Kate The Bionic Uterus

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Status Updates posted by Kate The Bionic Uterus

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mandalore


      "Bounty hunter"?

    3. gua543


      Did you also notice that we may see Darth VadAr in one of the spin-off movies? This was either written by an overly happy fan or by a complete idiot.

    4. Jac


      While it'd be great to see Han again, I don't think he could carry a movie by himself (he being the character and not Mr. Ford). What made him great were his interactions with the other characters and I don't see that working if he's the main character. Still, Disney doesn't usually make mistakes with movies so we'll see what happens. I'm waiting to see how the next episode turns out.

  1. I'm feeling a Lil'itchy! Scratch me please.

    1. kyrie


      Here kitty kitty

    2. Working Class Hero

      Working Class Hero

      are you related to miss sara?

    3. Kate The Bionic Uterus

      Kate The Bionic Uterus

      miss sara you say... ya we're sisters, that's right she's here right now. Say hi miss sara, "Hi". Well there you have it.

  2. Just played my first session and loved it. I successfully installed the update and mod so I'm a happy gal. Heading to that ini file now so tomorrow I can take my first screenie.

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Any plans to do any modding for KotOR or TSL once you're finished with your playthroughs?

    2. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      BTW, if you wish to change titles to your Threads - after you've posted them - here's what you need to do:

      1) Click Edit on the original post of your thread

      2) You should then see a button marked "Use Full Editor" and that should enable to edit your title.


      IIRC, everyone should be able to do this. Good luck! ;)

    3. Kate The Bionic Uterus

      Kate The Bionic Uterus

      I may make a mod. I already have an idea that I'm surprised is not already done. Shh... don't tell... it's my little secret for now :)(:

  3. OMH I am loving that solid steel skin for HK-50 droid. Looking sweet. I can't beleive how good these mods are. Super happy here. I also found a Twilek play character that I am trying out. I hope it works with the restored content mod. Fun Fun

    1. Rtas Vadum

      Rtas Vadum

      If the mod uses the TSL Patcher, then it should work fine. If not, then you'll need to edit a few files to make it work correctly.


    2. Kate The Bionic Uterus

      Kate The Bionic Uterus

      Oh Ritas I was looking for you. I am coming over to you now to say hi and PM you.

    3. Rtas Vadum

      Rtas Vadum

      Yeah, I did make that mod, although it was more about the same head being in K1, and since the model still existed in TSL(used for Luxa, obviously), I made the mod to add the model back as a head choice for PCs.


  4. Made a new Signature Banner that links to Deadly Stream http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/1732-dia-nogas-trash-compactor-holiday-getaway/ I have also started ripping into a utility mod that would allow users to have multiple set ups of SW KOTOR2 and switch between them at a press of a button.

    1. Darth Hayze

      Darth Hayze

      Finally! I can't believe it's taken this long for someone to start something like that.

    2. Kate The Bionic Uterus

      Kate The Bionic Uterus

      Ya I shud clarify, I am not sure if it cud be done. I will be ripping everything from 2 existing programs and preforming a Frankenstein hatchet job. Technically it shud work. Then again it wouldn't be the first time I have said that :)(: LoL

    3. Kate The Bionic Uterus

      Kate The Bionic Uterus

      First test went ok. Changed pathways and the program seemed to accept it and make copies and placed in correct place however program crashed and the copied files didn't show in the interface. Also having space issues. My Oblivion file is way too big and I have multiple setups. Need to see if I can free up some space.


    1. bendarby24


      wow that creepy, this is where you say it you and it becomes alkward, and it not happy valentines day it happy me day ;)

    2. JK JA's Jaden Korr
    3. Kate The Bionic Uterus
  6. Robert Downey Jr. Delivers a Real Bionic Arm

    1. VarsityPuppet
    2. Kate The Bionic Uterus

      Kate The Bionic Uterus

      Omg what a lucky girl!!!! Two of the hottest superheroes in any universe... *jaw dropping* heheehe

    3. Sith Holocron
  7. Pressing the home button here leads to an error! Same thing if you click link off of Google. Somebody may way want to fix that. Just saying :/

    1. Mandalore


      Yep - it's been noticed, and is being fixed.

    2. Kate The Bionic Uterus

      Kate The Bionic Uterus

      Really LoL Because it has been like that since the day I joined! :X

  8. New website? It is so ... err... white in here now! XD

    1. bendarby24


      i do miss the old look :/

    2. Mandalore


      It reminds me of the Kaminoan cloning facility - the themes will be back soon.

  9. Obi-Wan: Silent Guardian by Raymond Swanland WoW so sick https://imgur.com/gallery/44Um2Kc?

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      That is very well done. Thanks for sharing!

    2. Kate The Bionic Uterus

      Kate The Bionic Uterus

      Raymond Swanland is a famous artist. Google his name.

  10. OMG! I have not had any electricity for the past 4 days and I am now back in the city. Hopefully they will fix it before x-mas so the family and guests can head back up. The city sucks this time of year.

  11. Happy new year! Finished my run thru of tslrcm 1.8.1 and loved it. Posted some GIF banners as as thank you on my Dia Noga thread. Hope you like.

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Time to upgrade to TSLRCM 1.8.2 and download the M4-78 EP then!

  12. is it just me cuz i can't see this site anymore?

  13. Setting up my m4-78ep play through this weekend. Should be able to start playing by mid week.

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      I might have a request for you regarding your playthrough. Do you have the capability to record your playthrough? PM me at your convenience.

  14. Hi; how can I listen to the next podcast?

    1. zbyl2


      It's not up yet, not sure why. Nag VP about it ;)

  15. Watch Paul Rudd shrink and fight in the new Ant-Man trailer https://www.theverge.com/2015/4/13/8399197/ant-man-trailer-marvel

    1. Squall Lionhart

      Squall Lionhart

      It took everything I had to realize you said Paul Rudd and not Phil Rudd


    1. HK-47


      Oh cool! The Saberforge guy is selling parts for buyers to make their own sabers? I've always wanted to buy one of his sabers.

  16. Just landed on Nar Shaadar. This TSLRCM and other skins & mods are so SICK! (in a good way LoL) Saw something weird with some Jedi suits and took pics to send in but besides that having too much fun

  17. Nar Shaddaa Realistic Skybox WoW all i can say is WoW You wud thunk that after years of using mods with oblivion that i wud have learned a thing or two (like making file backups) and that i wud have taken those lessons and apply them here but NOOOO... sigh :)(:

  18. I have installed 28 mods and skins and I have decided to start over again with the twi'lek from kotor1 sith academy. I have documented my entire installation here http://emmates.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=games&action=display&thread=638&page=1

  19. Icon posted the iconic twi'lek dancer advert gif avatar & gif signature banner set and some wallpapers here: http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/1732-dia-nogas-trash-compactor-holiday-getaway/

  20. I am compiling a list of Star Wars mods for Oblivion. I used to play as the Twi'lek Jedi Aayla Secura with her Hi Rez clothing from the movies with her light saber with the sound files. I used to fly around in my X-Wing fighter too :)(: Check my oblivion thread for pics of my Deathstar

  21. Decided to go to cottage early this year and that will limit my online play time 90%. So happy holidays and see you all next year. Just transfered all my tslrcm game to my laptop so I'll have something to do. Cheers and don't drink & drive!

  22. Released!!! The Official Unofficial Deadly Stream February Calender. Get it now! :)(: on my Dia Noga thread.