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Everything posted by PirateofRohan

  1. Playing around with the coloring, here's an all-brown version, including a touch-up of the Battle Armor to keep it mostly consistent across variants.
  2. @Malkior Got it in one! Here's the newest test after your suggestions. Ulic (I'm on the fence about leaving the red "crest" on the chestpiece, as it does set the male and female variants apart more than I would like. The design is only there because it is present on the original texture file) Exar (the green doesn't look terrible actually, although getting the pouldrons right is giving me a bit of trouble. I'm considering touching up the "belt" portion to have it be a uniform yellow/gold)
  3. Rough concept for Ulic Qel-Droma's and Exar Kun's armors. I feel relatively good about Ulic's, though I might leave the red off from the sleeves and play with the brown on the male variant a bit. I'm also personally not a fan of the variation between the two variants, so rectifying that discrepancy might be on the table (having the "crest" on both sides of the chestplate seems like it might be too much--on the other hand the red color is a reference to Ulic's comics outfit that I don't want to ignore). As for Exar Kun's armor, I might have to play around with it a bit more. While nice in theory, in practice the purple is a bit much. However, leaving those areas transparent as in the original texture might make the armor a bit one-note. A note about Cassus Fett: his original armor texture isn't bad-looking if one gets rid of the purple color. It might be worth reincorporating it as the class 8 Mandalorian armor (What I assume is the actual class 8 texture pops up in TSL as "Echani" battle armor. Personally I'd at least tweak the colors to black/gold instead of clearly being Mando blue, but I'll respect their decision). Input is welcome!
  4. First go through. I'm on the fence about the brown on the Battle Armor, but the idea here is to tie the Zabrak armors together as much as possible. The Field Armor now at least takes its browns from the other armors. My other thought is to either go farther in that direction and have the Battle Armor take its non-chest piece colors directly from the Field Armor, or to keep the chest piece and combine it with the D02 texture the suit already uses in-game. The Combat Suits could use a touch up, but I'm pretty happy with them overall.
  5. The references in KotOR are all well and good, but the actual armors tend to miss the mark when it comes to a lore-friendly appearance. To that point I attempt to do the following that I haven't seen attempted: Ulic Qel-Droma's mesh suit gets a new color scheme. Cover art aside, Ulic sticks with blue/red and grey/brown for primary and secondary colors. Exar Kun's Light Battle Suit also needs recolored. I'm leaning towards black and purple on this one, but I'll have to see how it looks in practice. Cassus Fett's Battle Armor just takes what was the Mandalorian Heavy Armor texture. Honestly it's so close to his comics appearance I wonder if that was the original intention.
  6. The Zabrak armors in KotOR, unsurprisingly, tend to be unimaginative recolors of whatever armor texture they are a part of. This works well enough for the Zabrak Field Armor, but the Zabrak Combat Suit and Zabrak Battle Armor are obviously sharing textures with other armors. To rectify this, I'm editing their textures to show a bit more uniformity where possible. For the Zabrak Combat Suit, I'm tempted to try a green and brown color scheme inspired by Bao-Dur. The Zabrak Battle Armor will use a modified version of the unused PBD04 texture (it seems to have originally been intended for the Republic Mod Armor judging by the symbol on the chest piece, but needs must). I'll post pictures when I move out of the concept phase, but let me know what y'all think.
  7. I'm definitely considering going through the female textures and toning down the "this is the armor but for women" vibes where possible. I'm limited to what I can do with GIMP at the moment, but that's served me fine thus far.
  8. View File Republic Mod Armor Reskin If the Republic is going to go to the trouble of supplying its troops with modular armor, the least they can do is keep their own military's color scheme. A Reskin of the Republic Mod Armor's texture, complete with its own icon. Nothing too fancy, but it should do the trick and at least pretends like the Defense 5 armor textures weren't 3 blatant copies with the colors tweaked. I also touched up the pants slightly, because for some reason BioWare was convinced we needed to see female characters' entire asses and that can't be comfortable. Just unzip and drop the files into your override. As long as no other armors in your override use Model 4, Texture 10 Light Armor, you're good to go. If they do, just rename the texture number to something not in use, edit the uti the same, and replace the "10" in the icon's file with your number. Submitter PirateofRohan Submitted 06/21/2021 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  9. Version 1.2


    If the Republic is going to go to the trouble of supplying its troops with modular armor, the least they can do is keep their own military's color scheme. A Reskin of the Republic Mod Armor's texture, complete with its own icon. Nothing too fancy, but it should do the trick and at least pretends like the Defense 5 armor textures weren't 3 blatant copies with the colors tweaked. I also touched up the pants slightly, because for some reason BioWare was convinced we needed to see female characters' entire asses and that can't be comfortable. Just unzip and drop the files into your override. As long as no other armors in your override use Model 4, Texture 10 Light Armor, you're good to go. If they do, just rename the texture number to something not in use, edit the uti the same, and replace the "10" in the icon's file with your number.
  10. This should fix the problem. Just drop the two utc files into your override and overwrite. Make Vulkars Mad Again.zip
  11. View File Mandalorian Jagi Making its DeadlyStream debut while my other mod ideas are still cooking, but here's a simple change to spice up your KotOR immersion. This mod does two things, three at most. 1. Changes Jagi's appearance to a reskinned PMHB03--I tried to give a scarred/burned texture to the head to imply that Jagi did not survive Altheri unscathed. 1.5. Puts Jagi in Mandalorian Battle Armor--he wasn't at Malachor, which means he wasn't there when Revan committed cultural genocide. 2. Changes the appearance and soundset of Jagi's two thugs from Rodians to Mandalorian Warriors--he said he sent the call out to the surviving clans, so why shouldn't he bring them along? Submitter PirateofRohan Submitted 04/08/2021 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  12. View File Unique Sith Academy Students Changes the heads of named Sith Students to not be clones of every one-off NPC in KotOR. Adrenas and Kel Algwinn now have unique Asian heads based on various PC heads. Tamlen gets a unique Asian head as well as a name. Just in case you want to chat before you explore the tombs. Thalia May has a unique head based off PFHB02, and her fellow rebels are now armed with different weapons from each other. Dak Vesser now has a unique head so that Juhani can truly recognize her former classmate. Tariga has a unique head based off PMHC02 and his old commoner head. Galon gets the Black commoner head he had previously, but I've added a beard and changed his eye color to green-yellow. Also he's tired. Also included is a compatibility patch for my Taris NPC Overhaul to ensure that the slaves on Korriban don't have "Outcast" tattooed on their faces. Submitter PirateofRohan Submitted 05/04/2021 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  13. Version 1.0.2


    Changes the heads of named Sith Students to not be clones of every one-off NPC in KotOR. Adrenas and Kel Algwinn now have unique Asian heads based on various PC heads. Tamlen gets a unique Asian head as well as a name. Just in case you want to chat before you explore the tombs. Thalia May has a unique head based off PFHB02, and her fellow rebels are now armed with different weapons from each other. Dak Vesser now has a unique head so that Juhani can truly recognize her former classmate. Tariga has a unique head based off PMHC02 and his old commoner head. Galon gets the Black commoner head he had previously, but I've added a beard and changed his eye color to green-yellow. Also he's tired. Also included is a compatibility patch for my Taris NPC Overhaul to ensure that the slaves on Korriban don't have "Outcast" tattooed on their faces.
  14. Right now I'm using PFHC03 as the base--my goal is, after all, to make these changes as close to the vanilla concept where possible. There's one light side head and one for her Sith Academy appearance--version a is just a touch-up of the PC head to give her redder hair and freckles, while the second option changes eye shape and eyebrows as well (I also took the liberty of fixing the eyes on the head which on the vanilla head give an odd double-eye effect).
  15. Alright, so I've tested it out with KSE and they all seem to be working well. Here's the screenies; let me know what y'all think. [in order: Adrenas, Dak Vesser, Galon Lor, Kel Algwinn, Tariga (white) and Tamlen (asian), Thalia May]
  16. I've got it just about sorted--for now I'm waiting to see how it runs in practice. Also working on a more general Dantooine NPC mod, but first things first.
