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Found 11 results

  1. Hey all, I am "Its the MuMu" or u/Fit_Rcord_006 for those who have seen my edits on the KOTOR sub. I am wondering if: 1) a mod reflecting these edits with a playable character of Anakin Skywalker is even possible 2) if it were possible to restructure every single companion to be characters from the films/shows, likely to the point of making or importing brand-new heads/bodies for them (currently have been trying to rig the character models from the ROTS video game for this) 3) if it's possible to make the maps/levels I would intend to make either from scratch or by re-using assets and maps from the existing games 4) how difficult it would be to restructure the story and scripting to fit with the films 5) rewrites for alternate story and dialogue choices 6) HELP WANTED with any of this, whether it be general advice on any of the topics above, anyone who would like to help create this who knows more than I do (I have only been actively working on this for the last week and feel I am way underqualified), or whatever other help anyone would like to give. Would ideally like to construct some sort of team to make something of this scale happen, as I imagine I'm already in way over my head. I thank anyone for taking the time to read this and reply. As I said, any and all help is much appreciated. I would show and example, but the attachment is not working. You can watch any of those edits for an idea of what I'm trying to do by looking up "Its The MuMu" on Youtube.
  2. Version 1.1


    In KotOR 2, you would originally stumble upon the body of a Jedi named Nebelish while investigating the tomb of an ancient Sith Lord on Korriban. However, this "Nebelish" actually looked a lot like Dustil Onasi. Turns out, Obsidian originally planned to have Dustil in the tomb but they ended up cutting the content. Now when TSLRCM came along they never restored this because Jason Mardsen, Dustil's voice actor, never recorded any lines for the part. Now I thought it a shame that Dustil couldn't have been restored, so I set about restoring him. And, thanks to some voice overs done by Zhaboka, I have finished my task. So essentially, this mod restores Dustil to KotOR II. TSLRCM Compatible: Yes Please go to the Nexus Mods link to see further screenshots. ModDB Link: DOWNLOAD Nexus Files: DOWNLOAD Deadly Stream Link: DOWNLOAD
  3. After trying to deal with a certain Lightsaber pack mod which aditionally allowed to create sabers , I had ran into a trouble, causing me to delete the saber pack and find out now that workbench for some reason is completely unable to modify a thing and cannot see any of the items used for modding gear...does anyone have a default workbench files to use or any advice on how I can fix the issue without deleting the game and restarting it all from a new begining?
  4. PFHC05 mira replacer like this model @Effix made. not sure if it's possible.
  5. Anyone know what causes a runtime error on the steam version of kotor 2, it seems like when download a certain number of mods or a certain patcher mods I run into this error and I tried all the usual fixes found here PC Specs: Processor AMD Ryzen 5 3500 6-Core Processor 3.59 GHz Installed RAM 32.0 GB System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor Windows 11 Home
  6. Looking for a PFHC05 skin replacer with red hair for Mira the current reskin are available are not working correctly.
  7. The directional keys and enter on keyboard do nothing outside of dialogue and can't be mapped to WASD or to action command. I've attempted to make the game controls more modern with the in game settings but I can't find a mod that maps dialogue controls to WASD and spacebar to select.
  8. It's really annoying to have every texture in the game hd except for main menu logo so i thought I would request a hd logo replacer compatible with tslrcm and M4-78 droid planet that replaces kotor2logo.tga full screen 1920×1080
  9. Anyone know how to fix or can fix (A better Mira) mod by corpsecotillion I really like the mod. but unfortunately it has some bugs. Following these instructions fixes the head mesh issue "The head model expects a file mirahe.tga, make a copy of p_mirah.tga and rename it to mirahe.tga.I believe the name for the body texture is also incorrect, P_MiraA01.tga should be P_MiraA.tga" But even with the headmesh fix the teeth of the model clip through when Mira is talking and it's weird and buggy. Alternative request: Change Mira's default hair to the one in the mod
  10. View File Dustil Restoration In KotOR 2, you would originally stumble upon the body of a Jedi named Nebelish while investigating the tomb of an ancient Sith Lord on Korriban. However, this "Nebelish" actually looked a lot like Dustil Onasi. Turns out, Obsidian originally planned to have Dustil in the tomb but they ended up cutting the content. Now when TSLRCM came along they never restored this because Jason Mardsen, Dustil's voice actor, never recorded any lines for the part. Now I thought it a shame that Dustil couldn't have been restored, so I set about restoring him. And, thanks to some voice overs done by Zhaboka, I have finished my task. So essentially, this mod restores Dustil to KotOR II. TSLRCM Compatible: Yes Please go to the Nexus Mods link to see further screenshots. ModDB Link: DOWNLOAD Nexus Files: DOWNLOAD Deadly Stream Link: DOWNLOAD Submitter Fallen Guardian Submitted 09/30/2013 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes