Kainzorus Prime

Download:[KotOR] NPC Overhaul Mod

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File Name: [KotOR] NPC Overhaul Mod

File Submitter: Kainzorus Prime

File Submitted: 03 Apr 2014

File Category: Mods




Kainzorus Prime


Mod Name:

KotOR NPC Overhaul Mod


Under NO circumstances is this, or any of my other,

mod(s) to be posted on ANY site other than by myself.



1. Info


This mod attempts to rectify the clone effect as much as possible by differentiating the characters where applicable, reassigning the sound sets and giving the characters different equipment to fit better with the story.


2. Installation:


Run the patcher and let it do its magic. If you also use the Sunry Murder Recording Enhancement mod, copy the .mod file from the compatibility folder and overwrite the one in the game's "modules" folder.


3. Compatibility:


The patcher ensures compatibility with most other mods, except those which also use .mod files that alter the same areas as this mod.


A compatibility patch for Sunry Murder Recording Enhancement mod is included.


3. Credits:


Special thanks to:


Holowan Laboratories - For all the great resources.




This Mod is not supported by LucasArts, Bioware or Obsidian.

Please do not contact them for support of this mod.



Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, characters, items, etc. are trademarks

and copyrights owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.


Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: The Sith Lords, characters, items, etc. are

trademarks and copyrights owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.


Bioware and the Odyssey Engine are trademarks of Bioware Corp. Obsidian are trademarks of Obsidian Entertainment. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their

respective trademark and copyright holders.



Click here to download this file

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Just a heads up. A bug happen when I was installing this mod.


The TSL patcher give me the information that a critical error had ocurred: the file 'appearance.nda' wasn't in the override.


I already reinstall KOTOR and downloaded several times the mod.


Any help would be appreciated.

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Just download Kotor Tool, extract appearance.2da file into your override, then run the installer.


I've set the installer up to modify existing one most people have, as it's fairly common thing included in mods. Since you don't have one in override, the installer throws an error.

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Ehm, most people add an unmodified appearance.2da to the installer for those instances (so it drops it in override, then modifies it). The readme even says you should.

Probably a good idea if you ever update the installer ;)

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  On 4/4/2014 at 8:08 AM, Hassat Hunter said:

Ehm, most people add an unmodified appearance.2da to the installer for those instances (so it drops it in override, then modifies it). The readme even says you should.

Probably a good idea if you ever update the installer ;)


Might do that with 1.01. Probably gonna tweak these stunt/cutscene modules too, now that I look at them.



  On 4/4/2014 at 1:13 PM, The Eradicator said:

Can I install this if I already installed the K1 Enhancement Mod?


Yes, it should be alright. Most of the K1 Enhancement is just textures as far as I recall.

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Really enjoy the immersion quality that you've given K1 and TSL with your work!


I'm on my first K1 run and I've noticed that Davik's Unique Armor has been replaced, was this intentional?

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I was wondering if you're going to make this mod K1R compatible, just like your TSL NPC Overhaul is TSLRCM compatible.

I'm asking since I really like your mod and right now it overwrites all of K1Rs modules which will lead to problems I guess^^

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  On 2/5/2015 at 3:54 PM, Kexikus said:


I was wondering if you're going to make this mod K1R compatible, just like your TSL NPC Overhaul is TSLRCM compatible.

I'm asking since I really like your mod and right now it overwrites all of K1Rs modules which will lead to problems I guess^^


Compatibility is being worked on.

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  On 2/10/2015 at 7:02 PM, Kainzorus Prime said:

Compatibility is being worked on.


Any word on this? 

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Hi !


Just wanting to know why you chose to remove Brejik special stuff from his loots and if you made similar choices with other loots ?



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  On 4/23/2018 at 12:12 AM, Flying-gg said:

Hi !


Just wanting to know why you chose to remove Brejik special stuff from his loots and if you made similar choices with other loots ?




You can't unfortunately unless you go edit the UTI's yourself. He should've put the regular loot in their pack inventory and had the visual stuff as non-droppable. Alas, I'm working on my own NPC Overhaul for both games privately to allay these problems. I suggest you do the same. 

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  On 4/23/2018 at 1:21 AM, LucyTheAlien said:

You can't unfortunately unless you go edit the UTI's yourself. He should've put the regular loot in their pack inventory and had the visual stuff as non-droppable. Alas, I'm working on my own NPC Overhaul for both games privately to allay these problems. I suggest you do the same. 


I'm curious for your NPC overhaul of TSL, will you be making it compatible for SLM as well?


And of course, will your K1 version be BOS compatible?

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  On 4/23/2018 at 9:59 PM, Squall Lionhart said:

I'm curious for your NPC overhaul of TSL, will you be making it compatible for SLM as well?


And of course, will your K1 version be BOS compatible?

No, and definitely no.


Plus, it's not going to be public because I'm using reskins and other models people have made to further diversify K1. 

There's simply not enough character models and distinct skins otherwise. 

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