  17. Okay I've got the heads reskinned (almost missed Galon so he gets a reskinned commoner's head for ease of modding). Will test it out tomorrow, grab some screenies, and see how it flies. I also went ahead and switched up the weapons for the two Twi'lek rebels, so hopefully they'll seem less interchangeable.
  18. It occurred to me that Korriban is probably the one planet that makes an effort to differentiate the named characters from the clone crowds elsewhere...with a few exceptions. Kel Algwinn, Tamlen, and Adrenis all use the same Asian commoner model. Tariga uses the secondary white commoner model which, depending on your planet order, gets annoyingly overused for side characters. Dak Vesser uses the same Black commoner model that shows up a million times. Thalia May has the same female Black commoner model as every other young woman. I'm also tempted to try out a similar change for Belaya, Eli, Matton and Jordo, but they're on the back burner for now.
  19. View File Specific Traits: A Fun Immersion Mod SPECIFIC TRAITS MOD The definition of a "because I can" mod. Also cos sometimes you just need to spice up your gameplay a little. Gives certain non-human companions and adversaries a vulnerability and strength based on their biology/build. Juhani: vulnerable to sonic weaponry, increased reflex saving throw Zaalbar/Wookiees: vulnerable to fire, resistant to bludgeoning Mission/Twi'leks: vulnerable to cold, resistant to electricity All Droids (except Rakata-built): vulnerable to electricity, resistant to bludgeoning/slashing There have also been minor tweaks to NPCs aimed at immersion: namely, twi'leks have had their models changed where possible to under-used colors, and Xor's thugs while still planet-dependent are human rather than alien. Don't have screens of those though, because if I've done my job right you won't notice it. Submitter PirateofRohan Submitted 04/24/2021 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  20. Version 1.0.1


    SPECIFIC TRAITS MOD The definition of a "because I can" mod. Also cos sometimes you just need to spice up your gameplay a little. Gives certain non-human companions and adversaries a vulnerability and strength based on their biology/build. Juhani: vulnerable to sonic weaponry, increased reflex saving throw Zaalbar/Wookiees: vulnerable to fire, resistant to bludgeoning Mission/Twi'leks: vulnerable to cold, resistant to electricity All Droids (except Rakata-built): vulnerable to electricity, resistant to bludgeoning/slashing There have also been minor tweaks to NPCs aimed at immersion: namely, twi'leks have had their models changed where possible to under-used colors, and Xor's thugs while still planet-dependent are human rather than alien. Don't have screens of those though, because if I've done my job right you won't notice it.
  21. Alright so I figured it out and we're theoretically tickety-boo.
    Look, the wonderful thing about KotOR is that every player character is valid. That being said, there's something special about Bastilla in particular--the way she and the player character are bonded. Plus BioWare put Juhani in the figurative and literal closet, so. Just yeah. Great job and thanks for your commitment to immersion.
    Fab and well thought-out mod that does what it says on the tin. I dig it.
