Fair Strides 512 Posted December 7, 2012 also, how to merge all various pc heads possibilities in one file compatible with the Restoration mod? once they have been recovered, of course.. What do you mean here? I don't quite understand what you're trying to tell me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dark_Ansem 12 Posted December 11, 2012 What do you mean here? I don't quite understand what you're trying to tell me. I mean, how can I merge the various custom heads found on the nexus in a way that the TSLRCM is compatible with them? + another idea: mod that gives ds/ls points whenever a character uses a ls/ds power. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rtas Vadum 17 Posted December 11, 2012 I mean, how can I merge the various custom heads found on the nexus in a way that the TSLRCM is compatible with them? Any mod that already uses the TSL Patcher is going to be compatible with TSLRCM(so long as it is added after TSLRCM is installed). Any that does not, would need to be either manually edited(i.e adding/editing lines in the appearance, heads, and portaits.2da), or fixed to use the patcher. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ajax A128 1 Posted December 18, 2012 Off the top of my head, I'd say a mod to train Brianna Force and Saber Forms once she's been made a Jedi would be nice, considering all the others can do it. I'm fairly certain this was brought up by somebody else before, however. Also, I'd like for a mod where you can actually choose which ending you get if HK-47 stops G0-T0 from killing the Remote. In the final showdown with Kreia she tells you your options are: 1) Go into exile. 2) Go out into the Unknown Regions to find Revan. 3) Stay in known space, possibly to train others at Malachor. You never get to actually say what you're going to do and the conversation with Visas/Brianna always makes it so that you're picking option#2. Plus, you don't get to pick whether you want Malachor destroyed or not; your alignment decides for you. This gets a little irritating when a person like myself wants to play a Dark Side Exile who is still is a hero, or a Light Side Exile who thinks Malachor should stay to train others. TL;DR Mod to allow you to pick the Dark or Light ending through your dialogue with Kreia, provided HK stops G0-T0. Also, some new dialogue for the Pc to pick about what you're going to do once Malachor's been dealt with: Your choice could trigger the Brianna?Visas conversation depending on what you pick, obviously. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Darth Hayze 19 Posted December 21, 2012 That actually sounds like a great idea, I may look into it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted December 21, 2012 Pretty sure it's part of the Malachor VI mod. Of course, its status is unknown ATM. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ajax A128 1 Posted December 21, 2012 That actually sounds like a great idea, I may look into it. Thanks. It always struck me as odd that you couldn't choose in that manner, considering KotOR I had much the same option with Bastila on the Unknown World. If you decide to take it up I'll be the first to download it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rtas Vadum 17 Posted December 22, 2012 Thanks. It always struck me as odd that you couldn't choose in that manner, considering KotOR I had much the same option with Bastila on the Unknown World. If you decide to take it up I'll be the first to download it. While not a bad idea, it wouldn't exactly work. While certainly possible to do(although I don't know where you would put the choice, save for just adding in a few player lines that fit what the NPCs say), but they are different things. Although this is obvious, in the first game, the choice leads to one of two different end-games(similar, but still different), not just the ending. With K2, the end-game remains mostly the same, save for a few choices that can be made which do not really influence the ending(which path you take, if you save or kill your party members, etc). Probably a bit better way to explain K2's end-game/ending, is that you do not have a single moment in which you can change the ending. Instead, you make the choice throughout the game, and whichever side you are on at the end, that is how it all plays out. In K1, you could obviously play the game with one alignment, and chose the opposite side, and get that ending(and the only real pitfall is not being able to wear the Darth Revan's Armor, or the Star Forge Robes). Sounds a bit cheap, since it makes every other choice irrelevant, since you could play a completely evil character, doing every main and side quest the dark side route, and you can still be the Prodigal Knight, even if you killed your way across the galaxy to do it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ajax A128 1 Posted December 22, 2012 Probably a bit better way to explain K2's end-game/ending, is that you do not have a single moment in which you can change the ending. Instead, you make the choice throughout the game, and whichever side you are on at the end, that is how it all plays out. In K1, you could obviously play the game with one alignment, and choose the opposite side, and get that ending(and the only real pitfall is not being able to wear the Darth Revan's Armor, or the Star Forge Robes). Sounds a bit cheap, since it makes every other choice irrelevant, since you could play a completely evil character, doing every main and side quest the dark side route, and you can still be the Prodigal Knight, even if you killed your way across the galaxy to do it. This lack of choice harms the role playing aspect, however. Like I mentioned earlier, a Dark Sided Exile may not want to keep Malachor around. Maybe he likes blowing things up or flipped a coin. OR he's actually a heroic character at heart and decides at the last minute that blowing up Malachor would be a nice way to start redeeming himself. Likewise, Light Side Exile may decide that Malachor makes a good vacation home and acts accordingly. This makes more sense than KotOR I's choice because of KotOR II's situation, which is quite desperate. You could justify killing your way across the galaxy and still making a Heel Face Turn at the end because the galaxy is literally on the verge of being eaten by Nihilus and for once you really are in fact the only thing in his way. In KotOR I Malak wasn't omnicidal, he was just a tyrant. You had the Republic and Jedi on your side and HK's armor was still shiny. And of course, there are various practical or character-based reasons why an Exile of any alignment would go either way with Malachor despite alignment since it isn't a black and white situation, much like everything else in the game. Just my thoughts. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Malkior 477 Posted January 6, 2013 I've another request. Basically they done the Zakkeg seriously bad. Not only does it have a miniscule sized model (of which I've been trying to fix, unfortunately gmax baffles me in its ways of properly exporting my resized model), but it also uses the Kath Hound soundset of all things! I looked everywhere in the files, but have no leads on what to do in order to change its soundset. I require a good method or whatever it takes to get the Zakkeg soundset changed into a custom sound which I can edit. Unless that isn't possible through the source code, in which case I can settle for just changing it to anything other than the inappropriate kath hounds. (If anyone has a link to a good gmax model edit tutorial, I'd highly appreciate it too.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted January 6, 2013 I've another request. Basically they doneI require a good method or whatever it takes to get the Zakkeg soundset changed into a custom sound which I can edit. Unless that isn't possible through the source code, in which case I can settle for just changing it to anything other than the inappropriate kath hounds. Malkior, is there a Zakkeg sounset? If there isn't, perhaps the Rancor sound files are in TSL? Here's my request . . . recently seen at LucasForums too! OK, here was my (hopefully) small modding idea. (By the way, this one should go in the anal-retentive file . . .) The three pictures below are loading screens for Nar Shaddaa. I think since pretty much everyone uses the Sharen Thrawn skybox for Nar Shaddaa, that perhaps someone should recreate the loading screens to show that particular skybox instead of the original ones. a) In the "load_302NAR" loading screen, the problem area is outlined in green. I've outlined the problem area in "load_306NAR" in red/orange as the Pazaak Lounge they've taken the picture in has a lot of green lighting in it. c) The tough one in my opinion would be the loading screen "load_303NAR" which would be tough because of the airspeeder. (The skybox issue is highlighted in green, the airspeeder in orange) Ordinarily, there isn't a airpseeder at that corner of the docks. Yes, I know you can fix up the airspeeder over by the Serocco area and then use that speeder to go to the docks. However, if you do that- then the airspeeder is facing the wrong way. Kind of a bummer but I bet the smart folk here could figure out how change the direction of that airspeeder. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Malkior 477 Posted January 6, 2013 Malkior, is there a Zakkeg sounset? If there isn't, perhaps the Rancor sound files are in TSL? Here's my request . . . recently seen at LucasForums too! OK, here was my (hopefully) small modding idea. (By the way, this one should go in the anal-retentive file . . .) The three pictures below are loading screens for Nar Shaddaa. I think since pretty much everyone uses the Sharen Thrawn skybox for Nar Shaddaa, that perhaps someone should recreate the loading screens to show that particular skybox instead of the original ones. a) In the "load_302NAR" loading screen, the problem area is outlined in green. I've outlined the problem area in "load_306NAR" in red/orange as the Pazaak Lounge they've taken the picture in has a lot of green lighting in it. c) The tough one in my opinion would be the loading screen "load_303NAR" which would be tough because of the airspeeder. (The skybox issue is highlighted in green, the airspeeder in orange) Ordinarily, there isn't a airpseeder at that corner of the docks. Yes, I know you can fix up the airspeeder over by the Serocco area and then use that speeder to go to the docks. However, if you do that- then the airspeeder is facing the wrong way. Kind of a bummer but I bet the smart folk here could figure out how change the direction of that airspeeder. Regarding your previous statement, I was planning to use anything from the Rancor to the Tukata. My problem is, I don't know how to swap out the sounds that the zakkeg makes no matter how hard I try... As per your own request, I can do that, but I need to either know what location that those were taken from, or what specific coordinates. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted January 6, 2013 Takuta is soundset 10. Kath-hounds are 7 and 8. Boma Best is 21. Maalraas is 59. Stormbeast is 60. Drexel is 61. Hssiss is 62. Laigrek is 63. Take your pick Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted January 6, 2013 As per your own request, I can do that, but I need to either know what location that those were taken from, or what specific coordinates. 302NAR = Refugee Quad (in the center of the map where all of the refugees are located) 306NAR = Entertainment Promenade (specifically the Pazaak Den) 303NAR = Nar Shaddaa Docks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Malkior 477 Posted January 6, 2013 302NAR = Refugee Quad (in the center of the map where all of the refugees are located) 306NAR = Entertainment Promenade (specifically the Pazaak Den) 303NAR = Nar Shaddaa Docks uhm I need to know which (cartesian?) coordinates in each module that the pictures were taken at. I have two that I can get extremely close to the originals, but the coordinates for the pic at the docks still eludes me. @ HH Eh.. It's looking like so much trouble to go through otherwise.. I may have to settle with that.. :| Hmm.. but for what it's worth, would I ever be able to make a new soundset? (through reverse-engineering an existing one) is that possible? I saw the Bantha sounds were sitting unused in the .wav files, but with no soundset pointing to them. Edit_ I ... Er.. I tried to edit the soundset through the App.2da, but it refuses to work. What file do I edit to make it happen?.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted January 6, 2013 Ask zbyl... M4-78EP has a custom soundset... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Axl Dave Posted January 11, 2013 Can someone do a retexture? What I had in mind was the colour scheme for Zeison Sha Warrior armour being applied to Mandalorian Assault Armour ie purple jumpsuit with grey arms; shiny breastplate, boots and gloves with the thigh metal being more dull like the skirt bit; and perhaps some blue on the collar/backplate. Have tried retexturing myself with disastrous results. Any help appreciated Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Malkior 477 Posted January 11, 2013 @Axl Dave Here's my first swing Did you want the Arms the Brownish color, or silver? Also I can tone down the legs if you want. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Axl Dave Posted January 11, 2013 @ Malkior Thanks for taking this up man, like the first go, just had some alterations: - Firstly, with the arms I'd like them to be the same greyish/brown colour as the Zeison jumpsuit arms, and the rest of the Mandalorian jumpsuit (clothes under the metal) be the same greyish purple as the Zeison jumpsuit. - The blue colour / design youve done on the thigh armour, could that be applied to the collar and backplate of the Mandalorian armour? So as to resemble the Zeison hood/cape bit. - The metal of the Mandalorian suit to be like you've done the boots, more a shiny metal colour than the yellowish gold that it originally is, like the breastplate of the Zeison Sha armour. - Not sure if the thigh armour would look better the same colour as the other metal, or the darker, duller metal of the Zeison Sha backflap/skirt bit, I'll leave that more up to your expert opinion. I have crudely highlighted what I mean by jumpsuit, backplate etc in these pics: Is it possible to use the tga file for the Zeison Sha to sample the colours, and then apply that to the Mandalorian in these places? Cheers for your help --EDIT-- This is the sort of thing I had in mind for the metal except the same colour as Zeison Sha. I can't really tell if it already is... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KotorHDTVchannel 11 Posted January 11, 2013 Hey, I have a request: who would be willing to do something about the closed doors from the Citadel Station's Entertainment Module 081? I know that there are a few areas that cannot be accessed, so if someone can make a little mod where you can enter in these areas and also add in them what was cut and can be restored ( for example, if there were some things related to the 2 cut TSF officers ( Lt. Yima and Lt. Atallo )? Thanks! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fair Strides 512 Posted January 11, 2013 A thing that bugged me, which I confirmed the other day, is the mismatched stealth textures between the pc and xbox. Could someone rip the xbox version(looks like the haze over a campfire) and replace the pc version(which is just plain useless)? Thanks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kyrie 18 Posted January 11, 2013 Hey, I have a request: who would be willing to do something about the closed doors from the Citadel Station's Entertainment Module 081? I know that there are a few areas that cannot be accessed, so if someone can make a little mod where you can enter in these areas and also add in them what was cut and can be restored ( for example, if there were some things related to the 2 cut TSF officers ( Lt. Yima and Lt. Atallo )? Thanks! I know that behind 1 of those doors there is an area that is accessible but the issue with that area is the walkmesh is all messed up. Not sure if it is even fixable, maybe someone with more experience with walkmeshes can explain it better than I can. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KotorHDTVchannel 11 Posted January 11, 2013 I know that behind 1 of those doors there is an area that is accessible but the issue with that area is the walkmesh is all messed up. Not sure if it is even fixable, maybe someone with more experience with walkmeshes can explain it better than I can. I see! I'll still need more answers, but thanks for your input! I appreciate it! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Darth_Sapiens 92 Posted January 11, 2013 A thing that bugged me, which I confirmed the other day, is the mismatched stealth textures between the pc and xbox. Could someone rip the xbox version(looks like the haze over a campfire) and replace the pc version(which is just plain useless)? Thanks. i can take a look Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted January 12, 2013 Are you sure it's not just because you lack Frame Buffer Effects? With it on and off makes a major difference... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites