Juhani Appearance Overhaul 1.0.0

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8 Screenshots

About This File


This mod aims to completely change Juhani's appearance and to bring it close to artist Corbin Hunter's redesign of the character. As a result, her head has been significantly reshaped and slightly retextured. An all-new body model was created and hand-painted from scratch. A new custom lightsaber has been created as well.

As several aspects of Juhani have been changed, this mod has been divided into four editions to accomodate the final user's preferences:
1.    An All-in-one edition which includes all the changes to bring her close to Corbin Hunter's vision of the character.
2.    A head-only edition, which only includes Juhani's revamped head.
3.    A body and lightsaber edition, which includes her new body model and lightsaber.
4.    Finally, a head and lightsaber edition, which includes her new head model and lightsaber.

Please refer to the included images in the 'Editions reference pictures' folder included in the archive to help you determine your preferred edition.



1.    Extract the archive's content somewhere on your computer.
2.    Double-click the "Juhani Appearance Overhaul.exe" file.
3.    Choose an edition to install. Refer to the images included in the 'Editions reference pictures' folder to determine which one you prefer.
4.    Click on the "Install Now" button once you're ready. The installer will try to locate your game installation directory. If it can't find it on its own, direct the installer to the correct location.
5.    The installer will proceed to install the mod's files into your Override folder. Once it's finished, you may exit the installer and launch the game.


If you choose an edition that includes Juhani's new body model and lightsaber:
Juhani will have her new items only if you are using a save that is prior to the moment she joins your party right before leaving Daantoine. If you are past that point in your playthrough, she won't have her new items. You can get them using KSE or via entering the following commands in the in-game console:
⦁    giveitem j_juhsaber01
⦁    giveitem j­­­_juhbody01

Original design by Corbin Hunter: Artstation link

This mod uses JC’s TSL Supermodel port in order to animate the skirt.

Artist Corbin Hunter for granting me permission to use this concept art
@DarthParametric for his help and advice throughout the development process
@bead-v for the incredible tools MDLEdit and KoTORMax


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To fix the saber workbench issue, a crystal UTI needs to be added to the mod. The resref for this is the "template" referred to in upcrystals.2da. Additionally, the longmdlvar therein needs to point to the hilt UTI, which is j_juhsaber01 in this case. For future users, @Stormie97 will need to rectify this with an update to the mod.

Fortunately, thanks to a handy tool by @VarsityPuppet, it's possible to fix this for anyone that has already installed the mod (at least for those on Windows). Grab the ZIP below and extract it somewhere. Copy the upcrystals.2da file from your Override folder, paste it into the extracted PATCHER folder. Run the BAT file and follow the prompts and it will patch your 2DA with the corrected values. Copy and paste upcrystals.2da back into your Override folder. Also make sure you grab the UTI and TGA from the FOR OVERRIDE folder and paste those into your Override as well.


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Hunter's redesign is even worse than her vanilla appearance. I'd rather have a mod that makes her look like a proper Cathar (and not the subtype that was invented after the fact to retroactively justify her appearance instead of admitting that Bioware screwed up). Is there one?

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On 1/16/2021 at 5:15 AM, ZeldaTheSwordsman said:

Hunter's redesign is even worse than her vanilla appearance. I'd rather have a mod that makes her look like a proper Cathar (and not the subtype that was invented after the fact to retroactively justify her appearance instead of admitting that Bioware screwed up). Is there one?


This is about as close as we're going to get; the "Catlike Head Juhani" or whatever it's called is eye-scarringly bad

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2 hours ago, MaverickCouger said:

But the person doesn't say if it's compatible with Kotor 1 or not. This is not said on the mod. It would be nice if this was said 

It is only compatible with Kotor 1, since you can't get Juhani in your party in Kotor 2.

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she looks good but there's something wrong with her mouth when you speak to her. like when she moves her mouth it seems like there's some sort of tearing going on as if her mouth model doesn't fit into your head model. it's right at the edges of her mouth you can just barely catch it if you're paying attention but it's very noticeable and once you do it starts to irk you. is this a flaw in the mod or is this an issue on my end?

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21 hours ago, Valefury said:

she looks good but there's something wrong with her mouth when you speak to her. like when she moves her mouth it seems like there's some sort of tearing going on as if her mouth model doesn't fit into your head model. it's right at the edges of her mouth you can just barely catch it if you're paying attention but it's very noticeable and once you do it starts to irk you. is this a flaw in the mod or is this an issue on my end?

No idea, I use an alternate head for her. 

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On 2/27/2021 at 3:05 AM, Valefury said:

she looks good but there's something wrong with her mouth when you speak to her. like when she moves her mouth it seems like there's some sort of tearing going on as if her mouth model doesn't fit into your head model. it's right at the edges of her mouth you can just barely catch it if you're paying attention but it's very noticeable and once you do it starts to irk you. is this a flaw in the mod or is this an issue on my end?

This is an issue with the model, it is happening to me too. I think there might be a problem with a vertex on the model.

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On 1/31/2021 at 10:26 AM, Prince of Pomp said:


This is about as close as we're going to get; the "Catlike Head Juhani" or whatever it's called is eye-scarringly bad

I couldn't disagree with you more. The catlike head mod is the only Juhani head to ACTUALLY look like a real Cathar (whereas the mod you linked still just looks like a human in makeup, and is thus in my book false advertising), and IMO looks far better to boot.

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3 hours ago, ZeldaTheSwordsman said:

I couldn't disagree with you more. The catlike head mod is the only Juhani head to ACTUALLY look like a real Cathar (whereas the mod you linked still just looks like a human in makeup, and is thus in my book false advertising), and IMO looks far better to boot.

If you're using Sylvar as a reference, yes that is true.

See the source image

However, I think a lot of people prefer the middle direction Bioware took which minimized the more animalistic features in favor of a more animalistic VO.

Both versions are legit as it's more a matter of taste than accuracy. Frankly I wish that the mod author of Catlike Juhani had made the nose and ears blend in better with the face as they stick out too much, but that's just my own opinion.

That said, regarding this mod, Juhani Appearance Overhaul, I like how it focuses on a more primal aesthetic for the robed version instead of whatever they were trying to do with the blue and orange suit in Vanilla. Regarding the head, the eyes are much smaller and aside from the obvious nose and ear changes, her face looks a lot more like Sylvar's.


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16 minutes ago, Malkior said:

If you're using Sylvar as a reference, yes that is true.

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See the source image


However, I think a lot of people prefer the middle direction Bioware took which minimized the more animalistic features in favor of a more animalistic VO.

Both versions are legit as it's more a matter of taste than accuracy. Frankly I wish that the mod author of Catlike Juhani had made the nose and ears blend in better with the face as they stick out too much, but that's just my own opinion.

That said, regarding this mod, Juhani Appearance Overhaul, I like how it focuses on a more primal aesthetic for the robed version instead of whatever they were trying to do with the blue and orange suit in Vanilla. Regarding the head, the eyes are much smaller and aside from the obvious nose and ear changes, her face looks a lot more like Sylvar's.


The thing is that Bioware doesn't seem to have been trying to take a middle direction in the first place - comparing to Juhani's concept art, which actually has more catlike nostrils as well as more evident markings, the "middle direction" seems to be an accident of poor execution; her nose is a human nose with a "cat nostrils" mark doodled on the underside of it and the skin texture shows signs that it was supposed to be fur but ends up just looking like bleached human skin with makeup (which most Juhani appearance mods don't really do much about). Given KotOR's big-time "Tales of the Jedi" roots Juhani is presumably an homage to Sylvar and Crado, so it would make sense to me that Bioware was trying to shoot for that look in the first place (and just messed it up).

I personally don't mind the prominence of the ears and nose on the catlike Juhani skin, especially looking at illustrations of Sylvar.

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54 minutes ago, ZeldaTheSwordsman said:

The thing is that Bioware doesn't seem to have been trying to take a middle direction in the first place - comparing to Juhani's concept art, which actually has more catlike nostrils as well as more evident markings, the "middle direction" seems to be an accident of poor execution; her nose is a human nose with a "cat nostrils" mark doodled on the underside of it and the skin texture shows signs that it was supposed to be fur but ends up just looking like bleached human skin with makeup (which most Juhani appearance mods don't really do much about). Given KotOR's big-time "Tales of the Jedi" roots Juhani is presumably an homage to Sylvar and Crado, so it would make sense to me that Bioware was trying to shoot for that look in the first place (and just messed it up).

I personally don't mind the prominence of the ears and nose on the catlike Juhani skin, especially looking at illustrations of Sylvar.

After reading some behind the scenes, I have no idea what Bioware was thinking with Juhani or why they chose to go with the final appearance. She was literally called "Bastila" until right before release.

In any case, something that puts this mod a bit above the rest would be this line:

"As several aspects of Juhani have been changed, this mod has been divided into four editions to accomodate the final user's preferences:
1.    An All-in-one edition which includes all the changes to bring her close to Corbin Hunter's vision of the character.
2.    A head-only edition, which only includes Juhani's revamped head.
3.    A body and lightsaber edition, which includes her new body model and lightsaber.
4.    Finally, a head and lightsaber edition, which includes her new head model and lightsaber."

This means with Option 3, you can have whatever head you prefer as well as all of the new additional features like the new body textures (Which I think look a whole lot more like Sylar) and the lightsaber. That makes this the one mod that allows you to faithfully recreate a properly Cathar Juhani if you so choose.

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2 hours ago, Malkior said:

After reading some behind the scenes, I have no idea what Bioware was thinking with Juhani or why they chose to go with the final appearance. She was literally called "Bastila" until right before release.

In any case, something that puts this mod a bit above the rest would be this line:

"As several aspects of Juhani have been changed, this mod has been divided into four editions to accomodate the final user's preferences:
1.    An All-in-one edition which includes all the changes to bring her close to Corbin Hunter's vision of the character.
2.    A head-only edition, which only includes Juhani's revamped head.
3.    A body and lightsaber edition, which includes her new body model and lightsaber.
4.    Finally, a head and lightsaber edition, which includes her new head model and lightsaber."

This means with Option 3, you can have whatever head you prefer as well as all of the new additional features like the new body textures (Which I think look a whole lot more like Sylar) and the lightsaber. That makes this the one mod that allows you to faithfully recreate a properly Cathar Juhani if you so choose.

Well, the name change is easily enough explained: The character we know as Bastila had her original name of "Vima Sunrider" vetoed at the last minute and so Bioware hastily replaced it with the name they originally devised for the Cathar character. Which meant in turn that they had to hastily give the Cathar character a new name.

I personally put the blame for the final appearance on texture artist inexperience with fur, and possibly rushing (note the round pupils and the "human nose with cat nostrils marking instead of actual catlike nose like the concept art" thing I mentioned before).

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On 2/12/2021 at 2:10 PM, Malkior said:

It is only compatible with Kotor 1, since you can't get Juhani in your party in Kotor 2.

he probably meant kotor 1 restoration which i'm wondering myself... because it's a patcher mod i don't wanna break my entire modded game

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Oh well... I've just had the unique lightsaber vanish too, after a visit to the workbench. It's been almost three years now and the mod is unfortunately not updated.

I assume I have to manually cheat in the lost 'saber after applying the patch?

Using the body & lightsaber option combined with mori42's Real Cathar Head, by the way, the latter further augmented with an upscale by ShiningRedHD. Sadly the body seems less detailed when wearing the armored robes.

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It looks great, unfortunately when I tried to port it to xmox 360 it didn't work, but I hadn't noticed that it needs the Supermodel port, I'm going to try porting that one first and then this one again to see if it works

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On 5/21/2021 at 5:06 PM, HDR1 said:

This is an issue with the model, it is happening to me too. I think there might be a problem with a vertex on the model.

Can confirm this is still an issue, it looks more like there's clipping from something. Really hope someone would be able to fix this one bug.

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