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Found 11 results

  1. Version 1.1.0


    K1 Movie-Style Jedi Master Robes A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 1.1.0 Release Date: 16.02.2022 Installation: Version 1.1.0 adds another variant of the K1 Movie-Style Jedi Master Robes mod, you can now pick between the original "Replace ALL Jedi Robes" variant or the brand new "Replace the Master Robes ONLY" variant. You can only pick ONE variant, you CANNOT have both. * How to install "Replace ALL Jedi Robes" variant. Install JC's Fashion Line I: Cloaked Jedi Robes for K1 1.4 mod first (This mod REQUIRES Cloaked Jedi Robes for K1 to work properly): Once you've installed JC's mod, copy the contents of the "For Override" folder and paste it into your swkotor Override folder, overwrite files if necessary. * How to install "Replace Jedi Master Robes ONLY" variant. JC's Cloaked Jedi Robes is NOT required for this variant to work, however, if you do choose to install JC's mod (Or any Jedi Robe mod) then it is recommended to install them BEFORE this variant (And DON’T install the gloveless version of JC’s Cloaked Robes for this one either!). I personally recommend you install the Kotor Prequel Replacement Mod by Kainzorus Prime: The way this variant works is that it replaces the Revan Robes 2DA slot with the Movie-Style Robes, this allows players to use the Prequel Replacement mod/JC's Cloaked Jedi Robes or even the vanilla Jedi Robe model ALONGSIDE the Movie-Style Jedi Master Robes. To install this variant, double click the TSLPatcher.exe and let the TSLPatcher do its magic! Afterwards, you can also install "Revan patch" to replace the Star Forge/Revan Robes with disguise items that convert the player into Revan, this is a temporary fix until a proper fix can be made in the future. Description: This mod is a K1 port of DeadMan's "Movie-style Jedi Master robes 1.5" mod from TSL. In version 1.1.0, the robe textures are styled as they are in vanilla (Padawan, Knight and Masters robes all having the same Brown, Blue, Red or Black color). This might change in later versions of the mod depending on the demand for such. The Qel-Droma Robes recieve a unique texture whilst the Revan/Star Forge Robes do not. If you chose the gloveless installation for JC's Cloaked Jedi Robes mod, then the K1 Movie-Style Jedi Master Robes shall also be gloveless. In version 1.1.0, an alternative installation was added. This installation can be found within "Replace Jedi Master Robes ONLY" and will only give the Jedi Master Robe items a unique Movie-Style Jedi Master Robe model whereas the Jedi Robe/Jedi Knight Robes maintain their vanilla models unscathed. If you install JC's Cloaked Jedi Robes or the Kotor Prequel Replacement Mod beforehand, you could have TSL Padawan robes or Prequel Replacement Robes alongside the Movie-Style JEdi Master Robes! Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs but if there is Just PM me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Would be incompatible with any mods which: * Alter the Jedi robe texture and/or models. ("Replace ALL Jedi Robes") * Alter the Revan robe texture, models and/or the 2DA slot ("Replace Jedi Master Robes ONLY") * Use S_Female and S_Male files (unless the other mods utilize JCarter's Supermodel Port assets. These edits are necessary to give the player supermodels the bones required for the cloaks to animate.) Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. If you'd like to use assets from DeadMan's mods then he has given permission to every modder to do so, you'll need to ask permission for anything made by Kainzorus Prime. Thanks to: DeadMan for making the original mod for K2 HapSlash for the awesome ep3 Obi-Wan and Anakin models which he made for Jedi Academy Spanki for some great textures which are partially used in this mod Don Kain for allowing DeadMan to include his Movie Jedi Robes Kainzorus Prime for allowing me to use assets from his Prequel Replacement mod for the textures of this mod Bioware for such an amazing game Stoffee for TSLPatcher Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool and everyone who downloads the mod. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  2. Version 1.1.0


    Have you ever wished that the Star Forge Robes were more like the jedi robes you have been wearing throughout the game? This mod will replace the standard Star Forge Robes with the gold robes that are seen being worn by some of the jedi around the enclave and in cutscenes. Custom icon included! Solid black versions will replace Revan's Robes. Installation: Run The TSL Patcher. Bugs: Because the default Star Forge/Revan Robes use the male texture for both male and female PCs, the TSL Patcher fixes this by giving the female PC her own texture. However this will not work if you use a female PC mod with a custom body model. I have included the files for the female PC in this case, just copy them into your Override folder after you run the patcher. They will only be usable by the PC and female companions (you can still put them on males, they will just look odd). Credits: -BioWare for the best SW game ever. -Kainzorus Prime for kindly letting me use his jedi robes. -Effix for being awesome and writing the TSL Patcher! ^-^ Terms of Use: Please do not claim this mod as your own, or upload to any other site! Otherwise you may use this mod in any of your files with credit. Everyone likes to be recognized for their hard work. ^-^ If you have any questions, message me on DeadlyStream or email Enjoy! ❤️
  3. View File Gold Jedi Star Forge Robes Have you ever wished that the Star Forge Robes were more like the jedi robes you have been wearing throughout the game? This mod will replace the standard Star Forge Robes with the gold robes that are seen being worn by some of the jedi around the enclave and in cutscenes. Custom icon included! Solid black versions will replace Revan's Robes. Installation: Run The TSL Patcher. Bugs: Because the default Star Forge/Revan Robes use the male texture for both male and female PCs, the TSL Patcher fixes this by giving the female PC her own texture. However this will not work if you use a female PC mod with a custom body model. I have included the files for the female PC in this case, just copy them into your Override folder after you run the patcher. They will only be usable by the PC and female companions (you can still put them on males, they will just look odd). Credits: -BioWare for the best SW game ever. -Kainzorus Prime for kindly letting me use his jedi robes. -Effix for being awesome and writing the TSL Patcher! ^-^ Terms of Use: Please do not claim this mod as your own, or upload to any other site! Otherwise you may use this mod in any of your files with credit. Everyone likes to be recognized for their hard work. ^-^ If you have any questions, message me on DeadlyStream or email Enjoy! ❤️ Submitter LadyTevish Submitted 02/03/2022 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  4. View File K1 Movie-Style Jedi Master Robes K1 Movie-Style Jedi Master Robes A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 1.1.0 Release Date: 16.02.2022 Installation: Version 1.1.0 adds another variant of the K1 Movie-Style Jedi Master Robes mod, you can now pick between the original "Replace ALL Jedi Robes" variant or the brand new "Replace the Master Robes ONLY" variant. You can only pick ONE variant, you CANNOT have both. * How to install "Replace ALL Jedi Robes" variant. Install JC's Fashion Line I: Cloaked Jedi Robes for K1 1.4 mod first (This mod REQUIRES Cloaked Jedi Robes for K1 to work properly): Once you've installed JC's mod, copy the contents of the "For Override" folder and paste it into your swkotor Override folder, overwrite files if necessary. * How to install "Replace Jedi Master Robes ONLY" variant. JC's Cloaked Jedi Robes is NOT required for this variant to work, however, if you do choose to install JC's mod (Or any Jedi Robe mod) then it is recommended to install them BEFORE this variant (And DON’T install the gloveless version of JC’s Cloaked Robes for this one either!). I personally recommend you install the Kotor Prequel Replacement Mod by Kainzorus Prime: The way this variant works is that it replaces the Revan Robes 2DA slot with the Movie-Style Robes, this allows players to use the Prequel Replacement mod/JC's Cloaked Jedi Robes or even the vanilla Jedi Robe model ALONGSIDE the Movie-Style Jedi Master Robes. To install this variant, double click the TSLPatcher.exe and let the TSLPatcher do its magic! Afterwards, you can also install "Revan patch" to replace the Star Forge/Revan Robes with disguise items that convert the player into Revan, this is a temporary fix until a proper fix can be made in the future. Description: This mod is a K1 port of DeadMan's "Movie-style Jedi Master robes 1.5" mod from TSL. In version 1.1.0, the robe textures are styled as they are in vanilla (Padawan, Knight and Masters robes all having the same Brown, Blue, Red or Black color). This might change in later versions of the mod depending on the demand for such. The Qel-Droma Robes recieve a unique texture whilst the Revan/Star Forge Robes do not. If you chose the gloveless installation for JC's Cloaked Jedi Robes mod, then the K1 Movie-Style Jedi Master Robes shall also be gloveless. In version 1.1.0, an alternative installation was added. This installation can be found within "Replace Jedi Master Robes ONLY" and will only give the Jedi Master Robe items a unique Movie-Style Jedi Master Robe model whereas the Jedi Robe/Jedi Knight Robes maintain their vanilla models unscathed. If you install JC's Cloaked Jedi Robes or the Kotor Prequel Replacement Mod beforehand, you could have TSL Padawan robes or Prequel Replacement Robes alongside the Movie-Style JEdi Master Robes! Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs but if there is Just PM me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Would be incompatible with any mods which: * Alter the Jedi robe texture and/or models. ("Replace ALL Jedi Robes") * Alter the Revan robe texture, models and/or the 2DA slot ("Replace Jedi Master Robes ONLY") * Use S_Female and S_Male files (unless the other mods utilize JCarter's Supermodel Port assets. These edits are necessary to give the player supermodels the bones required for the cloaks to animate.) Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. If you'd like to use assets from DeadMan's mods then he has given permission to every modder to do so, you'll need to ask permission for anything made by Kainzorus Prime. Thanks to: DeadMan for making the original mod for K2 HapSlash for the awesome ep3 Obi-Wan and Anakin models which he made for Jedi Academy Spanki for some great textures which are partially used in this mod Don Kain for allowing DeadMan to include his Movie Jedi Robes Kainzorus Prime for allowing me to use assets from his Prequel Replacement mod for the textures of this mod Bioware for such an amazing game Stoffee for TSLPatcher Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool and everyone who downloads the mod. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter N-DReW25 Submitted 11/19/2021 Category Skins K1R Compatible Yes  
