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NPC Diversity Pack [K1]
A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic
Author: N-DReW25
0.10.0 Beta Release Date: 02.01.2025

Please install the K1 Community Patch FIRST before this mod!

If you plan on using it, install the Unofficial K1CP Tweak Pack mod SECOND (This mod is optional and is NOT required for this mod to work)!

Once you click on the HoloPatcher.exe, you'll be given a few install options.

1) Main mod: Installs the main component of the mod, it edits over 600 NPCs with changes to their appearances, weapons, soundsets, and more!

2) Player Head Commoners: This install will add new commoner NPC variants who use the player heads. This option will greatly diversify the Kotor galaxy as it'll greatly reduce the generic commoner head count and with so many new player head commoners it's unlikely you'd see two of the same NPC variant in the same playthrough. If a player head commoner uses the player's head, it will be swapped for another head (So if you're playing Mullet Man then the Mullet Man commoner who appears in-game will use a different head). You WILL have to install this option AFTER the main mod.


3) Fat Commoners: This install will add generic commoner NPCs who use the fat commoner body model. In vanilla, only two fat commoner variants exist and they both use player heads, the female variant is cut whilst the male variant is only used once or twice. This install adds fat commoner variants which all use the generic NPC heads and places them randomly throughout the game ensuring that fat NPCs will be found in normal gameplay. This install uses DarthParametric's Fat Commoner Body Models Modder's Resource to improve the UVs of the models, allowing for compatibility with clothing variant textures and modded clothing variant textures like Dark Hope's NPC Clothing mods and my K1 Clothing Pack mod.

4) Onderon Commoners: This install will add generic commoner NPCs who use the Onderon commoner body model. In K2, Onderonian commoner NPCs wear unique robe-like clothing which differentiates them from the default commoner NPCs. This install adds Onderonian commoner variants which all use the generic NPC heads and places them randomly throughout the game ensuring that Onderonian commoner NPCs will be found in normal gameplay. Though just because this install is called "Onderonian Commoner" it doesn't mean these NPCs are Onderonian, depending on the texture these new Onderonian commoner variants will replace rich noble and poor downtrodden NPCs alike. The Onderonian commoner textures used in this install come from Effixian's Zeison Sha/Jal Shey to Onderon Clothing mod.

As with many modders, I have a vision for a comprehensive NPC Overhaul. This mod is currently in a BETA stage, whilst I don't expect bugs, I do expect player criticism/feedback alongside reports of possible mod conflicts with certain mods... updates will be released to fix any possible bugs, add popular player suggestions, possible hotfixes for incompatible mods and new content as they become possible.

What does this mod do?

This mod is comprised of several smaller mods that have been merged into one big mod, resulting in an immersive NPC Overhaul which is compatible with the K1 Community Patch.

This mod swaps the heads of hundreds of NPCs to prevent the 'clone' effect, it replaces the low poly Lite NPCs with actual NPC appearances, it diversifies the clothing, armor and weapons worn by NPCs without touching any of the NPC Loot drops, it modifies the .GIT files in some areas to remove duplicated NPCs, it swaps the soundsets of over 200 NPCs so that the enemies you fight have a truly random "death grunt" sound as they die and MORE! With this mod, over 600 NPCs will be affected (including NPCs which are commonly affected by other mods). 

It is HIGHLY advised to install this mod (AFTER the K1CP mod) BEFORE you install any new appearance mods. For example, Galaxy of Faces is a mod which adds new appearances. Installing the NPC-DP BEFORE that mod will allow you to have GoF appearances alongside the NPC-DP's NPC Overhaul as intended.

Known Bugs:
This mod shouldn't have bugs, but if there are feel free to report it to me on Deadlystream.

Please report any incompatibilities!

Player head commoners are affected by player head reskins, if you install weird player head reskins (The Mullet Man to DC Universe Joker for example) then the player head commoner with Mullet Man's head will use that skin.

Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission.

Any assets that I've used that are not mine that come from mods like Modder's Resources and mods where the author has declared free use in their readmes can be used in your own mod.

Thanks to:
ebmar: For his attempt at fixing a problem with the TSLPatcher pre-0.4.1!
Effix: For creating the Effixian's Zeison Sha/Jal Shey to Onderon Clothing mod!
JCarter426/DarthParametric: For pointing out major flaws with the old TSLPatcher setups!
DarthParametric: For creating the Fat Commoner Body Models - Modder's Resource mod!
SpaceAlex: For fixing the old clothing bug in his K1 Enhancement Project for which his fix was carried over to this mod!
Cortisol/th3w1zard1: For the HoloPatcher!
Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool!
Bioware: For such an amazing game!
Obsidian Entertainment: For creating the sequel!
Everyone who downloads the mod!


What's New in Version 0.11.0   See changelog



* Added Onderon Commoner variants as an optional install.

* Added Fat Commoner variants as an optional install.

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will u add other alien npc too from the star wars galaxy thats not in  kotor for the movies too cus that would be cool


and is this mod finished or is it still work in progress man i cant wait i been waiting for a mod like this i did not think anyone would make this mod

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12 hours ago, Revanbeta50 said:

will u add other alien npc too from the star wars galaxy thats not in  kotor for the movies too cus that would be cool

This mod will only include assets already in Kotor 1, any mods which add Kotor 2 aliens or aliens from other media will be released in different mods.


12 hours ago, Revanbeta50 said:

and is this mod finished or is it still work in progress man i cant wait i been waiting for a mod like this i did not think anyone would make this mod

It is in a finished, this mod will cover NPCs from Taris all the way to the Star Forge. There might be updates for bug fixes and possibly more NPC changes I can think up in the future, hence is why I consider this mod a 'Beta' and not a 'full mod'.

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great job, I converted it for my xbox 360 and it works very well, the only problem is Lite of my Life that makes the fps drop a bit, although I don't think that's entirely from the mod, but from the bad backward compatibility that is he did for this game and the second one for the 360 and that microsoft never updated, it would be nice to see how it runs on a classic xbox

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On 3/31/2023 at 2:38 AM, jacd28 said:

great job, I converted it for my xbox 360 and it works very well, the only problem is Lite of my Life that makes the fps drop a bit, although I don't think that's entirely from the mod, but from the bad backward compatibility that is he did for this game and the second one for the 360 and that microsoft never updated, it would be nice to see how it runs on a classic xbox

I personally suspect Bioware only added the Lite NPCs because regular NPCs made the old Xbox lag. Since the Lite of my Life component swaps all the Lite NPCs for regular NPCs, the lag would be inevitable for the Xbox versions, and I've heard the 360 version in particular is infamously bad when it comes to performance.

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Great mod! But I'm getting a strange glitch where the Lower Taris where the Lower Taris Citizens in Javyar's Cantina appear as green male and female Twi'leks The green male Twi'leks wear default green clothes.

These are the only mods I installed in the order of installation:


-Unofficial K1CP Tweaks Pack(Didn't install Lite NPCs Restoration and didn't put the Persuade fixes into Override.)

-NPC Diversity(All options)

-Ladies of the Sith Army

-Onderon Fashion

-Smuggler Deluxe


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3 hours ago, JasonRyder said:

Great mod! But I'm getting a strange glitch where the Lower Taris where the Lower Taris Citizens in Javyar's Cantina appear as green male and female Twi'leks The green male Twi'leks wear default green clothes.

This is semi-intentional, I wanted the generic Commoners to be aliens without touching their dialogues. The lore would support this as the Lower City is where most of the aliens are segregated to and since Twi'leks do speak English in Kotor it isn't too much of a stretch for the commoners to be Twi'leks.


However, I don't recall adding a female. If the female Twi'lek has male VO than it is indeed a bug and I will correct that.

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Thank you for clearing that up! Still, they all look the same and one of the Vulkars that confronts Calo Nord also looks like this. Bib Surool also has this same appearance. I recommend using some of SpaceAlex's assets for the Black Vulkars and Hidden Beks. His armor reskins also look great and I particularly like his Echani Fiber armor reskin/retexture.

Oh and I'm planning on using JC's cloaked Jedi Robes mods(JC's Fashion Line I, JC's Jedi Tailor, Korriban: Back in Black, and Dark Jedi Wear Robes) along with your mods. Would any be incompatible?

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I wanted to comment on that so yeah I get the how your comment about the alien on taris that speak English in the lower city the problem is the female Twi'leks speak like there a male human 🤔 

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On 6/1/2023 at 2:46 PM, Revanbeta50 said:

I wanted to comment on that so yeah I get the how your comment about the alien on taris that speak English in the lower city the problem is the female Twi'leks speak like there a male human 🤔 

You found the same bug? 

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On 6/4/2023 at 5:48 PM, Revanbeta50 said:

Yeah unfortunately 

Looks like it's a bug then. There's two female Twi'leks that have male soundsets in the Lower City Cantina. 

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9 hours ago, Revanbeta50 said:

Is he ever going to respond to us

And what am I going to say exactly? I said I was going to fix the bug when I get the time to, I have a life outside of modding and I do these mods for free so please be patient when waiting for updates.


On 6/2/2023 at 3:15 AM, JasonRyder said:

Thank you for clearing that up! Still, they all look the same and one of the Vulkars that confronts Calo Nord also looks like this. Bib Surool also has this same appearance.

The vanilla game has like 3 unique Twi'lek appearances... you can only go so far when there are 6 Twi'lek NPCs to cover. I'll see what I can do but we may just have to wait for my Twi'lek mod.


On 6/2/2023 at 3:15 AM, JasonRyder said:

I recommend using some of SpaceAlex's assets for the Black Vulkars and Hidden Beks. His armor reskins also look great and I particularly like his Echani Fiber armor reskin/retexture.

This mod in particular only uses vanilla assets, anything from SpaceAlex's assets would have to be a separate mod I'm afraid.


12 hours ago, JasonRyder said:

Also, is this compatible with your Commandos of the Old Republic and Sith Commandos mods? What about Unused Head Restoration Pack?

Yes, though install them after the NPC Diversity Pack.

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Sorry for being rude or unpleasant just a reaction would be fine to let me know if your actually read are messages 🙂 thx

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3 hours ago, JasonRyder said:

I found a bug with Bolook. He's wearing commoner clothes instead of Jedi robes for some reason. 

So my intent with Bolook was that he's wearing Nemo Robes, the diversity pack swapped his appearance to the Twi'lek with the Nemo Robe model and the Commoner clothing was supposed to give him the same unique texture as the female Jedi on the Star Forge (The "You made it!" Jedi).


What other mods do you have that might affect Bolook? I assume most mods assume Bolook would wear his normal Jedi Robe item so it's possible whatever mod you have must not have expected him to wear Clothing.

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6 minutes ago, N-DReW25 said:

So my intent with Bolook was that he's wearing Nemo Robes, the diversity pack swapped his appearance to the Twi'lek with the Nemo Robe model and the Commoner clothing was supposed to give him the same unique texture as the female Jedi on the Star Forge (The "You made it!" Jedi).


What other mods do you have that might affect Bolook? I assume most mods assume Bolook would wear his normal Jedi Robe item so it's possible whatever mod you have must not have expected him to wear Clothing.

I'm using JC's Cloaked Jedi Robes, Jedi Tailor, Dark Jedi Wear Robes, Smuggler's Deluxe, K1CP, K1CP Tweaks Pack. 

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1 minute ago, N-DReW25 said:

What other mods do you have that might affect Bolook? I assume most mods assume Bolook would wear his normal Jedi Robe item so it's possible whatever mod you have must not have expected him to wear Clothing.

JasonRyder used your mod with my Twi'lek NPC Diversity mods, but my male Twi'lek NPC Diversity mod only changes the head of the NPCs, including Bolook, and does not change the NPC's equipments.

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I found a bug where Darth Bandon doesn't ignite his lightsaber on the Endar Spire. Also, Trask takes a bit longer to say his lines and then the game gets stuck in the conversation with Trask shaking his fist at Bandon before entering the area Bandon is standing in. It's possible that this mod and Sith Commandos[K1] are incompatible. Alternatively, Ladies of the Sith Army and Sith Commandos[K1] might also be incompatible with each other.

EDIT: Looks like it isn't the Sith Commandos mod that's causing the problem. But what could be causing it? 

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@Leilukin I have developed an optional patch which should undo my own changes, this will allow players to install your Twi'lek NPC Diversity mod without any trouble with Bolook.



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On 6/17/2023 at 10:23 AM, N-DReW25 said:

@Leilukin I have developed an optional patch which should undo my own changes, this will allow players to install your Twi'lek NPC Diversity mod without any trouble with Bolook.




On 6/17/2023 at 10:23 AM, N-DReW25 said:

@Leilukin I have developed an optional patch which should undo my own changes, this will allow players to install your Twi'lek NPC Diversity mod without any trouble with Bolook.



I almost want to install the Twi'lek Diversity Mods again and try this out...but I'd have to start a new playthough.

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21 hours ago, JasonRyder said:

I almost want to install the Twi'lek Diversity Mods again and try this out...but I'd have to start a new playthough.

I would recommend you to finish your current playthrough with NPC Diversity Pack without my mods first anyway, to reduce the chance of mistaking NPC Diversity Pack's changes to Twi'Lek NPCs as "bugs" with my mods.

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