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Found 6 results

  1. Version 1.0.0


    [K1] Recruit Master Vandar Mod ========================================================= Description: This mod allows You to recruit Master Vandar Takare. It adds him as a party member and also adds a few conversation lines with him. He replaces T3M4 as a companion aboard the Ebon Hawk. He has Jedi abilities. Unfortunately, due to the model nature, he cannot wield any kind of weapon... I'm working on a way of implementing this in the future. He can, however, aid You greatly in battle with his powerful Jedi abilities. It has been tested and works fine. This mod is compatible with K1R! Player Guide: In order to recruit Master Vandar Takare, You must do all quests on Dantooine and talk to him after that. I hope You enjoy it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation: It is recommended to install this mod before installing other mods like K1R, Yavin IV and BOS:SR. If You have them already installed, just install Recruit Master Vandar mod and then reinstall the other mods again! To install, just run the TSLPatcher installer and point it to Your KOTOR I install dir! You should have the following files inside your swkotor/Override folder: bye_vandar.ncs p_vandar.utc po_pvandar.tga po_pvandar3.tga po_pvandar3e.tga portraits.2da rec_vandar.ncs vandar_dlg.dlg dan13_vandar.dlg ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uninstallation: To uninstall the mod, just delete the following files from your Override folder: bye_vandar.ncs p_vandar.utc po_pvandar.tga po_pvandar3.tga po_pvandar3e.tga rec_vandar.ncs vandar_dlg.dlg dan13_vandar.dlg Do not delete the portraits.2da file, because it could be used by other mods! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Redistribution and Use: You may re-upload this mod on other websited or here (if you have a copy of it and it is no longer hosted online), with proper credit given. You may use this mod and associated files to include in Your own mod without asking permission, it is only required that You give credit for my mod! It is not permitted to re-upload this mod or use it as part of your mod claiming it is your work and without giving credit. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Many Thanks To: Deadlystream Community, Kotor Tool Creators, Modding Tutorials Creators K1R Compatibility: Yes ========================================================= Version: 1.0.0 - Original Release Here is a savegame for You to quickly try out the mod Before Recruit Vandar.rar
  2. Version 1.0.0


    DESCRIPTION This is the first entry in a new modding series I have been working on. Its objective is to gradually replace the Kotor games' alien models, which have particularly poorly aged. To this end, Master Vandar is the first alien to receive a high quality makeover. This mod replaces Master Vandar's 3D model with a new custom one, completely built from scratch using modern 3D asset creation techniques. As he appears as a hologram in the late game, his hologram model has been adapted as well, though with some constraints. Check out this thread if you'd like to know more about the development process and to get updates on the next entries of the High Quality Aliens modding series. COMPATIBILITY Since this is a replacer mod, it simply won't be compatible with any other mod that alters Master Vandar's appearance. @DarthParametric's Hologram mod and K1CP should be compatible. Just ensure to install my mod AFTER having installed K1CP or DP's mod first. KNOW ISSUES Due to technical constraints, some unavoidable and unpleasant artifacts will show up during the cutscenes using Vandar's hologram model. INSTALLATION To install, download and extract its contents somewhere convenient on your computer. Navigate to the extracted "HQA Vandar" folder and execute the TSLPatcher.exe. Let it do its magic but give it a hand if it can't find its way into your KOTOR game folder by its own. CREDITS bead-v: KOTORMAX and MDLEdit stoffe & Fair Strides: TSLPatcher seedhartha: KotorBlender PERMISSIONS Anyone is allowed to re-use the assets of this mod, including those contained in the modder's resources archive (see the final section below), in any way or form they would like for their own modding objectives. I only ask to be properly credited for the assets used. However, I explicitly forbid anyone to directly re-upload this mod or any of its contents to any other site than Deadlystream. SPECIAL THANKS to @Marius Fettfor their nerves of steel while helping me resolve seemingly never-ending technical issues with the hologram model. @DarthParametric for pinging me on Discord and thus kickstarting the Vandar project. MODDERS RESOURCES ARCHIVE IMPORTANT: Disregard this section if you're not interested in re-using my files to create your own mods. I'm uploading a separate ZIP file containing modding resources and grant anyone permission to use them in any way they would like. They include the weighted .ascii file to be imported in your preferred 3D software using KOTORMAX or KotorBlender, as well as the baked mesh maps that I used to create the model's texture. Do not hesitate to DM me on Deadlystream or on Discord should you need help using those files or if I omitted to include something that could be useful.
  3. View File High Quality Aliens: Master Vandar DESCRIPTION This is the first entry in a new modding series I have been working on. Its objective is to gradually replace the Kotor games' alien models, which have particularly poorly aged. To this end, Master Vandar is the first alien to receive a high quality makeover. This mod replaces Master Vandar's 3D model with a new custom one, completely built from scratch using modern 3D asset creation techniques. As he appears as a hologram in the late game, his hologram model has been adapted as well, though with some constraints. Check out this thread if you'd like to know more about the development process and to get updates on the next entries of the High Quality Aliens modding series. COMPATIBILITY Since this is a replacer mod, it simply won't be compatible with any other mod that alters Master Vandar's appearance. @DarthParametric's Hologram mod and K1CP should be compatible. Just ensure to install my mod AFTER having installed K1CP or DP's mod first. KNOW ISSUES Due to technical constraints, some unavoidable and unpleasant artifacts will show up during the cutscenes using Vandar's hologram model. INSTALLATION To install, download and extract its contents somewhere convenient on your computer. Navigate to the extracted "HQA Vandar" folder and execute the TSLPatcher.exe. Let it do its magic but give it a hand if it can't find its way into your KOTOR game folder by its own. CREDITS bead-v: KOTORMAX and MDLEdit stoffe & Fair Strides: TSLPatcher seedhartha: KotorBlender PERMISSIONS Anyone is allowed to re-use the assets of this mod, including those contained in the modder's resources archive (see the final section below), in any way or form they would like for their own modding objectives. I only ask to be properly credited for the assets used. However, I explicitly forbid anyone to directly re-upload this mod or any of its contents to any other site than Deadlystream. SPECIAL THANKS to @Marius Fettfor their nerves of steel while helping me resolve seemingly never-ending technical issues with the hologram model. @DarthParametric for pinging me on Discord and thus kickstarting the Vandar project. MODDERS RESOURCES ARCHIVE IMPORTANT: Disregard this section if you're not interested in re-using my files to create your own mods. I'm uploading a separate ZIP file containing modding resources and grant anyone permission to use them in any way they would like. They include the weighted .ascii file to be imported in your preferred 3D software using KOTORMAX or KotorBlender, as well as the baked mesh maps that I used to create the model's texture. Do not hesitate to DM me on Deadlystream or on Discord should you need help using those files or if I omitted to include something that could be useful. Submitter Stormie97 Submitted 07/20/2022 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  4. Greetings, fellow Jedi! Hope y'all doing fine. It'd be awesome if someone release a fix for Vandar's false direction; as seen in the screenshot: I believe a fix to the particular cutscene would be necessary as that is one of the important scenes in game and kind of an introductory to the Councils; particularly Master Vandar. Many thanks for considering this and, May the Force be with You!
  5. View File [K1] Recruit Master Vandar [K1] Recruit Master Vandar Mod ========================================================= Description: This mod allows You to recruit Master Vandar Takare. It adds him as a party member and also adds a few conversation lines with him. He replaces T3M4 as a companion aboard the Ebon Hawk. He has Jedi abilities. Unfortunately, due to the model nature, he cannot wield any kind of weapon... I'm working on a way of implementing this in the future. He can, however, aid You greatly in battle with his powerful Jedi abilities. It has been tested and works fine. This mod is compatible with K1R! Player Guide: In order to recruit Master Vandar Takare, You must do all quests on Dantooine and talk to him after that. I hope You enjoy it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation: It is recommended to install this mod before installing other mods like K1R, Yavin IV and BOS:SR. If You have them already installed, just install Recruit Master Vandar mod and then reinstall the other mods again! To install, just run the TSLPatcher installer and point it to Your KOTOR I install dir! You should have the following files inside your swkotor/Override folder: bye_vandar.ncs p_vandar.utc po_pvandar.tga po_pvandar3.tga po_pvandar3e.tga portraits.2da rec_vandar.ncs vandar_dlg.dlg dan13_vandar.dlg ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uninstallation: To uninstall the mod, just delete the following files from your Override folder: bye_vandar.ncs p_vandar.utc po_pvandar.tga po_pvandar3.tga po_pvandar3e.tga rec_vandar.ncs vandar_dlg.dlg dan13_vandar.dlg Do not delete the portraits.2da file, because it could be used by other mods! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Redistribution and Use: You may re-upload this mod on other websited or here (if you have a copy of it and it is no longer hosted online), with proper credit given. You may use this mod and associated files to include in Your own mod without asking permission, it is only required that You give credit for my mod! It is not permitted to re-upload this mod or use it as part of your mod claiming it is your work and without giving credit. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Many Thanks To: Deadlystream Community, Kotor Tool Creators, Modding Tutorials Creators K1R Compatibility: Yes ========================================================= Version: 1.0.0 - Original Release Here is a savegame for You to quickly try out the mod Before Recruit Vandar.rar Submitter JediArchivist Submitted 04/04/2020 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  6. ebmar

    KotOR0028 - Filtered

    From the album: The Playthrough

    Bit of touches to the robe now, with assumption that the robe were made of suede. Base texture of this reskinned Jedi robe is created by Marius Fett on Marius' Male Jedi Robe Replacement mod.