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The_Revanchist last won the day on April 19 2016

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About The_Revanchist

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    I'm not really sure why this review exists, I didn't make it nor did I ever download this mod...
  1. After a decade, it might be intentional
  2. The_Revanchist

    Modern KOTOR

    Just now did I also notice "Only force-sensitive characters have lightsabers" Forget a large amount of what I said above
  3. The_Revanchist

    Modern KOTOR

    Personally, I think that the Vibrosword is pretty modern for the time period of KotOR *Mainly the cortosis ones but they're all like that in the game* as there had to be a way to fend off lightsabers especially in the Mandalorian/Jedi Civil wars as they arent exactly easy to get ahold of unless you're on a planet like Dantooine, Korriban, and others. Then again this is a mod so who am I judge this One quick recommendation from my general time-period point though is that maybe you do it so the Commando Sith Troopers carry lightsabers and the normal soldiers use Vibro-swords on occasion and blasters. As you'd probably know, it takes jedi a large amount of training to be able to effectivly wield a saber without chopping off a limb so it wouldnt make sense for a bunch of random normal soldiers swinging sabers at people Have a good day!
  4. Nice work on the leather-like texture as well as the fabric, they're both pretty distinct looking compared to the normal skin Keep up the good work!
  5. Pshhhh. just add Shems SEM mod and then its like comparing Bendaks upgraded blaster to the normal Fett Pistol
  6. Due to me suddenly strapping to SWTOR I never got to explore on Tat, but my best guess is that its in the Krayt Dragon cave or a Wicker Bin in the enclave *If I'm right I think I deserve a cookie for this* Very late response, I know
  7. Oh come on Rece, give us at least a hint of what planet the hidden one is on!
  8. Yep, sorry. Wasn't sure how people MIGHT react to posting links to a different mod site. But if I'm allowed to then I'll go get the links and add them in.
  9. Hello, I would like to publicly share this little list of mine of the best *in my opinion* KotOR Re-texture mods, Enhanced Texture mods, and a few sound mods! I take no credit for any of these mods. If you have any issues, consult the proper author! 1 Shem's Ultimate Sound Mod, which is also my favorite SOUND mods because it gives some more canon weapon sounds and makes the swords sound more real!(For KotOR 1 and TSL);64759 2 The Big Bad Sound Mod is a decent mod which is much like Shem's *and was also reviewed by Shem* but is just a secondary recommendation from me if you don't like the one above *or like this one better*!;85090 3 Weapon Model Overhaul Texture Rework is personally my top pick as it greatly re-textures just about EVERY weapon model so we don't have those smudgy textures 4 Quanon's Saber-hilt Pack helps get rid of the plain hilt and makes the hilts more unique depending on the crystals color 5 The Ultimate Mandalorian Mod which polishes all Mandalorian armor as well as adds 1 set of each on Taris with 19 defence.... you may remove this if you think its too powerful but be warned, as the Mandalorians on Dantooine are strutting this armor as well!;84477 6 KotOR 1 RCM, while not being a texture mod, it does a vast majority of bug fixes and re-adds cut content to further prolong your game-play *unless you don't like that* 7 Weapons of the Old Republic which not only changes the unique weapons textures/models *of companions, and some enemies* but also changes their stats as well as adds some to the game!;74001 8 K1 Prequel Robes which is an excellent mod which changes all the Jedi robes *and Sith of course* to look more like the robes from the movies *I like to compare them to Anikens robe in Episode 3* 9 The HK-47 Skin Pack is a lovely texture pack containing 5 different shiny new textures for our favorite "protocol" droid including Black, Darker, Shiny(Bright White), Unique Red\Black, and Water(Cyan);98004 10 NPC Overhaul while not very necessary is a well done re-texture to try to make the unique NPCs more well..... unique 11 Mission As Darth Talon *which I bet is a Talon fan-boys dream* re-textures Mission Vao's Skin, Class, Underwear, and Clothing so that she is a Jedi Sentinel with a Sith Lightsaber;94765 12 And finally.... I present to you.... nothing cause that's about it! Enjoy the list I gave to improve your game-play. I might be making a Mod List soon for those who don't just want textures and models!!!!
  10. Hey, I've been having an issue where most of the textures either stay the same or just get a chrome/black checker pattern instead. Might be cause I'm on windows 8.1 though heh heh
  11. Theres actually a Aurabesh translator so that can help too