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Problem with Floating Damage Text (Fixed)
DarthCaucasoid posted a topic in General Kotor/TSL Modding
I am working on a mod and having issues with new abilities and feats not displaying the floating red damage text whenever they cause damage. For example, I made an unarmed feat that triggers OnDamage if the attacking character has the unarmed feat and does not have any weapon equipped in the right weapon slot, causing the attacker to deal the target an additional d12 of damage. It deals damage like it's supposed to, but the floating damage text never appears. I tried every function that made sense in the scripting tool's function list to make it show the amount of damage being dealt by the new feat. It will display the additional amount of damage to the combat feedback log. Using BarkString on the attacker works to get a number showing the correct amount of damage on-screen, but it shows in the top-left corner of the screen and only briefly. I'm not sure if there's a function I overlooked in the scripting tool or if the floating damage text only appears for certain effects. I thought for sure that FloatingTextStringOnCreature would be what I'm looking for, but it never displayed the damage. Any help would be appreciated. EDIT: The issue was the enemy being attacked by the character was applying the damage to itself, instead of the character applying damage to the enemy. All it took was having the character be the caller for an ExecuteScript function, and having the script called in ExecuteScript apply the damage to the enemy. Now the floating damage text appears as intended, and the damage shows up in the combat log without using the SendMessageToPC script function. -
[Updated: April 26, 2020] Greetings, fellow Jedi! Hope you all doing fine. This will be an archive-thread-miniwiki to accommodate my curiousness in some aspects from either KotOR/TSL; either with placeables, textures , models, anything- which is too valuable to lost for just a status update but is too exclusive for each of them to have a single thread, in my perspective. I have archived some past random questions with its essential responses, should their information would be useful and will be easy enough to have access to: [August 14, 2018] PlasticCrate_cylinder [August 16, 2018] LTS_Rwall01 [August 19, 2018] PLC_Statue2 [August 24, 2018] Taris' Upper City Cantina Entrance Wall Panel [August 28, 2018] Taris' Upper City South Fountains [M02ac_02b_02e] [August 30, 2018] Ebon Hawk's Unique Cubemaps [CM_eh] [September 12, 2018] Locate Area Model [September 12, 2018] Sith Soldier Bump Map Restoration [September 17, 2018] Bump-map Breaks Level Geometry Animation? [December 10, 2018] Jedi Enclave's "Unused" Bump-map [November 08, 2019] Trigger's ScriptOnEnter x GetEnteringObject [November 24, 2019] ActionJumpToLocation >= ActionJumpToObject [December 08, 2019] Rakatan "SWAG" Idle Animation VS ANIMATION_LOOPING_TALK_NORMAL [December 11, 2019] [Success] VS [Failure] [December 14, 2019] GetNearestCreature > GetPartyMemberByIndex [April 26, 2020] TSL's Hologram ____________________________________________ That was some questions-responses that I thought would need a proper archiving should they delivered any useful information for future modding attempt. Also, I'm taking this opportunity to ask to the forums too. Will it be possible to change that grey area in the center of Taris' city-walk to some kind of a mini-pool with water model/textures in it? One example in mind that could be used as a reference is this mini-pool inside Davik's estate: Many thanks for considering this!
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I put my original mod on hold since someone else is making it. And, wow, does it look good! So, on to the most neglected project: a new DeNCS. It's currently able to interpret op codes and arguments, so the next step is the higher-level control flow. Here's where you can help: Byte Code - I obtained a list of op codes from here. I need to make sure it's complete and correct. NWScript - I am compiling a list of operators, punctuators, and keywords from here, and here. I need to make sure it's complete and correct. Mapping - This is the big one, making sure script converts to byte code, and vice versa. 100% identical conversion, every time. No pressure. DOT Diagram - I need a program that can make diagrams from DOT DOT Generator - I can generate the DOT from my code, but it would be helpful if something could do this for me, as well. Name - Right now, it's called DeNCS 2020. Narrowly edging out NewNCS. Please, give it a good name. A couple of things I want to address. DeNCS sometimes reports a partial-byte mismatch. At first, I ignored this just like every other modder. However, while testing this tool I compared the output of an NCS file straight from the game to the output DeNCS generated... Well, it looks like DeNCS attempts to convert the NCS to source code, then attempts to convert the source code back to an NCS file. Then, it compares the original NCS to the new one. And, if they don't match? Partial-byte mismatch. I don't know why DeNCS doesn't always perform a perfect conversion, but it's something to investigate. Particularly, since there are reports that even NCS files generated by Bioware and Obsidian had bugs in them. Troubleshooting the NCS files will make this longer since I have no way of knowing what the original files should have looked like. (But, I can guess just like DeNCS seems to do.) This is command-line only. There was never any intention to make this a stand-alone tool. However, development will take longer than I expected, which means a GUI is the least of my priorities. At some point, I want to merge this into a toolset, maybe even the one up above. So, no GUI. (That also means the stand-alone tool won't be around for very long.) Got any feedback? Thanks! Edit: I just downloaded Graphviz, so I am covered with DOT diagrams. I think the included library will allow me to generate DOT, too.
