
MOD:Atton Rand and Male Exile Romance

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Atton Rand and Male Exile Romance

=Atton Rand and Male Exile Romance=



AUTHOR: Leilukin
FILE NAME: Atton Rand and Male Exile Romance.7z
CONTACT: E-mail to contact@leilukin.com, or message to Leilukin on Deadly Stream





In KotOR II: TSL, certain party members can develop romantic feelings for the Exile, even though none of the romances in TSL were given much development, especially if compared to the first KotOR game.

Atton Rand is among the potential romance options of TSL, however, in the vanilla game, he flirts with and expresses romantic interests for female Exiles only. What this mod does is to change the gender check of Atton's flirting and romantic dialogue, so he will express interest in male Exiles as well.

Please note that this mod is ONLY COMPATIBLE WITH THE ENGLISH LOCALIZATION OF TSL AND TSLRCM. I do not provide support for non-English localizations of TSL and TSLRCM.



First and foremost, make sure you have The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM) installed since TSLRCM is REQUIRED for this mod to work.

!! ATTENTION!! STEAM USERS: If you play KotOR 2 on Steam, DO NOT USE THE STEAM WORKSHOP VERSION OF TSLRCM if you want to use this mod! Instead, use the installer (.exe) version of TSLRCM, which can be downloaded from Deadly Stream here.

I recommend reading this Deadly Stream post on why Steam Workshop is NOT recommended for modding KotOR 2.

Extract the Atton Rand and Male Exile Romance.7z archive you downloaded to anywhere you like, as long as it is not within the KoOR 2 directory. Run Install.exe. You will notice that this mod provides four installation options. You may only choose ONE of these options:

  • Version A: This option will make Atton express interest in both male and female Exiles.
  • Version B: This option will make Atton express interest in male Exiles only, and Atton will not flirt with a female Exile

Once you have chosen the installation option you want, and select your KotOR 2 game folder as your KotOR 2 directory path, click the “Install” button and let the installer do its job.

This mod also provides compatibility patches for the following mods:

If you want to use any of the above mod alongside this mod, go to the "Compatibility Patches" folder, and follow the instructions written on the READ ME file.

When you install this mod, two new folders named "backup" and “uninstall” will be created by the installer in the same folder as the installer. Do not delete the folders or any of the files within the folder if you are planning on uninstalling this mod.

The "Source" folder includes the source of the scripts used by this mod for modders' reference. Ignore the "Source" folder if you only want to install and play this mod.



Open Install.exe and select your KotOR 2 directory where you installed this mod. From the “Tools” drop-down menu, select “Uninstall Mod / Restore Backup”, then confirm to uninstall the mod. You can also choose to delete the backup after uninstalling the mod.



None currently known. If you find any bugs or problems, please let me know.



Apart from TSLRCM, which is required for this mod to work, any other mods that modify any of the following content may conflict with this mod:

  • Atton's main dialogue (atton.dlg)
  • Atton's dialogue on Peragus (101atton.dlg, 102atton.dlg)
  • Dialogue of the Atton & Bao-Dur cutscene on the Ebon Hawk (baoatt_p.dlg)
  • Atton's endgame dialogue (904atton.dlg)
  • Kreia's endgame dialogue (904kreia.dlg)
  • Script for the party member cutscenes on the Ebon Hawk (k_003ebo_enter.ncs and a_next_scene.ncs from the 003EBO module)

I have set up the installer to install this mod by patching the relevant dialogue files to improve compatibility with other content mods as much as possible, but it is still not guaranteed to be compatible with every other mods that modify the same files.

If you use any of the below mods, I have provided compatibility patches, as noted in the "INSTALLATION" section above:

This mod is compatible with my Alternate Revan Romances REDUX.

If you want to use DarthTyren's PartySwap mod alongside this mod, you must install this mod AFTER PartySwap, otherwise you'll miss out certain Atton romance content when you're playing as a male Exile.

This mod is compatible with JCarter426‘s Thematic Obscured Mausoleum Burial.

This mod is compatible with the Atton’s ending dialogue component of Pavijan357's Unofficial TSLRCM Tweak Pack.

If you want to use Kaidon Jorn’s Schematic Lightsaber Mod (SLM), you must install my mod after SLM.



You may modify this mod for personal use or show this mod in screenshots. However, do not release your mods containing assets from my mod without my permission.

You may use the k_003ebo_enter and a_next_scene scripts from this mod to make compatibility patches with your mod, but do not claim these modifications as your own.

I do not use nor support Steam Workshop, so I do not want any of my mods to be uploaded to Steam Workshop.



danil-ch for giving me permission to make a compatibility patch for Kreia's Fall Cutscene (In-Game)
Fred Tetra for the KotOR Tool
Cortisol for Holocron Toolset
KobaltBlu for Kotor Scripting Tool
tk102 for DLG Editor
Cortisol and th3w1zard1 for HoloPatcher
Stoffe for TSLPatcher; Fair Strides for the updated version




  • Submitter
  • Submitted
  • Category
  • TSLRCM Compatible


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Planning on doing same gender romances for Disciple and the Handmaiden as well?

I'm considering that, but I don't know when or if it will be done because it will require much more work than making same gender romance mods for Atton or VIsas, due to the fact that in vanilla TSL, the Disciple only joins a Female Exile's party and the Handmaiden only joins a Male Exile's party.

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I'm considering that, but I don't know when or if it will be done because it will require much more work than making same gender romance mods for Atton or VIsas, due to the fact that in vanilla TSL, the Disciple only joins a Female Exile's party and the Handmaiden only joins a Male Exile's party.

Party Swap has you covered for that- http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/544-partyswap/ or you could use the older Handmaiden 4 females Disciple 4 males mod- http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/226-handmaiden-4-females-disciple-4-males-for-tslrcm-184/

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I know of those mods and I've tried out both mods, but PartySwap adds gender check that makes some of the Handmaiden's cutscenes trigger for male Exiles only, and some of the Disciple's cutscenes for Female Exiles only, while Handmaiden 4 Females isn't updated for TSLRCM 1.8.5, so to make a same gender romance mod for the Handmaiden and the Disciple, I'm considering making my own version of a mod that makes Female Exiles recruit the Handmaiden and Male Exiles recruit the Disciple. I would also like to fix any possible pronouns mix-up problems.

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 I'm considering making my own version of a mod that makes Female Exiles recruit the Handmaiden and Male Exiles recruit the Disciple. I would also like to fix any possible pronouns mix-up problems.

If you need splices, let me know.

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but PartySwap adds gender check that makes some of the Handmaiden's cutscenes trigger for male Exiles only, and some of the Disciple's cutscenes for Female Exiles only,

...So make a separate version in the installer of your mod to remove the gender checks for these if and only if PartySwap is installed?

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Mod has been updated to add an installation option that makes Atton not express interest in a female Exile.  In other words, this option will make Atton interact a the female Exile the same way he did with a male Exile in vanilla TSL.


After updating my Darth Sion and Male Exile Mod to add a similar option upon request, I believe there are others who would like to have such option with Atton as well.

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After watching a video, may I suggest changing one thing in Peragus conversation? When there's this "... no family, no husband", for male players it sounds too obviously homosexual, when in rest of the conversations, Atton sounds like he tries to hide his bisexualism, just like he tries to hide his interest in female exiles. May I recommend changing it to "...no family, no wife"? This will fit more into rest of conversations.

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May I recommend changing it to "...no family, no wife"?

The problem with making such change is that as far as I know, Atton doesn't have any lines that use the word "wife", so there's no relevant VOs to splice into "...no family, no wife".

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The problem with making such change is that as far as I know, Atton doesn't have any lines that use the word "wife", so there's no relevant VOs to splice into "...no family, no wife".


You could just cut out the 'no husband' part. IIRC there's a short pause before it, so it should work.

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You could just cut out the 'no husband' part. IIRC there's a short pause before it, so it should work.

That seems to be a logical solution right there.

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Mod has been updated to version 1.2. Atton's dialogue on Peragus has been tweaked per superSzym and bead-v's suggestions. I have also re-uploaded the preview video of the mod on YouTube to reflect the change.

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hi i  have a problem on peragus when he saying  so how long you are jedi bla bla bla etc, well when he said that their dialogue has ended is that's normal, as i know in normal dialogue when you have romance it's looks fully like here

6:26 in original dialogue there's a exile what she can said to Atton and in mod when he said what i quoted early dialogue end and there's a small info about dialogue that is broken or something like that is that normal ?

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  1. What did you mean by "small info about dialogue that is broken or something like that"? Where did you get that info? From your game or somewhere else? Do you have any screenshot about it?
  2. Did you make sure you have installed my mod correctly? Did you make sure you have installed TSLRCM first before installing my mod? Did you get any error messages when you installed my mod? Which installation option did you choose when you installed my mod: Option A or Option B?
  3. Are you using any other mods?
  4. Did you start a new game after installing the mods?
  5. Are you playing a male Exile or female Exile?
  6. Have you tried re-downloading/re-installing my mod?
  7. Have you tried re-starting a new game after you encountered the issue you described?

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it's seems propblem is with dialog.tlk when i used an english version it's worked, that's propably not compatible with other version ? of dialog.tlk ? i'm using polish version



ad1 when Atton saying about that no family bla bla bla till no husband their dialogue is end and these doors are closed

ad2 sure i got tslrcm i'm using Polish version language

ad3.yes i'm using many mods but i'm first before install a mod i check compatibilty to other mods

ad4 propably

ad5 yes i play as male in polish version of kotor 2 crack language translation

ad6 yes

ad7yes when i changed tlk to english


now i try reinstall game and isstall only a Atton Romance with tlrsm with polish edition

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I only ever play the KotOR games on English, so I make and test my mods for the English version of the game and TSLRCM only. Therefore, if you want to use my mod I suggest you play the game and TSLRCM in English. I have no plans on making my mods work with the non-English versions of the game and TSLRCM, sorry.

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I only ever play the KotOR games on English, so I make and test my mods for the English version of the game and TSLRCM only. Therefore, if you want to use my mod I suggest you play the game and TSLRCM in English. I have no plans on making my mods work with the non-English versions of the game and TSLRCM, sorry.

Do you know how I can make that mod compatible with the Polish version? The same Darth Sion could be buggy.

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Do you know how I can make that mod compatible with the Polish version? The same Darth Sion could be buggy.

Sorry but no. I never considered making my mods in non-English languages, and I don't understand Polish or any other non-English languages that are supported for KotOR 2/TSLRCM at all, so I cannot help with modding on non-English languages. If you want to use my mods, I'm afraid playing your game and TSLRCM to English is the only option.

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TSLRCM is actually compatible with the Polish version and other's too but I'm curious why your mod breaks the Polish version?

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TSLRCM is actually compatible with the Polish version and other's too but I'm curious why your mod breaks the Polish version?

Because there isn't a Polish version of this mod and never will be.

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