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Everything posted by DarthParametric

  1. There should be no reason that a split between torso/left arm/right arm as individual meshes is required as such. The model will animate identically regardless of whether it is one mesh or twenty, as long as the verts are all weighted the same. I suspect it is more an artefact of their production pipeline than any inherent requirement of the engine. As to smoothing groups/normals, the only limitation of the MDL format is that there must be a 1:1 relationship between geometry verts and texture verts. It seems like NWMax exports smoothing group data correctly, so there should be no reason why MDLOps couldn't compile models with smoothing across UV seams at least. Theoretically that should extend to physically separate meshes sharing vert co-ords as well, but I'm not sure if that is necessarily the case in practice.
  2. You'd have to re-weight the mesh, but one solution would be to split the mesh at any point where you want a seam and merge any pieces you want to have unified smoothing. So cut off the little bits of upper arm and join them to the main arm meshes.
  3. The one by ChAiNz.2da uses a Disguise. I know there was a bug in K1 that caused your character to be permanently assigned that appearance if you wore the outfit when you did the underwater suit section on Manaan (as that is also a Disguise). You can probably fix it by editing the save in KSE and changing the Appearance value back to whatever it was originally. For example P_FEM_C_SML_03 or P_MAL_C_SML_05 (I think Scout is the small one). Use this chart to see which head you picked - http://dpimages.wheb.org/K1_Player_Heads_K1.jpg - and match the race and number to the available values in KSE. There are three different body sizes, small, medium, and large, depending on starting class. Soldier is large, like I said I think Scout is small, which leaves Scoundrel as medium. Someone else can either confirm or correct (although to be honest I never really noticed much difference, so it probably doesn't matter greatly).
  4. DarthParametric


    Ah. you just want the skin, not the hair. I thought you were just swapping the whole texture. In that case, yeah, you'll need details to be manually touched up.
  5. You'd need to rename the model to the same name as whatever body model you wanted to replace, and/or edit the appropriate entries in appearance.2da. As I mentioned earlier, the Revan/Starforge robes model (PMBJ) is a popular choice as it is the least used body model. You might want to look into some tutorials on how body models are controlled. Here are a couple to get you started: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=148638 http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=204740
  6. DarthParametric


    Interesting. Where exactly are you getting these strips where the texture doesn't cover? Looking at the models, there are some slight variations in the head meshes, both in geometry and UVs, but I can't see anything obviously wrong (aside from some mild texture distortion that would be covered by the hood) when transplanting the other texture to the regular head. Not seeing any gaps/untextured strips. Can you post some pics? An alternative to Sith Holocron's approach would be to do the swap via editing the appearance.2da. Going further, you could split out the heads so that you could then freely use either on either body (or give her the ability to wear regular clothes/armour, as I did once). That would allow for a seamless swap between the 2-handed and 1-handed versions on Pergaus.
  7. It doesn't have a head. It's just a body model. And as I said, you'd have to replace an existing player body model if you want to use it as a regular item. You can't add new models outside of disguises.
  8. It's not quite as simple as that with unique body models. There's no way to get Bandon's outfit as a standard armour/robe item unless you replace one of the existing player body models. The most common approach is to replace the Revan/Starforge robes model, PMBJ, seeing as it is only used for those 2 items. Otherwise you have to go the Disguise route, but the problem with that for body models that don't include a helmet/head covering that you either won't have a head, or you'll have someone else's head. Unless you do something like I did with the Jolee robes mode for TSL and create a separate appearance.2da entry and item for every single player head.
  9. DarthParametric


