
MOD:Holowan Duplisaber Beta

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I really look forward to this mod. Pm me or something when you update the link.

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Just made this account to tell you about my curiosity about this mod! Thanks for all your effort! :D


Thanks! There is a build upcoming... ...with the fixed installation. I'm a bit nervous to just release it though, as I'm scared there will be something wrong again. Plus, i might as well spruce up a little more while I'm at it.

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Thanks! There is a build upcoming... ...with the fixed installation. I'm a bit nervous to just release it though, as I'm scared there will be something wrong again. Plus, i might as well spruce up a little more while I'm at it.


In that case, I'm up for helping you test the installer.

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I've been following the development of this uber-mod, too.

Needless to say, I'm damn curious and can't wait to get a crack of them saberz. :D

As I've read the updates, I'm guessing that there's an enormous amount of work that this required so far and will require.

Keep it up! I think, I can say this with complete certainty that everyone hungers for the fruit of your talent, that is called Duplisaber, as soon as we saw what it's gonna be. Great job! :D

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I'll see what I can do about getting some sort of beta channel open. I do have web hosting that I haven't been using, maybe that's a good place



In that case, I'm up for helping you test the installer.


Actually, if you could just learn C# and help me code this damn thing, that'd be great.

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I've just watched a vid of someone playing the Alpha, and I notice the console has that annoying 'click again without the topline changing to see your options' that I pretty much banished out of TSL :P

Hopefully that will be fixed for the final release? I can do it too if you want...

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Ah yeah, the dlg for the console is still subject to tweaking.


I would be interested in the video link, if it's not Xuul (only cuz I've already seen it)

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Installer is fixed (pretty sure this time) and the download link is back up.


Nothing really changed, still a beta, but I'm working on the means with which to install the items into the game with the most compatibility.


This will mean NPCs like Darth Sion, Darth Nihilus and all the Jedi Masters will have their own sabers.

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YAY! You came up here big time! I'll have a mod review out by this weekend! :)

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So I downloaded and installed the DupliSaber v.0.1a, and went and tried to make a lightsaber. Kreia's Walking Stick, to be exact. So I chose the hilt, but could not choose a color, which was odd. Later the same day(today) I did a bit more looking around the TSLRC mod's summary page, and found the latest version of this mod. So I downloaded v215b, but when it tried writing the 2das file, it crashed. Every time.


Why is that? Did I screw myself over royally by installing the older one first?


I went and checked a few more lightsabers, and it seems I can't choose a color for any of them. That *IS* weird.


Still on Peragus(pre-Sion), if that has anything to do with it.

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So I downloaded and installed the DupliSaber v.0.1a, and went and tried to make a lightsaber. Kreia's Walking Stick, to be exact. So I chose the hilt, but could not choose a color, which was odd. Later the same day(today) I did a bit more looking around the TSLRC mod's summary page, and found the latest version of this mod. So I downloaded v215b, but when it tried writing the 2das file, it crashed. Every time.


Why is that? Did I screw myself over royally by installing the older one first?


I went and checked a few more lightsabers, and it seems I can't choose a color for any of them. That *IS* weird.


Still on Peragus(pre-Sion), if that has anything to do with it.

The old installer was bugged and messed up your baseitems 2.da

You should make a re-install or at least use your .2da backups (if you have backups).


Oh and about that part with choosing a color. You need to have a color crystal in your inventory to craft a hilt with that color.

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So just to be perfectly clear, the 215b installer is supposed to work, yeah? And if I reinstall the game, do I have to use a save from before installing the old version?

Or do I need to start from scratch?


I recall reading someone's comment about the baseitems getting messed up and turning every item unusable. Didn't happen to me.


And yeah, having to have a color crystal makes a lot of sense.


Thanks for the reply, by the way.



I reinstalled the game, tried to install the mod, and... the same thing happened. Am I missing something here?


Never mind! Third time was the charm! Now I just gotta start a new game for like the 20th time. But that's a small price to pay for custom-made lightsabers ;D  


No Lightsaber option at the first Peragus Workbench... that supposed be like that? According the mod's description, no.

Saved, quit the game, started it again, loaded the game, voilá. I was afraid it wouldn't work.

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Haha, I'm glad you're testing so thoroughly. (Honestly, I am)


You should actually be able to install the mod on an existing save, but you would have to recreate the lightsabers at the workbench to correct the color errors.


As for the other issues, I'll look into them.

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No worries! I did want to use this along with TSLRC after all, but as you read, it went worse than expected :/  At least it worked out in the end.


I do miss finding the lightsabers ready from the get-go from when I had USM. Because a lightsaber fits Kreia when she fights Sion more than a vibrosword fits her. U no? But I do want to keep the TSLRC mod.

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Yeah, when I tried to install it to my game, the installer crashed each time I tried. However, I hit the "Make a new Folder" button and it installed to the desktop just fine. I do have a theory on how you can get past this issue though.

Step 1: Have a CLEAN override so you don't have any .2da conflicts.

Step 2: When installing Duplisaber, hit the "Make a new folder" button and have it install to that folder. (I did my desktop, so try that)

Step 3: Place the files that Duplisaber installed in that new folder, into your override.

Step 4: Install TSLRCM + M4-78EP (If you don't use these mods, skip this step)

Step 5: Play the game and test it to make sure everything works. If my theory works, yay! If not? My theory blows and I just made you delete a bunch of mods from your override and now you have to re-install them all. : /


I'm gonna test this out, and see. If you want to try it too, go right ahead.

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Yeah, when I tried to install it to my game, the installer crashed each time I tried. However, I hit the "Make a new Folder" button and it installed to the desktop just fine. I do have a theory on how you can get past this issue though.


Step 1: Have a CLEAN override so you don't have any .2da conflicts.

Step 2: When installing Duplisaber, hit the "Make a new folder" button and have it install to that folder. (I did my desktop, so try that)

Step 3: Place the files that Duplisaber installed in that new folder, into your override.

Step 4: Install TSLRCM + M4-78EP (If you don't use these mods, skip this step)

Step 5: Play the game and test it to make sure everything works. If my theory works, yay! If not? My theory blows and I just made you delete a bunch of mods from your override and now you have to re-install them all. : /


I'm gonna test this out, and see. If you want to try it too, go right ahead.


Hmm.. crashing.. interesting. Of course, I took out the console log code out for this release.... -_-;

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