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  1. Hello. I need help with TSL, I'm making new icons for GUI and I'm 95% done, but one problem turned out to be no use for them, since the icons themselves in the game are very small, no matter how much I searched for different GUI, but the same situation is everywhere, however, somewhere in the vastness of YouTube, I saw in the review when the player went to the abilities\powers tab, he had quite large icons I have already downloaded the visual GUI editor /, there is a field for finding icons, but there is no size of the icons themselves, or maybe I'm doing something wrong? Please help me, in response I will fill in the tests for GUI in 256 and 128 quality
  2. Greetings, fellow Jedi! Hope you all doin' fine. On my latest attempt, I tried to edit an ASCII to attach MaskHook and GoogleHook with standard Notepad and when I convert the ASCII to Binary, it works. But when I load the Binary with MDLedit an error occurred which leaves the Binary model can't be loaded. So, I surfed the net looking for an answer and then I found this freeware: PlainEdit.NET I'm an amateur with tools and stuffs but as stated in the description; In short; when I edit the ASCII with the said tool and then save the changes, convert it again to Binary and load it with MDLedit- it loads, and all changes does loaded to the model! The MaskHook and GoogleHook does working seamlessly despite the fact some further changes would be necessary for their positioning and orientation. So I thought I share the news with fellows here whom perhaps having the same problem which I hope it can be helpful. I know many have known about editing ASCII and stuffs but I'm certain a few haven't known about it. I hope the information kind of helps; may the Force be with you all!
  3. View File KOTOR Dialog Editor This is a visual dialog editor for KOTOR and TSL. It's currently in alpha, so if you're planning to use it for your mods just be aware that there might be (i.e. will be) bugs. COMPATIBILITY I am unaware of any compatibility issues with the DLGs created by this editor, but that doesn't mean there aren't any because this is an early alpha release. Please let me know if you experience any issues. INSTALLATION STEPS 1. Download the ZIP file, and unzip it into a folder (it doesn't create one on its own - I hate it when zips do that ). 2. Copy your "dialog.tlk" into the folder alongside the file "app.exe" - I included the "dialog.tlk" file for KOTOR (as "kotor.tlk"), and for TSL (as "tsl.tlk"), but if you're using any mods which edit "dialog.tlk" for the game you're working on (e.g. using TSLRCM), you'll need to replace it with your own copy. You can find the "dialog.tlk" file in the same folder as the base executable for your KOTOR/TSL installation. If it's for KOTOR 1, rename the copy of "dialog.tlk" you put into your app folder to "kotor.tlk". If it's for TSL, rename your "dialog.tlk" to "tsl.tlk". Don't change the name of dialog.tlk inside your actual KOTOR/TSL installation, as that will break the game. Only change the name of the version you copied into the KotOR Dialog Editor install directory (alongside "app.exe"). 34 Run "app.exe" UNINSTALLATION Delete all the downloaded files. USAGE INSTRUCTIONS General Usage - Create a new dialog file (for KOTOR 1) by pressing the "New" button, or open an existing DLG file using "Open" - Save dialog files using the "Save" button (there's no auto-save, nor does ctrl-s work - I'll make it work eventually) - Once you open a dialog file, you'll see some panels: - The top-left panel contains the "actions" list, which is a set of actions you can currently take. - The bottom-left panel contains "link" information when you select a response which is linked to the current response. - The top-middle panel contains NPC dialog (entries) - The bottom-middle panel contains player dialog (replies) - The right panel contains metadata for the selected response (strref, text, script, etc.) Some Important Terminology To understand what the actions do, you'll need to know the following terminology (some of which I made up, so please read this even if you're a pro): - Response: A line of dialog, spoken either by an NPC or the player (I sometimes call this a "node" too) - Entry: A line of NPC dialog - Reply: A line of player dialog - Start: A possible entry point for the dialog (always points to an entry, never a reply) - Link: Responses are linked to one another through "links" - Metadata: The general dialog data (things like the script that should run when the dialog ends, etc,.) - Selected response: The response which is highlighted in orange - this is preserved when navigating (until you select something else) - Current response: The response you last navigated into. - Copied response: The response you last selected "Copy Selected Node" on. Actions: The panel in the top-left corner contains a list of actions you can perform to edit your dialog. I'll try to describe the actions as well as I can here, but honestly the best way to learn the software is just to try it out: - Back To Start: Go back to the start of the dialog you're currently in - New Response: Create a new response (either an entry or a reply, depending on context) - Unlink Response: Removes the link between the selected response and the current response - Copy Selected: Sets the selected response as the copied response - Paste Into Start: If you have an entry as your copied response, and have selected a start response, it makes the start response point to the copied response - Paste As Link (Link): Adds a link from the current response to the copied response - Move Selected Up/Down: Moves the selected response up or down (respectively) by one level in the dialog evaluation order (for player dialog, this changes the order of the dialog lines they can choose from; for NPCs, the first line in the evaluation order whose "Active" script is either blank or returns TRUE is selected as the NPC's line) - Step Back/Forward: Move back/forwards in your dialog history (so you can easily go in/out of replies without restarting the dialog) FAQ I did x and it crashed/broke my DLG/set my PC on fire Yeah, this is alpha software and I need some people to test it out. Please let me know what broke the software so I can fix it. I'm clicking responses but nothing's happening You need to select responses for both the player (the bottom screen) and the NPCs they're talking to (the top screen). If this info doesn't fix your problem, let me know so I can look into it. I can navigate through the dialog, but how do I edit things? You left click on dialog lines to navigate through them, or right click on them to "select" them. Once a line is selected, you can edit it in the window to the right, edit the link between it and the current dialog node on the bottom-left panel, or copy it to another node by navigating to that node and pressing "Paste Into Current (Link)". The navigation seems to work, but I can't see the actual dialog text Make sure you have the correct "dialog.tlk" file in the same folder as "app.exe". If this doesn't solve the problem, please let me know so I can look into it. Cool app. Ugly, though... Yeah, I'm working on it, and I'm open to suggestions for making the UI cleaner/better/easier to use. DLGEdit's faster to use/better in some other way This isn't meant to be a replacement for DLGEdit - DLGEdit's power comes from the ease at which you can change an existing DLG into exactly what you want. Although this tool can do that too, it's designed for easily/naturally building DLGs from scratch rather than doing minor edits in existing DLGs, while having to actually run the dialog in KOTOR/TSL as little as possible (to avoid the time it takes to load the games and get to the conversation). FUTURE FEATURES - Flow chart view - Animation selection - More testing, bug fixes, etc. KNOWN ISSUES - If you create a link from node A to node B, and node A already has a link to node B, the dialog editor doesn't know which one you want to select when you right click and does weird things (e.g. always selecting the bottom-most copy, even when you right click on another copy). Will fix this asap. INCLUSION IN OTHER MODS Anyone who wants to use this in their mod is free to do so, with appropriate attribution. CREDITS This mod is created by me (lachjames). Thanks to Thor110 for helping me test it out. Thanks to the Xoreos team for allowing us to include xoreos-tools with this mod. We use the gff2xml and xml2gff tools from xoreos-tools to read and write the DLG files. Xoreos-tools is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3; more information can be found here. Submitter lachjames Submitted 06/12/2020 Category Modding Tools  
  4. Version 0.2.0


    This is a visual dialog editor for KOTOR and TSL. It's currently in alpha, so if you're planning to use it for your mods just be aware that there might be (i.e. will be) bugs. COMPATIBILITY I am unaware of any compatibility issues with the DLGs created by this editor, but that doesn't mean there aren't any because this is an early alpha release. Please let me know if you experience any issues. INSTALLATION STEPS 1. Download the ZIP file, and unzip it into a folder (it doesn't create one on its own - I hate it when zips do that ). 2. Copy your "dialog.tlk" into the folder alongside the file "app.exe" - I included the "dialog.tlk" file for KOTOR (as "kotor.tlk"), and for TSL (as "tsl.tlk"), but if you're using any mods which edit "dialog.tlk" for the game you're working on (e.g. using TSLRCM), you'll need to replace it with your own copy. You can find the "dialog.tlk" file in the same folder as the base executable for your KOTOR/TSL installation. If it's for KOTOR 1, rename the copy of "dialog.tlk" you put into your app folder to "kotor.tlk". If it's for TSL, rename your "dialog.tlk" to "tsl.tlk". Don't change the name of dialog.tlk inside your actual KOTOR/TSL installation, as that will break the game. Only change the name of the version you copied into the KotOR Dialog Editor install directory (alongside "app.exe"). 34 Run "app.exe" UNINSTALLATION Delete all the downloaded files. USAGE INSTRUCTIONS General Usage - Create a new dialog file (for KOTOR 1) by pressing the "New" button, or open an existing DLG file using "Open" - Save dialog files using the "Save" button (there's no auto-save, nor does ctrl-s work - I'll make it work eventually) - Once you open a dialog file, you'll see some panels: - The top-left panel contains the "actions" list, which is a set of actions you can currently take. - The bottom-left panel contains "link" information when you select a response which is linked to the current response. - The top-middle panel contains NPC dialog (entries) - The bottom-middle panel contains player dialog (replies) - The right panel contains metadata for the selected response (strref, text, script, etc.) Some Important Terminology To understand what the actions do, you'll need to know the following terminology (some of which I made up, so please read this even if you're a pro): - Response: A line of dialog, spoken either by an NPC or the player (I sometimes call this a "node" too) - Entry: A line of NPC dialog - Reply: A line of player dialog - Start: A possible entry point for the dialog (always points to an entry, never a reply) - Link: Responses are linked to one another through "links" - Metadata: The general dialog data (things like the script that should run when the dialog ends, etc,.) - Selected response: The response which is highlighted in orange - this is preserved when navigating (until you select something else) - Current response: The response you last navigated into. - Copied response: The response you last selected "Copy Selected Node" on. Actions: The panel in the top-left corner contains a list of actions you can perform to edit your dialog. I'll try to describe the actions as well as I can here, but honestly the best way to learn the software is just to try it out: - Back To Start: Go back to the start of the dialog you're currently in - New Response: Create a new response (either an entry or a reply, depending on context) - Unlink Response: Removes the link between the selected response and the current response - Copy Selected: Sets the selected response as the copied response - Paste Into Start: If you have an entry as your copied response, and have selected a start response, it makes the start response point to the copied response - Paste As Link (Link): Adds a link from the current response to the copied response - Move Selected Up/Down: Moves the selected response up or down (respectively) by one level in the dialog evaluation order (for player dialog, this changes the order of the dialog lines they can choose from; for NPCs, the first line in the evaluation order whose "Active" script is either blank or returns TRUE is selected as the NPC's line) - Step Back/Forward: Move back/forwards in your dialog history (so you can easily go in/out of replies without restarting the dialog) FAQ I did x and it crashed/broke my DLG/set my PC on fire Yeah, this is alpha software and I need some people to test it out. Please let me know what broke the software so I can fix it. I'm clicking responses but nothing's happening You need to select responses for both the player (the bottom screen) and the NPCs they're talking to (the top screen). If this info doesn't fix your problem, let me know so I can look into it. I can navigate through the dialog, but how do I edit things? You left click on dialog lines to navigate through them, or right click on them to "select" them. Once a line is selected, you can edit it in the window to the right, edit the link between it and the current dialog node on the bottom-left panel, or copy it to another node by navigating to that node and pressing "Paste Into Current (Link)". The navigation seems to work, but I can't see the actual dialog text Make sure you have the correct "dialog.tlk" file in the same folder as "app.exe". If this doesn't solve the problem, please let me know so I can look into it. Cool app. Ugly, though... Yeah, I'm working on it, and I'm open to suggestions for making the UI cleaner/better/easier to use. DLGEdit's faster to use/better in some other way This isn't meant to be a replacement for DLGEdit - DLGEdit's power comes from the ease at which you can change an existing DLG into exactly what you want. Although this tool can do that too, it's designed for easily/naturally building DLGs from scratch rather than doing minor edits in existing DLGs, while having to actually run the dialog in KOTOR/TSL as little as possible (to avoid the time it takes to load the games and get to the conversation). FUTURE FEATURES - Flow chart view - Animation selection - More testing, bug fixes, etc. KNOWN ISSUES - If you create a link from node A to node B, and node A already has a link to node B, the dialog editor doesn't know which one you want to select when you right click and does weird things (e.g. always selecting the bottom-most copy, even when you right click on another copy). Will fix this asap. INCLUSION IN OTHER MODS Anyone who wants to use this in their mod is free to do so, with appropriate attribution. CREDITS This mod is created by me (lachjames). Thanks to Thor110 for helping me test it out. Thanks to the Xoreos team for allowing us to include xoreos-tools with this mod. We use the gff2xml and xml2gff tools from xoreos-tools to read and write the DLG files. Xoreos-tools is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3; more information can be found here.
