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Everything posted by Box

  1. I've been internet challenged for the past few days so bear with me. I need to write some code to parse RIM files. For most other types of aurora engine files, I've found documents describing the formats, but I can't find one for RIM files. I feel like we might have some a person or two here who has written code like this or is otherwise familiar with the format. I know there are tools that can do this but in this circumstance I need to write the code myself. Thanks.
  2. I really liked the Hammerhead scene. It totally redeemed that awful ship design. And it makes way more sense to use that kind of ship as a corvette than as a capital ship as seen in Kotor. It does make one consider the fact that it would be easier to just use physical projectiles against some of these ships rather than lasers that can be shielded. But you know, it would be much easier to blow up a planet by dropping an asteroid on it rather than building a space station with a giant laser cannon. Anyway, I watched the movie again and I had some more thoughts on how the script was supposed to go: -The only reason they go to Eadu is because only Jyn saw Galen's message. If they had taken the message with them, there would be no need for that whole episode and they could have had Galen on Scarif. Eadu itself seems kind of contrived. Why are the characters standing outside in a rainstorm where they can be shot at? -There isn't a lot of context for the battle on Jedha. It happens before we've really gotten to know what's going on with the planet. There are a lot of things swirling about, with the Kyber crystals, Bohdi's defection, Saw's extremist approach to the rebellion. These things get mentioned but the battle starts before we really know what the stakes are. I think this battle likely went later in the movie after we have more detail about all of the different groups and their motivations. Specifically, Chirrut and Baze seem like they had lot of exposition and characterization cut. -Saw Gerrera doesn't fight anyone despite being mentioned a lot by other characters. I think this has to be part of what was cut. I'm not sure but I'm thinking that Jyn was meant to find Saw before the battle, possibly as a result of being captured by his men. At that point, Saw would bring us up to speed as to what he's been doing on Jedha. Saw would then fight in the Jedha battle which would come later. I suspect Saw still dies on Jedha, quite possibly as a result of the Death Star, but with some better reasoning. Maybe Saw helps Jyn and company escape with the message but decides to stay with his men on planet and continue the fight. The whole sickness thing was itself a contrivance.
  3. Thinking about it more, I think I have a good idea of what happened in the first act and where things got messed up in the reshoot. There was actually more exposition in the movie than I remembered. It's just that a significant of it is spent building up the Forest Whitaker character and his group of meta-rebels. But then he dies for no good reason and that whole plotline ends up being really unimportant to the rest of the movie. I'm guessing that in the original shoot, that part was longer and the whole assassination mission on the stormy canyon planet wasn't there. I'm also guessing the Kaiburr crystals played the role of an actual MacGuffin. We hear that they're important to building the Death Star but the Empire is already done extracting them by the time the characters arrive there. Well I'm not completely sure. When I watch it again, I'll try to figure out what other scenes seemed out of place.
  4. So after getting booted from the site chat again, I decided I'd float the idea of using a Discord server. I've created one at the following link: Right now it's open. If we have any problems with it, I can assign roles. For what it's worth, I have some experience managing discord servers.
  5. I liked it better than The Force Awakens but the movie still had a number of issues. I think this is just going to be a problem that I have with these modern blockbuster fantasy/science fiction movies. I think that they try to shove too many things into a single movie. The script of Rogue One is just too dense and the movie still ends up being fairly long. A lot of the scenes feel rushed and it really impacts the ability to really appreciate what's happening. And it makes it nearly impossible to do good worldbuilding. I think the movie is kind of uninteresting up until the final battle. The plot is confusing. The characters are uninteresting. There are contrivances. I'd need to watch it again or have the script laid out for me to really go in detail about what I didn't like. Basically, what I think it comes down to is that there were two planets worth of adventure and battling: the desert one and the rocky one with the storm. There really should have just been one planet shown in more detail. I'm wondering if the script rewrite is responsible for some of the confusing choices about this. I think the movie really picks up when the rebels assault the final planet with the Death Star plans. That might just be because at that point it's really obvious what everyone is trying to do. I also liked the variety of ships armor, and weapons shown in the battle. I still think they tried to cram too many scenes into it though. Particularly, the end of the battle seems really rushed. There were some things that I wanted to know more about but weren't given time. I wanted to know more about the Kaiburr crystals and the monks that were on that desert planet with the temples or whatever. I feel like we learned very little about them and what their take is on the force. I would have been happy if they spent as much time learning some background/philosophy from the blind guy as they did showing him beat people up with a stick. I'm not even sure I understood who or what his friend was. Also, I think they could have spent more time on the background of the rebels. The idea on paper was good. You have a bunch of young people who have lived under the empire their entire lives, the Empire has taken from them and now all they have to live for is the rebel cause. With the rebel alliance falling apart, they go alone on a suicide mission where they all die in a blaze of glory. I really like the concept, and that's exactly what the movie tries to do. The problem is that I think that there isn't enough time spent getting emotionally invested in these characters. I didn't really care that much when they died. And I think the movie will be a disappointment to those who care a lot more about the emotional and character-development side of Star Wars. Finally, I while I didn't mind Tarkin appearing as a character in the movie, I wasn't a fan of the CG. Maybe it's because I play video games and I'm better at spotting this stuff but he looked really out of place. I did like the character though and I liked how he killed the main villain in the end with the Death Star. I just didn't like the CG, maybe they should have had him only appear as a hologram or something.
