battles with you. I've been looking for a mod that does this but I've had no luck. Thanks in advance.

I remember a mod over at Filefront that did that, it even gave the texture black gloves to complement. I would link the mod to you but for some reason the site is not working for me at the moment. I don't know if it is my internet or their network...

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Can anyone make a mod that gives the Player Darth Bandon's armor that he wears? Not the one you recieve when you kill him, I'm talking about the one that he wears in cutscenes and when he battles with you. I've been looking for a mod that does this but I've had no luck. Thanks in advance.

Like Mutilator57 said, both the armor of Darth Bandon and the silver variant found on certain Dark Jedi can be found on kotorfiles. The version for TSL works perfectly fine, even offering alternative textures by ShemL. The Kotor version never worked properly for me, and when I messed around the appearance file to get it to work, Bandon's armor would be transparent. This is fixable by removing the shader for the texture in GIMP, but the texture just looks too ugly for me without proper shading.

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I could never get the mod by Archer to work for some reason. I'm not the best Modder in the world though, the only thing I seem able to do is set Stats using the KOTOR tool.

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For those not in the know, I'm in the process of making a documentary of M4-78. I'll spare you most of the details because I'll probably make a blog about it when it's closer to completion.


Anyway . . . part of the documentary is a walk-through of all of the quests in M4-78 EP - as requested numerous times. I'd like it to be as pretty as I can make it, and here's where the request comes in.


I'd like to have a HD reskin of Master Vash. The details in the texture could use some work. I'm quite OK with the color of robe as-is and her hair color. I'm not suggesting making her younger either. I just would like some crisper detail.


Malkior has already helped me out with a Kaah reskin so I thought I better have the same effort put toward the other main "organic" character.


Thanks for listening.

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I know it's silly, but I would like a mod that adds Luke Skywalker's face to Kotor 2.

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This may be a hard request, shoot I don't even now if it is possible to make this head.  Can anybody make a Kit-Fisto Head for Kotor 2? If that is not possible, how about a Kyle Katarn head?

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