View File KotOR Scripting Tool - 2021 About Kotor Scripting Tool Kotor Scripting Tool is my attempt at a scripting interface for nwnnsscomp.exe. I originally designed this tool to aid me in my scripting efforts back in the day. My desire was to create a scripting tool with some of the creature comforts that today's coders have come to expect. The core features that were important for me were the ability to have NWScript function name Auto Completion and Syntax Highlighting. If anyone is interested in helping to extend its functionality be sure to check out the link to the GItHub repo below. Anyways that's enough rambling for now! Happy Modding! Features include: Compile .nss Scripts Syntax highlighting AutoComplete Suggestions (Beta) Tabbed Text Editor Advanced Find & Replace Browsable nwscript function list Browsable nwscript constants list Zip Archive Download and extract the zip file. Once extracted navigate to the directory and run Kotor Scripting Tool.exe This program was compiled in C# with version 4.0 of the .NET Framework if you do not already have it downloaded you will need to download it [here]. The source code has been released on my GitHub account Submitter Blue Submitted 07/09/2012 Category Modding Tools
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- nwnnsscomp.exe
- nwscript
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Version v0.1.5.0
About Kotor Scripting Tool Kotor Scripting Tool is my attempt at a scripting interface for nwnnsscomp.exe. I originally designed this tool to aid me in my scripting efforts back in the day. My desire was to create a scripting tool with some of the creature comforts that today's coders have come to expect. The core features that were important for me were the ability to have NWScript function name Auto Completion and Syntax Highlighting. If anyone is interested in helping to extend its functionality be sure to check out the link to the GItHub repo below. Anyways that's enough rambling for now! Happy Modding! Features include: Compile .nss Scripts Syntax highlighting AutoComplete Suggestions (Beta) Tabbed Text Editor Advanced Find & Replace Browsable nwscript function list Browsable nwscript constants list Zip Archive Download and extract the zip file. Once extracted navigate to the directory and run Kotor Scripting Tool.exe This program was compiled in C# with version 4.0 of the .NET Framework if you do not already have it downloaded you will need to download it [here]. The source code has been released on my GitHub account 2 comments
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Hello. I am aware that Darth Bandon's utc files on The Endar Spire and Manaan are the same ref tag (g_bandon001). I want to know how to script a lightsaber onto Darth Bandon during his appearance in both of these settings. My first problem is that if you edit the utc and put it into the module file directly (for The Endar Spire), Darth Bandon will not brandish his lightsaber. I imagine this is a problem with the script telling Darth Bandon to pull out a lightsaber that doesn't actually exist on his utc hand slot (his inventory on his utc does not have one on his hand). On Manaan you can edit it onto his hand directly, which is fine, if I wanted to edit the utc. and put it into the module file. I am trying to understand how scripting works though, and it is very frustrating. I am trying to create a script in Kotor Tool and have it trigger a new script (with the lightsaber command) and the old script (k_pend_cut26), which is the line where Darth Bandon appears (but i'm not sure if it's when he spawns). Simply put, can somebody walk me through how I would write a script that would target Darth Bandon and put a different lightsaber into his hand than the one that he has now. My modding knowledge is very basic because I only remember stuff from 2000s era modding, so please explain it to me as if there are zero presumptions on what I know. There are some things that users on this site speak of that I don't understand because I haven't modded in a long time. I remember basic stuff like 2da editing, utc and uti editing etc. but no complicated stuff like scripting. Also, I hope you can understand my post. French is my first language, so my English may be very bad. Sorry if I say anything that isn't correct.
- lightsaber
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Hi, To all your talented scripters out there - i'll need some help for setting up a reshade: I know, that "reshade" in conjunction with Kotor has the alarm bells ringing since "ridiculously colorful", "overly bright" with tons of depth of field comes to the mind. I do not intend to do anything like this - but unlike messing with the vanilla lightmaps, reshade has an immense advantage - simulating dark areas like caves with bright spots such as the Dantooine Crystal Cave works wonders without any artifacts. And no Performance hit at all. The only downside is, the cave Preset would not work well on the locations outside. At this point i need your help - basically i only intend to use 1 reshade preset with shaders enabled for those caves & 1 reshade preset with no shaders enabled for the rest of the game. Now my request - could you guys setup a script that enables the shaders only for the Dantooine/Korriban Cave & the Taris Sewers? I really hope we could make this possible!
