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Knights of the Old Republic 3 the return of Revan, it follows after my Dark Side Female ending to KOTOR 1 and my Light Side Male ending to KOTOR 2 Storyline It picks up after the Light Side Ending of KOTOR 2, which I would play with the Restored Content Mod, since Here you would have more Influence with Visas than Brianna who escaped and is found by Revan (whose female and our main Antagonist), during that time having building her Sith Army, making Brianna her Apprentice, which is Sensed by Revan's Lover Bastila (Yes Female Revan and Bastila are lovers), meanwhile back on the Ebon Hawk, Atton picks up a transmission from Rakata Prime by none other than Carth Onasi, who has been living there on his own for 5 years, when you Arrive and meet Carth he tells the Exile (Named Aidan Sunrider, and his Companions, call him that too in the mod) everything that happened in KOTOR 1 and gets a reunion with T3, HK and Cancerous on the Ebon Hawk and shows the Exile the Burials for Zaalbar, Mission, Juhani and Jolee. After leaving Rakata Prime, you arrive on Tattooine where Visas and Mira are captured by Slavers and sold off as slave dancers for Jaggo the Hutt, whose Palace is located on the other side of Tattooine you given assistance by Atton Rand's Childhood Friend Zak Skywalker (YES A SKYWALKER BABY!!!), Who helps them to get there by head to Moss Espa, located near his palace, you have to find your way through the Catacombs deep underneath the City where you find the Tombs of the Sith Lady Lessa Keto, the Brothers Ranar and Danar, The Sith Warrior Arron Hord (Who is actually Tulak Hord's Older Brother) and Darth Renon, However you have to find their enraged demonic spirits as Bastila (Our secondary Antagonist) as summoned them to deal with the exile) here is the Loot you will find in their Mummified Corpses in their sarcophagi, Lessa Keto (Woman on the Left), Ranar (The One Next to Lessa), Danar (the man one in the Middle), Arron Hord (The Man Standing Next to Danar) and Darth Renon (the one on the right) Lessa Keto's Mummified Corpse: Lessa Keto's Sith Robes (Reskin and Port of Revan's Robes, restricted to Dark Side) Lessa Keto's Sith Lightsaber Lessa Keto's Jedi Lightsaber Lessa Keto's Jedi Robes Lessa Keto's Holocron (it is stolen by Brianna who sneaks on the Ebon while The Exile and the Crew are all asleep as it is a Key Part of the Story Lessa Keto's Armband (it is stolen by Brianna who sneaks on the Ebon while The Exile and the Crew are all asleep as it is a Key Part of the Story Lessa Keto's Vibrosword (it is stolen by Brianna who sneaks on the Ebon while The Exile and the Crew are all asleep as it is a Key Part of the Story Ranar's Mummified Corpse: Ranar's Sith Robes (Reskin and Port of Revan's Robes, restricted to Dark Side) Ranar's Sith Lightsaber Ranar's Jedi Robes Ranar's Jedi Lightsaber Ranar's Mask (it is stolen by Brianna who sneaks on the Ebon while The Exile and the Crew are all asleep as it is a Key Part of the Story) Danar's Mummified Corpse: Danar's Sith Robes (Reskin and Port of Revan's Robes, restricted to Dark Side) Danar's Sith Lightsaber Danar's Jedi Robes Danar's Jedi Lightsaber Danar's Katana (it is stolen by Brianna who sneaks on the Ebon while The Exile and the Crew are all asleep as it is a Key Part of the Story) Arron Hord's Mummified Corpse: Arron Hord's Sith Robes (Reskin and Port of Revan's Robes, restricted to Dark Side) Arron Hord's Sith Lightsaber Arron Hord's Vibrosword Double Sword (it is stolen by Brianna who sneaks on the Ebon while The Exile and the Crew are all asleep as it is a Key Part of the Story) Darth Renon's Mummified Corpse: Darth Renon's Sith Robes (Reskin and Port of Revan's Robes, restricted to Dark Side) Darth Renon's Sith Lightsaber Darth Renon's Holocron Darth Renon's War Sword (it is stolen by Brianna who sneaks on the Ebon while The Exile and the Crew are all asleep as it is a Key Part of the Story) Later you get to the palace where Mira and Visas are held as Jaggo's slave girls both dressed in the Dancers Outfit That is all for now
KOTOR Module mod Idea: The tomb of 3 Sith Vampire Princess sisters An idea for a Sith Tomb of Kashyyyk similar to the Tomb of Jesset Dal'Kest mod Like that mod a rune covered Piller with runes would appear after you find the Star Map, appearing near The Star Map is Where you enter the Tomb of the three Vampire Sith Sisters who were jedi Padawans who fell to the Dark side after being bitten by the Sith Vampire Darth Immortal and we're slain and their bodies intombed on Kashyyyk The mod reuses The Module of the tomb of Naga Sadow, only the three rooms where you would find the Star Map, The Fire and Ice Grenades and Sadow's Poison Blade are Replaced with three Sarcophagus where the latter two you must fight the Vampiric Spirits of two of the Three Princesses, Kana and Veria who both reuse the PFHC05 and PFHC02 Heads, what you loot in their Sarcophagus are Kana's Sarcophagus: Kana's Jedi Padawan Robes (Reskined Jedi Knight Robes) Kana's Sith Princess Robes (Restricted to Dark Side; Reskined of The Star Forge Robes) Kana's Sith Lightsaber Kana's Jedi Lightsaber Kana's Mask Kana's Tiara Kana's Writings Veria's Sarcophagus: Veria's Jedi Padawan Robes (Reskined Jedi Knight Robes) Sith Princess Robes (Restricted to Dark Side; Reskined of The Star Forge Robes) Veria's Sith Lightsaber Veria's Jedi Lightsaber Veria's Mask Veria's Tiara Lastly you encounter the last Princess Nira, Vira's older sister her head reuses the PC Head PFHA05, She in a Flirtatious tempts you to the dark side (as both Male and Female), If you refuse she will attack you warning she's tough as nails and you become full Lightside. but if you except, She will give a kyber crystal and Kisses you and you become full Dark side. What you find in her Sarcophagus are Nira's Sarcophagus: Nira's Jedi Padawan Robes (Reskined Jedi Knight Robes) Nira's Sith Vampire Princess Robes (Restricted to 100% Dark Side; Reskined of The Star Forge Robes) Nira's Black coloured Sith Lightsaber Nira's Jedi Lightsaber Nira's Mask Nira's Thorned Tiara Nira's Writings This mod wouldn't use TSLPatcher
Hi guys! I wanted to make a thread of general mod ideas I've had and see if anyone would be interested in taking them up as a project. I want to note that these aren't "requests" in the general sense, but things I would like to make if I had the talent/time to learn the mod author traits. If someone is interested in using these ideas in their own pet project, please do so! I'll likely never be capable of making them myself. All I would ask for in return is that you link to this thread so others can read through it. I'll post ideas I have below as separate post for formatting purposes. Darth Vader's armor (no helmet)- This is an idea I believe I posted in the past. Much like Stormie97's Jedi Journeyman Robes, this would be an in-game item that could be crafted with a high repair/treat injury skill or found on a planet like Korriban. This would be a heavy set of armor that would be identical to Vader's iconic armor, except it would lack the helmet. I feel like there is a significant lack of Jedi friendly heavy armor in Kotor 2 and that this could be a way to address the issue. Stat spreads I had in mind for it would be as follows: *Restricted to Heavy armor *+6 Str *-8 Dex *+6 Con *-4 Wis *-2 Char *Immunity Poison *Regeneration +4 *-2 Will Saves *-2 Reflex Saves *+4 Fortitude Saves *Upgradeable You could have a requirement of 20 repair or treat injury skill in order craft the item at a workbench, or one could have the option of coming across it in the torture chamber on Korriban. Something like the suit *without the mask, respirator, or helmet. Another idea I've had in the past is a sound effect replacer for the lightsabers. I know this has been done in the past with the Ultimate Sound Mod from Shem or DeadMan's Saber&Melee Sound Mod, but a lot of them sound effects pull from the Original Trilogy (or Vader specifically) for their samples. I would love to see a mod that uses the faster "snappier" sounds from the prequel films for the in-game lightsaber effects. Specifically borrowing from AOTC and ROTS as I've always loved some of the swings and clashes heard in those films. What would be really cool to see would be the possibility of sabers' sound effects changing depending on what color the lightsaber is, in a similar manner to how sound fonts work in the custom lightsaber collecting hobby. For example: you could have the green saber use effects from Luke's in ROTJ and the red model use sounds from Dooku's. I'm spit balling with these ideas, but that was the intended purpose of this thread for me.
- 2 replies
- mod request
- k2
- (and 4 more)
To any modders on this Reddit, I have a brilliant idea for a mod. Someone/group should make a mod where we Zayne Carrick appears in KOTOR 1 and 2 on different locations. He was a fan favorite in those KOTOR comics and I always wish we see him appear or least mention in those games; it's those cases where I wish the comic came out before the game. I want to know what happens
In TSL, there are no wookiees, except for a single angry Wookiee... I'm fairly certain if you have that infamous NPC Overhaul you may run into a few more, but there are no important wookiee characters. In K1, there's an entire planet of them. I'm not suggesting porting Kashyyyk to TSL, but it would be interesting to see wookiees show up as a sidequest or potential companion interaction. For instance, if you had Hanharr mabye you'd run across some wookiees on Nar Shaddaa, either free them or sell them into slavery. This would allow character development of the PC for LS or DS points, it would highlight Hanharr's disregard for his people, and it would allow the PC an influence opportunity, more XP, and if you had Mira vice versa, though Mira has actual voiced lines, while Hanharr has alien VO. The location could be changed, but Nar Shaddaa seems the most believable location. Hanharr and wookiees are prime real estate for modding since they use Alien VOs and are not very prominent in TSL. Wookiees could show up as slaves of Czerka on Telos, and need to be freed, or captured and sold to the Exchange or G0T0. Additionally, a Big Z could easily make a cameo and have a hostile interaction with Hanharr resulting in the death of Big Z, or Hanharr for that matter... Not sure if i'll ever do this, but if I did work on a content driven lore expansion mod, wookiees would be included.
So I was playing kotor 2 one day when it hit me a free roam mod, what it does is after you beat the last story quest and finish the game it take's you back to the ebon hawk, and you can continue to fly to planet's and finish up any side quest you left unfinished.
In the last weeks I have been working with the newly found information about cube- and bump-maps quite a lot. Seeing all of the possibilities, a very special Idea crossed my mind: To what extent are we capable of changing the appearance of combat shields? We all know that weird gloomy glow that is covering the characters like a weird liquid. And I personally don't really like that. So what If we were able to take a new approach on combat shields? For example like Mass Effect did it: - - If we were able to implement a feature like that into KotOR and TSL, it would change the atmosphere of combat in a very positive way. I would be glad if someone had ideas or even the skill to make this reality!