  6. So yeah this didn't really come together. Basically, I thought I had the turret AI figured out. I did not.
  7. Based on Sithspecter's explanation it sounds like we're carrying around baggage from a time when modding and mod hosting was more political perhaps.
  8. So I didn't see a thread here about this. I only just heard about it on the radio on the way home so you guys might be more in the loop than I am. I've heard it suggested that it could be be due to the tone of the movie being too dark for Star Wars. This kind of bums me out. The Force Awakens didn't exactly do it for me and the trailer for Rogue One made me optimistic that this movie might take a few more risks. After this, I'm adjusting my expectations downward. I'm curious as to what the rest of you think though. Chat has been dead recently so I can't ask anyone there.
  9. I'm obviously not the oldest or most accomplished member of the community, but I feel obligated to make my position known more for the sake of others who may share it. I'm disappointed that we seem to have this problem of being suspicious of other modding communities. It makes us look tribal and it makes me embarrassed. We should all be on the same side here. I would also ask everyone to think about the current culture of no and how it affects people other than yourself, particularly how it affects consumers of mods who aren't members of deadlystream or similar fan websites.
  10. That's sounds fine. It'll take me some amount of time to make the mod as well.
  11. So one of the things I'm aiming for in my not-upcoming mod is the ability to set your own allied turrets. Basically you set the turret like a mine and then use a spell activation item called a turret controller to build or break down the turret. This has no relation to the turret minigame, I'm talking about dynamically spawning in allied turret creatures similar to those you face throughout the game. Similar to the flamethrower mod I made, I'm considering releasing this piece as a quick standalone for TSL. This is to help identify any problems that placing creatures into arbitrary places in the game could cause. So I'm making this thread to gauge interest. Would you play this mod? Before you say yes, I'm asking if you are actually going to install it and try it out in a reasonable time frame. It would be for TSL and would work without having to use a fresh save. I'm not asking you to test anything specific, but if you do use it and something unexpected happens, I'd ask that you let me know about it. With that said, respond in this thread if you are interested. If you have questions about the details of what this mod would be, ask them here.
  12. So uh, while I really like the pictures, you don't actually have any screenshots per se. Since I'm not really in a position to boot up K1 at the moment and I'd really like to see what these look like, do you think you could take a few actual screenshots so I can see what these look like in game?
  13. We're up. If you use it, let me know what you think.
  14. File Name: Box's Flamethrower Mod File Submitter: Box File Submitted: 12 May 2016 File Category: Mods TSLRCM Compatible: Yes This is a very quick and dirty mod. It adds a flamethrower weapon for meatbags. It uses Mira's wrist launcher animation. Some dude on the forums asked for it, then I was bored and decided to just go for it. To install, you need TSLPatcher, standard procedure. To get the weapon, you need to cheat. Use the console command `giveitem box_flame. It's worth 1000 credits if you want to play fair and deduct that from your inventory. You'll need fuel as well. You can craft fuel at med stations. There are a few side effects. Whomever equips the flamethrower will be able to shoot rockets, there's nothing I can do about that. Also the flamethrower fuel icons look like rockets, that I could probably fix if anyone cares. Also, with regard to the screenshots, the mod does not include the funny hat. That was something else I was testing. Click here to download this file
  15. Box

    Box's Flamethrower Mod

    Version 0.0.4


    This is a very quick and dirty mod. It adds a flamethrower weapon for meatbags. It uses Mira's wrist launcher animation. Some dude on the forums asked for it, then I was bored and decided to just go for it. To install, you need TSLPatcher, standard procedure. To get the weapon, you need to cheat. Use the console command `giveitem box_flame. It's worth 1000 credits if you want to play fair and deduct that from your inventory. You'll need fuel as well. You can craft fuel at med stations. There are a few side effects. Whomever equips the flamethrower will be able to shoot rockets, there's nothing I can do about that. Also the flamethrower fuel icons look like rockets, that I could probably fix if anyone cares. Also, with regard to the screenshots, the mod does not include the funny hat. That was something else I was testing.
