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  1. I have a problem. I recently wanted to play TSL again but I decided to install the Polish version of TSLRCM and I installed the Polish translation and the items from TSLRCM don't have a name or anything other than that they are there + on the planets that are in the mod, when I talk to someone they don't have any dialogue options and I have to force quit the game because I can't tell them anything. I've tried uninstalling every mod except these 2, or having just one, and uninstalling the game and reinstalling it, and I've also tried installing TSLRCM from another source (I didn`t found the Polish translation anywhere other than Steam) and nothing works. Can anyone help?
  2. I have Kotor 2 on steam and when I start a new game, after the character customization and the loading is complete, the screen just goes black for a very long time and then it starts. Also, when I change a graphics setting, the screen also goes black for a few mins and then confirms the setting. In general, the screen goes black for a long time every time something changes. This happened to me without any mod, but even when I installed the restored content mod and the m4-78 enhanced project, it still happens. Also my PC specs fully support the game so this isn't also the problem. So any help pls?
  3. My current playthrough of The Sith Lords (Xbox version, played via Xbox 360) has had me taking note of the irritating bugs with quests in the game, as well as some other bugs. And so I'm curious as to what other bugs (particularly with quests) people know about, whether they've run into these, what causes them, and whether any of these were fixed for PC. One of the most infamously broken sidequests in TSL is "TSF Bounty: Escaped Criminals." My first couple times playing through the game (LS as always) they spawned on the surface like they're supposed to. Can't remember the order of operations from that far back though. They broke on me this time though, even when I did a reload to get them to spawn in the office and saw them running off. One thread I read linked it to Chodo/Mozza conversations messing with the global for them - is that true? Another quest I've discovered can be bugged is the quest for finding the Lunar Shadow crew a pilot. This one, I had flat-out deactivate on me. I know I'd had it activated because I'd talked to everyone in the flophouse but the Mandalorians, but somewhere along the road it deactivated and vanished completely from the journal. Trying to talk to them at that point just got me bark bubbles, and I couldn't prod the captain either. Has anyone else had this happen? Then there's the New Fuel Source for Telos. This one got marked as complete after closing the deal on Vogga's end but without talking to Grenn, and at no point during the quest or after it was I able to tell Grenn about dealing with Vogga (Yes, I actually flew back to Telos after getting Vogga to agree to sell providing I wrecked Goto's s***). Thing is, I seem to remember being able to tell Grenn. Is it an order-of-operations thing where you have to wait to ask Vogga about selling to Telos until after Goto's yacht goes boom to be able to talk to Grenn about the deal? Or is my memory screwing with me? "Vogga the Hutt" didn't complete even after getting an audience with him. I also had the Lootra quest break despite getting the guards at the entrance to aggro by looting; I couldn't truthfully tell Adana they were dead even though they were. I had to reload and aggro them by aggroing Saquesh, that got their death to register for that quest. Then there's some other bugs I've noticed. One is dialogue-skipping on occasion. Usually it's just part of the audio lineread in a scene, but one point it cost me a chance for Influence with Visas by skipping a conversation entirely (the one after you give Terlyn a Starport Visa). The other was when trying to influence Disciple by giving Xaart a visa. Disciple would speak Canderous' line about not liking Dagon Ghent working with the Republic instead of whatever he was supposed to say, and no influence would be gained. The scene worked properly when I tried to do it with Bao-Dur. Anyone have any idea what the issue was? I've also heard that G0-T0 is supposed to say "The bounty on this Jedi has been rescinded by the order of Goto. If you attempt to carry out this bounty, then the next bounty placed shall be on your head" when encountering a bounty hunter after he joins. But this didn't happen with Dezanti Zhug on Dxun. That's all I can recall so far.
  4. As everyone is aware, the Steam version of TSL has a delightful issue involving modded lightsaber textures, as well as with the fog effect, all due to the Aspyr patch. However, considering the fog issue was worked out, I am curious as to why the lightsaber texture issue has likewise not been fixed. Is it a matter of being unable to find the source of the issue, or is it literally impossible to reconcile? If this has already been asked, then I apologize; I'm just curious as to what exactly is going on "behind the scenes", so to speak.
  5. Okay, I'm not sure if any of you have ever run into this before, but... I think there are some minor errors with force powers in KOTOR 1. Notably Force Storm and Death Field. The problem is, sometimes these force powers won't work on all enemies within the target area. Here's an example from a YouTube video. If you can see, Admiral Karath is the target, but only one Sith Trooper on the side is affected. This has happened with me on the computer and on mobile, so I'm sure it is an in-game bug. Some other errors, when using certain force powers on individuals. For example, using Force Storm on an individual with Force Resistance/Force Immunity, the force power is resisted. Unfortunately, the message "RESISTED" isn't displayed. Has anyone noticed these errors before? And is there a fix for them?
  6. So I finally ran into the dreaded grass glitch in Knights of the Old Republic on Taris, in the Undercity map. It basically causes the grass textures to go haywire on newer video cards. I hear it effects AMD/ATI video cards mostly; I have an Intel card myself. I tried a custom fix shown here on the Steam forums, but it did not work for me. I put the GLOveride files in both the main directory for KOTOR and the 'Override' directory, but neither worked. Sadly this glitch appears to also be present in Knights of the Old Republic II as well. The only workaround I can tell is to simply turn 'Grass' off in the 'Graphics' menu of the game. I am frankly shocked that both Steam and sell a game with such an obvious and basic problem. Then again, they did not make the games so they probably could not patch them even if they wanted to. What could be causing this glitch?
  7. Hi if anyone remember's this post from the TSLRCM Support form this means I'm still having this problem. It's still going on and the only mod's I have are TSLRCM 1.8.5 and Party Swap 1.3.1 It was happening before I had party swap, TSLRCM used to work but now this problem is happening and I can't play the game, please help because I'm almost ready to uninstall TSLRCM and play vanilla, I have reinstalled the game 3 time's and the mod 3 time's I'm about ready to give up playing with TSLRCM.
  8. So.... I got the "Early Access" as a subscriber, so when I logged in on Wednesday to play, it downloaded a huge update that didn't finish until about 2 am. So Thursday night, I finally get a chance to play it. BUGS ENORMOUS!!! First thing, they completely changed the interface - took me about 10 minutes or so to re-locate everything. Also, it reset EVERYTHING - Class skills, Crew Skills, etc - all blank. It re-organized my quick bars, so I had to go through and get them back to where I wanted them. So.. after all that, which I admit isn't super-crappy, just kind of pain... I get a tutorial alert. So I click on said alert, and ALL of my quick-bars are blanked out and all of my class skills are gone AND unavailable - right at the beginning of the chapter. I had to bail (no tutorial every populated, either, and all of my tuts and codex's were GONE). Please tell me some of the rest of you experienced this as well.... I haven't been playing this game quite long enough to know if this is pretty typical for them, but I have got to say that they're Beta-Testers are BULLSHIT.
  9. Hey everyone, i encountered a bug on Dxun right after completing Korriban and Kelborn contacts you because of the civil war outbreak. Here are futher information. 1) During the game, when did the problem begin to occur? On Dxun. Second Time after the civil war on Onderon breaks out. 2) Did you install the latest version of the mod? (1.8.3b and 1.1b respectively) Yes. Version 1.8.4 3) What version of the game do you have? (Steam, GOG, 4CD, KotOR Collection?) What region is the game designed for if it's the 4 CD version? Steam 5) Did you install this over the previous version(s), or did you perform a fresh installation as required by the TSLRCM's read-me file? Fresh installation 6) What other mods have you installed? Please give an accurate list and provide links to each of these mods - even if they are found on this site. (We don't actually know them all!.) None 7) Can you be more specific about the error? At what point did it happen? It happens on Dxun right before heading to the Sith tomb after Kelborn has contacted you via Holo on your Ship. The bug is basically that the dialogue in which I should assemble the party members for the Sith tomb ends right before getting to the option to choose the members. If I then talk to Kelborn to tell him the group is ready I am getting sent to the Sith Tomb completely alone (with main character) without the option to add group members. Apparently this is a known issue since this pops up right after the dialogue ends "CONVERSATION ERROR: Last Conversation Node Contains Either an END NODE or a CONTINUE NODE. Pleasecontact a designer!". 8) Have you tried re-downloading/re-installing the mod? Not yet. Will my saves still work after re-installing the mod? 9) Have you tried using a different save game? Yes. Tried about three different saves but results were all the same. 10) Have you tried starting a new game? Don't want to at this point. 11) What Operating System do you use? (List Virtual Machines as well if you are using them.) Windows 7 64-bit Home Premium 12) Can you confirm that you see the TSLRCM logo on the the main menu screen? Confirmed If anyone knows a fix for this I would be very grateful Loving the mod so far.
