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1 point
Version 1.9
Summary Early in the game, BioWare had Bastila appear in an outfit that's a homage to the infamous Slave Leia costume from Return of the Jedi. But it was just a retexture of her regular underwear. For the sequel, Obsidian made the same homage and included a more elaborate model that could be worn by most female members of the party once the item is acquired. This mod ports the K2 model to replace Bastila's outfit in K1. Note that this will not replace Bastila's easter egg appearance because that uses a different line in appearance.2da. That will have to remain a retexture of Bastila's underwear, unless one were to replace her underwear model with the dancer outfit entirely. Instead, this mod adds a dancer outfit item that Bastila can wear any time afterwards. It has the same properties as the item from K2 and can only be worn by Bastila. I've modified the dancer outfit model to more closely resemble Bastila's body shape. I've also changed the texture to match her skin tone and fixed a few minor errors I noticed. Finally, I've included an alternate texture that changes the outfit's color scheme from red to a sort of dark blue with gold flowers and a lavender trim. I was trying to match the color scheme of her original outfit. @Dark Hope has also made a new texture with that color scheme and it's a lot fancier. Note that if you want to use any other texture that isn't in a TPC file, you'll have to remove JC_SlaveBast01.tpc. Compatibility This mod is not compatible with other mods that affect Bastila's slave appearance. This mod uses my Supermodel Port for K1. This makes it super cripplingly incompatible with any other mods that alter the game's supermodels (the S_Female and S_Male files) unless the other mods utilize my Supermodel Port assets. These edits are necessary to give the player supermodels the bones required for the cloaks to animate. This mod's supermodels include my Supermodel Fixes for K1. So you don't have to worry about using that, or if these files are overwriting those. Use this mod's files. These supermodel edits somewhat alter some animations in the game. These adjustments were necessary to prevent the old stuff from clipping with the new stuff. It's essentially what Obsidian did when they added the new bones to the supermodel, but I've reversed the changes a bit to bring the animations closer to the original K1 style. Some models aren't so happy with the new rig. I've made some hotfixes for such cases where I can, but they won't be compatible with other mods that alter these models. I've instructed TSLPatcher not to overwrite these. P_JuhaniBB.mdl and P_JuhaniBB.mdx are two such files that will be skipped. If you use the Juhani Catlike Head Mod, I suggest that you use my version because I happened to fix the same thing that mod fixes anyway. You can copy those two files manually from tslpatchdata to Override. While this mod adds skirt bones to the player supermodels, at this time it does not add the bones or the necessary animations to the cutscene models. So the skirt flaps may appear stiff in scenes that use those. This mod edits the script k_ptar_bastpart.ncs in tar_m03af.mod. If install another mod that edits that script after this one, then you won't automatically get the dancer outfit item, but all the other changes will still take effect. You can cheat the item in if you want. The item name is jc_slavebast. I've instructed the patcher to skip the file ia_cloths_255.tpc if it finds another copy present. If this file isn't installed, it will look like something else in the inventory but everything else will be as it should be. Credits KOTOR Tool – Fred Tetra TSLPatcher – stoffe, with updates by Fair Strides ERFEdit – stoffe, with updates by Fair Strides NWMax – Joco KOTORMax & MDLEdit – bead-v This mod contains assets ported from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II – The Sith Lords by Obsidian Entertainment. Permisisons I hereby grant nobody except myself permission to upload some or all of this mod anywhere for any reason. For any reason. If you would like to include any part of this mod in anything, then please contact me for permission. Disclaimers "We Beks don't believe in intergalactic slavery" but I guess they're totally cool with regular old domestic slavery? INTERGALACTIC SLAVERY NOT BELIEVED BY BIOWARE, OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, OR LUCASARTS. I was also going to make a "Song of the South" reference but I think anything I could possibly quote about that would be too offensive to be taken as a joke. Donations If you enjoy my mods and would like to show your support in a monetary manner, you may do so via PayPal with this donation link. For various legal and ethical reasons, this is entirely optional and is not a requirement to downloading or using any of my mods. I also do not create specific mods for hire. I make mods as a hobby and will most likely do so regardless of any donations or lack thereof, but modding does take up a lot of my time and every bit helps. -
1 point
Version 1.0.0
Description By default, HK-47 has 16 points in Strength, and only 10 in Constitution. This strength stat is almost completely useless, since HK is unable to wield melee weapons. So I have swapped his Constitution and Strength base stats, which should (hopefully) make him a bit more viable as a companion. Installation Double-click 'Install [K1] HK Stats Rework' and use the installer as intended. Uninstallation Remove p_hk47.utc from your Override folder. If TSLPatcher saved a previous version of this file to the backup folder, copy the version in the backup folder into your Override folder. -
1 pointLocally I changed the attributes of 3 4 party members: Mission (her stats are illegally low, should have 3 more points to distribute), Canderus (missing 3 points as well) , Carth (missing 1 point), and HK-47 (missing 1 point, but in this case I have also lowered STR from 16 to 15, freeing up the legal use of 2 additional point to raise Con from 10 to 14). Feel free to correct me if I got this wrong, of course.
1 point
Version 1.0.0
Description By default, HK-47 has 16 points in Strength, and only 10 in Constitution. This strength stat is almost completely useless, since HK is unable to wield melee weapons. So I have swapped his Constitution and Strength base stats, which should (hopefully) make him a bit more viable as a companion. Installation Double-click 'Install [TSL] HK Stats Rework' and use the installer as intended. Uninstallation Remove p_hk47.utc from your Override folder. If TSLPatcher saved a previous version of this file to the backup folder, copy the version in the backup folder into your Override folder. -
1 pointWith the Fashion of the Old Republic and Lite of my Life mods about 95% done, I am ready to announce that I've made up my mind on how exactly I plan to release these mods! My plan is to have Diverse Galaxy, Fashion of the Old Republic and Lite of my Life be part of the same mod, however, the TSLPatcher will allow player's to install them separately. My reason for doing this is that the other NPC Overhaul type mods I plan to make (the ones listed above that won't be part of this main mod) will require all 3 mods installed for the best results. Considering the already released TSL NPC Overhaul needs to be installed 60 times over for the full mod to be installed, I personally don't think my mod with it's 3 installers is that bad especially considering you can install just 1 of these mods and still have a good time. This mod will be added to the already released Diverse Galaxy mod once I iron out a few bugs, but in the mean time I'd wish to share with the community some screenshots of what exactly you'll be receiving in this update. Keep in mind that all of these screenshots have K1CP, Diverse Galaxy, Fashion of the Old Republic and Lite of my Life installed! Taris: Dantooine: Tatooine: Manaan: Korriban: Star Forge: As we can see from my screenshots, the mod is in a decent shape... so why haven't I released them yet? I haven't released them due to two seemingly minor yet very annoying bugs, the 1st bug can be found in this screenshot down below: If you reading this are at all familiar with how the Kotor clothing mechanics work you might first think that al of these generic NPCs are wearing the Clothes item aka "g_a_clothes01" because those beige colored clothes are from the "N_CommM/F01" texture in the game files. The problem I've encountered here is that NONE of the NPCs in this screenshot are wearing "g_a_clothes01"... they're all wearing a random assortment of clothes from "g_a_clothes02" to ""g_a_clothes09". That means if an NPC is wearing "g_a_clothes03" that should mean that the clothing they're wearing should use the "N_CommM/F03" texture. This same method of applying clothing to NPCs at random is applied to other areas of the mod as well, such as this screenshot here: As we can see in this screenshot, one of the NPCs does use the "N_CommM/F01" texture but that's only because he IS indeed wearing the "g_a_clothes01" Clothing item. The other NPCs are wearing a random assortment of clothes and, as intended, they're in-game clothing are different. This bug where the NPC's clothing doesn't show as intended appears to only happen to Lite NPCs (they're Lite NPCs in the vanilla game) in tar_m02ad (Largo's apartment), danm14aa (Enclave exterior) and manm26ab (Manaan Swoop track) and manm26ac (Area where you pay the Manaan docking fee). It should be noted that this bug is not present in Kainzorous Prime's NPC Overhaul mod. The 2nd bug is even more illusive to me, and it involves the TSLPatcher! The TSLPatcher seems to work for 99% of the 100+ NPCs this mod modifies, but for some reason it seems to think that one NPC in particular doesn't have "instructions" so it's skipped. Checking over the TSLPatcher log it appears as if the TSLPatcher has INDEED patched the NPC in question and going in-game seems to show that the NPC has been properly installed... so why am I getting an error? Here is an excerpt of the TSLPatcher log with the relevant details, the directory of where I keep the mod itself has been cut down for my own ease of mind though everything else is untouched. It should also be noted that there aren't any hard overwrites being done either, the TSLPatcher is simply going into the UTC file inside the .MOD file and switching out the clothing the NPC is wearing. If anyone would like the full TSLPatcher log or even the full mod to test out the TSLPatcher to find a solution on how to fix it, I'll be happy to send it through.
1 pointThank you so much for your post Chainz, I've spend countless hours trying to find a substitute for some robes that I'd been wanting to use, and thanks to your link to the included thread, I just officially got permission to include it in my mod. You're a lifesaver! It also goes without saying, that I'll of course include credits in the description, readme, along with a copy of the original readme ^^
0 points