Ferc Kast

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Everything posted by Ferc Kast

  1. Give or take making new portraits, I almost have a mod update ready with another close behind.

  2. That awkward moment finding that I broke the installer to one of my mods almost exactly 3 years ago without realizing it.

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      a) Which one was it?

      b) Is it fixed now?

    2. Ferc Kast

      Ferc Kast

      It was my Playable Brunette mod for KOTOR 2, which I had only hosted on my site. I did manage to fix it.

    3. jc2


      ahaha! This is going to be me some day, I just know it!

  3. Reinstalled KotOR Tool for the first time in a while...

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Welcome back to the fight!

    2. Sithspecter


      Another longtime LF member returns! Welcome!

    3. jc2


      Ahh, the recruit script creator! ^^

  4. Beginning work to revamp my modding site. Should look nicer than it currently does when done. :)

  5. Ferc Kast

    PFHC04 Reskin

    The creation screenshot doesn't do it justice, but the actual gameplay pictures look nice.
  6. My mod site / blog is running again. I did change domain extensions, so use the new link on my profile.

  7. Starting to get my mod website back online. Luckily, I had made backups of my databases. :)

    1. Sithspecter


      Good to see you around again!

    2. Sith Holocron
    3. Ferc Kast

      Ferc Kast

      Not actively making any mods, but after finding my site down a couple weeks ago, I figured the least I could do is get it back up.

  8. Good thing I got TSL on Steam a while back. Will be fun to play in native 1080p. Next thing I'll have to do is figure out about this Steam Workshop thing.

  9. While technically, KotFE looks to be a singular story, each time doing it will be unique because we can make our own choices like in KotOR I & II. Though, you do have a valid point that it is not individual class stories. As far as PvE & PvP guilds being collapsed, I'm not sure if you're on a low population server or thinking of a different game. Both PvE & PvP guilds are very active and haven't collapsed as yet, at least not on Ebon Hawk. Jung Ma, on the other hand...let's just say I'm glad my guild & I transferred when we did earlier this year.
  10. Did you try disabling Frame Buffer Effects under Options -> Graphics Options -> Advanced Options in the game's menu? That fixed my Steam copy of KotOR II to work after I kept crashing when I tried making a new character.
  11. Trying to figure out why my steam copy of KotOR II keeps crashing after the creation screen. #firstworldproblems

    1. Ferc Kast

      Ferc Kast

      Oh; guess I just had to disable the frame buffer.

    2. Circa


      The Steam overlay can cause issues too, I've found.

  12. With 4 level 57+ toons left to get to 60, I decided to make a fresh toon on a different server.

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      At least your new toon will be able to benefit from the items the others can make for him/her.

    2. Ferc Kast

      Ferc Kast

      My new one is on a different server from my other 8 toons; although, I'm keeping my Cybertech up-to-date on my new one with credits I would have spent on training :P

  13. First Name: Ræna Legacy Name: Kast Species: Miraluka Class: Jedi Sage Level: 50 Server: Jung Ma (US EST PvP + RP) First Name: Ferc Legacy Name: Kast Species: Human Class: Jedi Guardian Level: 35 Server: Jung Ma (US EST PvP + RP)
  14. Finally have a level 50 character on TOR ^_^

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Try another story line before you decide.

    2. Darth Hayze

      Darth Hayze

      I'm working my way to level 50 with my Knight, loving it so far.

    3. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Don't forget to post pictures of your characters in the the thread in The Old Republic section.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  15. Observation: LucasForums and Deadly Stream down at the same time allegedly for "12 hrs." Conclusion: It's a trap!

  16. Everything's finally set up on my new laptop, including the KotOR series :)

  17. Replaced my laptop last night since my former one died last week.

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Best of luck getting everything running on the new one!

  18. They should look exactly as they appear in the screenshot since I did test the mod before release. 0_o
  19. Got the council scene implemented in-game. Just need to fix the camera's focus on each line. :)

    1. Hassat Hunter

      Hassat Hunter

      Council scene?

      For those of us out of the loop, care to explain more what this is?

    2. Ferc Kast

      Ferc Kast

      For Echo of the Force, my main mod project.

  20. Reworking and enhancing the php Code running my site. :P

  21. File Name: Playable Mission Vao File Submitter: Ferc Kast File Submitted: 11 Apr 2013 File Category: Mods TSLRCM Compatible: Yes This mod will make Mission Vao a selectable head at the game's start. Included in this version is the ability to wear masks, use the default TSL clothes (unlike the previous release) and use the default dancer's outfit. Click here to download this file
  22. Version 2.0


    This mod will make Mission Vao a selectable head at the game's start. Included in this version is the ability to wear masks, use the default TSL clothes (unlike the previous release) and use the default dancer's outfit.
  23. Well, after the release of my K1 playable Mission Vao, I felt like my TSL version needed an update. Partially, it was triggered by the initial hostile criticism of the original version's WIP thread. As I could not include the original lips and eyes, as I did with the K1 version, I did a better job of matching them than the original release. Words can only go so far. Instead of wasting more words, here is a screenshot of the LS/neutral head for the mod. v2 of this mod includes the following changes: Headgear fully supported Skin tone matches K1 mod and is not a dark blue anymore. Updated/new head skins New portraits Improved Jedi Sack as default undergarments Release Date:
  24. EotF site v2 is now live at http://eotf.kasts-echo.info Hope you enjoy the new changes to the layout!!

  25. Echo of the Force's site v2 under construction. Will bring a more unified theme throughout #kasts_echo. http://pic.twitter.com/9Ch12f62