Entry#11: ActionJumpToLocation >= ActionJumpToObject
Today I learned that to avoid T-posing of a jumped creatures, ones should use ActionJumpToLocation rather than ActionJumpToObject. Though they have a same purpose but the end-result look to be different some other times.
I was having a trial-and-error experience with the HoloRakata/unk41_holo spawned outside the Elder Settlement [Lehon - South Beach/unk_m41ab]. Originally it was spawned by unk41_holo02 using CreateObject, thus having the holo spawned with a T-pose. I recognize the taste of the fruit for sometimes so I moved the spawn part one script earlier -with custom location- to have it with unk41_holo01 and jump the holo with the latter. The waypoint/UTW for initial spawn location already present, which is spawn1 - I have to go with ActionJumpToObject for convenience's sake to avoid fiddling with location's Vector for the jump.
Alas, the T-pose still there. I thought I had to add a PlayAnimation before the jumping part [to override the T animation] but it didn't worked. So I look for a location to pair it with ActionJumpToLocation, as well as using it instead, and then - yeah, the T-pose's gone.
I hope this information can be helpful to you, fellow Jedi. May the Force be with you.