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Everything posted by Thor110

  1. I included an updated m35aa.vis file with my release of these levels and it seems N-Drew25 included the ExpandedVIS file I made, what exactly is wrong with it? Not sure why N-Drew25 has m35aa.git in the release, it isn't necessary as HoloPatcher is updating the references in the .git file directly, so if that is the .git file you are referring to, there is no issue. What resources are required from K2? Everything is included with my modders resource release and appears to be included with this release as well.
  2. The screenshots look good! But I have to say this block of text is an abomination. It might be worth adding some line breaks. Example : I am personally not fond of the changes you have made, I think their attire looks too much as if they are fully fledged Sith and not trainees who have only just joined the academy, that aside though, good work. If I recall there is another mod that gives all of the Sith Uniforms specific ranks, which was interesting.
  3. I don't know what you are referring to exactly. This thread is focused around 3D model repairs for both games, but it sounds to me like you are asking me to make a free roam mod for kotor 2 like I did for kotor 1 and I already have, I released them both at the same time.
  4. Yeah, it's surprising, some of it is so wrong. Realistically the game needs remaking from the ground up. Update : I just spent the best part of a day writing a plugin for Blender to help speed up the process of realigning the misaligned vertices throughout Manaan. The script also works for Objects in Blender, because why not. I kept looking at the "Snap -> Selection to Active" button in the menu, thinking it could help if only it did a single axes, but there wasn't an option for only using one, so I made it happen. Edit : More Manaan fixes.
  5. I haven't had a close look at other areas of the game, Manaan definitely has some spectacular messes though. It's infuriating, so many vertices slightly out of line! It really is! I have also been looking into cleaning up excess geometry, deleting faces that cannot be seen and merging faces that can be one, like this. It seems somewhat pointless but I feel like making the changes while I am there. I haven't actually applied these changes to my fixes yet because I need to figure out how to properly adjust the lightmap in order for this to actually work, though there are countless problems with the lightmaps, I would rather not add more.
  6. Agreed! I was hoping between us all we could do exactly that. Thank you, I am aware and have their model fixes included with my project. I still have a few little issues to fix and some UV issues to sort out, there's an absolute mess around every vertice on Manaan it seems, they all seem ever so slightly out of line with on another! I have also taken the liberty of deleting faces that exist in places where they are not visible. Such as on all of these types of pillars. I am also working on adding ceilings to each of the hallway sections like this. Because previously there was a noticeable gap up the sides of all the hallways where the sky was visible. As seen in the following images. These exist in every hallway throughout Manaan. I also cleaned up these little kinks in the corners of the sections with these pillars. Removing 7 faces from each section and simply adjusting the existing faces to cover the gap. Note : the holes in the hallways are visible here too. There really is a lot to fix it seems!
  7. I agree, I guess I will have to take a look at them. This is how many holes there are in the walls, they added planes behind nearly every section of the level to try and hide them! I don't think I have seen those screenshots before so it's interesting to see some of the differences. All of this really started as me adding the missing room in the hotel and I got carried away! There are already a lot of model fixes available for both games, but Manaan doesn't have a stand alone set of fixes that I know of. Update : I have checked all of the model fixes present in the KotOR1 Community Patch for Manaan. There is only one model file currently that has fixes from the group of model files I have applied fixes to as noted here. I also made those changes while editing the levels in this area as well as fixing a wide range of holes in the level geometry and even adding some geometry as seen here. I still have a little bit of work to do to on these levels, but so far as I can see there are no fixes that I haven't also made.
  8. Merging Levels So I got distracted while fixing some holes in the level geometry for Manaan and realised some of the games levels could be easily combined into one. Currently I am not sure what I plan to do with this but these are the three levels I have put together. Endar Spire This actually needed a little editing to get it to fit properly, but it was very close to being perfect when imported to begin with. Taris Sewers This level also needed a little editing but it was easy enough to line up both halves of the level. Manaan - East & West Central These two levels are in exactly the right position when imported, however the joining room needed editing quite a bit to make everything work and look right. I have Manaan and the Endar Spire working in-game, I am just having a little bit of trouble getting one of the roomlinks to work on the Endar Spire and I have only just put together the Taris Sewers level. While I am no sure how many levels could be fit together like this, there are quite a lot for which it just wouldn't work. To think, all I set out to do in the first place was add in the missing room to Manaan's Hotel... Thor110
  9. Wow, that looks too good for this game! Super detailed, I feel like the model needs to be improved to match the texture quality.
  10. Too late, I already done it though I haven't merged the level contents yet, but I have a version of the level where I can walk between all of the rooms from both levels. But I will release the model fixes as a stand alone when I am done with them. I am also looking to fix any other models with holes in them throughout both games, so if you know of any, feel free to point them out.
  11. The ResRef Clashes could take a little while to deal with, but the cross-module teleporting would be a simple matter of updating the teleporting scripts and doors. Just did a search of the Manaan levels and these are the files that reference manm26ae. And manm26ac is referenced by the following files. As for it's feasibility I meant more along the lines of if it would be problematic to load in on Mobile or Xbox, though for PC I am sure it would be no issue at all. I did look at the other parts of Manaan but they are at totally different locations and rotations, so connecting the whole area would be a pain, it's a tempting prospect though. Do you know if the walkmeshes are used for EAX audio? I suspect they are but am not certain.
  12. View File K1 Switch Override Files This is the contents of the Override folder on the Switch version of the game. 99% of this is absolute garbage, but I wanted to get a closer look to see if there was anything special that would need to be reworked for any of my mod projects, such as button prompts or .gui files and thought I would release it for anyone else seeking to do the same. Taken from v1.0.0 of the game. Included is a folder that has any changes made in v1.0.4 of the game. I chose not to include anything else from the release, there isn't anything special of interest besides Japanese support for the game. Thor110 Submitter Thor110 Submitted 10/25/2024 Category Modder's Resources  
  13. While porting over the missing rooms from the Sith Academy on Korriban and adding the missing room to the Hotel on Manaan, I got carried away looking around Manaan's levels and was overwhelmed by the amount of holes in the level geometry, so I decided to take a crack at fixing some of it up. I'm amazed how many clearly visible holes there are, these level repairs will be included with my port but I will also release them for the original game. If anyone knows of any problems like this, feel free to let me know and I will look into fixing them, it would be nice to see every level in the game get this treatment even if it takes a little while. Manaan - m26ae & m26ac I decided to delete some of the excess walkmesh pieces as it felt like they were unnecessary, however the moment I was done with that, I realised that it's probably used by EAX audio to reverberate sounds off of the walkmesh, I will find out if that is definitely the case and if it is, I can just swap them back out for the originals fairly quickly. Nearly every vertice I have checked so far has been out of line with the one next to it! There's a lot of tinkering and thinking left to do and as this isn't really my area of expertise I don't know how far I will get, but I would like to look over every level and fix every hole if I can find the time and patience to deal with all of the problems. Merging Levels Not sure how feasible this is, but in theory both these parts of Manaan could be made into a single level, as they both match up alongside one another when imported, however the other parts of Manaan do not. Thor110
  14. At some point in the future I will have to have a look around. Given that I don't really play KotOR1, it might take me a while to get around to it. I only noticed and fixed this as I was working on the missing rooms modders resource and actually testing it in KotOR1 to make sure it worked for the first game rather than assuming that it did after changing it over from my port in KotOR2.
  15. Version 1.0.0 - 1.0.4


    This is the contents of the Override folder on the Switch version of the game. 99% of this is absolute garbage, but I wanted to get a closer look to see if there was anything special that would need to be reworked for any of my mod projects, such as button prompts or .gui files and thought I would release it for anyone else seeking to do the same. Taken from v1.0.0 of the game. Included is a folder that has any changes made in v1.0.4 of the game. I chose not to include anything else from the release, there isn't anything special of interest besides Japanese support for the game. Thor110
  16. View File Daviks Trophies NOTE : This is included with the Expanded Galaxy Port already. During the course of my texture analysis of both games I came across these Trophy textures and realised that they were smaller versions of the standard creature textures with some slight alterations, so I decided to recreate them as best as I could using the standard creature textures. Images show comparisons of the models using the new and old textures as well as the original creature and trophy textures side by side. More information on all of this can be found in my texture analysis tutorial thread. Installation : Drop the files into the override folder etc Thor110 Submitter Thor110 Submitted 10/24/2024 Category Skins K1R Compatible Yes  
  17. View File Manaan Hotel Missing Room NOTE : This was made specifically for the Expanded Galaxy Project but I decided to release a modders resource version. Manaan - Hotel Missing Room - TSL Levels in K1 by Thor110 This adds in that missing and locked room in the Hotel on Manaan, turns out the walkmesh as there all along, just not the model, so I copied the room from the opposite corner and rotated it's contents then moved them in to the model. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Installation: Copy Modules & Override folder to the game directory. Warp to m26ae to look around the level. There is an installer specific version for anyone who wishes to install the empty rooms to the game for a regular playthrough. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks to PapaZinos for reminding me room containers can't be rotated and only their contents can. Used KotOR Tool, Blender, MDLEdit-v1.0.4, GIMP and Notepad++ to make this. Submitter Thor110 Submitted 10/24/2024 Category Modder's Resources  
  18. View File K2 Switch Override Files This is the contents of the Override folder on the Switch version of the game. 99% of this is absolute garbage, but I wanted to get a closer look to see if there was anything special that would need to be reworked for any of my mod projects, such as button prompts or .gui files and thought I would release it for anyone else seeking to do the same. Taken from v1.0.0 of the game. I just realised there is a v1.0.3 update for the game while uploading this, I will have to compare the override folders for differences and add them here. Thor110 Submitter Thor110 Submitted 10/25/2024 Category Modder's Resources  
  19. Version 1.0.3


    This is the contents of the Override folder on the Switch version of the game. 99% of this is absolute garbage, but I wanted to get a closer look to see if there was anything special that would need to be reworked for any of my mod projects, such as button prompts or .gui files and thought I would release it for anyone else seeking to do the same. Taken from v1.0.0 of the game. I just realised there is a v1.0.3 update for the game while uploading this, I will have to compare the override folders for differences and add them here. Thor110
  20. At some point in the future I was hoping to get together a team of all the games languages to ensure my project worked across all regions, but it's all still a long way off, might never happen. You'd probably be better off digging through it yourself.
  21. At some point in the far future, maybe, but highly unlikely, if anyone does choose to do it though, I would probably look to incorporate them in my port of Brotherhood. Are there many grammar or spelling errors throughout?
  22. Version 1.0.0


    NOTE : This was made specifically for the Expanded Galaxy Project but I decided to release a modders resource version. Manaan - Hotel Missing Room - TSL Levels in K1 by Thor110 This adds in that missing and locked room in the Hotel on Manaan, turns out the walkmesh as there all along, just not the model, so I copied the room from the opposite corner and rotated it's contents then moved them in to the model. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Installation: Copy Modules & Override folder to the game directory. Warp to m26ae to look around the level. There is an installer specific version for anyone who wishes to install the empty rooms to the game for a regular playthrough. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks to PapaZinos for reminding me room containers can't be rotated and only their contents can. Used KotOR Tool, Blender, MDLEdit-v1.0.4, GIMP and Notepad++ to make this.
  23. Thor110

    Daviks Trophies

    Version 1.0.1


    NOTE : This is included with the Expanded Galaxy Port already. During the course of my texture analysis of both games I came across these Trophy textures and realised that they were smaller versions of the standard creature textures with some slight alterations, so I decided to recreate them as best as I could using the standard creature textures. Images show comparisons of the models using the new and old textures as well as the original creature and trophy textures side by side. More information on all of this can be found in my texture analysis tutorial thread. Installation : Drop the files into the override folder etc Thor110
  24. I know this is a dated post but I saw that someone was browsing it recently and wanted to drop in with some information regarding M4-78EP on Mobile. First, I released a mobile specific version of it that is set up the same as MTSLRCM. Update : while this method works fine for Android, it doesn't work for iOS users, the version I have released has been adjusted so that all filenames and folders are lower case to support iOS systems.
  25. I completely agree, warping across to a new module would be too jarring and could have unforeseen consequences such as unlooted placeables like you mentioned. Short of having variables tied to every item / placeable / creature, I don't think there would be an easy way to do it through warping. Personally I think I will leave this to anyone else that wants to tackle it, it makes the most sense that the cave is blown up which over the next few years causes the tomb to be revealed. That aside though, there is something I have been working on these past few days that might be of use to the mod builds when I am done. Remaking the trophy textures in Davik's room on Taris using the creature textures, I also wrote more details about it in my Texture Analysis tutorial thread. Edit : Just finished the Kataarn, Tukata and Iriaz. The Tukata. And the Iriaz. Finally the Ronto. As for the Dewback, it is at the same resolution as the creature version and the Rancor, well, I can't make heads or tails of the Rancor texture, it appears to be a completely different texture.