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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/20/2019 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    It's done. Malachor is now complete. I went with the color closer to vanilla as you all suggested and also desaturated the dark clouds a little bit. In addition to that I tweaked the terrain color a little and also improved the terrain itself so that you can no longer see where it begins. Here's what the result looks like: But since this is an animated skybox, pictures can't really do it justice and so here's a video for you all: And as always, there's also a render of just the skybox. Well, two actually. And I have them in two versions. One is the raw Terragen render and one was edited in a similarly to the skybox textures to get darker clouds at the top. Next up is the Unknown World, but that's mostly fixing the skybox model for all modules and rerendering the skybox itself with some tiny tweaks. I'll keep you updated.
  2. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    This mod is a small fix for a couple of wall panels in the entranceway of the Taris Upper City cantina. For some reason the mesh for this particular pair of panels was split off into a different model from the rest of the room. More importantly, it was assigned a lightmap that doesn't exist, thus it appears black in-game. To solve this, a duplicate of the adjoining panels was added to the entranceway room model in the appropriate position and the original mesh removed. To install, simply drop the MDL/MDX files into your Override. Compatibility: Won't be compatible with any other mods that edit those two room models, but the likelihood of that is low. Acknowledgements: Thanks to @bead-v for KOTORMax and MDLEdit Thanks to @ebmar for bringing the issue to my attention
  3. 1 point
    That's not the model, that's the render. The problem here is that each render is illuminated individually and sometimes, especially in scenes with thick clouds, that illumination will not match. But that's easily fixed by using a so called "global illumination cache" in TG. I'm just too lazy to do that for my test renders as that takes extra time. But in the final version these corners won't be visible at all (and the resolution will be higher and there will be less grain).
  4. 1 point
    This article on Kotaku - How Knights Of The Old Republic Pulled Off A Voice-Acting Triumph - is well worth the read. I'll likely be picking up the book that the article is an excerpt from.
  5. 1 point
    Yeppers. Though I've been thinking about making something custom based off of random Rakatan glyphs in the games.
  6. 1 point
    Will your new base texture utilize the fonts used on your last texture?
  7. 1 point
    Locking. They can PM me to re-open if/when its needed.
  8. 1 point
    In an attempt to save this mod... here are some REAL instructions It's actually very easy so don't freak out Let me start by saying, the file that he calls "Part 10" is actually named "TELOS Extract Manually". Yes, the one without all caps is part 10 1) First up, you will need a program that the author clearly believes everyone should know about for some reason... I certainly hadn't heard about it until now Called XnView. Download it from here https://www.xnview.com/en/ We won't use it 'til the later steps, we're just getting this out of the way now. Don't worry, it's less steps now than the initial instructions make it seem. I assume thats for an older version 2) Download all RARs from here 3) Extract the two RARs called "EXTRACT MANUALLY" and "TELOS Extract Manually" (this second one is "part10") and manually copy or move all their contents into KotOR II's "Override" folder Yes, we're doing part 10 out of order. It's easier for us this way as these are the only two folders out of the bunch that we can handle like this. This is only because the author obviously forgot to add it in the initial upload 4) Now, Extract the contents of parts 1 through to part 11 (with part 10 missing obviously as we've already done that) INTO A SINGLE FOLDER! What I mean by that is, don't just make a folder with the folders inside for "TELOS Part 1", "TELOS Part 2" etc. All the contents from each RAR need to be in the same single folder. Note: For some reason, when doing this, there was a file or two that needed to be overwritten. I'm assuming this due to some sort of update the author made 5) Now we're moving on to the XnView stuff. Open any one of the extracted files i this new folder we've made with XnView For me, it opened full screen for some reason so if that happens for you, just press escape. You should now see all the files in the folder in a viewing window within XnView 6) Select all the files by pressing Ctrl+A 7) With all files selected, go to Tools > Batch Convert 8 ) Set the output folder to KotOR II's "Override" folder and press "Convert" on the bottom right of the window DONE. Enjoy! Avs
  9. 1 point

    Version 1.0


    **** **** **** KotOR - Ultimate 2.0 - Endar Spire **** **** Texture pack **** This is the first texture-pack of the "new" KotOR - Ultimate 2.0. This pack consists of 30 completely new textures made for Star Wars - Knights of the Old Republic to improve it´s overall graphics. This is only the first of many packages that may come in the future. ( I´m working hard ) All textures are created by Thunder3( me ). **** **** Installation instructions **** **** 1. Copy the folder "override" from this archive to your SWKotOR installation folder. ( there should already be a override folder, if not, then there´s one now! ) 2. Enjoy! that´s all!! 3. In order to get the same look like in the screenshots, than follow instructions below to install "Reshade 3 - By Crosire" and my configuration file included in this archive. **** **** Reshade 3 **** **** 1. Download the newest version of Reshade 3 here: https://reshade.me/ 2. Launch the installation file you have just downloaded. 3. The installer will ask for a game path, and for a renderer. 3a) Choose your SWKotOR installation folder 3b) now click on OpenGL 4. The installer will install Reshade and ask, if you want to download and install the default shader pack from github - THIS IS A DEFINITVE YES!! 5. Copy the file swkotor-ultimate.ini from the folder "reshade_conf" from this archive to your SWKotOR installation folder. 6. Enjoy the awesomeness of Reshade, many thanks to Crosire for this!! **** **** How to activate Reshade ingame **** 1. When your start the game( it´s enough to be in the main menu) then press "Shift + F2" in order to open Reshades GUI. 2. If this is your first start of Reshade you will need to get through a tutorial of reshade. 3. After you have finished with the tutorial you are able to choose the config file in the "Home"-Tab in Reshades GUI. 4. It might take some time to apply the effects! 5. Ignore any errors of reshade concerning FXAA!