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Everything posted by Kexikus

  1. Yeah, but the ISS is somewhat smaller than Citadel Station xD But yeah, it would certainly not be wrong to place it higher up but I think it looks better this way. I'll try to add these. We'll see what happens^^ Well, the station merging into the planet texture was probably an effect created by the cloud layer above the station that gave the impression of a translucent station. But the station layer(s) is actually on 100% opacity already. And I know that this merging can have unwanted effects but I think I can handle those if necessary (hopefully...)
  2. Thanks for the suggestions The atmosphere thing: The station is actually not aligned with the planet, it's just really hard to see because the part that stands out is almost black just like the surroundings. And the atmosphere glow has to go further out as the station doesn't seem to be THAT high. The height that is suggested by the picture I linked seems unrealistic to me. But you're right about the clouds, those should probably be below the station. I'll also try and figure out a way on how to reduce the uniformity by adding multiple layers of depth as well as some bright lights that can be seen from orbit. As a sidenote here: The red-ish lines on the night side of the station are supposed to be city lights, but I guess they're just to uniform and dense to properly create that effect, so I'll try and make less but better looking lights. Thanks again for your input and please keep it coming^^
  3. Not sure if I understand your suggestion correctly. I made a new layer, selected the shape of my station and filled it with 100% opacity in grey, then I took the many layers that make up the station, merged them into one layer, placed it above my new layer and set it to Overlay/Hard Light. But all that did was that the entire station got brighter or darker depending on the color I used for the new layer. Maybe that's the point of this procedure, but if it's not please elaborate Also, do you have a suggestion on how to efficiently create the pipes and the grid?
  4. A few months ago I had been working on a mod to replace all the low quality backdrops seen in TSL space scenes with higher resolution textures. And I actually finished the mod except for one backdrop and that's Telos as seen from space during the final battle. Here is what it currently looks like: The planet itself looks quite good I would say but Citadel station looks horrible. It's okay when seen from further away as seen in this screenshot: but in the scene on the bridge of the republic ship, you see it from much closer (which doesn't make any sense, so I might actually end up changing that...) so I need it to look good in any case. And this is where I need help. I really suck at making textures from scratch so I need some help with creating Citadel station for this texture. Here's a link to what it looks like in vanilla for comparison.
  5. The point of a new soundset is that it adds a new set of sounds that includes ALL "voices" for the player. If you choose to use this new soundset, it would not mix with an existing one but replace all player sounds.
  6. That would still require the game to reset all global variables and more difficult enemies. But it should be possible to do.
  7. I can't help you with the local booleans, but your other question I can answer: When the trigger fires (and starts the cutscene) this is done by a script. So in order to not have the cutscene triggered again this script will either have a condition that has to be met to start the cutscene (which might be related to the local booleans of the trigger) or the script will simply destroy the trigger object so that at a later point there no longer is a trigger that could start the cutscene.
  8. Good luck with the texture. The fire looks great Although I have to admitt it's not really typical Star Wars stuff. But I don't mind a new touch on Star Wars holographic decorations so it's fine.
  9. A trigger is an object in the module that runs a script whenever something enters its area. I might be wrong about that and it only fires the script when the player enters but I don't think so. Anyway, the script will always be fired so every trigger is repeatable by itself. In order to make it not repeatable, you can either destroy the trigger at the end of the script that was fired or simply have a condition in the beginning of the script (like VariableX == 0) and then set VariableX to 1 in the script so that the next time the script is called, the condition is no longer fulfilled. In that case, you could use another script to reactivate the trigger by setting VariableX to 0 again.
  10. The Dejarik tables look really weird. I think it's simply that they're too big. In vanilla (and in real life), tables of that size are used for groups of people sitting together and enjoying a drink, some food and maybe some Sabacc while a Dejarik table is basically only for two people and thus is much smaller. So I'd really not go with that idea, or if you really want to, make the Dejarik field smaller than the table itself so that it's only in the middle while the outer part can be used for other things.
  11. I think you need to use CreateItem scripts for it to work. If I understand it correctly, GiveItem does not actually create the item and so there's no pop up.
  12. AFAIK, it simply appears whenever an item is placed in the players inventory by the game itself and not by a player action like looting or buying.
  13. Currently sitting in the line for celebration europe. it's 1 am and I've been sitting here for 5 hours. And the wristbands will be handed out in another 5 hours. Really fun being here though :)

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Have fun and take pictures!

    2. Squall Lionhart

      Squall Lionhart

      Don't forget to share now

    3. Kexikus


      Thanks :) Rogue One was great!!! But I'm not taking too many pictures during panels since I prefer just enjoying The show

  14. I'm pretty sure there was a mod that did exactly what you suggest on filefront. I can't remember its name though but checking the archived filefront website as well as nexusmods might help you find it. This is not supposed to stop you from making your own version, I just wanted to let you know that this already exists (I think).
  15. WoW! Now I'm really curious how this is going to work^^ Can't wait to see this ship in action
  16. I don't know. Depends on how his mod works. If it edits Juhanis line in the 2da file it should work, if it edits Juhanis .utc files it won't.
  17. Sith Holocron is right. I need to make sure every line is final before contacting actors since there will be many many lines and this requires me to write them and have them tested by several people first. And this will take at least a few months. But once I'm there I might come back to your suggestions @jc2: Yes, both the DS and the LS ending have new outcomes depending on Juhanis stance. I did all the necessary scenes and from this point of view the mod is done. For more on what's left to be done read this post.
  18. Yeah, that's a pretty incomplete model used for those cutscenes. It's really just the bridge and a small portion of the corridor leading up to it but not enough for a whole level especially since the corridors end in space.
  19. Also, the Starforge or Taris is a single texture that is not actually part of the sky background. So you'd just need to replace that one texture with a custom fully transparent one.
  20. Glad you like it Now, if you reread my original post in this thread you'll notice how I state that the Dantooine scene is done except for voice overs and lipsync. Those certainly will be added to the mod but as the very last thing once everything is working properly. But I won't use spliced dialogue as you suggested. I originally tried that and it might work for the Dantooine scene but overall there are just way too many new lines for this to work in even a semi decent way. I'll have to find a voice actree for Juhani instead (see the rest of the thread).
  21. Actually, there are rules available and they might even be official. I think they are from a mini dejarik table that once was available but I'm not sure about that Part. The rules do exist though.
  22. Agreed. Nar Shaddaa really needs those neon advertisements Actually, I'd suggest you look into the whole "placing models in modules" thing for yourself as it really gets much easier to perfect the look of something if you can make it yourself compared to having to ask someone to redo it again and again (from my experience at least) and the model placement isn't that hard AFAIK^^ Really? I can't even remember those on Onderon^^ But you're right that this should make things far easier. And I agree that there should be a sign just as you described it. But I'm sure Jorak can find spots for dancer holos as well.
  23. For advertisement outside of the cantina this would be true but if you look at cantinas in SWTOR you'll notice that pretty much every single one of them has 3d holographic Twi'lek dancers and not just 2d planes. And those are what I was talking about in my post.
  24. Yeah, hologramm dancers are exactly what I'd expect in a cheap Nar Shaddaa cantina. As for how to make them, you'd need a model for some kind of base that has to be placed either by editing the .git or some script (probably the OnEnter script) and the dancing character that also has to be added with the same method and that also needs to dance. For the character itself you'd just need a new .uti with the female Twi'lek dancer appearance and it's hologramm setting set to on, so that at least shouldn't be too hard^^ Not sure how adding them to the module is done properly though :/
  25. Isn't version v2.00 of TSL the latest version of the game with all patches?