  5. Hello there :), Lately, I've been trying to edit the XYZ coordinates of the Player Character (PC) in a savegame. However, when the SAVEGAME.sav file is edited the game won't load it anymore. As far as I understood, the PC coordinates are located in the Module.ifo file in the ".sav" archive corresponding to the module we currently are. For example : "000000 - QUICKSAVE/SAVEGAME.sav/101per.sav/Module.ifo" To extract "Module.ifo" I've been using the unerf tool from xoreos-tool. Then I was able to edit the file using a gff editor (kGFF or gff2xml from xoreos-tools). In order to put everything back toguether, I used ether kotor-tool or the erf command (xoreos-tools again) to rebuild the archives "101per.sav" and "SAVEGAME.sav". When "SAVEGAME.sav" is replaced in the save folder, the game will get stuck on the loading screen (first quarter). In fact the game does not crash, the mouse appear and I can do ALT+F4 to end the game. Does anyone have an idea on when this process has gone wrong ? Cheers
  6. I am trying to edit the .mod files in the game, at least some of them. I know that many of the files in the game, whether they are dialogue, .utc, ,uti, or etc, share the same name. This can create an issue when you want to edit one in particular. I want to be shown how to edit the .mod files so I can rename a particular dialogue, .utc, .uti, and etc file and edit it with aspects like scripts or adjusting inventory or saying I want so the game will recognize it as a separate file and provide them. I have already tried everything in KOTOR Tool and Mod Project Tool. Can someone please tell me what I need to do and which program I need to use. Please provide step-by-step instructions. For an example I will use the dialogue file sc16_converse. There are two of them. One is located in 10. ebo_m40aa_s.rim and the other in STUNT_16_s.rim. I need to rename one of the copies so they will be recognized as separate for the TSLPatcher and the Override Folder. I was told to use the K-Giff program to locate but I cannot find them after using the program. I download all the mod files (the ARE, GIT, and IFO Files) from both s.rim modules with KOTOR Tool but then when I searched for the sc16_converse file there was nothing there. I have included a screenshot of the search I have tried looking at topics from others who faced the same issue but could not understand them. I may have made a topic about this myself once but was not getting any replies so I wanted to try again. I ask to please be shown how to locate the files I am looking for and how to edit the labels and values to what I want. That way I can rename one of the dialogue files then change the value in the .mod to match it. That way I can place both all the files in the Override Folder and be able to use them both at once with the changes I made. Please provide step-by-step instructions. Thank you in advance.
  7. I am trying to edit the .mod files in the game, at least some of them. I know that many of the files in the game, whether they are dialogue, .utc, ,uti, or etc, share the same name. This can create an issue when you want to edit one in particular. I want to be shown how to edit the .mod files so I can rename a particular dialogue, .utc, .uti, and etc file and edit it with aspects like scripts or adjusting inventory or saying I want so the game will recognize it as a seperate file and provide them. I have already tried everything in KOTOR Tool and Mod Project Tool. Can someone please tell me what I need to do and which program I need to use. Please provide step-by-step instructions For example I want to insert tar02_carth023 to be used in the first Taris Apartment Scene and leave the second tar02_carth023 file alone. You can view it yourself below. Please provide step-by-step instructions. The files I want to edit are attached below. The numbers are only to tell them apart here. In the game they are completely identical. Thank you in advance. Duplicate
  8. I want to know how to add items to containers in KOTOR. Specifically I want to add items from other mods and custom items that I created to the first footlocker on the Endire Spire. I cannot get them to appear in the custom items in the Inventory Editor of KOTOR Tool as shown in the image below. This way I can get them in the game itself without having to use a cheat code or the Save Game Editor. Please help me do this and provide all details. Thank you in advance.
  9. Ok, so i read the FAQs and whatnor for the KSE and saw something about how cloud saves from the Steam version of KoToR2 wouldnt not be found by the KSE. I get that part,m but what i am confused about is how to fix it to where you can put the saves somewhere so that the KSE can find it. Im sure it's been explained and im just blind and cant see it, haha, but some help here would be greatly appreciated :D Thanks guys and gals!
  10. Hi, it seems I can't run KAurora editor on my 64 bit system ("is not a valid 32 bit application"). I don't understand why it wouldn't. Do someone know a workaround for this?
  11. I decided to dig deep into this map editor thing and can confirm the editor works. It allows you to input creatures, doors, encounters, merchants, placeables, sounds, triggers, and waypoints. I was able to tweak the module lighting different colors. and select day or night cycle option or both not sure if that works. Now for the interesting part the map files themselves 1st I look at how the names were structured in the map folder of existing maps 2nd I i created a simple blue 512x512 image saved it as jpg, then gave it a name of a module that didn't have a map. 3rd I opened up the jpg image in a text editor the re saved it in the .map extension and put it into the module folder. 4th Opened up the module editor selected open module project and pointed it to the newely created blue image i made. Results the map loaded the editor accepted the map and i was allowed to use all functions...So the map extension wasn't a mystery after all it just took some determination to figure out. Now new maps can be created for all the levels... Id appreciate all who can help with this. Important. you must use th K-Tool to extract the module you want to edit into a folder FIRST as the module editor needs it to load all the dump files into the map editor. This is so everything already in the level can be in its positon. Solved invisible issues thanks to the suggestion by Sithpecter about Z coordinates.. What i did was take a z coordinate from a model that was on the map like this one 10.19682...then i simply change the the last number 2 to a 5 i realized it was important for every model to have its own Z coordinates. Now all models show up where ever placed Now all there is to do is create maps for the Levels