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  1. Can A KOTOR II head be transferred to KOTOR I - The Richard Roundtree PC Head to Revan or a possible creation. Hi it's been ages since I posted anything but I have a simple suggestion I like to think about for KOTOR I for a PC head one I quite like the most reminds me of a real life actor Richard Roundtree and it's a request. Is their a way to promptly port any KOTOR II heads to KOTOR I for any suggestions may I ask and suggest specially for like the PC Player Revan in KOTOR I, And can it actually be done may I ask with the Meetra Surik Male PC head of Richard Roundtree to Revan Male PC head for KOTOR I. It's a suggestion I have in mind because this Portable Head is one of my favourites reminding me of Richard Roundtree and I wish the real life actor was a Star Wars actor but what I am posting in this group is can the PC head be transferred over to KOTOR I and can it be done as a mod for all to enjoy... I know it's been ages since I posted anything mainly I have too much to do in life but some advise would be helpful since I know I don't mod I am curious is as to can it be done actually. Can Richard Roundtree's PC head be useful for a Recruitable Character in KOTOR I or could it be done??? In saying my 1st Question on Richard Roundtree's PC head I call it that due to the Male Meetra Surik's moustache he has for facial hair looks like him but not as mearly closely, Well so question since I love to talk about Recruitable Characters and my suggestions for them are to be declared on this character, In a recent story I am creating for a Turkish KOTOR machinima user named Starika in the future I am writing a story I have mentioned a character by the name of Aaron Vinree a Scoundrel who is born on Taris during the Sith Occupaiton and he would well be a recruitable character in the Undercity after Mission joins Revan and Carth, but the character would have to fill in one Party Member Spot meaning only one can join so the character would have to promptly replace Juhani's spot, Aaron Vinree is a Scoundral (based on the real life Richard Roundtree) who lives on Taris all his life although hardly anything about his early life is said but he had seen action when Taris was under Mandalorian Control and wasn't well treated by the Mandalorian's when Cassius Fett invaded, He knows Mission Vao's family since her father was a friend of him and been looking out for her his entire life, The Recruitable Character would join to assist looking to Zaalbar but that can only be where the Sewers Entrance would be if your at the spot where all the Sith Soldiers where massacared by Rakghouls, The player could have a possible side quest developed but whatever the means necessary wouldn't be that easy and also his weapon of choice main weapon is a Sonic Rifle and Two Blaster Pistols and a Vibroblade and wears Scout Uniform like the Revan Player would wear although its upto you to give him the same outfit that can be ported which is Atton Rand's clothing or a customed Smuggler Outfit, Since I like to talk about the potential idea of Dark Skinned Characters that we only have one recruitable named Jolee Bindo and it would be nice to incorporate Aaron Vinree (Richard Roundtree) character but the main problem is finding a voice to do him who sounds like the classic actor, He will also be part of the Ebon Hawk but I haven't thaught of his side quest on the trip as that one is not really the ideal or so one to think of at the moment. Aaron Vinree is for a planned KOTOR I story developed for a possible future Machinima for the creator Starika who lives in Turkey and at the moment at present is the writer of the story, Aaron Vinree will be a free for all use Recruitable Character specially like for all players who didn't want to have Juhani as I think in my honest opinion it would be cool to incorporate another Dark Skinned Character I say it that way as I do not say a racial word and I have better respect to people such as these. But that's all I can say about the Richard Roundtree Facial PC Head for KOTOR I. Question 2 is Richard Roundtree's PC head be useful for a Revan PC Head while playing as Revan??? I like to say it isn't always possible but I would like to see yet another Dark Skinned Revan Head we got like what Five Dark Skinned Revan PC Heads and I do like one of them the best is the bald head and it I can't recall what actor reminds me of who but again yes not one has a moustache but the only moustache feature is the head that Kaydon Sentry used for his Logan Starr character I like to refer to the bald Revan Head with the Chinese Emperor's moustache and goatee as Logan Starr Appaerance and we also do have another who has a under facial hair and scar brown hair nad also a tanned skinned with brown hair and chin hair as well, But what I am saying is yes I do think it's nice to have another Dark Skinned PC Male Head but like the Referrence of Richard Roundtree and that it fits perfectly for a Revan Head in KOTOR I, Players can have the choice where you can either use Richard Roundtree like your acting as a character PC player your playing as a character like him imagining what it was like in Star Wars, Richard Roundtree never starred in the Star Wars universe and you could as well picture what he would be like in the universe so any player has the choice since I know I can't mod I am sending suggestions that are a possibilty for future use and specially a player. So entirely it's upto you to decide you have the choice if it's suitable for KOTOR I game engine. That's all I have to say on This Mod Request... And if completed anyone is welcome to use Roundtree's head for a Revan PC head entirely upto you. Thank you all for listening. Sorry for the Repost that was because I had not been at Deadly Stream for awhile I posted in the Wrong Box so now in the right box under Mod Requests here you are and hope your happy with what I have to share to you. Thanks. Colby James.
