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Crazy34 last won the day on January 9 2022

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About Crazy34

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  1. So there is a hacky simple way to do this. Assume you want to change the mantel to be purple. Take the w_lghtsbr_005.mdx/mdl files. Copy and rename them to w_lghtsbr_008.mdx/mdl. Override the existing files in the override folder. Since the model used for each blade is a little tricky you can find a table of all model uti relations in the resource pdf on page 6. You need to look in the Column "Model Num." Start with the color you want the lightsaber to have. Copy the mdl/mdx files and rename them with the number of the saber you want to replace. The next step is to replace the icon file with the correct one. Again look for the icon you want the lightsaber to have and copy and rename it with the saber you want to replace. I hope this helps you to tune the mantel and heart to your liking. Cheers
  2. @ironavenger15 @Mutilator57 Sorry for the late reply. Troubleshooting is always difficult from afar, but I would guess that you are using a wrong version of MDLedit. I use version 1.06b for compiling the ASCII. With this version the ambient light works. Please try this version and test if the results in ambient light being shown.
  3. Hi, sure it is possible. I submitted a detailed guide on how to do it yourself, if you have the permission from FF97 to use his models. You can find the guide here: However, I don't have the time to do it myself so.....
  4. Hi, hab dir ne PM geschrieben. Glaub du hast die übersehen ^^

    1. Jorak Uln

      Jorak Uln

      @AmanoJyaku Was ist eigentlich dein Problem? Ich seh dich hier nur am rumstänkern und Leuten blöd kommen. Mach mal was Vernünftiges!

    2. Jorak Uln

      Jorak Uln

      @AmanoJyaku Wie alt bist du, fünf? Dann wirds langsam Schlafenszeit. Auf gehts, und Zähneputzen nicht vergessen, mein Bester 😄

  5. Well the blade textures won't help you without the related blade models. So no currently there is no way to use these blades with Holowans hilts. However, I released a moddder's resource with a detailed instruction on how to port existing hilts to these blades. You could ask the creator if he has interest in updating his mod.
  6. Hey @seedhartha, I just want to give a short feedback to 0.17. I was able to get it to run. It runs pretty good, I must say. Obviously its not finished but to reach the point which you have is a pretty exciting achievement. Some feedback I can give you from the first test on the Endar Spire, is that in some non-English languages there are letters outside of usual English alphabet. In your current version these specail letters are currently not displayed at all. So to give you an example: ingame your close to a door and the gui overlay appears. In german it should say "Tür". reone only displays "Tr" missing the ü in the middle. I guess this is also true for over languages. Anyway your progress is amazing and I will happily test your next versions as well! Cheers!
  7. I personally don't own the Steam version. Maybe someone with more experience like @Effix could comment on the Aspyr update?
  8. Sneak peak of the current testing process


    Multicolor force lightning! This is just for testing the emitter settings.


    Ambient light for force powers! (Red lightning is again just for testing.)



    1. jc2
    2. Malkior


      Nice to show that level of control over the emitters. 

    3. Effix


      Sick, looks like a disco Tesla generator

  9. The models for the blades and hilts are unfortunately not separate, such that it is not simply possible to use other hilts with the new blades. However, if you are willing to use a little bit of your time you can make it happen yourself! I released the teased modder's resource here: You find a detailed step-by-step instruction on how to port an existing K1/TSL lightsaber hilt to the new blade system. All you need is mdledit and a texteditor and the copy and paste functions. I hope this will allow you to combine the new blades with your favorite hilts! Cheers
  10. View File New_Lightsaber_Blades_Modder's_Res ======================================================== KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC SOURCE FILE ======================================================== New_Lightsaber_Blades_Modder's_Res ================================= Author: Crazy34 Contact: PM me on Deadlystream For: K1/TSL Date: 03/24/2021 ================================= DESCRIPTION: This modder's resource contains a detailed step-by-step instruction on how to use and modify the new lightsaber blade system introduced in my recent mods. You can find this instruction in the file: manual.pdf. The folder resources contains example textures, saber models in the ascii format and example batch file to generate color copies of a given saber. I HOPE that in the future some talented texture artist will create better looking blade textures using these new blade models. CREDITS: Kaidon Jorn: Lightsaber Hilts models and textures and icons are created by Kaidon Jorn and taken from his SLM 2.0 mod, which you can find here: Thank you very much for the permission to use your models and hilts here. They are amazing and I enjoyed working with them. Sithspecter: The new layout for the lightsaber blades plane models are inspired by Sithspecter's animated Crossguard Lightsabers mod for KOTOR which can be found here: Thank you very much for the permission to include your animated unstable blade texture and to modified them to include the new TSL colors. ___________________________________________________________ COMPATIBILITY: ___________________________________________________________ INSTALLATION: ___________________________________________________________ BUGS: The tip of the blade has a spike which comes from a deformation of the lightsaber planes. This is also present in the original model. I was not able to find a fix. (Sorry about that.) The lightsaber hilts will clip through the blades. (Unfortunately, DarthParametric has said that it is not possible to fix this.) ___________________________________________________________ PERMISSIONS: You may use this mod as you see fit. Display it in screenshots, make it compatible with your mod. Use it to update your own mod or use it as a basis to start your own lightsaber mod. However, please give credit where it's due. ___________________________________________________________ THANKS: Fred Tetra: All the thanks for KotOR Tool. TK102: All the thanks for K-GFF. ndix UR: All the thanks for the kotorblender plugin, which I used to create the blade 3d models. bead-v: All the thanks for Mdledit and constantly updating it. Without it this mod would not be possible. Thanks also for the comments on the ascii code. Kaidon Jorn: All the thanks for giving me the permission for using the hilts textures and icons. With these included this is a real mod. Thank you so much. Sithspecter: All the thanks for giving me the permission to include his animated blade textures and to modify them. Also i want to thank you for inspiring me to start modding KOTOR in the first place. Jorak Uln: All the thanks for the constant feedback, suggestions and beta testing of the preliminary versions of the mod. JCarter426: I want to thank him for providing information regarding lights in KOTOR and the documentation. DarthParametric: I want to thank him for answering all my questions and being so helpful when creating and tuning of the models. Sith Holocron: For minor proofreading of the mod documents. For the initial feedback on the ambient light, I want to thank: DarthVarkor, Stormie97, ebmar. Also, I want to thank all the modders out there whose work I've consistently studied and learned from. ___________________________________________________________ LEGAL: THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. NEITHER THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES NOR THE AUTHOR ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter Crazy34 Submitted 03/24/2021 Category Modder's Resources  
  11. Version 1.0.0


    ======================================================== KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC SOURCE FILE ======================================================== New_Lightsaber_Blades_Modder's_Res ================================= Author: Crazy34 Contact: PM me on Deadlystream For: K1/TSL Date: 03/24/2021 ================================= DESCRIPTION: This modder's resource contains a detailed step-by-step instruction on how to use and modify the new lightsaber blade system introduced in my recent mods. You can find this instruction in the file: manual.pdf. The folder resources contains example textures, saber models in the ascii format and example batch file to generate color copies of a given saber. I HOPE that in the future some talented texture artist will create better looking blade textures using these new blade models. CREDITS: Kaidon Jorn: Lightsaber Hilts models and textures and icons are created by Kaidon Jorn and taken from his SLM 2.0 mod, which you can find here: Thank you very much for the permission to use your models and hilts here. They are amazing and I enjoyed working with them. Sithspecter: The new layout for the lightsaber blades plane models are inspired by Sithspecter's animated Crossguard Lightsabers mod for KOTOR which can be found here: Thank you very much for the permission to include your animated unstable blade texture and to modified them to include the new TSL colors. ___________________________________________________________ COMPATIBILITY: ___________________________________________________________ INSTALLATION: ___________________________________________________________ BUGS: The tip of the blade has a spike which comes from a deformation of the lightsaber planes. This is also present in the original model. I was not able to find a fix. (Sorry about that.) The lightsaber hilts will clip through the blades. (Unfortunately, DarthParametric has said that it is not possible to fix this.) ___________________________________________________________ PERMISSIONS: You may use this mod as you see fit. Display it in screenshots, make it compatible with your mod. Use it to update your own mod or use it as a basis to start your own lightsaber mod. However, please give credit where it's due. ___________________________________________________________ THANKS: Fred Tetra: All the thanks for KotOR Tool. TK102: All the thanks for K-GFF. ndix UR: All the thanks for the kotorblender plugin, which I used to create the blade 3d models. bead-v: All the thanks for Mdledit and constantly updating it. Without it this mod would not be possible. Thanks also for the comments on the ascii code. Kaidon Jorn: All the thanks for giving me the permission for using the hilts textures and icons. With these included this is a real mod. Thank you so much. Sithspecter: All the thanks for giving me the permission to include his animated blade textures and to modify them. Also i want to thank you for inspiring me to start modding KOTOR in the first place. Jorak Uln: All the thanks for the constant feedback, suggestions and beta testing of the preliminary versions of the mod. JCarter426: I want to thank him for providing information regarding lights in KOTOR and the documentation. DarthParametric: I want to thank him for answering all my questions and being so helpful when creating and tuning of the models. Sith Holocron: For minor proofreading of the mod documents. For the initial feedback on the ambient light, I want to thank: DarthVarkor, Stormie97, ebmar. Also, I want to thank all the modders out there whose work I've consistently studied and learned from. ___________________________________________________________ LEGAL: THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. NEITHER THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES NOR THE AUTHOR ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  12. @DarthParametric Hey, I have again questions for you. Did you maybe by chance test these sabers? IF yes did you maybe used the GLIntercept and can verify that the spike at the tip of the saber indeed is caused by the geometric effect? Do you see from this point on a way to take it by modifying the plane model in the future? Thx for your help and stay safe!
  13. I my weights look a little different, but the problem is not the transition from necklwr_g to neck_g but more the next transition from neck_g to head_g. I will play around with the weights for a little longer. @Stormie97 If this fails, could I maybe ask you to take a look at the weights? Thx and stay safe!
  14. Thanks to both of you. I tried the short way of @Stormie97. Worked kind of well. My weighting is still off. I was trying to fix especially the neck_g weighting, see the attached picture. The neck is having a kink if one uses a 1 handed melee weapon. After several tries over the last week, I was still not able to fix it.
  15. Hey quick question for the last category of areas like the Hawk, Malachor etc. Do you already have artistic sources from the movies as a guide to recreate them? Also will this fantastic pack include skyboxes and hull textures for the harbinger and hawk?