Mutilator57 140 Posted October 30, 2017 Well you need Canderous to get you in with Davik, technically. Without that you have no real connection to a ship that is fast enough. Right, that's true. Well I guess you can probably tell from my hasty, half-baked question about K1's plot that I'm more of a TSL fan myself Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mephiles550 230 Posted October 30, 2017 Well you need Canderous to get you in with Davik, technically. Without that you have no real connection to a ship that is fast enough. But that's the point, with the codes, a fast ship would have been unnecessary. Any ship would have done. Just put in the codes and you're good to go. Regardless, there's nothing wrong with getting the codes before being on Canderous' side. Ships weren't readily available on Taris, remember? "They impounded all of my ships and swoop-bikes" is what the Upper City merchant said. Ships were likely a valuable commodity few could get in the first place. Where'd you get one in the Upper City let alone lower? Needing to progress in the story to get the Ebon Hawk at some point still works. The only question is, are there cut Canderous lines that discuss how you already broke into the base prior to him introducing his plan to become partners? It'd be weird for him to immediately suggest that they break into Davik's without having formed any sort of alliance prior. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mutilator57 140 Posted October 30, 2017 But that's the point, with the codes, a fast ship would have been unnecessary. Any ship would have done. Regardless, there's nothing wrong with getting the codes before being on Canderous' side. Ships weren't readily available on Taris, remember? "They impounded all of my ships and swoop-bikes" is what the Upper City merchant said. Ships were likely a valuable commodity few could get. Also true. I think I'll leave this conversation to those with a much firmer grasp on the story than I! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darthbdaman 74 Posted October 30, 2017 It would also be interesting to get T3 early on. You could get a second companion way earlier than mission, if you could get the money (or just take him for dark side points). People might actually use T3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted October 30, 2017 Using T3 in K1, bah. Personality-less hunk of junk. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mutilator57 140 Posted October 30, 2017 Using T3 in K1, bah. Personality-less hunk of junk. Yeah, I think both games went too extreme. In K1, he was essentially worthless to the plot as all he had to do was open a door. In TSL, it's the exact opposite - he becomes the central figure after Kreia and the Exile. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
superSzym 155 Posted October 30, 2017 I have never used T3 in K1 after opening the Sith Base, actually, as opposed to TSL when a couple of scenes with him alone and his personal conversations make him a character you actually like. For me, T3 could never appear in K1, but then his story in TSL would make little sense. Still, I don't think that just a simple soldier could get into a Sith base so easily, and for an elite droid made for en Exchange boss, it makes sense. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darthbdaman 74 Posted October 30, 2017 I'm not sure how the option was implemented originally, but ideally, I'd like to see some sort of persuade and/or threaten option to to take him (probably through lying). That would allow the current version of the setup to remain in the game, but give the player both options. That might be better as a separate mod though, depending on how the cut version actually looks Starting at tlk entry 23674, canderous has tons of dialogue related to already having T3, having t3 with you, already having the codes, etc.. Canderous also has weird dialogue for both the Upper and Lower City cantina's such as the possibility of meeting him for the first time in the Lower City, or returning to meet him in the upper city. Canderous' DLG files in both the upper and lower cities are identical (as far as I can tell), and both contain provisions for you having T3 in your party or already having the codes before you talk to Canderous. The Lower City dlg also contains a totally seperate branch for talking to Canderous again as well (this is the only one you can normally hear in the lower city cantina) Janice doesn't have any dialogue that I can find though unfortunately. It might be there though Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LiliArch 115 Posted November 1, 2017 Janice uses alien VO as far as I recall, so from modding point of view, that shouldn't be a problem. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darthbdaman 74 Posted November 1, 2017 Ya, I was just hoping for something more concrete. If T3 remains Davik's droid, but you can still get him somehow, everyone's dialogue will make sense. You just need to add a new dialogue branch to Janice for buying T3 without talking to Canderous. Canderous' dialogue will then adapt appropriately. He won't acknowledge that T3 is Davik's droid, but that's not that big a deal. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xtprojects 13 Posted June 7, 2018 EDIT** Moved everything to the appropriate forum thread for xbox k1R use. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Salk 385 Posted December 6, 2019 Hello! Could someone (in spoilers tags or in a private message) tell me where the Hukta ambush takes place? Thank you. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N-DReW25 1,374 Posted December 7, 2019 5 hours ago, Salk said: Hello! Could someone (in spoilers tags or in a private message) tell me where the Hukta ambush takes place? Thank you. Spoiler It should take place within a Hangar Bay, when I played K1R back in the day I know that it occurred in the Manaan Hangar. Maybe keep playing and it should eventually happen. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Salk 385 Posted May 21, 2020 Hello again. I have a question about K1R's restoration of Rulan the shapeshifter morphing into a random party member. From what I can see from the k1r_pkas_rulmor.ncs K1R code: // Globals object objectGLOB_1; // Prototypes void sub2(string stringParam1, location locationParam2); void sub1(int intParam1, object objectParam2, string stringParam3); void sub2(string stringParam1, location locationParam2) { object object1 = CreateObject(1, stringParam1, locationParam2, 0); objectGLOB_1 = object1; } void sub1(int intParam1, object objectParam2, string stringParam3) { location location1 = GetLocation(objectParam2); DestroyObject(objectParam2, 0.0, 0, 0.0); DelayCommand(1.5, sub2(stringParam3, location1)); DelayCommand(1.75, AssignCommand(objectGLOB_1, JumpToLocation(location1))); DelayCommand(1.7, SetGlobalFadeIn(0.1, 3.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)); } void main() { int nRandom; int int2; int int3; string string1; object oRulan_jolee = GetObjectByTag("rulan_jolee", 0); location location1 = GetLocation(oRulan_jolee); nRandom = Random(9); int2 = nRandom; switch (nRandom) { case 0: string1 = "rulan_bast"; break; case 1: string1 = "rulan_cand"; break; case 2: string1 = "rulan_carth"; break; case 3: string1 = "rulan_hk"; break; case 4: string1 = "rulan_jol"; break; case 5: string1 = "rulan_juh"; break; case 6: string1 = "rulan_mis"; break; case 7: string1 = "rulan_t3"; break; case 8: string1 = "rulan_zal"; break; default: string1 = "rulan_jol"; break; } object object3 = GetObjectByTag("rulan_jolee", 0); if ((nRandom != 4)) { sub1(nRandom, object3, string1); } else { DelayCommand(1.7, SetGlobalFadeIn(0.1, 3.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)); } SetGlobalNumber("KAS_RULAN_NPC", int2); } it would seem that Rulan may morph into any party member without consideration to whether they've actually joined the Player's party at that time? If I'm correct in this assumption I believe this is a restoration I'd rather not have because it can very easily break immersion. Cheers! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZeldaTheSwordsman 49 Posted January 18, 2021 (edited) It's never established how he gets his knowledge of shapes. If he's telepathic, well... the only one who's a possible problem is HK because HK's the only one you can't get to Prolik with out at least having encountered. Regarding getting T3 early.. Methinks the writers may have ultimately decided that poaching Davik's droid seemed a bit too much of a stretch given how much of a bigshot he is on Taris. It seems like the kind of thing that would very quickly lead to a "Mister Davik is very upset" kind of encounter. And assuming you could get past that, Davik himself would logically have something to say about the matter when Canderous brought you to him. Canderous may have unused lines for the Early T3/Early Base Access contingency, but what about Davik? Honestly, from a narrative perspective, I think it makes sense to force the base raid to be the next-to-last required stop on the road off Taris. * First, as far as getting T3 early goes... prior to the swoop race and its aftermath the most possible notoriety you could have while on Taris is as the Mysterious Stranger, slayer of Bendak Starkiller. Even if you were believed... that doesn't seem like it would be enough to convince Janice Nall to sell you a droid reserved for a powerful crime boss who could easily do horrible things to her in retribution. You could I suppose take him over her dead body, but that has the abovementioned issue of getting Davik pissed at you (it logically would, anyway). * Second, if you thought Darth Malak and Saul Karath seemingly not noticing the base had been raided by the time Malak decides to bombard Taris was a stretch in vanilla... it would really be a stretch if you did it this early (this applies to both T3 and the unrestored "steal an access card" idea, which should probably stay cut because if it was that easy to get in Davik probably wouldn't need a custom-ordered slicer droid in the first place). * Third, raiding the base and stealing the codes, however you went about it.. would logically be enough to get you noticed and approached on its own. Possibly without your having set so much as a foot in the Undercity. So it introduces a particularly silly instance of the RPG Take Your Time trope where one didn't exist before, where you then have to go through all the rigamarole of liberating Bastila after being approached. I tend to use T3 a fair bit, personally. He's my go-to character for the Computer Use skill. Still wondering if there's a way to revert Juhani and Jolee to robed because their de-robing bugs me. Also if there's a possibility of a "No Pazaak Tournament" version of this mod, because that seems to softlock the game rather a lot from what I've seen and I don't know if that's been solidly addressed by this point. EDIT after getting the installation to work: Thankfully the (IMO nonsensical) Juhani and Jolee de-robing is an optional piece (I find it nonsensical because Juhani was readmitted to the Order between your redeeming her and you being sent off, so it makes sense that she was able to get a robe again - in fact, her being in a robe at that point makes more sense than being in her default clothes. Especially with how her then-girlfriend Belaya gets about the Jedi dress code. Jolee... nothing says he can't have taken robes with him, and it would be logical for him to wear the more protective garments). Perhaps the Pazaak tournament should be optional as well, given the softlocking issue and also the fact that from what I've seen in the bug thread Pazaak tournament files seem to most commonly set off the mid-install permission denial (the restoration is enjoyable on the whole, but man is it annoying to run into that nuisance if you have to reinstall because of a bug, and it gets in the way of getting the restoration installed in the first place). Another thing I personally think should be optional: Fighting