  5. Version 1.0.0


    THREE-TIERED JEDI ROBES, or VANILLA ROBES REDONE This mod is a simple retexture and tiering of the Jedi (and Dark Jedi) robes already present in the game. Now Jedi, Knight, and Master robes come in all three colors (brown, red, blue), and their Dark variants (black, grey) with matching icons. The Vanilla Brown Jedi Robe is now the base texture for all Jedi/tier 1 robes. The Vanilla Red Jedi Robe is now the base texture for all Jedi Knight/tier 2 robes. The Vanilla Blue Jedi Robe is now the base texture for all Jedi Master/tier 3 robes. This decision was based on a variety of factors and contradicts N-DReW's Dark Jedi Robes mod, although the inspiration is heartily and sincerely felt. My justification is that the Blue Jedi Robe model is the most unique of the three--it has a higher collar and seems set apart from the rest. As Jedi Master Robes offer the best defense in the game save for Qel-Droma or Star Forge, I decided this distinction was warranted. Compatibility note: because of the relabeling of the textures to make the tier system work, this mod is technically not compatible with @constantinople33 magnificent Lore-Friendly Qel-Droma Robes mod. However if you're using this mod you'd likely want to be using that, so. In order to fix this, simply rename those textures from PMBI05/PFBI05 to PMBI06/PFBI06, then open the UTI file and change the texture number from 5 to 6. Sincerest thanks to @heyorange, @N-DReW25, and @Zhaboka for their support and input throughout the modding process. And of course thanks to Deadly Stream itself for being a haven of knowledge and community. May the Force be with you always.
  6. View File Three-Tiered Jedi Robes THREE-TIERED JEDI ROBES, or VANILLA ROBES REDONE This mod is a simple retexture and tiering of the Jedi (and Dark Jedi) robes already present in the game. Now Jedi, Knight, and Master robes come in all three colors (brown, red, blue), and their Dark variants (black, grey) with matching icons. The Vanilla Brown Jedi Robe is now the base texture for all Jedi/tier 1 robes. The Vanilla Red Jedi Robe is now the base texture for all Jedi Knight/tier 2 robes. The Vanilla Blue Jedi Robe is now the base texture for all Jedi Master/tier 3 robes. This decision was based on a variety of factors and contradicts N-DReW's Dark Jedi Robes mod, although the inspiration is heartily and sincerely felt. My justification is that the Blue Jedi Robe model is the most unique of the three--it has a higher collar and seems set apart from the rest. As Jedi Master Robes offer the best defense in the game save for Qel-Droma or Star Forge, I decided this distinction was warranted. Compatibility note: because of the relabeling of the textures to make the tier system work, this mod is technically not compatible with @constantinople33 magnificent Lore-Friendly Qel-Droma Robes mod. However if you're using this mod you'd likely want to be using that, so. In order to fix this, simply rename those textures from PMBI05/PFBI05 to PMBI06/PFBI06, then open the UTI file and change the texture number from 5 to 6. Sincerest thanks to @heyorange, @N-DReW25, and @Zhaboka for their support and input throughout the modding process. And of course thanks to Deadly Stream itself for being a haven of knowledge and community. May the Force be with you always. Submitter PirateofRohan Submitted 09/15/2021 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  7. Version 1.1.0


    This mod is build by Steam-User Bobbi No-Nose. I've got the permission to upload his files. I prefer this Zeison Sha and Jal Shey Robes to Jedi robes, because they are upgradable with overlays and underlays. Description (Quote): " Replaces the Zeison Sha and Jal Shey armor texture and models with KotOR1 style robes. Stats remain unchanged. TLSRCM compatible Not compatible with any other mods that change Zeison/Jal Shey armors. Feel free to use this mod without giving me credit. I just renamed some TSL files and colorized a texture. Update: I changed up the color scheme of the robes with new colors. I also removed some unnecessary textures that were in the original release of this mod. Two of the Jal Shey Armors appear to use the same texture by default, despite their being more textures present in KoTOR2's files. Bugs: Due to the fact that Obsidian replaced some of the KotOR1 models with their own robe design, the male version of the robes defaults to the large size player. If these robes are equipped to a male Scoundrel, Consular, Scout, or Sentinel, you may notice their height change. Please let me know if you encounter any other bugs. This is my first published mod. " I've done a complete lightside playthrough with this mod, and had no problems using it. Install: Just copy the files in the override folder. Steam-User just subscribe. P.S.: In my next playthrough, I will use this mod again and add "Cloaked KotOR Tunics for TSL" for a higher KOTOR feeling.
  8. View File Zeison Sha and Jal Shey KOTOR I Robes Replacement This mod is build by Steam-User Bobbi No-Nose. I've got the permission to upload his files. I prefer this Zeison Sha and Jal Shey Robes to Jedi robes, because they are upgradable with overlays and underlays. Description (Quote): " Replaces the Zeison Sha and Jal Shey armor texture and models with KotOR1 style robes. Stats remain unchanged. TLSRCM compatible Not compatible with any other mods that change Zeison/Jal Shey armors. Feel free to use this mod without giving me credit. I just renamed some TSL files and colorized a texture. Update: I changed up the color scheme of the robes with new colors. I also removed some unnecessary textures that were in the original release of this mod. Two of the Jal Shey Armors appear to use the same texture by default, despite their being more textures present in KoTOR2's files. Bugs: Due to the fact that Obsidian replaced some of the KotOR1 models with their own robe design, the male version of the robes defaults to the large size player. If these robes are equipped to a male Scoundrel, Consular, Scout, or Sentinel, you may notice their height change. Please let me know if you encounter any other bugs. This is my first published mod. " I've done a complete lightside playthrough with this mod, and had no problems using it. Install: Just copy the files in the override folder. Steam-User just subscribe. P.S.: In my next playthrough, I will use this mod again and add "Cloaked KotOR Tunics for TSL" for a higher KOTOR feeling. Submitter K_Noby Submitted 04/10/2020 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  9. I'm very new to creating my own mods, please forgive me if this topic has been covered already or if I'm making a really stupid mistake preventing my own success. I'm trying to create a dope Jedi robe. I've watched kotor2 tool how-to's & I know how to edit .uti & .tga files, save them & move them to the override folder. But no matter what I do, whenever I give my character the robe a completely useless blank grenade appears in my inventory. Any item I edit ends up turning into this stupid grenade. I'm running a steam Kotor 2 with the TSLRCM & M4-78 mods downloaded from deadly steam. Any help would really be appreciated. I've included some pics to give an idea of what I've got going on.
  10. Version 1.0.0


    A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic II The Sith Lords Author: N-DReW25 Release Date 1.0: 01.10.2018 Installation: Simply Copy and Paste or Drag and Drop ALL the files within the "For Override" into your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic 2 override folder Uninstallation: Remove or Delete the files from your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic 2 override folder Description: In 401DXN there are a handful of cut items resting in the files. Whilst I have restored those other items in a separate mod among these items was an old version of Arca Jeth's Robes with different stats. What this mod does is "restores" the original stats of Arca Jeth's Robes while still retaining the original robe textures and price seen in the vanilla/TSLRCM game. Vanilla/TSLRCM Stats: Defense Bonus 2 Wisdom 2 Regenerate Force Bonus 3 Restricted to Light Side Arca Jeth's Original Robe Stats: Defense Bonus 3 Strength 4 Wisdom 2 Restricted to Light Side Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs but if there is Just PM me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Is incompatible with anything that edits "a_robe_23.uti" Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod Thanks: Bioware for the first game Obsidian for the second game Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool and everyone who downloads the mod. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  11. View File Arca Jeth's Original Robe Stats A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic II The Sith Lords Author: N-DReW25 Release Date 1.0: 01.10.2018 Installation: Simply Copy and Paste or Drag and Drop ALL the files within the "For Override" into your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic 2 override folder Uninstallation: Remove or Delete the files from your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic 2 override folder Description: In 401DXN there are a handful of cut items resting in the files. Whilst I have restored those other items in a separate mod among these items was an old version of Arca Jeth's Robes with different stats. What this mod does is "restores" the original stats of Arca Jeth's Robes while still retaining the original robe textures and price seen in the vanilla/TSLRCM game. Vanilla/TSLRCM Stats: Defense Bonus 2 Wisdom 2 Regenerate Force Bonus 3 Restricted to Light Side Arca Jeth's Original Robe Stats: Defense Bonus 3 Strength 4 Wisdom 2 Restricted to Light Side Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs but if there is Just PM me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Is incompatible with anything that edits "a_robe_23.uti" Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod Thanks: Bioware for the first game Obsidian for the second game Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool and everyone who downloads the mod. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter N-DReW25 Submitted 10/01/2018 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes