Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted August 30, 2013 Here's an idea: Why doesn't everyone show up screen captures of their particular characters? In addition to their pictures, list the character's name, the character's class, what server you're playing them on, and what level the character currently is. I'll be updating the profiles to list what outfits can be seen on the characters. Note that outfits listed are just what can be seen on the character (in the Outfitter tab) and not the actual armor that provides the stats for each character. Currently Active Characters Name: Emfour Legacy Name: Sev'n-ate Class: Jedi Consular Level: 80 Specialty: Jedi Sage Server: Star Forge (Originally Jedi Covenant) Alignment: Light Sided This was the first character I created. Going through the rest of the list, you'll see that most of the character's names are a play on M4-78, with "Sev'n-ate" being the Legacy Name. Emfour's Current Outfit Emfour's Outfit: Robe: Esseles Consular's Robe Wrists: Revitalized Mystic's Cuffs Gloves: Alliance Force-Lord's Gloves Waist: Outlander Guerilla's Belt Legs: Omenbringer's Legwraps Feet: Revitalized Mystic's Boots Weapon: Noble Decurion Force-Healer's Lightsaber (with Derelict Purple color crystal) Name: Emfive Legacy Name: Sev'n-ate Class: Sith Inquisitor Level: 80 Server: Star Forge (Originally Jedi Covenant) Alignment: Dark Side Background picture from Galactic Starfighter with GUI removed. This picture was taken during cutscene near Chapter 3's end on Corellia. Emfive's Current Outfit Close up shot of Emfive's saber. Emfive's Outfit: Head: Remnant Dreadguard Inquisitor Headed Guard (unified to chest colors) Chest: Life Day Vestments Hands: Eradicator's Gauntlets (not unified to chest colors) Waist: Muse Sash Legs: Life Day Lower RobesO Feet: Life Day Boots Wrists: Eradicator's Vambraces (not unified to chest colors) Weapon: Volatile Conqueror's Lightsaber (with Derelict Purple Color Crystal and Indigo Fog tuning) Name: Em-six Legacy Name: Sev'n-ate Class: Trooper Level: 80 Specialty: Commando Server: Star Forge (Originally Jedi Covenant) Alignment: Light Side I have all of the Trooper companions decked out in Gree gear, here in a cutscene in the Senate on Coruscant near the end of Chapter 3. The purple Gree armor is actually just a recolor and isn't actually available that way in the game. Em-six's Outfit: Head: White Scalene Headgear (Head slot hidden) Chest: White Scalene Chestguard Hands: White Scalene Gauntlets Waist: White Scalene Utility Belt Legs: White Scalene Greaves Feet: White Scalene Boots Wrists: White Scalene Bracers Weapon: Gray Helix Blaster Rifle (with Advanced White Eviscerating color crystal) Name: Emseven Legacy Name: Sev'n-ate Class: Smuggler Level: 80 Specialty: Scoundrel Server: Jedi Covenant Alignment: Light Side Background taken on Nar Shaadaa during the Shroud missions ("Dark Design") with GUI removed. (If you're unfamiliar with this mission, here's a video of the Imperial version of this mission called "All the Pieces") (Folks, I wish I still had the video of this area.) Emseven's Outfit: Chest: Subversive Jacket (with Black/Deep Blue dye) Hands: Subversive Gloves (with Black/Deep Blue dye) Waist: Subversive Belt (with Black/Deep Blue dye) Legs: Subversive Pants (with Black/Deep Blue dye) Feet: Subversive Boots (with Black/Deep Blue dye) Wrists: Subversive Bracers (with Black/Deep Blue dye) Weapon: Flashy (During Life Day events, the dye changes to Black/Deep Red) Name: Emanate Legacy Name: Sev'n-ate Class: Sith Warrior Level: 78 Specialty: Juggernaut Server: Star Forge (Originally Jedi Covenant) Alignment Choice: Light Side Background picture taken on Belsavis, in Cells of the Lords of the Infinite. Emanate's Outfit: Head: The Undying Visor Chest: Life Day Vestments Hands: The Undying Gauntlets Waist: Amplified Champion's Belt Legs: Life Day Lower Robe Feet: The Undying Boots Wrists: The Undying Armguards Weapon: Onderionian Bulwark Lightsaber (with Mystic Hazel color crystal) Name: Eminine Legacy Name: Sev'n-ate Class: Jedi Knight Level: 80 Specialty: Sentinel Server: Star Forge (Originally Jedi Covenant) Alignment: Light Side Old picture taken during cutscene at Chapter 3's end wearing Eradicator's Armor (with head slot hidden). Eminine's Current Outfit. Eminine's Outfit Head: head slot hidden Chest: Sha'tek Chestguard Hands: Onderonian Pummeler's Gauntlets Waist: Noble Decurion Force-Healer Belt Legs: Onderonian Pummerler's Greaves Feet: Noble Decurion Force-Healer Boots Wrists: Noble Decurion Force-Healer Cuffs Weapon: Volatile Conqueror's Lightsaber (with Derelict Purple Color Crystal) Name: Name Redacted (That's actually his name. To be quite honest, I was surprised it wasn't taken.) Legacy Name: Sev'n-ate Class: Imperial Agent Level: 80 Specialty: Operative Server: Star Forge (Originally Jedi Covenant) Alignment: Light Side This picture was taken during cutscene on the Star Chamber near Chapter 3's end. This picture was taken in my Vaiken Spacedock stronghold. Syndicate decorations galore here. Name Redacted's Outfit: Head: unequipped in Outfitter Chest: Nico Okarr's Duster Hands: Unshakable Trooper's Gloves Belt: Exar Kun's Belt Legs: Imperial Field Agent's Pants Feet: Duststorm Survivor's Boots Wrists: Duststorm Survivor's Bracers Weapon: VL-25 XT Plasma Core Rifle (with Advanced White Eviscerating color crystal) I'm actually creating an audio play with this character. I add the music in afterward and I arrange it so more than one NPC party member at a time, to simulate that more than party member might be accompanying the Agent on his mission. I'm only up to the end Chapter 3 so far. Coming soon . . . finally . . . the Bounty Hunter (the Cathar on the end). Name: Réttlátur (I'll let you go Google what that means) Legacy Name: Sev'n-ate Class: Bounty Hunter Level: 70 (Yet, I haven't even let the opening cinematic play all the way through just so I could put her in the armor from the beginning of the story.) Specialty: not applicable at this point in the story Server: Star Forge (Originally Jedi Covenant) Alignment: TBD Réttlátur's Outfit both with and without helmet: Head: Remnant Dreadguard Bounty Hunter's Helmet (with Dark Gray/Underworld Purple dye module) Chest: Sogan Sur's Chestguard (with Dark Gray/Underworld Purple dye module) Hands: Sogan Sur's Gauntlets (with Dark Gray/Underworld Purple dye module) Belt: Sogan Sur's Belt (with Dark Gray/Underworld Purple dye module) Legs: Sogan Sur's Greaves (with Dark Gray/Underworld Purple dye module) Feet: Sogan Sur's Boots (with Dark Gray/Underworld Purple dye module) Wrists: TBD Weapon: TBD BTW, this is how I recall which character has which crafting skill - a desktop wallpaper. I have to update this every once in a while to keep the levels correct - which it currently isn't. (See above for current levels.) PS: Life Day outfits for my active characters can be found in this separate thread. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HK-47 84 Posted September 2, 2013 (All characters on Ebon Hawk) I can't link images from Google Photos. So I linked the album instead. (Main character) Name: Blasthardcheese Legacy: Immesurable Class: Trooper Advanced Class: Vanguard Level: 65 Species: Zabrak (Alts) Name: Ahsossa Class: Trooper Advanced Class: Commando Level: 65 Species: Togruta Name: To Class: Be Advanced Class: Continued Level: Species: 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kaidon Jorn 215 Posted September 3, 2013 Jedi Covenant Server I got a whole family cooked up. Qel-Dor Jorn, Father of Qae-Don (deceased) and Qui-Don Jorn Level 55 Jedi Sage, Telekinetics spec Qui-Don Jorn, son of Qel-Dor, brother of Qae-Don (deceased) Level 55 Jedi Sage, Balance spec Ilson Jorn, nephew of Qui-Don, grandson of Qel-Dor, son of deceased Jedi Knight, Qae-Don Jorn. Level 55 Jedi Guardian, Vigilance spec Darth V'dori Z'jinn, sworn enemy of Master Qui-Don Jorn. Level 55 Sith Sorceror, Madness spec Lord Sutoka Z'jinn, brother of V'dori Z'jinn, Level 55 Sith Assassin, Deception spec and the sworn enemy of.... Thom-Ell Th'aed, ally of Qui-Don and Ilson Jorn Level 55 Jedi Shadow, Infiltration spec. Darth Zaelus Ku, sworn enemy of Ilson Jorn Level 55 Sith Juggernaut, Vengeance spec Satei Miato, former ally of Thom'ell Th'aed before turning fully to the darkside. Level 55 Jedi Sentinel, Watchman spec 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zbyl2 816 Posted September 8, 2013 All characters on Red Eclipse server (EU PVE). REPUBLIC CHARACTERS Zbyl, Jedi Shadow, DPS, level 50. Picture courtesy of Sith Holocron Kunegundaa, Vanguard, Tank/DPS, level around 40. I haven't used her in a while. Parszywek, Scoundrel, Healer, level 55. IMPERIAL CHARACTERS Lordzorkan, Operative, Healer, level 50. First to level up when I get around to playing Imperial Makeb. Mietekk, Sith Assassin, Tank, level 40ish, currently being slowly leveled. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted September 8, 2013 With me being there insignificantly small in the background with a jawa XD Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted September 13, 2013 Mandalore's Armor looks pretty stupid... maybe it's not made with 'slim' characters in mind... THIS... however, looks badass... wonder how much it'll cost me to change my armor to this though, with hoveling mods and augments over and such... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VarsityPuppet 1,086 Posted September 21, 2013 Here's my character, VarsityPuppet... Wait, something's wrong There that's better. VarsityPuppet, Red Eclipse, Jedi Sentinel, Level 14. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ferc Kast 42 Posted October 3, 2013 First Name: Ræna Legacy Name: Kast Species: Miraluka Class: Jedi Sage Level: 50 Server: Jung Ma (US EST PvP + RP) First Name: Ferc Legacy Name: Kast Species: Human Class: Jedi Guardian Level: 35 Server: Jung Ma (US EST PvP + RP) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted November 18, 2013 Let's see if I can do it proper this time 0_o ALL: Red Eclipse, Hassat Legacy Name: Jaellan Class: Jedi Shadow Level: 55 Name: Hassat Class: Sith Maurader Level: 52 Name: Hassathunter Class: Vanguard Level: 52 Name: Llyynx Class: Mercenary Level: 48 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Todd Hellid 16 Posted November 23, 2013 Name: Magnis-kun Legacy Name: Alec-Empire Class: Sith Marauder Level: 15 Server: Harbinger 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted January 31, 2014 Spend 1.5 million credits on these gloves, so want to show them off too then XD Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted January 31, 2014 HH: Hard to tell without a close up but are they Revan gloves? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted January 31, 2014 Eradicator gloves. Seems the forum ruined the resolution and quality of the pic a bit... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RFaurora 3 Posted May 15, 2014 I'm reinstalling the game. I don't recall my server though. Will find out if I had to change anything. My legacy name used to be Ayanami. That is the only thing I am completely unsure of. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarthTyren 103 Posted December 16, 2015 SH asked me to post my characters here, so this isn't a bump! Featured in the following images is the Blue Scaline Armor Set. Name: Tirent Legacy Name: Sertlos Class: Sith Warrior Level: 65 Specialty: Juggernaut Server: Shadowlands I have two other jugs with slight variations on the name, but they don't see as much time in game. Tirent was my main progression toon, cuz Tyren was already taken. Name: Pirceus Legacy Name: Sertlos Class: Jedi Knight Level: 65 Specialty: Guardian Server: Shadowlands This one, I have one alternate toon with a slightly different name. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Juliandroid 4 Posted January 4, 2016 Here are my characters. All of them are on Ebon Hawk. All Character Selection screenshots, I'm afraid. I can't frame good in-game shots and have never been able to take a screenshot while in a conversation. Name: Hulat-Neran Legacy Name: Resonare Class: Sith Inquisitor Level: 65Specialty: Sith Sorcerer (Lightning path) Legacy Founder. Almost all of my other characters have something to do with her. I dropped a lot of credits on her outfit, still not satisfied with it. Name: Xadatus Legacy Name: Resonare Class: Trooper Level: 15 Specialty: Commando Hulat's most trusted ally, supposed to be undercover on a mission to spread dissent in the republic's ranks. Supposed to be named Xadato, but the name was taken. Name: Pertinox Legacy Name: Resonare Class: Bounty Hunter Level: 11 Specialty: Powertech One of Hulat's many agents. Name: Kaynn Legacy Name: Resonare Class: Bounty Hunter Level: 29 Specialty: Marauder Hulat's herald and expected-to-be most powerful warrior. Name: Gareel Legacy Name: Resonare Class: Jedi Consular Level: 10 Specialty: Jedi Sage Typical contemplative consular. Victim of terrible, terrible revenge. I have one other character at the moment, but I'm not crazy about his design and expect his deletion soon. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mutilator57 140 Posted October 31, 2016 ****EDIT 13 June 2022**** It has been brought to my attention that the Photobucket images of my characters no longer work. Given that I haven't played SWTOR in a long time, I doubt I can be bothered re-adding them. Perhaps I will in a sudden flash of inspiration but don't hold your breath. **** A while ago, SH asked me to post my characters on this thread. Of course, I ignored him at the time (sorry!) but now have the time to post While I have played for a while, I have doubled up on a lot of classes so don't have a lot of them finished :/ Anyway, all of the following characters are apart of the Wreath Legacy and after migrating first from Dalborra and then to the Harbinger, have finally settled on The Ebon Hawk. Since I'm from Australia, server lag is a slight issue but hey, it's a great, tight-knit community! Name: Arkadann Legacy Name: Wreath Class: Sith Warrior Level: 65 Specialty: Sith Juggernaut Although I made this guy specifically in preparation for KotFE, I liked the class so much that he has pretty much supplanted Vauriaan as my main. He is a powerful Sith Lord in the mold of Darth Marr - willing to work with avowed enemies and aliens in order to put the best interests of the Empire at heart. However he loathes treachery and betrayal is met with the typical Sith response of aggression and rage. He has a visceral loathing for Zakuul and its entire way of life and would gladly see the Eternal Empire fall. Name: Vauriaan Legacy Name: Wreath Class: Sith Inquisitor Level: 65 Specialty: Sith Assassin Very much like Arkadann in his outlook, albeit with a slightly more light-sided tinge. Essentially, he is not above gathering power for personal gain, so long as the Empire also benefits. I tried to lay the light-sided groundwork for a possible redemption story if I can be bothered to think of one! Name: Naayama Legacy Name: Wreath Class: Bounty Hunter Level: 65 Specialty: Mercenary Yes, I admit, the name was taken from Jolee's wife, but as you can probably notice by the abundance of male characters, women (or Republic characters for that matter!), are certainly NOT my strongsuit. She is a light-sided Bounty Hunter who respects the traditions of the Mandalorians and the sanctity of the Hunt. She's kind of the wayward daughter of Arkadann who rebelled and tried to make her own life away from the Sith, but is still often in the pocket of the Empire. She's like Mira now that I think about it - doesn't kill unless she has to. But as with her father, she shows no mercy for betrayal and is not above killing, despite taking no real pleasure in it. Name: Volcanist Legacy Name: Wreath Class: Sith Inquisitor Level: 65 Specialty: Sith Sorcerer He was my first character, made way back. He is the prototypical Sith Lord; cunning and manipulative with a predilection for lightning! Come to think of it, I think I actually named him after a Blood Elf I had when I played WoW... Name: Varkonn Legacy Name: Wreath Class: Imperial Agent Level: 52 Specialty: Sniper This is my on-and-off character that I play when I want to just get involved immediately in some story action - he's been stuck at levels 40 - 50 for like, 4 years! He is a loyal servant of the Empire but unlike Arkadann or Vauriaan, is willing to get his hands dirty in the espionage and subterfuge to continue Imperial dominance. Name: Zakaronn Legacy Name: Wreath Class: Sith Warrior Level: 48 Specialty: Sith Marauder I made this guy just for the heck of it during last year's XP event. He's only finished Balmorra, that XP boost was crazy! He's pretty much just a bloodthirsty, destructive Sith who epitomises personal power and ambition at the expense of the Empire. Name: Luthaurian Legacy Name: Wreath Class: Smuggler Level: 20 Specialty: Scoundrel I made this character so my friend and I could play together. Since I had hardly any Republic characters, I thought I should give one a go. I was not disappointed. Luthaurian is basically a light-sided Smuggler who of course wants to get paid, but will always help the Republic first. All while cracking his funny one-liners XD I have some other characters, but hardly anyone worth mentioning. And there you have it, The Wreath Legacy. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted October 31, 2016 On 10/31/2016 at 12:10 AM, Mutilator57 said: And there you have it, The Wreath Legacy. Nice! I've just updated information on my newest character. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Commander Awesome 2 Posted October 31, 2016 The Skykiller Legacy: Name: Rayce-jonson (Will be changed to Rayce Quinn when I have the money.) Class: Jedi Knight Level: Mid 30s Specialization: Guardian He is my first character, and kinda my main. I play him pretty strictly light side and following the Jedi code, however I did decide to romance Kira. Name: Lee'kai Class: Trooper Level: Early 30s Specialization: Commando I use this character the most in PvP. Also very LS. Name: Pioma Class: Smuggler Level: Early 30s Specialization: Scoundrel RP-wise this is class is definitely my favorite. His story is full of LOLs, especially Tatooine! While still light side, I play him a bit "edgier" than the other two, not afraid to to blow someone's brains out if they piss him off enough, and is also somewhat of a ladies man, always willing to help out a damsel-in-distress. All my characters are on Begeren Colony. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
superSzym 155 Posted October 31, 2016 Great! I'm playing on the same server as Zbyl2 and Hassat Hunter! I could show my Sage when I'll find some time to get his screenshot. I MUST show him to every of the F2Ps that think it's impossible to make a good, moddable outfit without Cartel Market. No, it will make them depressed. Most of those items were lost after 4.0. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ADG12311990 21 Posted November 1, 2016 I can't believe I never posted in this thread before (Well, I can, but that's because I get distracted easily by school, my old call center job and... ohh, ramen!). Anyway, here is my legacy, The Gallifreyan Legacy. All of them have been on the Harbinger since... early 2012? And although I've been playing since launch, only two are finished with Knights of the Fallen Empire (My Gunslinger, and LS Warrior). From Left to Right: The Good Captain. (Level 65 Smuggler/Gunslinger. Technically, he's named after me. Embarrassing/weird, I know. But, I've always done it, since I first played X-Wing Alliance.), Major Nicolai "Nikki" Davfel (Level 65 Trooper/Commando), Master Gavern Rassilon (Level 60 Knight/Sentinel), and Master Briessia "Briea" Geslin (Level 65 Consular/Shadow, and the adopted sister of my Smuggler). From left to right: Agent Golsheren (Level 53 Agent/Operative), Mera "The Baroness" Ralcen (Level 63 Bounty Hunter/Mercenary, Lord Karvik (Level 65 Warrior/Marauder. When I recorded the Sith Warrior Class story, I decided to make two Warriors, a Light and Dark, since the story was different enough depending on your alignment), Lord Shinzon (Level 65 Warrior/Juggernaut), and Aitarna Mikroru (Level 59 Inquisitor/Sorcerer).As I've said before, one of the greatest things about going to school for a Video Editing degree is being able to play video games and turn that into content/examples of my work. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VarsityPuppet 1,086 Posted November 1, 2016 I trashed my old character on this thread long ago, I have been playing with new characters since. The Tamresh Legacy Fun Fact: I treat these characters as nuclear family, so they all have white hair and eyes. Name: Ierran Class: Jedi Sentinel Level: 65 First character that I've put an effort into playing. Currently my main character, working through Shadow of Revan. Played through most of the entire normal campaign with my brother who was a Jedi Shadow. Name: Sanrah Class: Jedi Shadow Level: 32 I wanted to play a Jedi story without getting too far ahead of my brother, so I created Sanrah to experience the Jedi Consular storyline. I wasn't going to put much effort into customization originally, but I managed to get the coveted Jedi Strategist robe and decided to invest the effort. Fun fact: Mixture of Sarah and Sansa (as in Sansa Stark). Name: Aajack Class: Scoundrel Level: 35 So I managed to get all 3 of my siblings to play SWTOR and we ran some flashpoints. Unfortunately, we were running 3 Jedi (DPS) and 1 Soldier (Tank). We ran into a boss that we could not defeat because, guess what? We didn't have any healers. So Aajack was created during one of the double XP periods to be a healer so we could run flashpoints more efficiently. I wasn't enthused to be a healer at first (I hear gunsllinger is one of the best DPS), but I quite like what he can do. Fun fact: My favorite attack is the one where you kick people in the nuts. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mutilator57 140 Posted November 3, 2016 On 10/31/2016 at 7:07 PM, Commander Awesome said: The Skykiller Legacy: Name: Rayce-jonson (Will be changed to Rayce Quinn when I have the money.) Class: Jedi Knight Level: Mid 30s Specialization: Guardian He is my first character, and kinda my main. I play him pretty strictly light side and following the Jedi code, however I did decide to romance Kira. Name: Lee'kai Class: Trooper Level: Early 30s Specialization: Commando I use this character the most in PvP. Also very LS. Name: Pioma Class: Smuggler Level: Early 30s Specialization: Scoundrel RP-wise this is class is definitely my favorite. His story is full of LOLs, especially Tatooine! While still light side, I play him a bit "edgier" than the other two, not afraid to to blow someone's brains out if they piss him off enough, and is also somewhat of a ladies man, always willing to help out a damsel-in-distress. All my characters are on Begeren Colony. On 10/31/2016 at 7:34 PM, superSzym said: Great! I'm playing on the same server as Zbyl2 and Hassat Hunter! I could show my Sage when I'll find some time to get his screenshot. I MUST show him to every of the F2Ps that think it's impossible to make a good, moddable outfit without Cartel Market. No, it will make them depressed. Most of those items were lost after 4.0. Nice characters, both of you! If those F2Ps think lost items from 4.0 are bad, imagine what they would think knowing I still have some of the old Battlemaster/Centurion PVP gear and Columi/Rakata PVE stuff from before RotHC! Anyway, give us them screenies! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Commander Awesome 2 Posted December 4, 2016 I made a new character this week: Name: Rayca (One letter difference from my Knight! I'm very creative. ) Class: Jedi Consular Level: 19 Specialization: Jedi Shadow My first female character, this should be interesting. The idea is she's a twin sister to Rayce. I got the inspiration for choosing her class from my clan in Jedi Academy, the Shadow Order, who are, needless to say, based on the Jedi Shadows. She's light side, like my other characters, and with her I use stealth to avoid all unnecessary fights. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted December 7, 2016 Something new . . . I'm going to post my wife's characters! My wife named her character for Brown Ales. (Her's in the "Brownale" legacy appropriately.) She hasn't played this game in ages. Name: Euforia Class: Jedi Knight (Guardian) Level: 80 Server: Jedi Covenant Name: Moose'Drool Class: Sith Warrior (Juggernaut) Level: 39 Server: Jedi Covenant Name: Nucastle (Yep, Newcastle was taken.) Class: Bounty Hunter (Mercenary) [If memory serves, this character was abandoned and replaced by the BH below.] Level: 31 Server: Jedi Covenant Name: Brookelynne (Yep, Brooklyn was taken.) Class: Smuggler (Gunslinger) Level: 43 Server: Jedi Covenant Name: Dolli'varden Class: Bounty Hunter (Mercenary) Level: 29 Server: Jedi Covenant Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites