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3 points
Version 1.0.3
Human/Alien NPC Diversity (KOTOR 1) Knights of the Old Republic is a wonderful game, but it still reeks of the technical limitations of 2003. The galaxy is full of clones where NPCs have very few unique appearances. After Leilukin released her mod for male Twi’leks, I decided to take my own shot at humans. With the help of SpaceAlex’s K1 Enhancement Pack and many other modders' resources, this mod gives many human NPCs (and some aliens) more diversity throughout the game. Many heads were from SpaceAlex’s K1 Enhancement Pack, an unfinished mod he released to the public as a resource. Many others use player heads. If an NPC uses a head you use, don’t worry. The backuphead feature from appearance.2da ensures the NPC will use another head if the PC uses it. Incompatibilities: This mod will be incompatible with any mod that edits the same NPCs. Most notable includes N-DReW25's Czerka Redux, Galaxy of Faces and K1 Clothing Pack as well as Leilukin's's female Twi'lek NPC diversity mod. Credits: SpaceAlex for K1EP. DarthParametric for the Fat Commoner Models. Leilukin for her Diversified Twi’lek males which was the main inspiration for this mod. CaptaineSpoque for the Clothing Resource, many of which were used in this mod. Effix for the Jolee Alternative mod and Taris Dueling Arena Adjustments which two heads were used from. Redrob41 for the Combat Suits Modders’ Resource. Silveredge9 for BOSSR. -
1 pointKOTOR Module mod Idea: The tomb of 3 Sith Vampire Princess sisters An idea for a Sith Tomb of Kashyyyk similar to the Tomb of Jesset Dal'Kest mod Like that mod a rune covered Piller with runes would appear after you find the Star Map, appearing near The Star Map is Where you enter the Tomb of the three Vampire Sith Sisters who were jedi Padawans who fell to the Dark side after being bitten by the Sith Vampire Darth Immortal and we're slain and their bodies intombed on Kashyyyk The mod reuses The Module of the tomb of Naga Sadow, only the three rooms where you would find the Star Map, The Fire and Ice Grenades and Sadow's Poison Blade are Replaced with three Sarcophagus where the latter two you must fight the Vampiric Spirits of two of the Three Princesses, Kana and Veria who both reuse the PFHC05 and PFHC02 Heads, what you loot in their Sarcophagus are Kana's Sarcophagus: Kana's Jedi Padawan Robes (Reskined Jedi Knight Robes) Kana's Sith Princess Robes (Restricted to Dark Side; Reskined of The Star Forge Robes) Kana's Sith Lightsaber Kana's Jedi Lightsaber Kana's Mask Kana's Tiara Kana's Writings Veria's Sarcophagus: Veria's Jedi Padawan Robes (Reskined Jedi Knight Robes) Sith Princess Robes (Restricted to Dark Side; Reskined of The Star Forge Robes) Veria's Sith Lightsaber Veria's Jedi Lightsaber Veria's Mask Veria's Tiara Lastly you encounter the last Princess Nira, Vira's older sister her head reuses the PC Head PFHA05, She in a Flirtatious tempts you to the dark side (as both Male and Female), If you refuse she will attack you warning she's tough as nails and you become full Lightside. but if you except, She will give a kyber crystal and Kisses you and you become full Dark side. What you find in her Sarcophagus are Nira's Sarcophagus: Nira's Jedi Padawan Robes (Reskined Jedi Knight Robes) Nira's Sith Vampire Princess Robes (Restricted to 100% Dark Side; Reskined of The Star Forge Robes) Nira's Black coloured Sith Lightsaber Nira's Jedi Lightsaber Nira's Mask Nira's Thorned Tiara Nira's Writings This mod wouldn't use TSLPatcher
1 pointThank you for pointing these out! I did plan on including Waffle’s armor in the mod but it seems I forgot to delete it. I’ll revise it as soon as I can with the incompatibilities noted and the updated readme/description! The Sith in question is the apprentice on Korriban who says "once you become a Sith you can do anything!" It's one of the students with the medallions. I was aware of Galaxy of Faces. I'll add that as an alternative.
1 point
Version 1.0.0
New textures for armor. Resolution 2048x2048. To Install 1. Download: Armor 7 HD 2. Copy all files to the Knights of the Old republic's Override folder. (Example location - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\Override) 3. When/if prompted to overwrite files, press okay. 4. If you like the mod; leave a comment or endorse! (It would be much appreciated) Made with love. -
1 point
Version 1.0.0
This mod adds in three new saber colors into KOTOR 1: viridian, bronze, and silver. It relies on the files from Crazy34's Mod so be sure to have that installed or this mod will not work. Crazy34 actually added the extra colors but never implemented them in game so I did it myself. The color crystals can be found in various places throughout the game. I also added my own icons to avoid duplicates. They are upscaled and recolored icons from TSL. I believe they came out pretty well. Please do not distribute this mod anywhere else. -
1 pointSome things I've been doing... Can anyone tell me why this happens?...what is that? CM_Bright on a door? Only happens on the Jorran door, and the door to the library on Coruscant. Still alot more to do for Coruscant.
1 point
Version 1.0.0
New textures for Escape Pod. Resolution 2048x2048. To Install 1. Download: LTS_EscapePod HD 2. Copy all files to the Knights of the Old republic's Override folder. (Example location - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\Override) 3. When/if prompted to overwrite files, press okay. 4. If you like the mod; leave a comment or endorse! (It would be much appreciated) Made with love. -
1 point
Version 1.0.0
Changes the Mask of Tulak Hord to look like the Sith Mask, which in my opinion was the intended look for this item, since the 'Model Variation' number of the item only differs by 1 from that of the Sith Mask. (If you already visited the Tomb of Tulak Hord the mod won't work.) -
1 point
Version 1.0.0
New textures for armor. Resolution 2048x2048. To Install 1. Download: Armor 5 HD 2. Copy all files to the Knights of the Old republic's Override folder. (Example location - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\Override) 3. When/if prompted to overwrite files, press okay. 4. If you like the mod; leave a comment or endorse! (It would be much appreciated) Made with love. -
1 point
Version 1.0.0
New textures for armor. Resolution 2048x2048. To Install 1. Download: Armor 6 HD 2. Copy all files to the Knights of the Old republic's Override folder. (Example location - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\Override) 3. When/if prompted to overwrite files, press okay. 4. If you like the mod; leave a comment or endorse! (It would be much appreciated) Made with love. -
1 pointYou need to replace mus_theme_cult.wav in the streammusic folder. You can use this tool to convert an mp3 to the correct format: Short instruction: throw your mp3 in the "in" folder, run encode_music.bat, converted file will be in the "music" folder. Rename the file to mus_theme_cult.wav. Backup the original by renaming and place the new one in the streammusic folder.
1 pointThey responded on the Atris model; saying it was intended for Atris to wear it on Telos Revisited, but they scrapped it since it was confusing and didn't make sense for her to have Dark Side robes lying around. So they cut it intentionally, not for time. AFAIK they never commented why her character icon was ingame though. As for the encounters, no, there is nothing to indicate who wins so we decided just to "end" both of them at that point.
1 pointThe lightsabers themselves, are fantastic. Couldn't ask for more (aside from what Obisoln said). The spawn locations, however, completely and utterly destroy this mod. You put a lightsaber, on Taris. Not only that, you put it in an area where we can get it, before we even have Bastila in the party. Just put it on the body of the Jedi on the Endar Spire why don't ya? (Just because I don't doubt that you might, that was a joke. Don't take it seriously.) Dantooine is nearly as bad. You JUST received the ability to even use a lightsaber, and oops, here's a lightsaber that's way better than the lightsaber that you just built that's supposed to be yours for life, AND it's before you even have access to crystals. The others aren't that horrific, but they're still awful. The back of the landing pad. Are you serious? I shouldn't have to explain this one. Kashyyyk's isn't half bad, but it's not even in the Lower Shadowlands. Sorry if this is coming off as harsh, but dude, this is not good. If I was going to place the sabers somewhere, the Lily goes in the Terentatek's belly on Kashyyyk. The Evenstar goes in the footlocker of the Sith Master on Manaan. The Sceptre goes either in the inventory of the Storyteller or the back of the Krayt Dragon's lair on Tatooine. And of course the Righteous Hand goes on Duron Qel-Droma's body in the back of the Shyrack cave on Korriban. As it stands now, as far as anyone that cares about balance or theme (basically anyone that isn't modding MP5s in the game) is concerned, this mod is unusable. Which is deeply sad and frustrating at the same time.
1 point
0 pointsView File Kinda Sorta Transmog by HoboKingNiklz Kinda Sorta Transmog v2.0.0 Ever found a new armor that has great stats but looks awful? Ever downloaded a mod that gives your companion cool new clothes, but then it's wasted because you equip better armor on them anyway? Then this mod is for you! These armbands, when equipped, will make the character look like they're in their default outfit, no matter what armor they actually have equipped. They also give a thematically-relevant buff just so they're not completely useless stat-wise. How to get the items: - Your companions will have their bands equipped by default when you first recruit them. You can also use the console commands to get them. For now, to get the bands for the player character, you'll need to use the console. Codes: - giveitem bastilaband - giveitem canderousband - giveitem carthband - giveitem joleeband - giveitem juhaniband - giveitem missionband - There are 90 codes for player characters, one for each possible combination of Class and Head. The codes follow a pattern. P for Player, gender (M or F), race (A for Asian, B for Black, C for Caucasian), class (S for Scoundrel, M for Scout, L for Soldier), then 01-05 for which head. - Example code: giveitem transmogpfal03 (this would give you the armband for a Soldier with Female Asian Head 03. - I'll be workshopping a better way to give the player the relevant armband, but for now this is my best option. When in doubt, a little trial and error goes a long way. Install: - Just run the HoloPatcher! Uninstall: - Move everything from the backup folder into your override, and delete bastilaband.uti, canderousband.uti, carthband.uti, joleeband.uti, juhaniband.uti, and missionband.uti from your override. You'll also have 90 "transmogxxxxxx.uti" files in your override you can delete. *** Please do not use my mod in other mods without permission. You can message me on DeadlyStream to discuss it. Thank you! *** Compatibility: - The mod uses HoloPatcher to dynamically add rows to appearance.2da instead of overwriting anything, so I don't foresee any compatibility issues with appearance.2da. Anything that modifies p_bastilla.utc, p_cand.utc, p_carth.utc, p_jolee.utc, p_juhani.utc, or p_mission.utc may conflict, but all this does is add lines to their Equip_ItemList. Send me a message if you discover any conflicts! Future Plans: - Add variants that have just the transmog or just the buff, for folks who feel the buff is too good or want to have the buff while seeing the equipped armor. - Immersive Acquisition for the Player Character bands. I have the rumblings of an idea but not totally sure. There are 90 of them. - Re-theme the items for each character, i.e. give Mission a memento from Griff to equip instead of an armband. Also make each band only equippable by the proper character. Presently, any character can equip any armband, so you could make Canderous look like Mission, or make Carth look like a player character. - Patches for clothing mods from other developers. Send me a message if you want one and I'll try! - High in the sky apple pie hopes: Proper transmog. A method to apply the visuals of any armor you want instead of just your default clothing. This is gonna be a colossal undertaking so I'll do my best. It might be on the back burner until I get the basic version of Kinda Sorta Transmog for KotOR II published. Thanks: - JC, Thor110, 91.90'sK, and everyone else in the Discord - All the wonderful people who developed and honed these amazing modding tools - BioWare for creating peak Star Wars - Obsidian for somehow improving on peak Star Wars - The communities at twitch.tv/rizarjay and twitch.tv/flyinghawkbutt for hyping me up and always being supportive during this project. Changelog: - 1.0.0 - 3/22/2025 Initial Release - 1.1.0 - 3/23/2025 Each character will now have their band equipped when first recruited. Added unmodified relevant .utc files and appearance.2da into tslpatchdata in case enduser's override folder doesn't already have them. - 1.1.1 - 3/23/2025 Fixed some stuff in the readme, broke a bunch of other stuff. - 1.1.2 - 3/23/2025 Fixed some stuff in the readme, this time without breaking a bunch of stuff. - 2.0.0 - 3/24/2025 Player Character Bands added, all 90(!) of them. Anticipating a snag here or there but will address as needed. Submitter HoboKingNiklz Submitted 03/22/2025 Category Mods K1R Compatible No
0 pointsMerging Levels So I got distracted while fixing some holes in the level geometry for Manaan and realised some of the games levels could be easily combined into one. Currently I am not sure what I plan to do with this but these are the three levels I have put together. Endar Spire This actually needed a little editing to get it to fit properly, but it was very close to being perfect when imported to begin with. Taris Sewers This level also needed a little editing but it was easy enough to line up both halves of the level. Manaan - East & West Central These two levels are in exactly the right position when imported, however the joining room needed editing quite a bit to make everything work and look right. I have Manaan and the Endar Spire working in-game, I am just having a little bit of trouble getting one of the roomlinks to work on the Endar Spire and I have only just put together the Taris Sewers level. While I am no sure how many levels could be fit together like this, there are quite a lot for which it just wouldn't work. To think, all I set out to do in the first place was add in the missing room to Manaan's Hotel... Thor110