Meatbag Exterminator

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Everything posted by Meatbag Exterminator

  1. Sardonic Response: A rather pointless idea that was brought up by Qui-Con in TPM a few times and then never really brought up in a meaningful way again, at least in the films. I think it might have shown up again in Plagieus though when the Sith duo attempted to manipulate them.
  2. Summary: The above is the only real problem I've ever had with TSLRCM. The Lightsaber Project has definitely helped heal the metaphorical wound but I also actually enjoyed the additional building/training scripts USM added and the whole "everyone important to the plot has a unique weapon with a unique backstory" thing. It made me feel more in-depth with the KOTOR world and I connected more with the characters.
  3. Out-of-Character Statement: Those... those cruel bastards.
  4. Statement: If you're using USM and TSLRCM 1.8 and just put the models for the lightsabers in, then it's not just you. Since the specialized lightsabers are somehow generated without their specialized crystals (i.e. the Dunas Gem for Kreia's Walking Stick), you can't ever change it, but it's only for the aesthetics of the lightsaber anyway. You're just going to have to get used to not touching the color gem section of USM sabers.
  5. Recommendation: Weapons of the Old Republic was always my favorite after BoS. Here's a list of other mods: Kill Marlena Vibrosword Replacement Pack (Cyberswords) Bastila on Korriban Carth Republic Uniform Plus Custom Class Clothing (especially if you make a soldier) Korriban Workbench Lightsaber 7 Pack (an add-on of sorts to WOTOR) Robes for Korriban Sith Students LordDeathRay's KOTOR Improvement Mod Lightsaber Choices 2.0 Darth Malak: Fan of Darth Vader (if you want a darker Malak like I did) VP's Hi-Poly Sabers for K1 Mandalorian Armor Pack Improved Dark Jedi Addendum: Avoid Tatooine Job Office, as it messes up Mission's quest.
  6. This... is actually pretty badass. I'll definitely have to try it.
  7. Kyle Katarn didn't lose his connection to the force, it was running from him. Kyle Katarn can catch ANYONE.
  8. I'm not a modder,but I've seen something similar to this on Filefront, where an author gave my predecessor (HK-47) the capability for melee and lightsaber combat without changing his class in both Kotor games. In Kotor 1 it was created so that the feats came with him (though you could just cheat the feats on), but it required cheating to make specific feats for him or KSE to activate it. I do hope this helps a little bit. Link For Kotor1 Version:;103813 Link for Kotor2 Version:;107043
  9. Statement: I would be lying if I did not say that I felt a twinge of envy in my processing core at the sight of this new fat one.
  10. Well, since mods seem to work with the original, perhaps this one'll work with them as well due to the fact that the Kotor games were made for easy modding. I plan on testing if it does shortly... Edit: Yes they defiantly have all the file folders needed to install any mods on it.
  11. Yeah, the only reason anyone knows T3 is alive is "Revan". It would be great to have some in-game confirmation. But even if Bao-Dur didn't fall into a coma, like stated above Kreia was never able to sense him in the first place, thus leaving her unable to predict his or the Droids future. Edit: Maybe it would work if T3 and Bao were in the Ebon Hawk module from the prolouge, just in a part where you can't see outside of it.
  12. I gotta say I agree with Varsity. What could have stopped that guy from putting on an Iron-Man mask and shooting up The Avengers premiere instead? I feel bad for the people who worked on the movie because it's never going to be judged based on it, but rather on the event that happened to coincide with it.
  13. Agreement: That would be a marvelous thing. And if someone were to make it, I would certainly use it. Addendum: However, the only problem would be placing the scene of the Iridonian's death. While many, including myself, claim it to happen while he is assisting unit HK-47, there is no known way for it to be known precisely. I'm no modder myself so I could be completely wrong, however.
  14. Statement: This makes my memory core glow with what you meatbags call excitement.
  15. Query: What does the Vao armband do?
  16. Statement: The game modification known as the TSL Hak Pad provides an option for the changing of allignment of whoever uses it. Link:
  17. "There are one-zero kinds of people. Those who understand binary and F others who understand hex.” I believe that is just based on an old math joke.
  18. The only one I recognized was "I had a wonderful dream of killing all humans. And I think you were in it." That was Bender from Futurama.