    Looks like the robe is equipped via k_donrobe.ncs. It's in both STUNT_56a_s.rim and STUNT_57_s.rim. The STUNT_56a_s.rim version is: void main() { object object1 = CreateItemOnObject("g_a_jedirobe01", GetFirstPC(), 1); AssignCommand(GetFirstPC(), ActionUnequipItem(GetItemInSlot(1, OBJECT_SELF), 0)); AssignCommand(GetFirstPC(), ActionEquipItem(object1, 1, 1)); } And the STUNT_57_s.rim version is: void main() { object object1 = CreateItemOnObject("g_a_jedirobe01", GetFirstPC(), 1); ActionUnequipItem(GetItemInSlot(1, OBJECT_SELF), 0); ActionEquipItem(object1, 1, 1); } It would be easy enough to replace it with something else, like the Revan robes for instance, but I'm not sure about keeping whatever the player had previously. Some script gurus might have to chime in on that.
  10. Didn't Team Gizka pull some stuff that was only in the Xbox version for use in TSLRP? Did the TSLRCM team do anything in that regard?
  11. I think I still have the Xbox discs for TSL somewhere....
  12. I'd post it as your own mod rather than making people go to Mediafire. Then just post a link in here when it is approved. My mod is set up to use 4 different textures with race-specific skin tints on the hands, DP_JediHermit001 to DP_JediHermit004. 001 is Asian, 002, is Black, 003 is Caucasian, and 004 is Hispanic. I also have them as DDS (http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/536-bioware-tga-to-dds-converter/) so you may want to consider doing that as well if you want them as a straight overwrite of my files.
  13. The UVs are unchanged, so it would be compatible. You should post it as an alternative. The only thing is that I have 4 race variants for the different skin colour on the hands.
  14. Yes, it's to reduce overhead for the Xbox1 the game was designed to run on. Still, even on modern PCs the game will sometimes crash if you try to force shadows on a mesh with too many polys.
  15. Yeah there are 2 versions of it. There's n_darkjlowm (which this mod uses) that is basically just the Jolee mesh with the shoulder pads, hood, and loin cloth removed, plus some physical alterations like the front of the "skirt" widened and the trousers tucked into the boots. Then there's n_darkjmidm which adds shoulder pads and a belt thing across the chest. And as I mentioned in the description, TSL also added female versions of those meshes. I just took those, renamed them, and hex edited the texture names to point to my custom texture. Edit: Looking at the original Jolee model again, I realise my undershirt texture ended up a bit too orange looking. Need to bring it back to a more yellowy colour I guess.
  16. Exporting an ASCII model from Max/GMax is the same for lightsabers as any other model, it's the compiling where the difference is. You need to use the Replacer function, taking a vanilla binary model and replacing the hilt mesh with the one from your ASCII model. There were various tutorials that popped up over the years at Lucasforums. While this one is primarily concerned with converting models between games, it covers the same basic steps, and it is under a decade old (so still has functional pics) - http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=211192
  17. File Name: Jedi Hermit Robes File Submitter: DarthParametric File Submitted: 24 Jan 2016 File Category: Skins TSLRCM Compatible: Yes Some of the Dark Jedi/Sith Assassin robes in TSL were repurposed versions of Jolee Bindo’s model from K1. Because the original model and texture for Jolee’s robes weren’t included in TSL, and due to issues concerning porting content from one game to the other, this mod adds a retinted version of the TSL Dark Jedi/Sith Assassin robes to approximate the original look of Jolee’s robes in K1. Note that this does not include the lowered hood like the K1 version, as that was physically removed from the mesh. However, one bonus is that TSL added a female version of the mesh, so this is available for both male and female characters. Because of restrictions with the way body models in KOTOR work, the only way to add the model without replacing an entire class of existing clothes/armour/robe models is as a disguise. The problem with the disguise functionality is that is replaces the entire body, including the head. In order to show a head, a separate appearance is required for every single player and party member head. In other words, each version of the item will show a specific head, regardless of whatever head you usually have. The item name references which particular head it will show, so choose the one that matches your regular head. Refer to the player head reference chart or check your head ID in KSE. Note that this only includes vanilla heads. If you use a custom head mod then you will need to modify the head ID value in one of the added appearance.2da rows to point to your custom head’s heads.2da ID. The item has the base stats of a Jedi Master Robe and is upgradeable. INSTALLATION Extract the archive and run TSLPatcher to install. Add the robes to your inventory via KSE or console command. There are 40 versions of the item to cover all player/party heads. Simply add whichever are appropriate. Item use is restricted by player, sex, and party member, as appropriate. KNOWN BUGS/ISSUES Both the TSL and original versions of the model have some issues with backface clipping of the "skirt" polys that cause some shading errors. This is an inherent issue in the model and not due to anything this mod does. It simply uses a hex edited version of the original models, they are otherwise untouched. Trying to fix it would probably cause more trouble than it would solve. Visas's head has a lot of clipping issues around the neck. Nothing I can do about that without making a whole other Visas head, which I have no real desire to do. While the robe is upgradeable, in the Workbench rotating display it shows a commoner clothes model. I don't think this is resolvable because of the way the mod works. It adds two new entries to baseitems.2da, but it has to specify a pre-existing Body Variation (B in this case, clothing). I can't get it to show the Jolee robes model without replacing one of the base body types, which would defeat the whole point of going the disguise route. While I did some basic testing to ensure that the items were equippable and didn't cause any crashes, the mod has not had any proper testing. Thus, I am releasing it here as a DS exclusive beta in the hope that some of you lot will play guinea pig. As an additional note, the texture is not very good, basically just a quick and dirty colour overlay of the TSL texture. If anyone wants to do a proper version then by all means feel free to volunteer. Also, I think I got all the heads, but let me know if I missed any. Player head ID guide if required: Click here to download this file
  18. Version Beta 1


    Some of the Dark Jedi/Sith Assassin robes in TSL were repurposed versions of Jolee Bindo’s model from K1. Because the original model and texture for Jolee’s robes weren’t included in TSL, and due to issues concerning porting content from one game to the other, this mod adds a retinted version of the TSL Dark Jedi/Sith Assassin robes to approximate the original look of Jolee’s robes in K1. Note that this does not include the lowered hood like the K1 version, as that was physically removed from the mesh. However, one bonus is that TSL added a female version of the mesh, so this is available for both male and female characters. Because of restrictions with the way body models in KOTOR work, the only way to add the model without replacing an entire class of existing clothes/armour/robe models is as a disguise. The problem with the disguise functionality is that is replaces the entire body, including the head. In order to show a head, a separate appearance is required for every single player and party member head. In other words, each version of the item will show a specific head, regardless of whatever head you usually have. The item name references which particular head it will show, so choose the one that matches your regular head. Refer to the player head reference chart or check your head ID in KSE. Note that this only includes vanilla heads. If you use a custom head mod then you will need to modify the head ID value in one of the added appearance.2da rows to point to your custom head’s heads.2da ID. The item has the base stats of a Jedi Master Robe and is upgradeable. INSTALLATION Extract the archive and run TSLPatcher to install. Add the robes to your inventory via KSE or console command. There are 40 versions of the item to cover all player/party heads. Simply add whichever are appropriate. Item use is restricted by player, sex, and party member, as appropriate. KNOWN BUGS/ISSUES Both the TSL and original versions of the model have some issues with backface clipping of the "skirt" polys that cause some shading errors. This is an inherent issue in the model and not due to anything this mod does. It simply uses a hex edited version of the original models, they are otherwise untouched. Trying to fix it would probably cause more trouble than it would solve. While the robe is upgradeable, in the Workbench rotating display it shows a commoner clothes model. I don't think this is resolvable because of the way the mod works. It adds two new entries to baseitems.2da, but it has to specify a pre-existing Body Variation (B in this case, clothing). I can't get it to show the Jolee robes model without replacing one of the base body types, which would defeat the whole point of going the disguise route. While I did some basic testing to ensure that the items were equippable and didn't cause any crashes, the mod has not had any proper testing. Thus, I am releasing it here as a DS exclusive beta in the hope that some of you lot will play guinea pig. As an additional note, the texture is not very good, basically just a quick and dirty colour overlay of the TSL texture. If anyone wants to do a proper version then by all means feel free to volunteer. Also, I think I got all the heads, but let me know if I missed any.
  19. That would be an issue with the blade planes I would think. Are you using MDLOps 0.5 and the Replacer function? Just replace the hilt mesh, not the blade planes.
  20. That doesn't actually solve the problem. The underlying cause is a bug Aspyr introduced into the Steam version.
  21. I just did a test install of it. It works fine here: Whatever that problem is it must be something on your end. Have you tried adding the items to a save where you hadn't previously gotten them? Just start a fresh game, save as soon as you get free of the intro cutscene, and add them via KSE. Load it up and see if it still happens.
  22. They wrongly implemented the TSLPatcher setup. Go to where you extracted the mod, go to the tslpatchdata folder, open changes.ini in a text editor like Notepad. Go the section labelled [install_folder0] and delete the row "File0=appearance.2da". Save it and close. In the tslpatchdata folder, delete the existing appearance.2da and replace it with this one: http://dpmods.wheb.org/files/kotor/misc/Vanilla_K1_Appearance.zip Check the "backup" folder in the mod's base directory (where TSLPatcher.exe is) and if there is an appearance.2da there then move that to your game's Override folder, overwriting the one that is there. If there is no 2DA in the backup folder, then just delete the one in the Override folder. Then run TSLPatcher again.
  23. First, Jesus, good luck with that lot. I'd advise doing it in stages, not all at once. Start with anything that puts major files like 2DAs in the Override folder without using TSLPatcher. If you have mods like that that use the same file, you'll need to create your own custom merges, or convert them to use TSLPatcher instead. Second: 37. Droid 3 ModDB by XediiXarwarz does this retexture HK? <retexure, requires Xnview to install> 41. K1_DP_HK_Droid Nexus Mods by XediiXarwarz after K1 NPC Overhaul <retextures HK> HK SWTOR-Style is by me (not XediiXarwarz). It completely replaces HK with a new model. Simple retextures of the vanilla model won't affect it, but it is not compatible with any mods that edit HK's entry in appearance.2da (unless my mod is installed afterwards, in which case it will overwrite whatever was there previously).
  24. I'm easy, as long as someone else deals with all the scripting, etc. It's no big deal to split the model into basic and kitted out versions.