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Everything posted by DarthParametric

  1. You people sure do love to bloat request threads with off-topic discussions..... Is there any established canon form for masks for either the Beks or Vulkars? I couldn't find anything with a quick search, although I know in SWTOR their Vulkar outfit comes with racing goggles - http://torf.mmo-fashion.com/black-vulkar-swooper/ The problem with KOTOR is the lack of an easy way to hide the head when equipping full helmets, so unless you want something for a specific head you'll probably have to go with something akin to the existing face masks if you want to cover the whole face. I always hated how they looked personally, but there isn't much in the way of other options, aside from some sort of goggle and breath mask combo maybe.
  2. There is no pre-existing one that I am aware of, aside from an extremely basic reskin someone did of a Twi'lek (which looks nothing like a Togruta). The likelihood of someone modelling one from scratch for you is extremely low. Edit: I see you posted a pic of a Togruta head in K1 over on Reddit. I had forgotten all about that one. From memory it was a half-assed port of a Jedi Knight/Jedi Academy mod which was done without the original author's permission. I believe this JKA mod was the source, but it was itself ported from someone else's JKO mod. Anyone wanting to use that as a source would need to secure proper permission from all the authors to use it first.
  3. I've done a little bit on it, a first pass at getting the Duros head into the game as a player selectable head. The source head is kind of a mess though, still needs a bunch of fixes. Haven't done anything about the hat as yet. I've been busy with work, so not sure when I'll get around to it.
  4. Tsk tsk VP, you didn't credit that one. The original author is Master-Cyrus on DA - http://master-cyrus.deviantart.com/art/Mission-vs-Bastila-198581567
  5. For the body, I'd suggest that PMBG would be a pretty solid basis to start from. Remove the torso pouches and reshape the breastplate a bit and you are most of the way there.
  6. Looking at the files, the K1 Duros model and textures are present in TSL (along with some additions), so there is no issue with making a version for both games. It's a single body model, so the head would have to be split off and set up for use as a selectable standalone head. I figure the original body sans head could also be used as the underwear and/or clothes model, seeing as it has non-human hands. Regarding the specifics of Cad Bane, I think the hat would have to be a separate item. If you included it as part of the head model you'd get some pretty nasty clipping in the opening scenes of both games, not to mention it would look weird wearing a hat in the kolto tank in TSL. It would be easy enough to add it as a player-only mask/helmet item.
  7. Our dark mistress returns from the shadows.
  8. There's no universal standard of difficulty for modding. Some games, like those with an SDK/toolkit, facilitate modding more so than others, but that doesn't necessarily make modding such games "easier". If you don't know how to model, how easy it is to get new models into a game is kind of irrelevant. That said, KOTOR does have a slew of various hurdles that make certain things difficult or even impossible. And the nature of the engine and quirks of the tools also make certain tasks tedious. I wouldn't say that things take longer than other games though, necessarily, depending on what it is you are comparing. I'd be cautious about what you read in certain parts of the internet. There is plenty of spurious info around. If you want to learn, pick a target to focus on. What are you interested in? Do you want to play around with models, textures, items/equipment, dialogues, characters/NPCs, levels/areas, quests, etc.? What skills do you already have?
  9. It's not everything, but this is probably as good as you are going to get: https://web.archive.org/web/20150905055154/http://www.lucasforums.com/forumdisplay.php?f=321
  10. You can use sub-folders in the Override folder for TSL, but it is not recommended because it merely exacerbates the potential for conflicts with other mods.
  11. This would probably be as good a starting place as any - http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/4501-kotortsl-model-format-mdlmdx-technical-details/
  12. If you haven't already got one, get a security key (you can get an app for your phone). That will grant you a free 100 Cartel Coins each month. The Dromund Kaas and Coruscant strongholds are something like 5 Cartel Coins each. The Bounty Contract Week is running again as of yesterday. That's a useful thing to get experience and credits, plus reputation for that vendor. If you can have someone come help you out, you could easily burn through your class quests in a day or two.
  13. If you want to earn credits, Flashpoints aren't the way to go about it. Heroics are the current cash cow. I'd focus on levelling your character first before anything else.
  14. The usual sort of thing, pacing, characterisation, etc. How much of it was warranted and how much was just executive meddling is hard to say. Regardless, I thought the guy they parachuted in to fix it was an odd choice. http://www.theverge.com/2017/1/15/14268850/star-wars-rogue-one-reshoots-disney-gareth-edwards-tony-gilroy
  15. I believe this is a request for advice, so it probably belongs up one level in the general sub-forum. Oooh, sneaky stealth move. You'd have to edit animations.2da I would think. A quick skim shows there are 36 flurry rows: 4 different styles (single wield, dual wield, double ended, unarmed) with 9 rows each, consisting of 3 damage animations, 3 parry animations, and 3 "perform" animations (regular swings I guess).
  16. Your error message is probably a missing icon. KSE chucks a fit when it finds items with no icon. Otherwise, some other issue it flakes out over, like item type. Your in-game issue doesn't sound like something that simply adding an item should cause. What else have you been messing with?
  17. You'd have to secure permission from Sithspecter to modify his Revan's Flowing Cape and Belt Fix mod and use that as a basis. There is no other practical option.
  18. The lack of a proper Star Wars soundtrack, outside of maybe 30 seconds of cues (mostly for Vader) and the end credits really negatively impacted the feel and impact of it. There's a reason why the pre-screenings of A New Hope with no music that Lucas did for the likes of Spielberg were so heavily criticised. The John Williams score is Star Wars. If this is what we have to look forward to in the post-Williams era then ugh. At the very least they should never hire whatever guy scored Rogue One again. In a similar vein, the lack of an opening crawl was stupid. I get that on both fronts they were trying to disassociate the movie from the mainline series, but if ever a Star Wars movie needed an introductory blurb to explain things to confused casual moviegoers, this was it. I agree. My guess is the first half of the movie underwent significant changes during editing/reshoots. Gerrera in particular seems like he may have had his entire part revised/reshot, judging by footage from early teasers. The end result is that Jyn's back story seems to have been so heavily pared-down/altered (likely for running time) that I think they may have been better off just removing most of it altogether. The scenes on Eadu were far too contrived for my tastes, what with everyone conveniently converging at once. They could have combined Galen's message and death into a single event and cut out Eadu altogether. The scenes on Vjun (I think? I don't believe they actually said) were also unnecessary. The Vader reveal would have been best left to the scene at the end. Speaking of which, I didn't like the Tantive IV being present. It would have made much more sense for the data to have been relayed remotely. Leia's "diplomatic mission" cover story to Vader at the beginning of ANH now doesn't make much sense when Vader literally killed half her crew and watched them fly away a few minutes/hours earlier.
  19. There are two sets of non-player robe models for Jedi NPCs, N_JediMemM/F and N_JediCounM/F. The latter are pretty similar to the existing player PMBI/PFBI robes, and the former similar to Bastila's robes. A simple appearance.2da edit could enable either to be swapped for the existing player robe model, although both only have 3 texture variants, versus the four of PMBI/PFBI, so you'd need to double one of those up.
  20. Could be what they termed vista objects in Eclipse. Low poly models outside the play area for distant objects on the horizon like mountains, forests, buildings, etc.
  21. You don't need to be a "tech wizard", nor have an expensive system. The most important tools are free, both the software and, more importantly, the information. The internet is a dangerous place. These days pretty much every site, including this one right here, is a potential vector for attack. Basically every website these days serves up 3rd party content with pretty much zero oversight or vetting. See, for example, major sites like the New York Times and the BBC unwittingly serving up malware to potentially billions of users. In modding circles, the Nexus suffered exactly the same thing just recently. It's only going to get worse as time goes on.
  22. The mod didn't give you any problems. It was the website. There is nothing wrong with the archive. It doesn't contain any executables, just models and textures. It's not infected with anything. Here's a scan of it: https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/1de772b7471b2afeb799d6e48cb19c0dfe79b78723c4484f2a96fb516ff660c6/analysis/1483079629/ Your problem is you don't use an adblocker or script blocker, and your anti-virus is useless bloatware. Thus you got hit with a drive-by attack.
  23. It's hosted on Mediafire, right? Is it the archive, or is the page itself injecting something through your browser (likely via malware-laden ads)?
  24. http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/889-kotorblender/