alongside Jolee instead of it being a cutscene. Haven't gotten to that point yet, but I know from experience such encounters tend to feel less like dramatic entrances/rescues when they're interactive (unless the NPC is being particularly OP at the time). And Bioware knows it - It's part of what makes Bastila's insistence that she rescued you hard to swallow. When you take party members with you on the sea floor, do they have any special dialogue for it? Speaking of Manaan, I think I'll pass on stealing a card from drunken Duan/Viglo. That sounds like it makes getting into the Sith base a complete gimme - probably why it was cut in the first place. Correct me if I'm wrong about that, though. I saw that earlier in the thread people brought up the Gamorrean village and the trash compactor puzzle; I know spacej speculated that the malfunctioning door to the room where Zaalbar is might have originally been part of it based on (inactive) code for it to damage the party. I don't find that compelling on its own - it seems like that door could damage you just in its own right because of the malfunctioning moving parts (and I want to say the damage code is actually active in the Xbox version, but I can't be sure; my Xbox K1 disc is damaged at the transition to Upper City North, so I can't check that one myself). Barring other evidence, I don't think that door is anything more than what it's implied to be in the final game - the result of Zaalbar trying to break himself out. I have my own speculation as to where the trash compactor puzzle was - the room in the upper sewers where the Rancor is in the final game. The details on the walls there look like they could be masher blocks for the compactor, and it's a big open room that would work as the location for a large-scale compactor. As such, I think that they ultimately decided replace the compactor with the rancor (maybe it was taxing to render the moving parts, maybe they felt it was a drag, who knows). I could be wrong, but it makes sense to me. As for the Gamorrean village... Honestly, it seems likely to me that Bioware decided fairly early-on that giving them a separate encampment made for too much of a detour (or be too much extra on Taris) and scrapped the idea in favor of them living directly in the sewer chambers. I think I asked about this once before, but it's been years. What makes it impossible to add swoop upgrades to K1, such that you instead had to cut all references to them? Edit again: I keep forgetting to ask about this. How much of the Pazaak tournament was reconstructed based on info in the game files and how much was custom content that felt appropriate? I'm curious because the droid opponent sounds like a clone of the Pazaak-playing droid on Nar Shaddaa in TSL. So I'm wondering if that was a leftover in the K1 files that Obsidian repurposed for TSL, or if the TSL droid came first and was imitated for the reconstruction. Edited January 25, 2021 by ZeldaTheSwordsman Question I forgot Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mansur321 0 Posted November 1, 2024 I understand this mod is not currently in development and the forum is on the brink of death, however... with the recent advance in neural voicing, is it perhaps possible to restore some content that has visuals in the game files, but no VO? I'm pretty sure we can make VO for Carth and HK-47, e.g. for warning about Katarn, and for relieving Sand People or whatever, respectively. If only someone could take on finishing the rest of the work, I could help out with the missing voice lines (or anyone, in fact, it's fairly easy). I hope this forum will be revived one day... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N-DReW25 1,374 Posted November 2, 2024 21 hours ago, Mansur321 said: I'm pretty sure we can make VO for Carth and HK-47, e.g. for warning about Katarn, and for relieving Sand People or whatever, respectively. The problem with those is that for Carth the warning about the Katarn was never intended for Kashyyyk. Kotor 1 had an E3 Demo much like Kotor 2, and just like how the Kotor 2 Demo contained elements that weren't in the final game the K1 Demo had a few oddities. First off, the game's engine wasn't final so the game looked like this, it was set on Dantooine, you could recruit Carth and T3-M4 (who was owned by Bastila), there was a Sith Base on Dantooine (It possibly reused the cut Czerka Depot), the player was a Jedi who wore Nemo Robes (So the player character Jedi you see throughout the vanilla game were the players in the Demo), and Katarns were the primary enemy on Dantooine. The Carth quote about the Katarns goes like this: "CARTH: Is your communicator on? It's Carth. Just wanted to remind you to be careful out there. Don't end up as a meal for one of the katarn." That line exists on TLK number 380, and you'll see that "CARTH" is actually written on that line. The very next line, 381, goes like this: "CARTH: Get back to the base! The Sith have attacked! Just follow the smoke! Hurry!" So... there isn't much to go off of in terms of restoring the Katarn warning because it was never intended for the actual game. And as for the HK-47 lines about the Sand People Messiah, as far as I'm concerned I've never found, or heard of other modders finding, the cut lines which could be used to restore such a scene. We all most likely know about the Sand People Messiah content through former Bioware devs who worked on the game instead of through cut dialogue lines, so again a mod that adds the Sand People Messiah would have to be costume made. 21 hours ago, Mansur321 said: I hope this forum will be revived one day... As an actual discussion forum, perhaps, but there are still mods being worked on, published, and updated by modders and said mods are still being downloaded by players. So the mod hosting element of Deadlystream is still kicking, and the Discord side of the Deadlystream community is thriving, if you think this site is dead that's where everyone went. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites