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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/11/2020 in all areas
5 pointsI just cannot stop myself from tweaking stuff. So while preparing skyboxes for and doing the final renders, I reworked K1 Korribans colors. Not because the old ones were bad but they strayed quite a bit from vanilla, making a seamless blend much harder. So I tuned them closer to vanilla and thus got a way better blend and overall look. Here's what it looks like now (final high quality renders and correct colors): And the old version with low quality test renders:
1 point
Version 1.2.1
Keep in mind this is still a demo / early access for a project that is insanely oversized and may never be fully completed, so probably best for most users to avoid this project / mod for the time being until I have cleared things up a bit more. But feel free to check it out if you wish. The goal of the Expanded Galaxy Project is to provide as much additional content for both games as possible. NOTE : The current included readme is outdated, so the installation instructions are included below. Installation steps for the project. #0 Install KotOR2. #1 Install Official 1.0b Patch ( Steam users don't need this ) https://deadlystream.com/files/file/812-official-10b-patch/ #2 Install TSLRCM 2022 https://deadlystream.com/files/file/578-tsl-restored-content-mod #3 Install M478EP 1.5 https://deadlystream.com/files/file/277-m4-78-enhancement-project/ #4 Install Coruscant Jedi Temple https://deadlystream.com/files/file/585-coruscant-jedi-temple-by-deathdisco/ #5 Install Expanded Galaxy 1.1.8 ( Download included on this page ) This is all required for the project to work properly. Also make sure to download and install the latest patches, I will upload everything in a single package eventually. <-> Credit to everybody that helped me along the way or contributed. bead-v - Upgradeable Swoop Bike Mod - Ebon Hawk Model Fixes - Kreias Vibrosword - Rocket Launcher Sounds Ashton Scorpius - Ebon Hawk Downloadable Map (No Longer Included) - Ebon Hawk Map Unlocks On Enter Instead - Jedi Malak Mouth Fix - Twilek Head Fixes Option A Darth Insidious - advice DarthParametric - advice DarthRevan101 - advice Darth_Sapiens - Animated Logo ( TSLRCM / M478EP ) - I will update this to say the correct version numbers JC - advice JCarter426 - K2 Loadscreen Template - Republic Soldier Fix for K2 v1.1 - VO Fix for K2 v1.1 - Zhug Attack Fix for TSLRCM v1.1 - Minor Fixes for K2 v1.5 - Shader Fixes for K2 v1.1 - Feat Fixes for K2 v1.1 ( Not Included Yet ) - Minor Fixes for K1 v1.1 - Dense Aliens for K1 ( Not Included Yet ) - Jedi Tailor for K1 v1.4 ( Not Included Yet ) - Korriban - Back in Black for K1 v2.3 ( Not Included Yet ) - Republic Soldier Fix for K1 v1.3( Not Included Yet ) Stoney - Sleheyron Demo / Maps - Placeable Ebon Hawk Model ( Included in the Port ) ebmar - advice Effix - advice for a fix InSidious - advice & TSL Lost Modules deathdisco - Coruscant / Jedi Temple Mod ( Not Included but required ) TimurD2003 - M4-78 Fog Fixes Kexikus - Updated Coruscant Texture & Planet Icon - Extended Jedi Council Meeting VarsityPuppet - Malachor V Sideways opening doors - Peragus Tweak ( removed due to a bug ) - Trayus Rank Reform danil-ch - Extended Carth Meeting - Kreia's dialog on small kindnesses - Kreia's Fall In-Game Cutscene - Sensor Droid Appearance Change Schizo - Re-scaled Trandoshans Alvar007 - Darth Malak Model Included From Playable Darth Malak Mod ( disguise optional ) lachjames - KotOR Save Importer For TSL ( included and optional for now ) - K2 Overlay Console ( included and optional, normaal and steam versions ) Marauder - Mandalorian Chamber Mark III Fix ( any dialog fixes might have been broken since tslrcm 1.8.6 implementation ) - Reduced Graphics Mod ( optional ) - Robe Description Fix ( any dialog fixes might have been broken since tslrcm 1.8.6 implementation ) - Droid Anatomy Description Fix ( any dialog fixes might have been broken since tslrcm 1.8.6 implementation ) jonathan7 - Bodies Stay Mod ( optional ) ndix UR - PMHC06 TSL Head Fix ZimmMaster - TSL Walking & Running Animation Fix Markus Ramikin - Kill The Ithorian LDR - Terentatek Models Darth Shan - Extra Difficulty Options seedhartha - Advice on Importing/Exporting in Blender & Creating the latest KotOR Blender Plugin! N-Drew25 - Selkath Xbox Voice Files PapaZinos - Various Level Model Fixes SithHolocron - Nar Shaddaa Docks' Computer and Monitor Upgrade and Animated Swoop Monitors zbyl2 - Advice & Help finding files that do stuff in TSLRCM. Cortisol - PyKotOR itself. th3w1zard1 - various updates to PyKotOR that helped with the installers for the project. many more and a big shout out to everyone that has supported the project on the Discord channel. <-> Thanks to everybody that made this project possible, I will update the read-me and many more things in time. Thor110 Discord : https://discord.gg/g9cnEvr - For Testing & Story Discussion as well as the latest patches. There is now an installer included. -
1 pointOne day, many moons from now, we may get a wiki for that sort of thing.
1 pointI wanted to say a big thank you to all of the Mod Authors that have let me include their Mods in the Expanded Galaxy Project. While continuuing to work on the Port and the main Project I will continue looking for decent mods / fixes for the second game to include. Also still looking for testers, suggestions and modders to get involved with the project, if you would like your mod included or would like to get involved then please message me on here or on Discord.
1 point
1 point
1 point
1 pointI've turned most of the major characters' lines for K1 and TSL into Mp3. I'm weird that way. I'm also anal retentive which means I have to track tag those MP3s. And I have to have decent album art for the track tag. Why not turn that obsessive nature into a positive? Hence me working on my own little portrait package. HairlessWookiee over at Reddit has been kind enough to provide some high quality shots of the TSL NPCs for me. A few at time right now. I thought I'd show off what I've done in the form of animated GIFs. Handmaiden (Hood Up) Handmaiden (Hood Down) Visas Marr Mira Now obviously it's only three frames with transitions I made to fade between them, but they aren't that hideous!
1 point[TUTORIAL] - KotOR Modding Tutorial Series These tutorials should be enough to get anybody started making levels for the game using the available resources and tutorials / tools etc IMPORTANT NOTE : A lot of the tools I use are outdated now that Holocron Toolset is out, however I still prefer working with each filetype as I am use to the programs that edit them directly that I use throughout this tutorial. So if you are using Holocron Toolset or KotOR Level Editor, things will be different, but the general idea should be the same. I suggest trying out Holocron Toolset if you want an all in one program for editing levels, it does everything KotOR Level Editor does and most of what all the tools I have below do, except perhaps findrefs, dencs, kotor gui editor, walkswitch, anicam, ptheditor and lip synch editor, but it does everything the rest of the programs do and it might even do some of the things from the programs I just mentioned, I am not sure! Available Source Material & Tools These are the tools I use for modding the game. Lots of source material is available on DeadlyStream as well as many tutorials, some old, some new and very detailed information on the filetypes and the game itself, so make sure to have a good look around. .nss scripts for every script I have been able to access from both games are available in the GitHub repositories for my project. Some scripts from KotOR1 require the files to be trimmed of some excess bytes, there is some information on it around here somewhere and I will post a link to it when I next find it, the scripts in question are some of those from Tatooine, Manaan, Kashyyyk and the Unknown World. Actually Decompiling Scripts Steam KotOR Tool Issues KotOR2 Expanded Galaxy Thor110/Expanded-Galaxy-Main: Expanded Galaxy Main (github.com) KotOR1 in TSL Expanded Galaxy Thor110/Expanded-Galaxy-Port: Expanded Galaxy Port (github.com) Brotherhood of Shadow : Solomon's Revenge in TSL Expanded Galaxy Thor110/Expanded-Galaxy-Hood: Expanded Galaxy Hood (github.com) PLEASE do not redistribute the entire project anywhere without my express permission, but feel free to learn from the source material to make as many modifications to the game as you wish. If you wish to work on the project or contribute by offering or allowing your mod to be included with the project feel free to contact me on here or elsewhere. In future I might go beyond these basic scripting tutorials and add other types of tutorials such as texturing and modelling that are focused around KotOR2 TSL or working with others towards making a comprehensive KotOR modding guide. Most material I write will be aimed at KotOR 2 TSL, though a lot of the structure of the game is very similar between them both if not almost identical. For now here are some really basic written tutorials for getting setup with Blender and modding for KotOR or just messing around with the models from the game. I will continue to work on these providing screenshots and more as necessary. The first two blender tutorials here are a little outdated, there is a new version of KotORBlender for example which can import MDL files without the need for them to be converted to ASCII. I advise having a folder with all of the games model files ( mdl/mdx/wok/dwk/pwk ) and related files ( .lyt/.vis ) as well as textures ( swpc_tex_tpa/swpc_tex_gui ) And even all of the .gui files, this way you can use that folder to instantly import an entire level as well as properly display .gui files in the KotOR GUI Editor. Blender Tutorial 00 - Getting Blender Setup ( OUTDATED ) Blender Tutorial 01 - Asset Editing ( OUTDATED ) Blender Tutorial 02 - Creating A Placeable Blender Tutorial 03 - Character Editing Blender Tutorial 04 - Level Editing Outdated Tutorials & Intro Individually written and quite specific tutorials, mostly scripts and guidance towards achieving specific goals or tasks. 01 - [TUTORIAL] - Creating a Module for TSL using a KotOR Map! The first tutorial should be a great guide for porting a level from the first game into the second game as well as that it shouldn't be too difficult to work out how to do it the other way around from there on out! These are some useful links that I have found around that might guide you towards making mods for the game. Useful Links for learning to mod TSL & KotOR Thor110 In the following post in this topic are many more tutorials that I am working on to guide people through the process of making mods for KotOR.