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Version 1.3.0
A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 1.2.0 Release Date: 27.01.2024 Installation: Alongside the "Readme.txt" file will be the following folders: "Audio Mods" "Movie Cutscene Mods" "Override Mods" * To install Audio Mods: Open the Audio Mods folder, open the Taris Sith Raid XBOX VO folder, open the Streamwaves and copy all 4 .WAV files to this directly (swkotor\streamwaves\m02aa\prer99) and overwrite the vanilla files. * To install Movie Cutscene Mods: Open the Movie Cutscene Mods folder, select which mod you'd like to install and simply copy the .BIK file into your swkotor "movies" folder and overwrite the original .BIK files. * To install Override Mods: Open the Override Mods folder, select which mod you'd like to install and copy the files within the mod folder into your swkotor "Override" folder. You cannot install both Dark Jedi mods as they use the same files, please pick only one Dark Jedi mod to install. Uninstallation: Depends on what you've chosen to uninstall. * For Audio Mods, open the "Backup (Vanilla Files)" and copy the .WAVs inside to the prer99 folder and overwrite the Xbox .WAVs you added. * For Movie Cutscene Mods, open the "Backup (Vanilla Cutscenes)" folder and copy the .BIKs inside to your swkotor movies folder and overwrite the Xbox .BIKs. * For Override mods, delete the files you copied into your Override. Description: As you may know, or may even remember, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic was released on July 15 2003 whilst the PC edition was released on November 19 2003. Obviously, the original Xbox console from 2003 has gone out of fashion a LONG time ago and 95% of the Kotor Modding and Gaming Community in general have migrated over to the glorious PC Master- *Cough* I mean, to the PC. But did you know that Bioware gave Kotor one final improvement before releasing the full game to the PCs? if you've actually played Kotor on the original Xbox (Or maybe even the Xbox 360, Xbox One or even the Xbox Series X) then you'll recall how on the Console edition of Kotor had a variety of oddities like lower resolution textures, different appearances for NPCs, incorrect appearances for NPCs, alternative VO, bugs/glitches, Yavin 4 being locked behind DLC and more... This mod pack is similar to my TSL Mini Mod Collection mod, every update to the KOTOX will include more Xbox inspired mods for the player to install and experience. Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs but if there is Just PM me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Would be incompatible with any mods which modify the Taris Sith Raid dlg, the legal and Revan's death .BIKs and any Dark Jedi texture mods. Report any unknown incompatibilities to me on Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. Thanks to: l2daorch: For contributing the Taris Sith Raid audio! DarthParametric: For contributing the Xbox textures! DrMcCoy and DarthParametric (again): For helping me with Xoreo's Tools! Effix: For helping me operate the Command Prompt! Asxdefter on YouTube: For his 2010 playthrough of Kotor on the Xbox 360. His Kotor videos were a massive inspiration for making this mod! BlueShadePlays on YouTube: For their 2017 playthrough of Kotor on the Xbox One. As the Xbox One Kotor has 1080p support, their Kotor videos provided HD crystal clear footage of the Xbox features which I recreated in this mod! Bioware: For such an amazing game! JCarter428: For SithCodec! Stoffee: For TSLPatcher! Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. -
View File K2Console - A Console For KOTOR 2 DESCRIPTION This is a little tool that mimics the visible console from K1, in TSL. It's written in Python (I've attached the source code below). IMPORTANT NOTES - The tool does not work in fullscreen mode (for now). I'd like to fix this in the future, but for now it only works in windowed mode. - The tool doesn't connect to TSL at all - it's completely separate. This means that (for example) if you open the console in TSL with tilde, and then alt-tab out of TSL and press tilde again, K2Console will detect this but TSL itself won't (meaning K2Console and TSL will be out of sync). - If you get out of sync and/or want to start the program again, you can type "xxxxx" (five x's in a row) into the console while it's open, which will close the program. Then just run the file "k2console.exe" and it'll start up again. No need to restart TSL (but make sure the TSL console is closed when you start K2Console, or you'll still be out of sync). - This program works by reading your keyboard inputs and storing them to memory, which is also one way a keylogger might work - so your anti-virus might identify it as such. This code does not connect to the internet at all (you can verify this for yourself if you like). I haven't included the source with the program package to avoid cluttering your TSL installation, but I included it as a separate download below. INSTALLATION Unzip all three files into the same folder as swkotor2.exe (i.e. C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II\, or wherever your TSL installation is located). UNINSTALLATION Delete the three files "k2console.exe", "console.bat", and "steam_console.bat". INITIALIZATION If you use Steam: Instead of starting your game through Steam, you can start it by running the file "steam_console.bat", located in your TSL install folder. Otherwise: Start the game by running "console.bat", again located in your TSL install folder. USAGE - Whenever you press ` to open the console in TSL, the mimic console should pop up too. I tried my best to exactly match the behavior of the TSL console (e.g. when it keeps text vs clears it), but if you find any discrepancies please let me know so I can fix them. - If I did my job, you shouldn't really be able to tell that the console's not built into TSL, so just use it as normal (with the ability to see what you wrote!) - To close the program (not TSL, just the console), type "xxxxx" (5 x's in a row) into the open console (this won't work if the console's not visible). Alternatively, you can close the command line that opens when you run the .bat file. INCLUSION IN OTHER MODS I'm not sure why you'd want to include this in other mods, but if you want to, you're welcome to do so with appropriate attribution. CREDITS Thanks to Thor110 for the idea for this tool, and for helping out with testing and ideas (as well as taking the screenshot for me). Submitter lachjames Submitted 05/31/2020 Category Modding Tools
Version 1.0.0
A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic 2 Author: N-DReW25 1.0.0 Release Date: 03.03.2022 Installation: Alongside the "Readme.txt" file will be the following folder: "Movie Cutscene Mods" * As of 1.0.0, there is only one Movie Cutscene mod. Open the "Xbox trailer" folder and simply copy the .BIK file into your swkotor "movies" folder and overwrite the original .BIK file. Uninstallation: Depends on what you've chosen to install. * For Movie Cutscene Mods, open the "Backup (Vanilla Cutscenes) and copy the .BIK file to your Kotor 2 movies folder and overwrite the Xbox .BIK. Description: I've previously made a mod called "Knights of the Old XBOX" for K1, the KotOX mod is intended to give players the opportunity to play their PC version of Kotor with Xbox features. From Xbox style Dark Jedi to Xbox style NPCs, there are more quite a few Xbox options to spice up your PC Kotor with my KotOX mod. But unlike Bioware, Obsidian Entertainment released their sequel on both PC and Xbox in the Winter of 2004. This led me to believe that there aren't very many Xbox exclusive features in Kotor 2 for me to port over to the PC, and since TSLRCM can't be used on the Xbox version not many people play Kotor 2 the Xbox today. It was brought to my attention on Discord that the Xbox version of Kotor 2 had a different trailer than its PC counterpart, the PC's trailer appeared to use footage from pre-E3 2004. As a result, the PC trailer has the following problems: * The dead Republic Soldiers on the Harbinger bridge use the default Corpse model. * In the Harbinger arrival cutscene, the Harbinger is orange instead of red, the asteroids were darker, less detailed and were static. * Looking out of a Citadel Station window pre-Battle of Telos showed a cityscape with red lights instead of blue. * A shot of the Mandalorian Dxun Camp looks nothing like it does in the final release. * M4-78 is shown. * Dxun looks nothing like it does in the final release. * The Exile's Robes turn blue (This is because it's using the Blue Jedi Robe textue from K1 and is being applied to the Cloaked Jedi Robe model, thus causing a texture glitch). * Atton is using his beta appearance in certain scenes whereas in others he is using his final release appearance. * Mandalore is made of solid gold. * A Kath Hound can be faintly seen in the background of a Dxun for one second. * A Telos surface Merc is wearing a Light Scan Visor from K1 with a green double-vibroblade. These items aren't present in the final release. * Sith Soldiers outside the Dxun Sith Tomb are red, this isn't present in the final release. * The Dxun Sith Tomb exterior looks nothing like it does in the final release * At the end, the Kotor 2 logo looks nothing like it does in the final release The Xbox trailer didn't have any of these problems, the Xbox footage appeared to have been recorded sometime between mid to late 2004 when most of the games final content was completed. Of course, not ALL of the Xbox trailer's inaccuracies were fixed (The Exile still used K1 heads and some old footage was still used here and there). Regardless, the Xbox trailer has since been ported to the PC version of Kotor 2 for you to watch. In the event in which I, or someone else, discovers more Xbox exclusive features that I can port I'll add them to this mod. After installing this mod, the in-game trailer will look like this: Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs but if there is Just PM me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Would be incompatible with any mods which modify the Kotor 2 trailer .BIK, no mods to my knowledge do this so you should be good! Report any unknown incompatibilities to me on Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. Thanks to: FiendishlyInventive for requesting the Xbox trailer be ported to PC! Pixel Theater for uploading the Xbox trailer to YouTube! Bioware for such an amazing game! Stoffee for TSLPatcher! Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool and everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. -
View File Knights of the Old XBOX TSL A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic 2 Author: N-DReW25 1.0.0 Release Date: 03.03.2022 Installation: Alongside the "Readme.txt" file will be the following folder: "Movie Cutscene Mods" * As of 1.0.0, there is only one Movie Cutscene mod. Open the "Xbox trailer" folder and simply copy the .BIK file into your swkotor "movies" folder and overwrite the original .BIK file. Uninstallation: Depends on what you've chosen to install. * For Movie Cutscene Mods, open the "Backup (Vanilla Cutscenes) and copy the .BIK file to your Kotor 2 movies folder and overwrite the Xbox .BIK. Description: I've previously made a mod called "Knights of the Old XBOX" for K1, the KotOX mod is intended to give players the opportunity to play their PC version of Kotor with Xbox features. From Xbox style Dark Jedi to Xbox style NPCs, there are more quite a few Xbox options to spice up your PC Kotor with my KotOX mod. But unlike Bioware, Obsidian Entertainment released their sequel on both PC and Xbox in the Winter of 2004. This led me to believe that there aren't very many Xbox exclusive features in Kotor 2 for me to port over to the PC, and since TSLRCM can't be used on the Xbox version not many people play Kotor 2 the Xbox today. It was brought to my attention on Discord that the Xbox version of Kotor 2 had a different trailer than its PC counterpart, the PC's trailer appeared to use footage from pre-E3 2004. As a result, the PC trailer has the following problems: * The dead Republic Soldiers on the Harbinger bridge use the default Corpse model. * In the Harbinger arrival cutscene, the Harbinger is orange instead of red, the asteroids were darker, less detailed and were static. * Looking out of a Citadel Station window pre-Battle of Telos showed a cityscape with red lights instead of blue. * A shot of the Mandalorian Dxun Camp looks nothing like it does in the final release. * M4-78 is shown. * Dxun looks nothing like it does in the final release. * The Exile's Robes turn blue (This is because it's using the Blue Jedi Robe textue from K1 and is being applied to the Cloaked Jedi Robe model, thus causing a texture glitch). * Atton is using his beta appearance in certain scenes whereas in others he is using his final release appearance. * Mandalore is made of solid gold. * A Kath Hound can be faintly seen in the background of a Dxun for one second. * A Telos surface Merc is wearing a Light Scan Visor from K1 with a green double-vibroblade. These items aren't present in the final release. * Sith Soldiers outside the Dxun Sith Tomb are red, this isn't present in the final release. * The Dxun Sith Tomb exterior looks nothing like it does in the final release * At the end, the Kotor 2 logo looks nothing like it does in the final release The Xbox trailer didn't have any of these problems, the Xbox footage appeared to have been recorded sometime between mid to late 2004 when most of the games final content was completed. Of course, not ALL of the Xbox trailer's inaccuracies were fixed (The Exile still used K1 heads and some old footage was still used here and there). Regardless, the Xbox trailer has since been ported to the PC version of Kotor 2 for you to watch. In the event in which I, or someone else, discovers more Xbox exclusive features that I can port I'll add them to this mod. After installing this mod, the in-game trailer will look like this: Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs but if there is Just PM me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Would be incompatible with any mods which modify the Kotor 2 trailer .BIK, no mods to my knowledge do this so you should be good! Report any unknown incompatibilities to me on Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. Thanks to: FiendishlyInventive for requesting the Xbox trailer be ported to PC! Pixel Theater for uploading the Xbox trailer to YouTube! Bioware for such an amazing game! Stoffee for TSLPatcher! Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool and everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter N-DReW25 Submitted 03/03/2022 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes
View File Knights of the Old XBOX A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 1.2.0 Release Date: 27.01.2024 Installation: Alongside the "Readme.txt" file will be the following folders: "Audio Mods" "Movie Cutscene Mods" "Override Mods" * To install Audio Mods: Open the Audio Mods folder, open the Taris Sith Raid XBOX VO folder, open the Streamwaves and copy all 4 .WAV files to this directly (swkotor\streamwaves\m02aa\prer99) and overwrite the vanilla files. * To install Movie Cutscene Mods: Open the Movie Cutscene Mods folder, select which mod you'd like to install and simply copy the .BIK file into your swkotor "movies" folder and overwrite the original .BIK files. * To install Override Mods: Open the Override Mods folder, select which mod you'd like to install and copy the files within the mod folder into your swkotor "Override" folder. You cannot install both Dark Jedi mods as they use the same files, please pick only one Dark Jedi mod to install. Uninstallation: Depends on what you've chosen to uninstall. * For Audio Mods, open the "Backup (Vanilla Files)" and copy the .WAVs inside to the prer99 folder and overwrite the Xbox .WAVs you added. * For Movie Cutscene Mods, open the "Backup (Vanilla Cutscenes)" folder and copy the .BIKs inside to your swkotor movies folder and overwrite the Xbox .BIKs. * For Override mods, delete the files you copied into your Override. Description: As you may know, or may even remember, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic was released on July 15 2003 whilst the PC edition was released on November 19 2003. Obviously, the original Xbox console from 2003 has gone out of fashion a LONG time ago and 95% of the Kotor Modding and Gaming Community in general have migrated over to the glorious PC Master- *Cough* I mean, to the PC. But did you know that Bioware gave Kotor one final improvement before releasing the full game to the PCs? if you've actually played Kotor on the original Xbox (Or maybe even the Xbox 360, Xbox One or even the Xbox Series X) then you'll recall how on the Console edition of Kotor had a variety of oddities like lower resolution textures, different appearances for NPCs, incorrect appearances for NPCs, alternative VO, bugs/glitches, Yavin 4 being locked behind DLC and more... This mod pack is similar to my TSL Mini Mod Collection mod, every update to the KOTOX will include more Xbox inspired mods for the player to install and experience. Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs but if there is Just PM me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Would be incompatible with any mods which modify the Taris Sith Raid dlg, the legal and Revan's death .BIKs and any Dark Jedi texture mods. Report any unknown incompatibilities to me on Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. Thanks to: l2daorch: For contributing the Taris Sith Raid audio! DarthParametric: For contributing the Xbox textures! DrMcCoy and DarthParametric (again): For helping me with Xoreo's Tools! Effix: For helping me operate the Command Prompt! Asxdefter on YouTube: For his 2010 playthrough of Kotor on the Xbox 360. His Kotor videos were a massive inspiration for making this mod! BlueShadePlays on YouTube: For their 2017 playthrough of Kotor on the Xbox One. As the Xbox One Kotor has 1080p support, their Kotor videos provided HD crystal clear footage of the Xbox features which I recreated in this mod! Bioware: For such an amazing game! JCarter428: For SithCodec! Stoffee: For TSLPatcher! Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter N-DReW25 Submitted 09/12/2021 Category Mods K1R Compatible No
Version 0.1.0
DESCRIPTION This is a little tool that mimics the visible console from K1, in TSL. It's written in Python (I've attached the source code below). IMPORTANT NOTES - The tool does not work in fullscreen mode (for now). I'd like to fix this in the future, but for now it only works in windowed mode. - The tool doesn't connect to TSL at all - it's completely separate. This means that (for example) if you open the console in TSL with tilde, and then alt-tab out of TSL and press tilde again, K2Console will detect this but TSL itself won't (meaning K2Console and TSL will be out of sync). - If you get out of sync and/or want to start the program again, you can type "xxxxx" (five x's in a row) into the console while it's open, which will close the program. Then just run the file "k2console.exe" and it'll start up again. No need to restart TSL (but make sure the TSL console is closed when you start K2Console, or you'll still be out of sync). - This program works by reading your keyboard inputs and storing them to memory, which is also one way a keylogger might work - so your anti-virus might identify it as such. This code does not connect to the internet at all (you can verify this for yourself if you like). I haven't included the source with the program package to avoid cluttering your TSL installation, but I included it as a separate download below. INSTALLATION Unzip all three files into the same folder as swkotor2.exe (i.e. C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II\, or wherever your TSL installation is located). UNINSTALLATION Delete the three files "k2console.exe", "console.bat", and "steam_console.bat". INITIALIZATION If you use Steam: Instead of starting your game through Steam, you can start it by running the file "steam_console.bat", located in your TSL install folder. Otherwise: Start the game by running "console.bat", again located in your TSL install folder. USAGE - Whenever you press ` to open the console in TSL, the mimic console should pop up too. I tried my best to exactly match the behavior of the TSL console (e.g. when it keeps text vs clears it), but if you find any discrepancies please let me know so I can fix them. - If I did my job, you shouldn't really be able to tell that the console's not built into TSL, so just use it as normal (with the ability to see what you wrote!) - To close the program (not TSL, just the console), type "xxxxx" (5 x's in a row) into the open console (this won't work if the console's not visible). Alternatively, you can close the command line that opens when you run the .bat file. INCLUSION IN OTHER MODS I'm not sure why you'd want to include this in other mods, but if you want to, you're welcome to do so with appropriate attribution. CREDITS Thanks to Thor110 for the idea for this tool, and for helping out with testing and ideas (as well as taking the screenshot for me). -
View File Neutral Console Background A higher resolution, stylish, Jedi Knight themed, neutral colour background for your Jedi Academy game console. RELEASED: 14 December 2015 AUTHOR: Cerez DESCRIPTION: A stylish, hi-res, Jedi Knight themed, neutral colour (gray) background for your console, so that text in any colour, including black, will be visible, and easy to read. INSTALLATION: ----------------------------------- Simply move the PK3 file into the "base" folder of your game directory. KNOWN BUGS: ----------------------------------- None. CREDITS: ----------------------------------- Designed by: Cerez PERMISSIONS: ----------------------------------- Hereby permission is given to anyone to edit and create derivative works of the contents of this mod. THIS FILE OR THIS LEVEL IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY LUCASARTS, A DIVISION OF LUCASFILM ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LTD. ELEMENTS ™ & (©) LUCASARTS, A DIVISION OF LUCASFILM ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LTD. Submitter Cerez Submitted 08/29/2018 Category Mods Game Jedi Academy
- jedi academy
- background
(and 1 more)
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Version 1.0.0
A higher resolution, stylish, Jedi Knight themed, neutral colour background for your Jedi Academy game console. RELEASED: 14 December 2015 AUTHOR: Cerez DESCRIPTION: A stylish, hi-res, Jedi Knight themed, neutral colour (gray) background for your console, so that text in any colour, including black, will be visible, and easy to read. INSTALLATION: ----------------------------------- Simply move the PK3 file into the "base" folder of your game directory. KNOWN BUGS: ----------------------------------- None. CREDITS: ----------------------------------- Designed by: Cerez PERMISSIONS: ----------------------------------- Hereby permission is given to anyone to edit and create derivative works of the contents of this mod. THIS FILE OR THIS LEVEL IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY LUCASARTS, A DIVISION OF LUCASFILM ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LTD. ELEMENTS ™ & (©) LUCASARTS, A DIVISION OF LUCASFILM ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LTD.-
- console
- background
(and 1 more)
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