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Everything posted by gua543

  1. One character unlocks aren't of any use to me because I have a lot of characters. Well, guess I'll need to find myself a friendly guild who is willing to put account unlocks for less than 4 million credits each, not like those "trolls" putting the HK account unlock for 50 million. Btw how much credits do dailies give? And how much time does it take to complete them? Oh, and you guys do weeklies, right? Can you give me info on them too? I realize that I'm asking a lot of questions but I gotta be prepared, right?
  2. Goto of course, everybody hates that guy.
  3. I see. So, uh, can you, you know, say something good about me when I , um, finally reach 50? You know, in case they need a tactics trooper for a month.
  4. I've seen that link you gave, a lot, but I'm wondering can pref status-ers send more than one companion on a crew skill task? Because F2P can only send one. Also, I read somewhere that you get for free the possibility to show your legacy name as a preferred status - is that true? Anyway, your idea is pretty nice. Too bad my trooper won't see the benefits of the unlocks, at least not why I'm leveling him. Btw did you guys have somebody buy you the unlocks and then put them on the GTN or you just got lucky?
  5. gua543


    Well, guess I'm going to be your tour guide. *clears throat* Welcome to Deadly Stream, the best site for KOTOR 1 and 2 mods, with the best modders in existence! Here we like to do things better, not faster, and our motto is "It's gonna be done when it's gonna be done.". I'm sure you are going to be a valuable part of our community and, who knows, one day you might join the ranks of our mighty modders. So how did I do guys, do I get the position? Jokes aside, welcome to the forum Forbs. Sorry for the long reply, but I was expecting the high ranking members to welcome you here. Oh well, I'm sure they had more important stuff to do than walking among the lesser who-have-no-idea-how-to-mod mortals like us
  6. I've been thinking - why make Mission when you can make, well, anybody? Why not add red, green, etc. twi'leks, both male and female? I don't think it'll be that hard to remove the hair of one of the already exiting head models and make him/her a twi'lek. I don't know much about modding, actually, I know nothing about modding, but it doesn't look that hard from my point of view.
  7. I'm thinking about going pref status because those F2P restrictions are really starting to irritate me. However, I can only afford the 20 dollar pack, which gives 2400 CC and all the account unlocks I need are around 7000 CC. So can you guys tell me the exact things pref status-ers get and F2P-ers don't? Also, can you give me some advice over what unlocks should I buy with my cartel coins and what should I get from the GTN?
  8. That doesn't mean the games are gone forever guys, it just means somebody else is gonna make them, not LucasArts. When you think about it, their last good game was TFU so I'm surprized they lasted that long with making pretty much nothing.
  9. Hold on a sec, does that mean that the scene in which HK-47 shoots that annoying flying ball isn't included in TSLRCM 1.8 or whatever the last version was? Btw the Atris' reskin looks less... angry. I don't know if that makes sense, but at least her looks won't make me want to kill her.
  10. Okay, I'll come with Artakan. Anybody else wants to join?
  11. Wasn't the Eternity Vault recommended for first operation playthrough? I got the impression that story mode EV is supposed to be your first ops. Anyway, when do you guys want to meet on Friday? 8 pm my time is good for me, although I can come 1 hour sooner or later. That's around 4-5 pm for all of you, I think. Also, how many of you do you still have characters around level 10? Because I haven't touched Artakan since I got to the fleet. I only chose my AC class there, commando, healer spec, and a crew skill, treasure hunting.
  12. I was listening while reading your post and.... man, I gotta say, there was a really epic battle in my head!
  13. I was just joking. I may not know much about moding but adding a new party member sounds like hard work, especially if you want to make him a part of an already full party. But a man can dream, right?
  14. Well, here's another project you can look forward to
  15. I don't think today's an option, since I gotta get up early tommorow. However, I'm in vacation from the 29th 'till 8th of April.
  16. Yeah but communication between us sucks, if you haven't noticed. Anyway, I'm on vacation next friday so we can meet then, if you don't have any work or other grown up stuff to do.
  17. Did you guys found each other? Because I searched for SH's, zbyl's and VP's characters, at least the ones that are mentioned in this thread, and none of them were online. Next time we need to clear up who's gonna come and with which character. We can decide what we're gonna do when we meet.
  18. Sooooo.... it's already 20:33 here and nobody is on the fleet. Btw I'm with Brylan, played a warzone with a friend who will also join us.
  19. Hmm, let's see... I'll have no problem to stick for an hour or two starting 20:00 my time. That is around 17-18 for most of you guys, right?
  20. It's obvious you won't back down and neither will I so this argument is pointless. Post ROTJ EU is great for me and the Clone Wars is crap with a few exceptions when the clones are the main protagonists. I can say a lot of things in defense of the EU but as I said, it's pointless.
  21. Are you kidding me?!? For the most part, the EU is awesome! Have you heard about Darth Bane? Or the book Outbound Flight? Or the Republic Commando game and novels? Or the Thrawn trilogy? Or the Legacy comic series? Because they are all great and are all part of the EU. Not to mention that both KotOR and all Jedi Knight games are part of it too. It looks like the next movie is going to be for something after Episode 6 so I hope they take in consideration all the comics, books and games set in that timeframe.
  22. I don't remember what mine was, but it said that I had recovered substantial or something like that ammounts of valuable resources.
  23. Don't worry too much about the scanning in ME2, it becomes unnecesary after some part of the game, don't remember where exactly. I had almost 50k element zero and 200k from each of the other resources even after I researched all the possible upgrades, I was basically sending 2-3 probes per system. Those resources, however, don't go to waste - you get a war asset in ME3 if you get enough in the second game, which is quite easy.
  24. Noboby can know for sure what will happen but I believe that they'll follow canon since I'm pretty sure that if they decide to rewrite stuff they'll just get an action movie with lightsabers and will lose a whole lot of money.