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Everything posted by Thor110

  1. I think that's an oversight by the writer of the readme so you aren't actually missing anything, you are correct. Place them in a separate folder for now, but after generating your changes.ini file, all of the changes you have made to files should become instructions in the changes.ini file, at that point you will want the original files for the reason it mentions. To be honest I would potentially suggest using HoloPatcher as it has a few new features and is actively being developed at the moment.
  2. Right, it's just that your initial blog post made it sound as though you had foregone using TSLPatcher to use K-GFF Editor instead. - quoted from blog post If you see what I mean.
  3. Given the size of the mod build and the amount of mods in it, I would imagine other mods modify that level so it could be another mod. The mod build is also very thoroughly tested from what I understand though I haven't had the chance to try them out myself. KotOR Mod Sync is fairly new, so it's understandable that you weren't aware of it, hopefully it helps speed things up a bit.
  4. Doesn't that mean you could make the same change in TSLPatcher? Interesting technique, could certainly be used in a variety of ways to help ensure compatibility.
  5. The entire KotOR Mod Build's can be installed with the click of a button using KotOR Mod Sync, which might make things easier for you. Is it possible that you missed an instruction? As from what I recall the mod build has a very specific install order and requires a few manual alterations along the way. Those alterations are coded into the .toml files for KotOR Mod Sync I believe.
  6. Could be worth trying a restart as well and not having it boot on startup, just to be sure as I have seen other people have similar problems caused by Razer hardware. Is the mouse cursor visible on screen at all when this is happening? IE : can you see the green TSL cursor or has it just disappeared altogether?
  7. You should just be able to click back into the game, you could also try to pause and un-pause, ensuring that your mouse isn't off-screen to stop this from happening as it is caused when the mouse goes off screen, for example, are you playing in windowed mode or do you have multiple monitors? I don't know how to interpret that as anything other than implying that the mod build caused it. Though going by the thread title I can see that you don't mention the mod build, so I am sure you can see why I thought as much. Nevermind.
  8. It might be worth noting that this mod explicitly blanks that column, if you check the changes.ini it changes the column racetex of row 3 to "****" which is default for no entry, so I suspect that is intentional as looking at the required mod's files, it includes new textures.
  9. From a quick glance at how the mod works, it seems that you might not have installed the pre-requisite mod? To the original mod author, it could be worth adding the following to the bottom of the [Settings] section of the changes.ini to ensure that the user has the required mod installed. Thor110
  10. It sounds to me like your mouse input got interrupted somehow, this definitely isn't an issue caused by the mod build.
  11. ChangeEdit would tell you that if you compare it against the original file. You could also install it first and allow other mods to update anything it does, or you could make them a TSLPatcher. This sort of stuff happens, people make mods using the tools they first check out, personally I checked them all out and still built a hard override mod to begin with just because it best fit my project, but since then I have converted my stuff to HoloPatcher, though I think I do have a few left to update.
  12. There's a lengthy readme included with TSLPatcher which I read from time to time, though for the most part I read existing changes.ini files and took note of how they worked in order to make my own, I also make use of a few simple batch scripts I wrote to make lists for large numbers of files. But for smaller mods, most things can be done using ChangeEdit to generate the changes.ini file for you.
  13. Something that is required, for something else to work. Unfortunately not all mods work together, you are best off trying out the major mod builds as they are thoroughly tested as opposed to installing whichever you choose, as mods often have conflicts especially when they change the same files.
  14. You stated no such thing, either way you have two mods changing the same files, something got broken. The initial order of the mods matters and given that you stated them in a specific order, I can only guess that you installed them in that order. You mentioned Sith Stalkers first, followed by Dark Jedi Wear Robes for JCS Cloaked Jedi Robes Mod, then you state secondly after implicitly expressing three mods in your post. Did you also install it's pre-requisite as per it's specifications?
  15. These two mods conflict with one another. As you can see from the screenshots, these two mods change the same things in some levels, so in short, they are incompatible. The Sith Stalker mod also explicitly states the following. "If you intend to play with DarthParametric's Dark Jedi Wear Robes then you'll have to install that mod BEFORE Sith Stalkers [K1]." So given that you installed that afterwards, I would say that is what caused your problem.
  16. That problem cannot be diagnosed without a full list of the mods that you are using, even then the answer is probably that they modify the same files and cause something to be broken.
  17. I've given permission for it and a range of my other mods to be used if they wish to do so. Surprised no one had covered this yet to be honest, but there's so much to fix it's easy to overlook things.
  18. Should be simple enough then, TSLPatcher's ChangeEdit can automatically generate the differences for the 2DA files and from there you can probably just add the dialog and character sheets to the override folder. Just edit her character sheet accordingly after tracking down which level contains the correct character sheet.
  19. TSLPatcher comes with a readme and a program for generating the changes.ini file for various filetypes. One thing to note is that there is an outdated version of it floating around which is worth avoiding. As for HoloPatcher, there is a readme on the GitHub page here. How much does your mod change exactly?
  20. That's a .bik movie file in the Movies folder. "02.bik" so you would have to do some video editing or reconstruct the scene in-game. I was looking at reconstructing that sequence in-game a while back for my port of the first game, but it will probably be a long time before I look at the idea properly.
  21. View File No Mines On Malachor, Only Gas! NOTE : This is included with the Expanded Galaxy Project already. Another request by @Snigaroo that I thought was worth taking on because it is something that has always bothered me too. This mod removes the appearance of mines on Malachor by adding a new trap type to the game that uses a new model that doesn't contain a mine. Compatibility This mod should be compatible with any and all other mods, unless they happen to change the mines on these levels ( 901MAL & 902MAL ) or replace k_trp_generic.ncs Installation : HoloPatcher Use HoloPatcher to install the mod. Uninstallation : HoloPatcher HoloPatcher also generates an uninstall script after installation, use this to uninstall, you can also access that feature under Tools -> Uninstall in HoloPatcher itself. Thor110 Please do not redistribute or release anywhere without my express permission. Tools used that helped make this possible. Kotor Tool - @ Fred Tetra KotOR Scripting Tool - @Blue HxD - @Maël Hörz HoloPatcher - @Wizard & @Cortisol Submitter Thor110 Submitted 05/09/2024 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  22. Version 1.0.2


    NOTE : This is included with the Expanded Galaxy Project already. Another request by @Snigaroo that I thought was worth taking on because it is something that has always bothered me too. This mod removes the appearance of mines on Malachor by adding a new trap type to the game that uses a new model that doesn't contain a mine. Compatibility This mod should be compatible with any and all other mods, unless they happen to change the mines on these levels ( 901MAL & 902MAL ) or replace k_trp_generic.ncs Installation : HoloPatcher Use HoloPatcher to install the mod. Uninstallation : HoloPatcher HoloPatcher also generates an uninstall script after installation, use this to uninstall, you can also access that feature under Tools -> Uninstall in HoloPatcher itself. Thor110 Please do not redistribute or release anywhere without my express permission. Tools used that helped make this possible. Kotor Tool - @ Fred Tetra KotOR Scripting Tool - @Blue HxD - @Maël Hörz HoloPatcher - @Wizard & @Cortisol
  23. I apologize I did not look at the request in the OP, though I have just read it. If there is anything else you feel should be added or changed about it, feel free to let me know and in the meantime I will take a look at your other requests. Edit : Malachor Mine Visibility Fix I have also taken care of and will be available at once it has been approved.
  24. I would suggest not using KotOR Tool for much besides extracting files, even then it's usually easier to just use ERFEdit, HolocronToolset is also an option to consider. Though I don't know what it might mess up when it comes to dialog files but it has been known to cause issues when it comes to editing files. Also I would suggest looking into TSLPatcher and HoloPatcher for applying your changes when releasing your mod so that changes can be properly applied to the games files. You're welcome and as I mentioned, there are probably a few other branches within that specific dialog that would need removing. I'm not sure what the issue is here, I always have both installed so I have never encountered this problem.
  25. Ah, well in that case you would have to edit the dialog files in question to remove those options accordingly. This would be for Dorak, which is "dan13_dorak.dlg" that is located within the level file "danm13_s.rim" Though it's highly likely that there might be other entries that you might want to delete.