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Everything posted by Mephiles550

  1. This is absolutely amazing! You recreated and combined the areas from the early Kotor beta screenshots beautifully! You would have made Bioware proud. My day was pretty annoying today, so thanks for lifting it up with this.
  2. Or better yet, since it's a pretty valuable blade, give it to the leader of the group. It would also make the battle a tad bit more challenging.
  3. I don't remember the exact lines he said, nor do I have a save file to re-read them, but I'm pretty sure the way he referred to the reward was in a singular manner; the "symbol of his clan," or something along those lines. The crystal would be more fitting than the Vibroblade, I think. Maybe you could show the Wookie fighting the Mandalorians using both his regular long sword in one hand and the Echani Vibroblade in the other, if you want to imply that the Wookie pretty much gave whatever of value he had as his reward.
  4. Understandable, but regrettable I suppose. I guess it won't really matter for me though, since I have my own slightly modified version of the Restored Shadowlands from Kotorfiles anyway, and that's good enough for me. Will the Rough-Cut Upari Crystal at least be received as a reward from the Wookie Warrior there instead of the Echani Vibroblade like in the vanilla game? At least, I'm assuming that's who you were supposed to get the crystal from anyway, unless I'm mistaken. It just seems like the most likely way to obtain it.
  5. Will this mod be restoring the parts of Kashyyyk that were cut out, i.e, will this mod be restoring the removed parts of the Shadowlands?
  6. I would also like to emphasize the importance of running the game in administrator mode.
  7. Wait, you're the guy who translated that mod into English? Thank you! I used to love that mod when I was knew to Kotor.
  8. The Restoration Mod put the Bith file inside of the Override folder instead of a MOD file first. I kept trying to remove it from the override and add it to the Restoration Mod's custom MOD file for the first set of Taris apartments, but the changes would always keep being reverted. I eventually just gave up after trying for several times and not finding the reason as to why. The tools I used were Kotortool and ERFEdit.
  9. I would prefer an appearance change to give the game a bit more diversity in its NPCs. Bith are hardly seen in game with the exception of the cantina musicians and the occasional non-intractable Bith NPC sitting down in a chair. I also would prefer that the previously mentioned merchant also keep his appearance as a merchant, simply because I know that there was supposed to be a Bith on Korriban at one point. If it had to be anyone, why not the merchant? I know this Bith repalces the Twilek dock officer, but I still think a Bith would be more suited as the merchant. It's perfectly fine if all that could be done is a voice change to the Duros in the apartments. Better than nothing.
  10. I don't know about Tatooine, but Korriban's Rodian merchant becomes a Bith as a side effect of the n_bith001 file (the name may be slightly off). The file, I'm assuming, was directed towards the Duros who was killed by the Sith officer in the PC's Taris apartment. This Duros actually spoke using a Bith's voice instead of the voice of a Duros, and because his file name was called n_BITH, it makes sense that the character was supposed to be a Bith instead. Unfortunately, this causes a change in the UTC file for the Rodian merchant on Korriban, which also shares the file name of n_bith001. For some reason, the player can't speak to the merchant while he's like this, so he's rendered useless. I tried fixing the file myself, but for some reason, I could never get it the way I wanted it. The best I could do was just delete the file and revert the two aliens back to how they were in the vanilla game. I'm hoping this glitch was, or will eventually be fixed.
  11. I consider myself fairly good when it comes to Pazaak. Let me tell you though, you only need two of the three things you listed. There is absolutely no skill required from any player whatsoever in Pazaak. It's 70% luck that the game actually decides to give good cards to use, 20% reliance on the extra cards you buy yourself, and 10% on a focused mind to make sure you don't let valuable opportunities pass. Unless you can predict which card the game will draw next for you or your opponent, I don't see any skill in this game at all.
  12. Mandalore's ship was just a flashback, with the actual ship most likely destroyed. Going back to that ship would make just as using the galaxy map to return to the endar spire.
  13. Amazing! If all of the modules are to be as high in quality as the example screenshot, I've got a good reason to look forward to this! That, and added to the fact I've always wanted to see what a completed Sleheyron planet would be like, your planet mod will probably have a permanent place in my game whenever you release it. Will you be using part of this older landing video for the mod, also?
  14. The Promised land of Sleheyron is nearly here, brothers!
  15. My order, at least 90% of the time, goes as such: 1. Dantooine (I went here the first when during my earliest playthrough just because it was the one planet I knew best from the first game, but I also think Dantooine has the easiest way to set up building your lightsaber) 2. Korriban 3. M4-78 4. Nar Shaddaa (Getting G0-T0 in your party can help protect you from some bounty hunter ambushes) 5. Dxun 6. Onderon (This way, immediately after I come back from my first trip on Onderon, I get to head back to continue the civil war. It doesn't make that much sense, but oh well.) I really need to try playing the game in different level orders...
  16. Hooray! I'll make sure to use this for TSL when I get the chance.
  17. This glitch is pretty darn common, actually. I've had it happen to me multiple times myself, with and without mods, both on the PC and Xbox versions. While I'm not positive about what the cause is, I think it has something to do with the timing of when you equip a certain item right before the sparring begins, or you have to do something else specific during the transition from the conversation to the sparring. This bug also has a few variations depending on how you set it up. Sometimes the Handmaiden will stay invincible during the fight, sometimes the door won't lock during the fight, and the tier doesn't matter, I think, on whether or not the glitch occurs. Eitherway, you kill the Handmaiden, or she will kill you. What confuses me is how you got 125XP, as I've normally seen people get just 25XP from her.
  18. I believe mines only give your either 25 or 50 XP. I only have good memory of the game while playing difficult mode, so I don't know if the difficulty level may have something to do with the XP being gained or not, though I'm doubting it. Because your total demolition skill at this point is 5 points, I'm guessing you're using normal difficulty? Difficult mode requires a lot more points (Which is annoying as hell, I think, because Peragus has so many mines, but I don't want to have to waste so many skill points so early in game on just my demolitions skill).
  19. Lol, I used to love that glitch when I first heard about it! So many easy experience points just instantly popping up, until I eventually spawned so many Hississ at once that the game actually crashed. XD
  20. I'm also getting missing heads for the female Sith Assassins.
  21. Mephiles550

    Requests;102799 How about this one? (It repalces the silver texture)
  22. Mephiles550

    Requests;110431 Unless you want a custom hilt to go along with the blade, this pack should have just what you need.
  23. I'm loving that last part of the Dark Side transition. Yellow eye's are typically seen as the norm for Dark Siders, but dark orange is a welcome change. I'm considering which one I like more now.
  24. I wasn't sure what remnants of the original M4-78 were left over in the games files, story or level progression wise, so I suppose me saying a "50% different story" was probably a fairly inaccurate guess on my part. I knew how the overall basis of the idea behind finding Master Vash was relatively the same, and how a good chunk of M4-78's puzzles were moved into G0-T0's yacht, but pretty much nothing else. It's definitely interesting to hear that some voice files from the original IS-24 were still left in the final game. Maybe I'll check those out some time. I don't know if anyone remembers this, but in the original M4-78, Master Vash had a second Padawan, an orange female Twilek, who would attack the player no matter what. She was found in the Industrial Zone in what's now the droid testing area, the place where you would see combat droids doing target practice on different types of holograms. I'm going to assume this character was completely fan made, right? Here's the video I was talking about in my earlier post, showing off the original version: (The Orange Twilek I was talking about can be found be found at the 1:50 mark)