Greetings, fellow Jedi. May the Force be with you. In k_inc_utility there's a UserDefined events called HOSTILE_RETREAT which I was told it refers to UT_ReturnToBase that also belongs to the aforementioned script. I'm in an attempt on reconstructing one, that is part of k_punk_restrig and wanted to ask if this script seems legit or does the opposite - [Oops, the script has been removed as the wrong one was posted and the right one has been lost in eternity.] Details are commented on the script My concern is; the nwnnsscomp does compile the script, but to see if it's working or not is kind of hard to produce [and I haven't actually seeing it]. The relevant roaming Rakata which is unk42_rakbreed01 rarely moves towards the exit of trigger's geometry. So I'm down to a guessing game and that is not convincing. Many thanks for considering this. ____________________________________________ Update: oof, after countless of trial-and-errors and insightful thoughts from @DarthParametric on #mod_development at Discord, I finally able to come to a resolve. First of all, scrap the above script - my modification to UT_ReturnToBase was all garbage, and is nowhere near working, lol! The idea on having oExiting replacing the role of OBJECT_SELF was all wrong. In short, it should have fired by the creature's OUD itself. Therefore, in the end I'm using this with the k_punk_restrig - and having each creatures their own customized ScriptUserDefine to have something like this - By then, the script worked as intended. Eureka!
- k_inc_utility
- hostile_retreat
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Greetings, fellow Jedi! Hope you all doing fine. We know there's a thing like <FullName> in the K1's TLK, which makes a conversation/DLG checks the [custom] name of our main character and I wonder; is there a similar function which checks our PC's gender preference? Let's say, if I play as a male character and make a string in the TLK that reads - I am no longer <XYZ> now. it would shown as - I am no longer him now. in-game. Is it possible to do that in K1? Many thanks for considering this, and may the Force be with you.
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- custom token
- k1
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scripting [Query] Custom Music Playing on Cutscene
ebmar posted a topic in General Kotor/TSL Modding
Greetings, fellow Jedi! Hope y'all doing fine. I am here to ask for an assistance about: Is there any chance for custom music to be played at an exact cutscene in game? Edit: Not only cutscene to be exact; it will play along with the particular encounter and will stop soon as the encounter is done. And if it's possible; would ones mind explaining on how doing it? For an example; the tag of the music that would be playing is: mus_theme_legends Many thanks for considering this; and may the Force be with you! -
Hello all, I have been absent from modding and from Deadlystream for quite some time and I have decided to resurrect the mod that I was making, along with the help from many, which is a mod that will give the player some items once they achieve Prestige Class. It may have been over a year since I have worked on the mod, but in the last few weeks I have been teaching my self a lot about modding, this mostly including scripting, but now my knowledge is much greater than it was. This screenshot shows the dialog that will pop up for the player notifying them of their items (once they have gained prestige and re-entered the hawk). This screenshot shows the footlocker, rightly named for this Jedi Weapon Master as "Weapon Master's Case" The Items that these cases have inside them currently include: A robe specified for the use of the certain Prestige Class {STANDARD in all cases}. Colour Crystals {Dark Side cases will have crystals more associated with the Dark Side}. Power Crystals {Usually 2 that will be enhancing the lightsaber, and skills, that the Prestige Class uses/has}. A Lightsaber {Suited to the class, and can include two sabers}. I have been thinking about making custom colour crystals and custom robe textures for this mod, but I currently do not have the knowledge do these quite yet. If anyone that know's how would like to point me in the right direction to do these then that would be great!
Hi all, I have been searching for hours for a way to decompile the .ncs scripts for kotor 2, I have tried DeNCS but that didn't seem to want to decompile the script files properly. Plus all other ways to decompile that I have tried have not succeeded. I am using the Steam version of TSL and I have Windows 10 if that helps. Thanks in advance
Hey, Having a problem getting DeNCS to work after upgrading to Windows 10. I have tried different installs of Java, redownloaded Java JRE 1.6.0 (at least I think I have the right one) and installed it again but that didn't help. Not getting an option to run as administrator, as it's grayed out and not selectable. nwscript.nss is in the KotOR Tool folder (even though i cant see it) with DeNCS, and nwnsscomp.exe... It just won't start. Dont know what to do and if I can't decompile what I need...arrrgh