  10. Hi everyone, I first just want to say what a helpful forum and site this really is and I'm so glad I found people on here who enjoyed both KOTOR and KOTOR 2 as much as I do, as these were a favorite games of mine growing up. :') Anyways, I'm just posting a little in regards to TSL. I have the Steam version with TSLRCM (latest version, 1.8.3) installed plus a two mods from Filefront which I will list below: Bastila's Jedi Robe by Sith_Master_3000 HK-47 Rejuvenated by BaneMinistry And my here are my specs: MS Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit Intel i3 CPU M 380 @ 2.53GHz, 3.0 RAM with Intel HD Graphics (Not exactly cut out for gaming, I know, but surprisingly K2 never lagged or crashed on me with these specs.) But anyways, basically the game was working great and I didn't encounter any bugs at all until this particular cutscene: As soon as Kreia sits down in the newly rebuilt Enclave, the screen goes black and all I can move is the green cursor and I can open the game menus (like to equip things, check the stats on my character, and save the game, etc.) My first thought was to save there and reload that save, and that got rid of the black screen, but as I go to the Jedi Masters, the cutscene where they discuss what a wound my poor Exile is the force doesn't trigger and I'm just left with 3 unresponsive masters. I think I've tried every fixed I googled but no dice. I know files that change Kreia's appearance conflict TSLRCM so I avoid those but I really don't know what else to do and I just want to finish this masterpiece of a game with this awesome content mod before I go back to school and don't have free time anymore. :'( If anyone has any fixes I can try or knows if my mods are conflicting, please let me know on this. You guys who made TSLRCM seriously outdid yourselves and I really, reaaaaaallly would like to finish it! Kind regards, Amber
  11. I keep seeing this in my inventory, its worth no credits, has no name, it has no description, You can use it as a grenade but when you try to it doesn't do anything. It is worth zero components and chemicals.....what is it? Was it an item the Kotor 2 team canned before release? I believe there is also an item like this in Kotor.
  12. Hello, my little green friends! I know, why the project "TSLRCM" is *stuck*. It is because modders hit the limit of 1000 global number variables that can be stored in Kotor TSL. Some days ago I have mailed them to share with community information of the problem, but I was ignored. So I will now hit harder... I will post the workaround *include* file. It will allow to use few more variables, how much exactly I do not know, but you can always expand the workaround (if you have some weight of scripting, ofc!) So: // This is your new globalcat. You shoud *not* add them to globalcat.2da // Also, there are my predefined vars (wipe them!), i've installed much mods and exceed the 1000's limit, so wrote that lib // // I'm unaware how much of them you can put in theory... // Script limit is 9999, my limit is 9-per-row, but if you wish to try 10+ increase next definition. // I'm unaware of how long a string cound even be, too... So... // If you are out of limit of scripted string's length, then script must be modified. Do or inform to do. // // Note you should *not* write +0/ again after +9/, just continue with +10/YOUR_AWESOME_VARS+11/AS_MUCH_AS_NEED // // You are still had to add K_GLOBALS_1 to globalcat.2da, it should look so way: XXX|K_GLOBALS_1|String // And for each new one (K_GLOBALS_2 and so on). // // FUNCTIONS: // Exactly what you need! Just use with your vars as usual, but with _N ))) void SetGlobalNumber_N( string sIdentifier, int nValue ); int GetGlobalNumber_N( string sIdentifier ); void IncrementGlobalNumber_N( string sIdentifier, int nAmount ); void DecrementGlobalNumber_N( string sIdentifier, int nAmount ); Yeah, I'm russian maniaco head-broken psycho-conspirator so MY SCRIPT IS LICENSED. But do not be afraid, the license is in russian but it is both permissive and GNU GPL compatible. Just google translate contents of ЛИЦЕНЗИЯ.txt if you want to check it. global_n_inc.nss ЛИЦЕНЗИЯ.txt