  16. So I actually implemented a version of this using the wrist launcher animation. I too was inspired by the idea of a Mandalorian whipping out a flamethrower at close range. Unfortunately what I have now is tied up in a much larger mod. And while that mod is going well recently, I can't exactly promise it will be delivered in a timely manner. So... depending on what exactly it is you want, I might be willing to make a quick and dirty mod that you can plop in and use. Give me a few more details of what you want to see and I'll see what I can do. Edit: Decided to make it anyway. You can try it out. It's a fairly low commitment mod.
  17. Dude. You're making my shitty repo look organized.
  18. First of all, I recommend being more terse with your mod description. Start with a description of what the mod does, then you can talk about the story of how you made it. Anyway, I'm not a huge fan of the bigger idea behind the mod. You give out a lot of skill points. I'm not convinced that that's a good thing. That's mainly because more skill points isn't uniformly better in the same way a higher base attack bonus or feat gain bonus is. How useful a skill is depends on how scarce it is in the party. If you fill everybody to the brim with skills, then those skills become less valuable. I think the sweet spot you want to hit is that you want to give several viable options for skill development for each character. You either want to have more class skills than skill points to spend each level or you want to have a very small number of class skills so that you have to think about how to spend the leftover points. The point is that you say as much about your character's specialty by what he or she can't do than by what he or she can do. That's my input from not having played it but from attempting to make my own class balance mod, but I'm not sure why you are saying it's in beta. Did you not debug it yet? I think if you've played through it with Sentinel, it's fairly safe to assume the other classes work. I mean presumably you derived some satisfaction from playing with this altered configuration. If it works, then maybe that's good enough. I would have done it differently as I mentioned, but then that might not have been what you most enjoyed.
  19. I did a bit more testing. I'm pretty sure that the damage penalty cancels out damage from the enhancement bonus but you can't give net negative bonuses and they don't stack. It doesn't even take the maximum of both damage penalty properties. Different parts of the UI break with different combinations of properties but the result is what I've described. So uh, yeah in order to use the damage penalty property you have to make sure the item you're using it on has an enhancement bonus property on it and that you're sure that you won't use more than one damage penalty property at a time. What a bother. Edit: You know I didn't actually test this with actual upgrades attached to weapons. I should probably try that. There's a small chance someone did a hack somewhere to get damage penalty to work with upgrades.
  20. Wow. I didn't believe you on the first bullet point. Partly because the contoured grips use that property in vanilla. I went and tested it though and yeah there are some weird results. Well it does seem to have some effect. It did seem to cancel out damage bonuses from the enhancement bonus property, I think, not from other damage bonus abilities though. Attribute penalty combined with attack bonus seems like it would work, almost. It would look weird in the item description and would also affect DCs on Power Attack and Critical Strike feats. I don't think that there are any Strength checks in dialogue or other events though.
  21. It's not impossible or unlikely that it's hard coded. I've never come across it either, though I haven't really been looking for it.
  22. How nostalgic. Turns out I had some good ideas but not everything worked well. Feature creep grew over several years because to really balance this game you have to control all parts of the game: classes, feats, spells, items, enemies, etc. In the end, I realized balance or difficulty wasn't really what I was trying to change. So I'm now tentatively calling this my "Feats, Items, and Spells" mod. It's not done. It's not that far from being testable/usable, at least relative to how much I've already done, but since I started working, I haven't been able to fit modding into my routine. Anyway, the reason I'm bumping this is because now I have a github. You could take a peek at it, but I would be amazed if you could follow what's going on with it. I made it because version control is nice. And I'm posting this to prove that I have, in fact, been working on a mod. And I also wanted to provide context for when I whine in chat about how this mod is nuts; well now you can see why.
  23. I watched this movie again with my father. The pacing was easier to follow on the second watch. I also realized that I really like the opening. The movie has a lot of potential when Rey and Finn leave Jakku and I really like the Falcon vs the two TIE Fighters. It's definitely easier to process all of what's going on up to that point during the second watch. Unfortunately after that, I just can't get into it as much. It's disappointing because I think there was a lot of potential, like it could have been the best Star Wars movie or at least on par with Empire.
  24. So uh, did you ever find that example project?
  25. As far as I know, you'd have to mod compiled source code since the combat feat behaviors aren't defined in a file.