  22. View File Taris NPC Overhaul Tired of seeing the same five people everywhere on Taris? Struggling to tell the Vulkars and Beks apart? Want your named quest-givers to stand out in a crowd? Then this is your mod. Uses TSLPatcher to make the following changes: [Main Mod] The serving staff now has a uniform more or less: red for Upper City, green for Javyar's Cantina. (Note: I chose to leave Gerlon in his red clothes with the logic that he's actively trying to blend into the background given that he's, y'know. A scammer.) Kandon Ark is now orange, and his bodyguard is green. Zelkor and Gurney both wear green now. Like unofficial Tarisian scrubs. Davik's Agent uses an alternate Black Commoner model, as does Hudron. Throughout the Lower City: Various modifications to the Vulkars and Beks to a) give them a little more gender/species equality and b) to color-code the gangs/alien stock models. Now when Matrik says you aren't in Hidden Bek colors, it might actually make sense. Beks: Blue/aqua Vulkars: Orange/red (Note: I left Davik's Estate unchanged. Based on Canderous's intro scene, it seems like Davik has an arrangement with the swoop gangs--either officially or on an individual basis. Indentured servitude: the Exchange at its finest.) In the Undercity: Hester now uses the Black Female Dirty Commoner model so she's not identical to both vanilla!Shaleena and one of the rakghoul victims. The Gate Guard Trewin has his name back. Igear is now Asian, while both of the beggars use different Black Commoner models (because we already have Gurney fullfilling almost the same role and that's just unfairly lazy). The Republic Soldier is in uniform. [Unique Heads] Dia now has a unique head based off PFHA02. Matrik has Zhar's head and wears Cinnegar Weave Armor. Holdan now has a unique head based off Dustil's, giving him a scruffy beard as well as a scar from Dia's vibroblade. Unique heads for Ice, Gerlon, and Marl based off PFHC03, PMHC05, and Gendar respectively, and a unique jumpsuit for Twitch colored to match the combat suits of his fellow duelists. Rukil has whiter hair, blue eyes, and a few tattoos/brands marking him as an Outcast and believer in the Promised Land. On the Swoop Track: Phirk gets a teal-colored jumpsuit to make him stand out while still following the Bek color scheme, while Redros has greener skin than his fellow Nikto and Doba has a morph of a regular and lite Rodian. [Undercity Culture] Gives all the Undercity commoners tattoos that say "Outcast" in Aurebesh. They aren't too obvious, but they do exist. [Optional Asian Shaleena] Gives Shaleena a unique Asian head based primarily on PFHA05. [Davik's Gamorrean Guest] Changes Davik's Rodian guest into a Gamorrean. For the lols. Submitter PirateofRohan Submitted 04/20/2021 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  23. Version 2.0


    Tired of seeing the same five people everywhere on Taris? Struggling to tell the Vulkars and Beks apart? Want your named quest-givers to stand out in a crowd? Then this is your mod. Uses TSLPatcher to make the following changes: [Main Mod] The serving staff now has a uniform more or less: red for Upper City, green for Javyar's Cantina. (Note: I chose to leave Gerlon in his red clothes with the logic that he's actively trying to blend into the background given that he's, y'know. A scammer.) Kandon Ark is now orange, and his bodyguard is green. Zelkor and Gurney both wear green now. Like unofficial Tarisian scrubs. Davik's Agent uses an alternate Black Commoner model, as does Hudron. Throughout the Lower City: Various modifications to the Vulkars and Beks to a) give them a little more gender/species equality and b) to color-code the gangs/alien stock models. Now when Matrik says you aren't in Hidden Bek colors, it might actually make sense. Beks: Blue/aqua Vulkars: Orange/red (Note: I left Davik's Estate unchanged. Based on Canderous's intro scene, it seems like Davik has an arrangement with the swoop gangs--either officially or on an individual basis. Indentured servitude: the Exchange at its finest.) In the Undercity: Hester now uses the Black Female Dirty Commoner model so she's not identical to both vanilla!Shaleena and one of the rakghoul victims. The Gate Guard Trewin has his name back. Igear is now Asian, while both of the beggars use different Black Commoner models (because we already have Gurney fullfilling almost the same role and that's just unfairly lazy). The Republic Soldier is in uniform. [Unique Heads] Dia now has a unique head based off PFHA02. Matrik has Zhar's head and wears Cinnegar Weave Armor. Holdan now has a unique head based off Dustil's, giving him a scruffy beard as well as a scar from Dia's vibroblade. Unique heads for Ice, Gerlon, and Marl based off PFHC03, PMHC05, and Gendar respectively, and a unique jumpsuit for Twitch colored to match the combat suits of his fellow duelists. Rukil has whiter hair, blue eyes, and a few tattoos/brands marking him as an Outcast and believer in the Promised Land. On the Swoop Track: Phirk gets a teal-colored jumpsuit to make him stand out while still following the Bek color scheme, while Redros has greener skin than his fellow Nikto and Doba has a morph of a regular and lite Rodian. [Undercity Culture] Gives all the Undercity commoners tattoos that say "Outcast" in Aurebesh. They aren't too obvious, but they do exist. [Optional Asian Shaleena] Gives Shaleena a unique Asian head based primarily on PFHA05. [Davik's Gamorrean Guest] Changes Davik's Rodian guest into a Gamorrean. For the lols.