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Everything posted by Kexikus

  1. That's actually incorrect for some reason. I learned that when I tried to fix the second party member spawning in the middle of the Korriban academy when you enter it and it is hostile. And the vanilla OnEnter script used GetPartyMemberByIndex(1) and GetPartyMemberByIndex(2) to teleport the entrance the player comes from. This however didn't work. Only when I changed the indices to 0 and 1 it did. Without looking at the module itself, stunt modules usually use waypoints to position their characters. So instead of adding a new script, you could just move the waypoints inside the cockpit to have them appear there. Then you'd of course need to add some script that makes Mission and Canderous sit down but that still seems easier than teleporting all characters.
  2. I spent the last days iterating over dozens of versions for the Onderonian sky. And here's the current result, also showing the updated lightmap for the palace, using the sun position provided by DarthParametric: And here's another view down into the city: And just for fun, here's an animation showing some of the iterations I went through: The really dark ones in the middle were probably the closest to the vanilla skybox but in the end I decided to go with a brighter sky as that works better with the sun position and area lighting. As always, I might still tweak that skybox but I think I'll let it rest for now while I work on one of the others.
  3. Well, NWMax is actually compatible with the latest 3ds Max. But I'd suggest using the much newer and better tools that bead-v created: MDLEdit and KOTORMax. Use those instead of MDLOps and NWMax and you should be fine.
  4. The most recent news we have on the release of the new M4-78 EP version is still this post. That post is from October and says: "It'll be released soon." Seems like this is Blizzards definition of soon
  5. That's exactly what TSLPatcher is for. It will edit the file that's already in your Override instead of just replacing it. Overriding them would cause all the changes from prievously installed mods to be lost and thus break all of those mods. Keeping both won't do anything as TSL will read only the file with the correct name. So usually TSLPatcher should sort this out. If it doesn't, then you either have to skip one of the mods or merge them manually. The latter is of course only possible if the two mods are compatible. And you always need all the files from a mod and you need to have them installed according to the read-me. We don't just throw in a bunch of files that are unnecessary
  6. That's usually the correct of doing installations, yes as manual installation mods usually only replace textures or something similar and thus should be installed after the more complicated mods to ensure that they don't replace their files. However, if you have one (or a very small number) of more complex mods (e.g. 2da edits or utc edits) that do not use TSLPatcher simply because it didn't exist at the time, you may want to install those first so that your installer mods can patch the files from these mods.
  7. While I disagree with your reasoning, I do agree that having to vote in every category is rather annoying as that forced me to vote in a category where I didn't know any of the contenders (IIRC it was actually the WIP category).
  8. Where did you get those from? The model files? That noise is just the render/atmosphere quality setting and/or the anti-aliasing being set too low. Increasing these values will remove the noise but also increase the render time which is why I'm not doing that for testing.
  9. Great idea! The waterlilies still seem somewhat out of place to me though. I think their texture is too uniform/flat compared to the style of other textures around them.
  10. Maybe use a square texture instead? 512x512 with 4x4 frames. Not sure why that would be better, but I feel like it's something that KotOR would like.
  11. No, I don't think so. If you look at the shadow of that column thing on the left, it's going pretty much in the direction of the camera. If the lighting were like you described it, it should go to the right. The palace would look better if it were lit closer to what you described, so maybe I'll tweak it to get a little closer to that, but I'll have to see. Random question: Is it possible to get the ingame sun position somehow, i.e. the light direction that's used for the dynamic shadows?
  12. The palace is now lightmaped although I'll probably tweak that lightmap some more while working on it. And in the background you can also see a low quality version of my current clouds for Onderon. They're not quite what I want yet but I think I'm getting there.
  13. You can still download them by using the Wayback Machine on and entering the links milestails posted above.
  14. You don't compile nwscript.nss at all. Ideally you don't even modify it as nwscript.nss is just the basic script that's "included" in all scripts when they're compiled. So if you really need to make those changes to nwscript.nss, you need to drop it into your Override and then recompile EVERY other script that uses the relevant part of nwscript.nss.
  15. Well no. You don't change the ID number of the robe as that would create a new item. You only change the texture variation. And you name your texture with the same number that you use as the new texture variation.
  16. Yes. He did that on his Youtube channel after announcing it here on DS. But it doesn't seem to be archived on his channel.
  17. Setting the self-illum values to black fixed the issue. Thanks. No idea why the mat values are at mid-grey though. That is the same value used in the vanilla 504ond models though, so I'll probably keep it.
  18. And I'm stuck again. I tried adding lightmaps to my area model following Quanons tutorial. I noticed that I had to set the Aurora trimeshes to be "lightmapped" before rendering the texture but now I have a lightmap texture that looks pretty good. The problem is: It doesn't show ingame. I'm using MDLEdit and KOTORMax of course and they seem to handle lightmaps just fine when decompiling and recompiling a vanilla model. I even compared a decompiled vanilla model with my model and as far as I can tell, everything for the lightmap is present in my model. My files (Max scene, ASCII model, binary model and lightmap texture) are attached to this post and I'd appreciate any help in getting these to work. Lightmap
  19. As your character is only a background character that doesn't need to behave like an NPC you could even skip the ExecuteScript line and just use this: void main(){ AssignCommand(OBJECT_SELF, ActionPlayAnimation(####, 1.0, -1.0)); } OBJECT_SELF refers to the object running the script which would allow you to use the script on multiple characters without having to make a unique script calling the correct tag for each of them.
  20. You don't want to use the OnSpawn script as that's only fired the first time the character is spawned, i.e. when first entering the module. If you leave and come back later, it won't be fired again so your animation won't play either. So you'd probably use the OnHeartbeat script (I did for my Full Jedi Council mod and it worked out). And I don't know about the second question. Maybe they need a script that tells them to start attacking each other, but if I were to guess I'd say you're fine without them. Keeping the generic standard scripts wouldn't hurt though I guess.
  21. Force powers are possible. I've never made any but there are many mods that add them, so you could have a look at those to see how it's done. For scripting tutorials, you'll just have to search through these threads and/or look at sourcescripts from other mods. Also, Fair Strides once did a livestream where he gave an introduction into scripting, so that might be useful to you. Problem is I can't find it.
  22. Yes. (And make an edited version of the texture with the correct name for your new texture variation of course.)
  23. Then we're not talking about a new item. If you were to change tag, resref and filename you'd create a new item, so you don't want to do this here.
  24. Seems like a mod incompability or screwed up installation issue. But to have any chance of confirming this, please follow these instructions.
  25. That depends. Do you want to replace the original item with your new stats or do you want to create a new item so that both the original and the new one are available ingame?