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Everything posted by Obisoln

  1. Do you have to rename the files to get them to work in KOTOR 1?
  2. Thank you so much I always liked the saber hilts from Dorn's 4.0 TSL saber mod and they look awesome in KOTOR. Its nice to see people still investing time and effort in both games.
  3. Thank you. Trying it out tonight!
  4. Would this conflict with Shem's Sith Students mod?
  5. Thanks. Want to say again how awesome this mod is. Dont know what they were thinking with the default robes in the first game.
  6. Obisoln

    Quanons Saberhilt Pack

    Awesome mod the sabers are beautiful and I love the stats. I think there is a graphical error in the Evenstar of the Blue Sun. My character is gripping the saber at the pommel instead of near the emitter and the blade appears to be eminating from within the saber hilt. Thanks for uploading and sharing this.
  7. The download link isnt working. Sends me to the TSLRCM page.
  8. Is there any way to get a version of the Star Forge robes without the metal armored pieces? Thanks.
  9. I ran the TSL patcher and the armor shows up just fine on Bendak but when I get it and try to equip it the game crashes. When I look at it on the workbench its a metallic gold without any textures. i've rechecked the installation and everything is there. Not sure what could be causing this issue. I'm running my game on Win 7 if that makes any difference.
  10. Yeah I actually figured out what was happening. I have a mod installed that changes the stats on the Jedi robes and gives them to you early on in the game. However when I looted the Qel Droma robes off the body on Korriban the proper graphic showed up along with the original stats for the robe. I'm guessing the UI from the other mod is messing up whatever tells the computer to use whatever graphic for that certain robe. Its odd because it doesnt affect any of the other robes but at least I found out whats going on. Also just so you know Bastila's mother on Tatooine is wearing the Qel Droma robe graphic. Or its wearing her lol. I thing the computer stuck her mother's head on the male version of the robe because her head looks small on her body. Thanks for taking time out to help me. As an aside I wanted you thank you and Darth DeadMan for this and the other robe mods. I dont have to tell you how crappy the default robe models look. Darth DeadMan's original movie style robe mod was awesome and they only keep getting better. Thank you for revitalizing a game I play more than a little bit lol. Thanks again. Take care.
  11. Thanks for your time. It was kind of a pain because Windows wouldnt let me save changed to my .2da unless I pulled it out to my desktop which I didn't find out until my 4th or 5th try! (lol) Anyway I just wanted to express my thanks and appreciation for all the time and effort you have put into these mods. I really hated the default sabers and you've taken a game I've spent the better part of ten years playing - off and on - and added a lot of new life to it. Thanks again and be well.
  12. Is there a way to only install the gold lightsaber? I have one of your previous lightsaber mods installed and do not want to change what I already have now. Thanks.
  13. The Qel Droma robe graphic doesnt appear. It uses the Jedi Master graphic instead when I equip it. I have all the files installed and there are no conflicts with other mods as far as I can tell.