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Found 9 results

  1. Version 1.0.0


    Changes the Jedi Master/Sith Lord unique feats to also increase influence changes. SUMMARY: The unique feats Light Side Enlightenment and Dark Side Corruption granted to Jedi Masters and Sith Lords cause your influence to have a greater effect on party members' alignment. Unfortunately, party members don't get stat bonuses from LS or DS mastery, making these feats have little practical use. This is one of the factors that make JM/SL cool for role-playing but without much extra to offer in functionality. This mod aims to make the feats a little more useful by having them also amplify changes to companion influence. Now, Jedi Masters and Sith Lords will gain 50% more influence with party members. However, influence lost will also be increased by 50%. Low influence is the same as high influence in terms of unlocking dialogue so I don't want to bias one strategy over the other. Still you will be able to gain or lose influence faster. For example, with these feats, 3 influence gains and 1 loss will net the equivalent to 3 regular gains. INSTALLATION: Copy the contents of "to override" to your game's override folder. UNINSTALLATION: Remove the following files from override: - a_influence_dec.ncs - a_influence_inc.ncs COMPATIBILITY: Not compatible with Modified Influence System by Hassat Hunter. CREDITS: offthegridmorty KOTOR Tool - Fred Tetra TSLPatcher, TalkEd - stoffe, Fair Strides Holocron Toolset - Cortisol
  2. View File Improved LS Enlightenment & DS Corruption Feats Changes the Jedi Master/Sith Lord unique feats to also increase influence changes. SUMMARY: The unique feats Light Side Enlightenment and Dark Side Corruption granted to Jedi Masters and Sith Lords cause your influence to have a greater effect on party members' alignment. Unfortunately, party members don't get stat bonuses from LS or DS mastery, making these feats have little practical use. This is one of the factors that make JM/SL cool for role-playing but without much extra to offer in functionality. This mod aims to make the feats a little more useful by having them also amplify changes to companion influence. Now, Jedi Masters and Sith Lords will gain 50% more influence with party members. However, influence lost will also be increased by 50%. Low influence is the same as high influence in terms of unlocking dialogue so I don't want to bias one strategy over the other. Still you will be able to gain or lose influence faster. For example, with these feats, 3 influence gains and 1 loss will net the equivalent to 3 regular gains. INSTALLATION: Copy the contents of "to override" to your game's override folder. UNINSTALLATION: Remove the following files from override: - a_influence_dec.ncs - a_influence_inc.ncs COMPATIBILITY: Not compatible with Modified Influence System by Hassat Hunter. CREDITS: offthegridmorty KOTOR Tool - Fred Tetra TSLPatcher, TalkEd - stoffe, Fair Strides Holocron Toolset - Cortisol Submitter offthegridmorty Submitted 11/04/2024 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  3. Version 1.0.2


    This mod makes Darth Nihilus, Darth Sion and Darth Traya stronger. I also replaced the 3 purple lightsabers that Darth Traya summons with Sith Assassins, in my opinion they make more sense. Warning: This mod is made to be compatible with TSLRCM 1.8.6. If you install this mod without TSLRCM 1.8.6, the install process will result in error messages, but the mod will still work.
  4. View File KotOR2 Stronger Sith Lords This mod makes Darth Nihilus, Darth Sion and Darth Traya stronger. I also replaced the 3 purple lightsabers that Darth Traya summons with Sith Assassins, in my opinion they make more sense. Warning: This mod is made to be compatible with TSLRCM 1.8.6. If you install this mod without TSLRCM 1.8.6, the install process will result in error messages, but the mod will still work. Submitter GearHead Submitted 02/05/2024 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  5. I created this thread to bring mods for kotor 1 and kotor 2 from other sites, some of these mods will work on android and i will update every day Mod note: file attachment removed.
  6. Hello everyone! I am being inspired by modifications JC's Fashion Line I: Cloaked Jedi Robes for K1 and Dark Jedi Wear Robes decided that, why not bring the wonderful armor of the Sith masters from Kotor 2: to Kotor 1, where it could, how to replace the original the armor of the Sith Masters (in-game name - sith apprentice) and Darth Bandon. I would like to borrow the textures of the Darth Bandon armor and pictures with the permission of the author @Shem. At the same time, I would also like to create two uti files that would allow Revan and Jolie Bindo (or only Revan), it depends on the characteristics of the armor itself, let's say the requirements for pumping the light armor skill)) wear the armor of the master (original texture N_DarkJHiM) and Darth Bandon. However, as we know, it is not possible to add new lines of clothing or armor in the game, but only to change the existing ones. This option is no good. So I decided that I could just make the armor skin of the new characters in the new "appearance" lines, plus make changes to the "heads" file. The head / mask for the first armor is made up of in-game files from kotor 2: n_dkjh02.mdl and n_dkjh02.mdx, as well as the texture N_DkJ2H01. For the second Darth Bandon armor, I would like to borrow the head files of a Dark Jedi in a Sith Lord mask from the Dark Jedi Wear Robes modification (because the texture itself is very black on the armor and the head will fit perfectly), the author of @DarthParametric (if he allows (Honestly, I was waiting for him to do something similar from what I propose now, taking into account that he also loves such an embodiment of the Sith)). In addition to the fact that this armor would have a gender restriction (only for male characters), there could be another restriction that would work after donning a Sith mask, the model and textures of which could be borrowed from Flammenwerfer: The Sith Mask (and converted to replace original Sith mask). But this, I think, is impossible, and even with this option, no other headdress could be worn. The armor itself could be obtained in two places - the first version can be removed from the body of Uthar Wynn, because it is completely dishonest that from it, from the values, you can only take loans, and there is no lightsaber or any Sith clothing. In addition, @JCarter426 has already created the prerequisites for this and dressed the master of the academy in the armor of the Sith, which is very compatible with my proposal. The second option (darker) could appear in Darth Bandon's equipment and we could put on his new armor, but technically it is still a skin of the model and textures of dark armor and models and textures of the head of a Dark Jedi from the DarthParametric modification. In addition, @DarthParametric also made a very correct decision, in its modification, putting on armor on the Sith master on Manaan, as was implemented by the developers on Taris. Alternatively, the Sith masters on Taris and Manaan could be assigned a new number for the proposed npc in the "appearance" file, thanks to which they technically changed to new npc. This can be done with many of the Sith Masters in the game. But as I think it is best to replace the Sith Masters in: 1) the first location, because it is nameless and does not carry any semantic load in order to bare its face, moreover, such a beginning can warm up our interest in getting this armor as soon as possible - such an expectation will add interest in the game; 2) the location of the dark lands on Kashyyyk, where Darth Bandon travels with the Sith masters near the lift (I don't remember exactly, because my Darth Bandon appeared in Manaan to replace @DarthParametric in his modification. Perhaps he did so); 3) other places (although, as for me, the rest of the Sith are important and we enter into a dialogue with them). It would seem that there were no problems with porting and the model and textures feel comfortable in kotor 1 (thanks a lot @JCarter426 for the supermodel!), However, it seemed to me that the fact that I did not change any words and symbols in the mdl file when using the mdledit_v1.0.3 program, affected the fact that the new files of the Sith master do not work correctly: he cannot activate the energy shield, and he also puts on the nerve protection bandage, which is in the inventory of the Sith governor on Taris (for example, this NPC): It seems that the option with the shield was initially absent, because I do not remember that they used it in kotor 2, or maybe there are compatibility problems. Most likely there are other problems of this kind that require resolution, because it is assumed that the same operations will be performed by Revan when he puts on this armor (skin). Does anyone know what can help in my situation? I would be very grateful! P.S. Technically, the part of the modification that is responsible for the introduction of two new armor will be implemented in the same way as in this modification (I put its screenshot inside for review): Attention! The texture of the armor of the Sith Masters and Darth Bandon are not the same as the armor itself, which is technically a skin (as in the case of the Mandalorian armor (variant from this modification). These are two different things! As a result, we will have: 1) new models and textures for the torso of Sith Masters, Darth Bandon and those who have this appearance under the influence of other modifications (Uthar Wynn, Dark Jedi Master in Manaan); 2) two new types of NPCs - Sith Masters from kotor 2, which will replace some of the Sith Masters in the original game (FOR example, at the beginning of the game on the Republic ship and in the dark lands of Kashyyyk, if we meet Darth Bandon there). In the game itself, it is recommended to use only the first type in order to betray the uniqueness of Darth Bandon himself, no one except him has to wear his armor! Otherwise, he will send a lightning of power towards the dissident creature! Ahaha, and no matter how ironic, but it will be possible to pick it up only from his cold corpse. Ahaha. The second type of npc is useful for the second uti file; 3) the armor itself - two uti files referring to two types of NPCs and for the duration of wearing we will be them + it will be possible to wear a Sith mask from the above modification.
  7. Version 1.0


    TSL Prestige Class Saving Throw fixes - version 1.0 By Rovan NOTE: I’d like to suggest to any potential users to keep track of the mods you’ve installed, exactly in the order you’ve installed them in. Description: Prestige classes are, quite frankly, pretty fun. However, one glaring error in the game is how both the Jedi Master and the Sith Lord have terrible, terrible saving throws, especially when compared to their predecessor, the Consular. This mod aims to fix this grievous error, part of the many injustices rendered unto the Force-wielding prestige classes. Installation: There are two folders in this mod: one contains fixed saving throws for the Jedi Master and Sith Lord prestige classes, changing them so they at least equal the Jedi Consular’s saving throws. Drag both “cls_st_jmaster.2da” and “cls_st_sithlord.2da” into the Override folder of KoTOR 2. The other folder contains “standardizations” for the Jedi Weapon Master and Sith Marauder prestige class saving throws, to match those of the Jedi Guardian. This portion is wholly optional, but if you wish to install this portion, drag both “cls_st_jweapmas.2da” and “cls_st_sithmar.2da” into the Override folder of KoTOR 2. NOTE: I did not edit the Jedi Watchman or the Sith Assassin saving throws, mostly because they seemed just about right; the Watchman is more defense oriented with the best saving throws in the game, while the Assassin is more offense oriented, but with weaker saving throws than the base class, the Sentinel. Uninstallation: Remove “cls_st_jmaster.2da” and “cls_st_sithlord.2da” from the Override folder, and/or “cls_st_jweapmas.2da” and “cls_st_sithmar.2da” as well. Permissions: Do NOT reupload this to anywhere without my permission, especially the Steam Workshop. Do NOT make any edits to this mod and re-upload it, claiming it as your own. If you want to use this mod as part of your own mod, send me a message via any of my contact info listed below. Credits: Fred Tetra for making the ever so wonderful KOTOR Tool… and Rece on DeadlyStream for providing a tutorial on how to install KOTOR Tool via Wineskin! Also, cheers to VarsityPuppet for being encouraging and Fair Strides for providing a ReadMe template. :v Contact Information: Add me on Steam at if you have any questions, comments, or concerns (NO PRIVATE PROFILES WILL BE ADDED). I can also be contacted here on, where I uploaded this mod. There should be no compatibility problems with TSLRCM whatsoever. A note about the screenshots: I was using NiuHaka's DarkHarbinger PMHC04 Reskin at the time when I took them. That mod is not part of the mod in any shape or form.
  8. File Name: TSL Prestige Class Saving Throw fixes File Submitter: Rovan File Submitted: 25 Feb 2016 File Category: Mods TSLRCM Compatible: Yes TSL Prestige Class Saving Throw fixes - version 1.0 By Rovan NOTE: I’d like to suggest to any potential users to keep track of the mods you’ve installed, exactly in the order you’ve installed them in. Description: Prestige classes are, quite frankly, pretty fun. However, one glaring error in the game is how both the Jedi Master and the Sith Lord have terrible, terrible saving throws, especially when compared to their predecessor, the Consular. This mod aims to fix this grievous error, part of the many injustices rendered unto the Force-wielding prestige classes. Installation: There are two folders in this mod: one contains fixed saving throws for the Jedi Master and Sith Lord prestige classes, changing them so they at least equal the Jedi Consular’s saving throws. Drag both “cls_st_jmaster.2da” and “cls_st_sithlord.2da” into the Override folder of KoTOR 2. The other folder contains “standardizations” for the Jedi Weapon Master and Sith Marauder prestige class saving throws, to match those of the Jedi Guardian. This portion is wholly optional, but if you wish to install this portion, drag both “cls_st_jweapmas.2da” and “cls_st_sithmar.2da” into the Override folder of KoTOR 2. NOTE: I did not edit the Jedi Watchman or the Sith Assassin saving throws, mostly because they seemed just about right; the Watchman is more defense oriented with the best saving throws in the game, while the Assassin is more offense oriented, but with weaker saving throws than the base class, the Sentinel. Uninstallation: Remove “cls_st_jmaster.2da” and “cls_st_sithlord.2da” from the Override folder, and/or “cls_st_jweapmas.2da” and “cls_st_sithmar.2da” as well. Permissions: Do NOT reupload this to anywhere without my permission, especially the Steam Workshop. Do NOT make any edits to this mod and re-upload it, claiming it as your own. If you want to use this mod as part of your own mod, send me a message via any of my contact info listed below. Credits: Fred Tetra for making the ever so wonderful KOTOR Tool… and Rece on DeadlyStream for providing a tutorial on how to install KOTOR Tool via Wineskin! Also, cheers to VarsityPuppet for being encouraging and Fair Strides for providing a ReadMe template. :v Contact Information: Add me on Steam at if you have any questions, comments, or concerns (NO PRIVATE PROFILES WILL BE ADDED). I can also be contacted here on, where I uploaded this mod. There should be no compatibility problems with TSLRCM whatsoever. A note about the screenshots: I was using NiuHaka's DarkHarbinger PMHC04 Reskin at the time when I took them. That mod is not part of the mod in any shape or form. Click here to download this file
  9. Ninko

    Darth Sion

    From the album: KotOR and TSL

    Just a photo from ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Original Link Does not work, could not find better source.. Just thought you guys might just want to see an old photo!