Guest haviik


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So, that little viewing window (the inner part that changes while that border texture is tiled and doesn't change) must have it's size hardcoded into the game...

Yeah, the GUIs in the KotOR games (and Jade Empire too) are very hardcoded. There are GUI files (which are GFF), which contain information about the layout, but they're more used as guidelines.


The game executable knows about the layout of all the GUIs, and instantiates the classes for the elements. It then looks into the GUI files and only picks certain fields out of them, and applies them to the elements. Which fields are read from the GUI files also changes depending on the GUI and the elements, so it's very likely that the sizes of certain elements are hardcoded.


Finding that out was actually pretty disappointing. It's just so...hacky.

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Yeah, the GUIs in the KotOR games (and Jade Empire too) are very hardcoded. There are GUI files (which are GFF), which contain information about the layout, but they're more used as guidelines.


The game executable knows about the layout of all the GUIs, and instantiates the classes for the elements. It then looks into the GUI files and only picks certain fields out of them, and applies them to the elements. Which fields are read from the GUI files also changes depending on the GUI and the elements, so it's very likely that the sizes of certain elements are hardcoded.


Finding that out was actually pretty disappointing. It's just so...hacky.


Good info... and I completely agree. This game is 13 years old now... We should be able to use it without the Master Squint Force Power...

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I have a request.


When browsing through KSE (3.3.3.?) i found sth. interesting:


Under "bonus feat" there was this entry: Quicken Spell.

Already  known from Neverwinter Nights the Automatic quicken spell enables the player to do an action every round.

e.g. gameplay / combat is much faster.


It would be awesome if someone could manage to implement that into Kotor/TSL - it would give the combat system totally new possibilities -

Almost realtime combat with e.g. high level enemies like Sion attacking  you constantly....

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Could someone please make this post into a mod?


Reader Beware


This should be the "no armor equipped variant"

VP, with the utmost respect and feeling: "NOOo!!!! Why would you even ask that?!"


Oh, and Zaalbar and Hanharr are coming for you...

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So, I was playing around with some mods concerning Revan's Robes, and I noticed that the original Revan model is actually pretty low res, especially concerning the mask and hood (I'd give screenshots, but this site apparently does not like Steam screenshots). However, all of the mods I have either don't improve the actual model or change the color scheme too much for my liking. So, I'd like to request an upscaled version of the original Revan model that keeps the original color scheme intact.

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Hmm, A cool looking hat mod for K1 would be awesome(*Cough* Cad Bane Hat *Cough*).  :welcome:

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Hi guys! I'd really like a KOTOR1 mod that would make lightsabers' blades longer while keeping this mod's textures:

So no new longsaber crystals, just have all the default blades replaced with longer ones (while keeping the mentioned textures). Could it be possible? Thanks.


ps: sorry for my english, it's not my first language :P


Edit: never mind, i found the longsaber crystals by chainz to be a very good mod, I'll stick with that :)

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Hmm, A cool looking hat mod for K1 would be awesome(*Cough* Cad Bane Hat *Cough*).  :welcome:

Or perhaps a Cad Bane reskin for Calo?



Anyway, something I'd really like to see someone make would be a Blue Anakin Skywalker Hilt. Alternatively, if there is already a mod, could someone point me in the right direction?

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Judging by the picture, all he did was expand the core in the blade texture. Not a very complex mod, as the blade textures are just a circular gradient of the appropriate colour with a white center.

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Judging by the picture, all he did was expand the core in the blade texture. Not a very complex mod, as the blade textures are just a circular gradient of the appropriate colour with a white center.

Thanks for the reply, I'll try that!

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personally I would like a full set of re-skins for *all* the guns, not just a hand full or all the sonic ones or most of the blaster. I've almost completed a full set (everything but the high-end blasters and the disrupter class weapons), but most of the mods I used were from filefront and on top of that the original moders had stopped replying there anyway. I really don't care if there Star Wars weapons I just want them to look decent. If someone knows how to contact them I can give a list of files/authors I  have in the original ZIPs.

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What would be nice to see is an Atris companion mod of some sort (an actual finished one with voice acting or putting together parts of her other lines to make new ones) and it should have a romance. Atris and Kreia's place should immediately switch as soon as meeting Atris on Telos - rather than Atris only coming into your party when Kreia leaves. It should also dive a bit deeper into the Exile and Atris' relationship as well as I said a romance of some sort (regardless of gender perhaps???!?!?) Atris should be able to teach you new abilities etc etc... And sparring with her just ... Yeah, that would be a great mod.

Always thought Atris was... Attractive in some sort of way anyway so this mod would be perfect for me. (And many others!)

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Request 1:


I have copies of those as well as
- eVermin (FileFront) AKA e-varmint (Lucas Forums):TSL Blaster Replacements 1
- BryanWee20:T.W.O - Heavy Blaster Pack,T.W.O - Blaster Rifle Pack,T.W.O - Heavy Repeater Pack
- All of Inyri Forge's stuff (also here on the site)
- Winternoise;s: Revamped Grenades

But the Charric, Micro-pulse blaster, and all or most of the Disruptor weapons are not covered by them, and those (disruptors) are the weapons that I tend to favor. And they look like crap.

Request 2:

Sorry about the double post but as this is a different request I thought I should post separately.
Has anyone ever tried making some of the head gear look like the pilot head things on Neon Genesis Evangelion? I know some of them look like that but most of the good ones are high profile ad kinda hard to ignore. Or maybe make things to do with shooting look like Vakarian's (ME2+3) HUD/Monocle. I think Oldflash had a model kind of like that, but it's on a massively OP piece of equipment (+6dex,+6 to most skills, found on Peragus.)


Admin: I have merged your two posts. Do not double post again.




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I'd like to see two K1 mods:

  • One that changes the starting class "scoundrel" to "smuggler." Just a name change in the dialog.tlk - Better matches TOR and sounds better because it is an occupation like scout and soldier.
  • A mod that makes the PC's Bandon armor identical to how Darth Bandon's actually looks in game

A previous mod on KotOR Files changed scoundrel to smuggler, but required that one replace the entire dialog.tlk file - not very convenient.


Additionally, previous Bandon armor mods were complicated to install and implement.

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Just thought of an interesting one


For either/both games, make the Sith Mask into a Sith Helmet - that is, instead of just sticking to the character's face, have it cover their whole head

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A nice mod that someone could do at some point is a mod that would enhance the romances in kotor2, because I really liked the romance options but the romances in k2 were more philosophical and subtle, rather than... K1s romances where there was actually a confession. There was a mod in progress for this a while back in 2006 on LF but the guy developing it disappeared.

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Nar Shaddaa's HD skybox, can't find it anywhere else so hopefully someone can post it here or pm me a copy. The low-rez standard version looks like crap

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