  2. Version 1.1.0


    Darth Talon Pack [1K] A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: Bullobrien, 90SK and N-DReW25 1.1.0 Release Date: 19.01.2022 Installation: Simply click on the TSLPatcher.exe, select your option, click install and sit back and watch the TSLPatcher do its magic. Uninstallation: Depends on what you've chosen to install. Copy the files within the generated "backup" folder and place the file inside your modules folder, make sure you overwrite. Description: * Late 2006, Levi Davis (aka nineball) released the first Darth Talon mod for K2 as a playable head for females. * In 2007, Prime released his Darth Talon mod which replaced Yuthura Ban with Darth Talon. * In 2008, DarthParametric released his Darth Talon mod which replaced Mission Vao with Darth Talon. From about 2009, a third modder named Bullobrien began his own Darth Talon mod; completing the final texture in 2011. But, he was unable to properly setup the TSLPatcher or the associated 2da files and so he passed on the files to a modder named 90SK sometime between 2012-2015 and gave him permission to complete the project. In 2021, a decade since the texture was made, with collaboration with N-DReW25, the fourth Darth Talon mod was born. * Some of you new to Star Wars might be thinking "Who is Darth Talon?" Darth Talon was from the, now Legends, Star Wars: Legacy comic series. Darth Talon was a member of Darth Krayt's new Sith Order around 137 ABY, she is famous in the Star Wars Community as being the red Twi'lek with black Sith tattoos covering her body, head, and lekku; in a similar design to Darth Maul. She was trained by a fellow Twi'lek Sith named Darth Ruyn, whom she later killed on Krayt's command with a decapitating strike of her lightsaber. * What does this mod do?? Option 1) Darth Talon Player Head: Adds a playable female head in the form of Darth Talon, replaces the player's underwear and clothing to Darth Talon's attire. Option 2) Mission Vao as Darth Talon: Replaces Mission Vao's appearance with Darth Talon, gives her two red Short Lightsabers, makes her 25% Dark Side, changed her class to a Jedi Sentinel and gives her a handfull of basic Force powers, nothing else is changed. Option 3) Yuthura Ban as Darth Talon: Replaces Yuthura Ban's appearance with Darth Talon, replaces Yuthura's Sith Officer's outfit with Darth Talon's attire. All textures are in 1K resolution, providing the most high detailed Darth Talon mod to date in a Kotor mod. Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs but if there is report it on Incompatibilities: Mission Vao as Darth Talon is incompatible with any mods which alters Mission Vao's appearance, textures and/or character UTC file Yuthura Ban as Darth Talon is incompatible with any mods which alters Yuthura Ban's appearance and/or textures Report any incompatibilities to me on Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod! Thanks: Bullobrien: For making the original Darth Talon skin back in 2011 90SK: For making the portraits N-DReW25: For fixing the broken 2da files and setting up the TSLPatcher Levi Davis (aka nineball): Starting the Darth Talon trend with his first playable Darth Talon mod Prime: For creating the Yuthura Ban to Darth Talon mod, thus giving us the idea of including the Yuthura Ban option DarthParametric: For creating the Mission Vao to Darth Talon mod, thus giving us the idea of including the Mission Vao option Darth Ty: Informing me of TSLPatcher bugs Effix: For going out of his way to fix up the player head installation for me! Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool Stoffee: TSLPatcher Dark Horse: For creating the comic series which brought this awesome character to the community, and providing the inspiration for this mod. Bioware: For such an amazing game Obsidian: For such an amazing sequel Everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  3. View File Darth Talon Pack [1K] Darth Talon Pack [1K] A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: Bullobrien, 90SK and N-DReW25 1.1.0 Release Date: 19.01.2022 Installation: Simply click on the TSLPatcher.exe, select your option, click install and sit back and watch the TSLPatcher do its magic. Uninstallation: Depends on what you've chosen to install. Copy the files within the generated "backup" folder and place the file inside your modules folder, make sure you overwrite. Description: * Late 2006, Levi Davis (aka nineball) released the first Darth Talon mod for K2 as a playable head for females. * In 2007, Prime released his Darth Talon mod which replaced Yuthura Ban with Darth Talon. * In 2008, DarthParametric released his Darth Talon mod which replaced Mission Vao with Darth Talon. From about 2009, a third modder named Bullobrien began his own Darth Talon mod; completing the final texture in 2011. But, he was unable to properly setup the TSLPatcher or the associated 2da files and so he passed on the files to a modder named 90SK sometime between 2012-2015 and gave him permission to complete the project. In 2021, a decade since the texture was made, with collaboration with N-DReW25, the fourth Darth Talon mod was born. * Some of you new to Star Wars might be thinking "Who is Darth Talon?" Darth Talon was from the, now Legends, Star Wars: Legacy comic series. Darth Talon was a member of Darth Krayt's new Sith Order around 137 ABY, she is famous in the Star Wars Community as being the red Twi'lek with black Sith tattoos covering her body, head, and lekku; in a similar design to Darth Maul. She was trained by a fellow Twi'lek Sith named Darth Ruyn, whom she later killed on Krayt's command with a decapitating strike of her lightsaber. * What does this mod do?? Option 1) Darth Talon Player Head: Adds a playable female head in the form of Darth Talon, replaces the player's underwear and clothing to Darth Talon's attire. Option 2) Mission Vao as Darth Talon: Replaces Mission Vao's appearance with Darth Talon, gives her two red Short Lightsabers, makes her 25% Dark Side, changed her class to a Jedi Sentinel and gives her a handfull of basic Force powers, nothing else is changed. Option 3) Yuthura Ban as Darth Talon: Replaces Yuthura Ban's appearance with Darth Talon, replaces Yuthura's Sith Officer's outfit with Darth Talon's attire. All textures are in 1K resolution, providing the most high detailed Darth Talon mod to date in a Kotor mod. Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs but if there is report it on Incompatibilities: Mission Vao as Darth Talon is incompatible with any mods which alters Mission Vao's appearance, textures and/or character UTC file Yuthura Ban as Darth Talon is incompatible with any mods which alters Yuthura Ban's appearance and/or textures Report any incompatibilities to me on Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod! Thanks: Bullobrien: For making the original Darth Talon skin back in 2011 90SK: For making the portraits N-DReW25: For fixing the broken 2da files and setting up the TSLPatcher Levi Davis (aka nineball): Starting the Darth Talon trend with his first playable Darth Talon mod Prime: For creating the Yuthura Ban to Darth Talon mod, thus giving us the idea of including the Yuthura Ban option DarthParametric: For creating the Mission Vao to Darth Talon mod, thus giving us the idea of including the Mission Vao option Darth Ty: Informing me of TSLPatcher bugs Effix: For going out of his way to fix up the player head installation for me! Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool Stoffee: TSLPatcher Dark Horse: For creating the comic series which brought this awesome character to the community, and providing the inspiration for this mod. Bioware: For such an amazing game Obsidian: For such an amazing sequel Everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter N-DReW25 Submitted 11/09/2021 Category Skins K1R Compatible Yes  
  4. Hi, Me again. I was wondering if anyone could make a playable head using both Dahnis's unique head and body textures? Both of which are present in KOTOR 2. Her model is also used in KOTOR 1 by Lyn Sekla. I am hoping her unique clothing would replace both the default clothing and underwear used in-game when using this specific mod. T.I.A If anyone is willing to undertake this request please don't hesitate to contact me. (Link to my first request). Please see attached a picture of the shared model in-game for reference. Kindest regards Kayleigh
  5. Hi, I am a new member here. I was wondering if anyone could make a playable head using both Ramana's unique head and body textures? Both of which are present in KOTOR 2. I am hoping her unique clothing would replace both the default clothing and underwear used in-game when using this specific mod. T.I.A If anyone is willing to undertake this request please don't hesitate to contact me. Please see attached a picture of Ramana's in-game model for reference. Kindest regards Kayleigh
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Handmaiden Player Head [TSLPort] This mod adds TSL's Brianna/Handmaiden as a selectable-player head for females in KotOR/K1. # Background # This was attempted by request of KohlKatarn from DeadlyStream. # About this Mod # Inside this mod are 2 choices of installation: Main: Install TSL ported Brianna/Handmaiden as a selectable-player head for females in K1, including her original portraits that are ported from TSL Optional: Install custom portraits to replace the original portraits that are ported from TSL The textures are in TPC format and the portraits are in DDS format. # Final Remarks # This attempt was made easier with helps from DarthParametric's "Mira Player Head for K1" change.ini as the guiding hands; as without learning from his mod's setup, this attempt were not going anywhere lol. Critiques, comments, suggestions, questions and any feedbacks for the next update are very much appreciated- just PM me or write a public message on my feed. And thank you! for downloading, and playing this mod. Hope you enjoy the mod as much as I do! Installation: Run the installer [TSLPatcher.exe]. Uninstallation: Replace the installed files with the files that are stored in the 'Backup' folder. Compatibility: Will be compatible with most mods that are in surface by now. Potentially not compatible with other mods that tries to replaces the model, textures, portraits and messing with 2DAs rows of this installation. Redistribution: You can redistribute this mod or re-release it on any website as long as it meets their requirement; you don't have to ask for permission, but I do appreciate all the kind intention. Also, if you are planning to use the assets from this mod to a mod you will be developing, don't forget to give credits to BioWare, Obsidian Entertainment, and LucasArts as inside this mod are their base assets. Anyway, credit to me is always a welcome, welcome. Credits: DarthParametric for past-present knowledge which allows me to create any customs for the game KohlKatarn for the idea Dark Hope, VarsityPuppet, redrob41, Sithspecter, JCarter426, Kexikus, Salk and Sith Holocron for being inspirational Elwood288 for without his porting discussion I'd have never learnt about it Fred Tetra for the 'amazing' KotOR Tool bead-v for MDLedit Chuck Chargin Jr./ndix UR for MDLOps ndix UR again for tga2tpc JCarter426 for resource of K1Supermodels that were used on the attempt Darth Sapiens and Paul Ste. Marie for Bioware's DDS Compression Kit stoffe/Fair Strides for TSLPatcher BioWare, Obsidian Entertainment and LucasArts for KotOR and TSL All streamers on DeadlyStream All modders either active or inactive DeadlyStream for a place to hangout and to discuss Featured in the screenshots is Dak Drexl's "Dak's Endar Spire Retexture" -eb
  7. View File [K1] Handmaiden Player Head [TSLPort] Handmaiden Player Head [TSLPort] This mod adds TSL's Brianna/Handmaiden as a selectable-player head for females in KotOR/K1. # Background # This was attempted by request of KohlKatarn from DeadlyStream. # About this Mod # Inside this mod are 2 choices of installation: Main: Install TSL ported Brianna/Handmaiden as a selectable-player head for females in K1, including her original portraits that are ported from TSL Optional: Install custom portraits to replace the original portraits that are ported from TSL The textures are in TPC format and the portraits are in DDS format. # Final Remarks # This attempt was made easier with helps from DarthParametric's "Mira Player Head for K1" change.ini as the guiding hands; as without learning from his mod's setup, this attempt were not going anywhere lol. Critiques, comments, suggestions, questions and any feedbacks for the next update are very much appreciated- just PM me or write a public message on my feed. And thank you! for downloading, and playing this mod. Hope you enjoy the mod as much as I do! Installation: Run the installer [TSLPatcher.exe]. Uninstallation: Replace the installed files with the files that are stored in the 'Backup' folder. Compatibility: Will be compatible with most mods that are in surface by now. Potentially not compatible with other mods that tries to replaces the model, textures, portraits and messing with 2DAs rows of this installation. Redistribution: You can redistribute this mod or re-release it on any website as long as it meets their requirement; you don't have to ask for permission, but I do appreciate all the kind intention. Also, if you are planning to use the assets from this mod to a mod you will be developing, don't forget to give credits to BioWare, Obsidian Entertainment, and LucasArts as inside this mod are their base assets. Anyway, credit to me is always a welcome, welcome. Credits: DarthParametric for past-present knowledge which allows me to create any customs for the game KohlKatarn for the idea Dark Hope, VarsityPuppet, redrob41, Sithspecter, JCarter426, Kexikus, Salk and Sith Holocron for being inspirational Elwood288 for without his porting discussion I'd have never learnt about it Fred Tetra for the 'amazing' KotOR Tool bead-v for MDLedit Chuck Chargin Jr./ndix UR for MDLOps ndix UR again for tga2tpc JCarter426 for resource of K1Supermodels that were used on the attempt Darth Sapiens and Paul Ste. Marie for Bioware's DDS Compression Kit stoffe/Fair Strides for TSLPatcher BioWare, Obsidian Entertainment and LucasArts for KotOR and TSL All streamers on DeadlyStream All modders either active or inactive DeadlyStream for a place to hangout and to discuss Featured in the screenshots is Dak Drexl's "Dak's Endar Spire Retexture" -eb Submitter ebmar Submitted 10/29/2018 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes