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Status Updates posted by Reztea

  1. Count Dookie!

  2. hi, i am still alive

  3. period ahh period ugh

    1. Reztea


      i was drunk. my apologies

  4. I just realized I joined this site when I was 14... WOW LOL time flies

    1. Mutilator57


      Hahahaha, 13 for me!

    2. LDR


      I was 12. 😅

  5. Replaying KoTOR: II for the 65456444235675459th time 

    1. Reztea


      Still playing as a light-sided guardian, I need to go evil for once

    2. LoneWanderer


      How did you manage to play for so many years without succumbing to the dark side and killing Vrook? 😇

    3. Reztea


      *Steps in years later* I have no idea! I hated him in both games still don't have the guts to do it 🤧, I might just save him for Dantooine's rebuilt enclave gatherine scene

  6. Hi! :)

    1. Effix
    2. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Holy cow.  Two status updates in a year.  That's breaking your established record, isn't it?

    3. Reztea


      LOL! It sure is! I'm very proud of myself and this achievement :laughing:

  7. *Dusts off the cobwebs on this account* Hi! Just finished my college semester lol

  8. You can only imagine the overwhelming happiness that flowed through me when my cousin called me and told that Knights Of The Old Republic 1 is getting an official remake, not remaster, REMAKE... Been playing and replaying this game since I was 5 years old, and still at 22 years old, I'm seriously hoping this remake doesn't disappoint. I'm so here for it and the new wave of fans and attention this remake will introduce. They better NOT make too changes to the interface though! Kinda want this to remain homely.

    1. djh269


      It'll be a kick in the teeth to the community if it's a PS5 exclusive though

    2. Reztea


      I read somewhere that it'll be available for PC a few months after PS5 release. Bummer, but better than nothing

  9. Has no one picked up on the Revenge of Revan mod yet? Because it looks very interesting...

    1. N-DReW25


      In terms of development, no, while a few have the original plot docs Logan did not release his complete dev package, unfortunately, meaning only the ROR Demo is in our possession. Some of us, including myself, have used content from the Demo to repurpose them in other mods.

    2. N-DReW25


      Update: I am now a Writer for the Revenge of Revan mod 🤣

  10. I really need to be more active on this platform. Maybe go bump a thread again LOL XD

  11. Holy moly! I thought I joined Deadlystream in July!! 😠 I was planning to do a big recruitment mod project and have it released on my three year anniversary! Oh well, I'm still making it.

    1. ebmar


      Is it for KotOR or TSL?

    2. Reztea
  12. Developing a new KoTOR 2 recruitment mod... this will also expand the Atris' mod, and this will also give more usage toward the 3C-FD droid.

    1. N-DReW25


      3C-FD the droid from the prologue? And how will this work without complicating TSLRCM's files?

  13. Goal: Become really famous, and expose the new generation to the amazingness known as the KoTOR franchise. Finguhz CRAWSED! 2018!

    1. N-DReW25


      Fidget Spinner Kotor 2018...No thanks.

    2. Reztea


      Who cares? I'd buy it.

  14. Here I am... thinking I was done with Modding forever, silly me!

  15. Thinking doing some added content for KoTOR I where you can take down the Sith Quarantine on Taris and still be able to travel back there. Hm.....

    1. Whyp


      That would require a LOT of tweaking with the story, dialogue, characters, cutscenes... EVERYTHING... It isn't worth the change.

    2. Reztea


      No longer allowing Taris to be able to travel back to, just a fun little expansion to Taris now.

    3. Whyp


      It's still a good idea though.

  16. Looking back at old 2005-2010 posts about Atris' cut content and people wishing it was restored makes me a tad bit emotional... Knowing they've likely moved on and won't see it. *ignore me, it's about to be 1 am and I'm in my feelings*

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      You could always promote your mod on the KOTOR Subreddit and get some newer folks.

    2. jc2


      Yeah, I can see how that might bother you. But mabye some of them will come back in the years to come?

  17. The Recruitment Of Master Atris 3.0 has officially been released! Enjoy the mod!!

  18. Atris recruitment mod 3.0 is about to be released... After this I'm not even TOUCHING KoTOR until Apeiron is released... goodness!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. N-DReW25


      Well better dig Kotor a grave because you have a better chance of porting being legalised than apeiron

    3. Reztea


      Okay, then here's a correction to satisfy both of you.



      Atris recruitment mod 3.0 is about to be released... After this I'm not even TOUCHING KotOR until Apeiron is released or taken down by Disney... goodness!

    4. jc2


      ahahahha! The Apeiron hate train is real! But I'm glad you've almost completed the third update of your atris recruit mod.

  19. My first warning point! I feel so accomplished.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. djh269


      I was crying with laughter when I saw how early it was also hahahaha.

    3. jc2


      It was rather humorous, but we all make mistakes. Now you know what's up with the forum rules. FYI if you really want to bump your thread just make a status update asking people to check it out and leave a link to it.

    4. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      C'mon guys. Let's not be mean. The point is made.

  20. Atris mod is going great! :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. jc2


      Hey Reztea, how's it coming with the Atris mod?

    3. Reztea


      How does COMPLETED and UPDATED sound? ;)

    4. jc2


      Mmm, that may sound.. Awesome! XD