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Everything posted by Malkior

  1. Version 1.0


    This mod has actually been in the proverbial pipes for quite some time now. Thanks to some extensive help from Kyrie on the forums, it can finally see the light of day. What is this mod, you ask? Well it was originally a mass retexturing of all of the alien eyes to better match those seen in the films by getting rid of those irritating painted-on eye specular shines once and for all. This being done by making the specular shine via alpha layers and cubemaps rather than a diffuse texture. The coolest part about this is, the eye reflections are fully dynamic, and if you alter the angle that you look at them, they will actually move across the eye. However, time has duly marched on, and since then, I have been adding more things to my modifications as well as fixing small visual things such as: giving the Boma a punch-through modifier and alpha map to its teeth, so you will now be able to see-through them, the Toydarian now actually having some (albeit painted-on) clothes and no longer being naked in the middle of the street; thus confronting a problem which always disturbed and confused me, the Aqualish having shiny tusks and eyes (for visual effect), and the Twileks having shiny skin (more akin to the movies) Also included in an optional capacity, are a few experimental reskins that I wasn't comfortable forcing on whoever downloaded them as they are purely a matter of taste. These include a CM_Baremetal/Specmap revision of Luxa to which she now has shiny skin (that zeltrons typically have in the EU), some tattoos added to the Twin Suns to give them some identity (A collegue told me that "real" assassins wouldn't have such obvious markings, but I like them anyway, personally), and a recoloration of the Gamorean thugs to a more green and color-saturated look. (examples of these are in the screenshots) All of that said, I hope you like how this mod looks; and that the visual effects it provides will make alien encounters and cantina sequences more cinematic and cooler to look at.~
  2. I know I don't like to present problems for you this close to the release of 1.8.2, but I had a few little things I noticed in my last playthrough on Nar Shadaa. First of all, (I thought it was hilarious personally) when Kreia decides to bludgeon Bao Dur at the beginning part of the Red Eclipse incident (I'm trying to stay vague to avoid spoiling it for someone who's never seen this part) anyway, She says her line and proceeds to gut punch him, but instead of a passing out animation, Bao just equips a shield and stands there. He continues to stand until the scene changes locations and is then shown on the ground, presumably unconscious. At the end of the encounter, I met visas for the first time (I was visiting Nar Shadaa first, so this is where she tries to attack me or whatever) and for me, the animation for her lightsaber ignition is missing. She stands still and while the lightsaber ignition sound is played, nothing happens. However, she does fight me with her lightsaber, so it is only missing for that particular animation. Another thing I noticed during this playthrough, was that if I were to ask how to play Pazzak from Atton again, I could never beat him. That is, when I chose to Draw another card at the end of a round rather than standing, I would get the tutorial pop-up, but pressing Draw another Card on the pop-up does nothing and the only way to complete the game is to forfeit. I guess it really only applies if someone wants to beat Atton at the tutorial for their own odd reason, but it was still I guess, irking...? And now that I remember it, at Lupo's swoop gallery, when or if you decide to trash Lupo's racing droid, the Rodian and Duro racers aren't reacting to what has happened. The Rodian still thinks that there is an unbeatable droid and that (she?)'ll never be able to leave Nar Shaddaa. And the Rodian is his same kind of crazy, but he still thinks the droid is a contender. Both of these sentients are doing this while the droid is laying in a smoking heap not two meters from them! I noticed this because I wanted to give my prize money to the Rodian (for LS points ) so that S/he can finally leave, but couldn't.
  3. Hmm... I just have to click the add image button in the options of my album. However, you can't seem to get an album, so I guess that could be your number-one suspect. (I can't test this as I already have an album and can't add a new one or delete the one I have, so I can't help you determine how to make albums work; I vaguely remember some problem I had with making one, but I can't recollect it. Sorry I can't be of more help, ya know?.... Other than that another possibility could be your image type. Is your file a .jpeg .jpg .png or .gif? If not, then that's why they wouldn't upload. (if you ever got past the album creation part) Incidentally, have you included any images in your posts on this site? Specifically, did you attach and then add them? Every attachment you make regardless of where will end up clogging your attachment file cache (which I previously mentioned). If you try uploading anything including attachments to a post when it's full, you will get the error message, "upload failed" On that note, I would suggest you trying to upload an image into a conversation threads or post. If it works, then you can upload images and just can't make an album (which was a pretty simple fix my hazy recollection, anyway :S)
  4. 1) Have you uploaded any images before now, and is your personal image storage space clear? I had the same problem with me getting the message "image upload failed" when my image cache was full. (It's located in your profile page at Edit Profile then Settings and Manage Attachments. 2) Did you get an error message, like "wrong filetype"? The uploader only supports .jpegs for image uploads. (It may also be due to too large of a filesize, but I don't remember any file size limits, so I can't be sure. I hope this helps, but this is all I have found in my experience anyway.
  5. Oh. Heh I tried looking everywhere, but it said it was 3ds Max only. I'll check that out then. In the mean time, (I may have to make a thread about this) Do you know of any other way to physically scale models without going into a 3d application; if not and you do use a 3d application, how would you go about resizing the model? Perhaps there are tutorials I just can't find? (I also I can't seem to find a working link for has been this way for the longest time) ...I just want the Zakkeg to be taller. That's all.
  6. I have a small request if you could possibly do it. Could you convert the Zakkeg model so that I can once and for all rescale it to actually look more intimidating and less like a red boma?
  7. I hope this doesn't sound like a dumb question, but are sparks thrown during fight animations (when the player gets hit by a kick, for instance) hardcoded? Or is there just a file I can't find that changes/removes them?
  8. Hhhhow... do you????! That has to be the coolest mod breakthrough in recent years! ...Next, pilot the sandcrawler!
  9. I like the originality of Czerka R&D. _.. I um also don't know enough about the difference between wikia and wikispaces, so I voted "other". (since I had to, in order to vote)
  10. I reiterate: All he did was overreacted. I saw no inference that he was going to oversee the project and hog the glory in his post... If anything he cared so much about a mod that he wanted to get it done with complete disregard for his own inabilities (which he plainly admits). One should not go opening old wounds is all, I say. ... Also. How the heck did this get unlocked?
  11. Ah. I remember it happening when I played 1.7, but that's okay.
  12. I have a weird glitch in the Telos Academy when you first arrive; where the handmaidens don't Aherm* disrobe when fighting. Now, it's not that I mind playing it PG13 style, it's just immersion breaking especially when they give their diatribe about clothing interfering with fighting and then immediately proceeding to fight in bulky clothing. The only mods I have installed that aren't textures, the visual effects mod, or hi-rez movies/ loading screens; are TSLRCM, the Admiralty mod w/ Darth Hayze patch, and Coruscant as an explorable planet.
  13. With a more highly advanced lighting and visual effects package. (and some hilarious easter egg-style secrets) ...The Yoda antiquity painting is my personal favorite.
  14. Here, here. G0T0's curious appearance may have been visually interesting (or at least thought provoking), but from a gameplay perspective, his design didn't exactly garner anything useful. All he could do was float... and shoot maybe. He had all of the capabilities of a mobile turret with a mouth of sass. No one wanted to play him because HK-47 could do the exact same things (except he could walk and run). IMHO if a game character is useless in gameplay, then no matter how intriguing of a story, they become uninteresting.
  15. Fellows. Bots cometh! You must prepare the site.

    1. Malkior


      My apologies if I sounded too alarmist. I just know how bots can take over an entire forum if they aren't dealt with quickly. I'm glad to see the situation was resolved.

    2. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      We've an army of HK-51 droids dealing with that situation.

    3. Malkior
    4. Show next comments  174 more
  16. Was it too unfeasible to implement or was it stalled due to a lack of interest?
  17. I've been curious ever since I found the "bumpmaptexture" string in the text field on the Hutt texture, so I finally opened the C_Hutt01b file in Photoshop and here's what I saw. Now, I'm not too familiar with the NWN engine's complexities, but that looks like a proper Normal Map! This leads into my overall goal of possibly adding bumps to more texture geometry if someone could decipher whatever code is in the texture text under the preview window of the KotorTool. and then possibly try a different normal map and see if it works. Perhaps when they add a different bumpmap to a different texture they can reference it using that code.
  18. I'm not trying to be a thread necromancer, but I believe that some of the problems people are experiencing could be the work of the Appearance.2da not setting its envmap to CM_Baremetal (The texture used for shiny metallic effects) I got the exact same problem when I added a mandalorian soldier texture that had an alpha layer and was set to use the CM_Baremetal texture by a .txi file. The way I solved it was to go into my Appearance.2da (in the override folder) with the KotorTool and change the envmap field from DEFAULT to CM_Baremetal. Hopefully this helps without having to dump all of the texture alpha data to see them properly.
  19. I was wondering if someone could tslPatch some files as my .txi's keep getting ignored by the Appearance.2da in a few of my mods I'm trying to get released

    1. kyrie


      I am willing to take a look at what you got

    2. Fair Strides

      Fair Strides

      You might distribute this knowledge around, since I know you manage to do it anyways. I recall someone mentioning that the .txi info for the game's built-in textures aren't understandable; they're wrong.


      Select a texture(example is "fx_tex_stealth"), and hit the button that says something about "View in hex editor". and then a screen pops up. At the bottom is an option for "ANSI"; hit it and scroll all the way down. You might have to check the en...

    3. Fair Strides

      Fair Strides

      You might distribute this knowledge around, since I know you manage to do it anyways. I recall someone mentioning that the .txi info for the game's built-in textures aren't understandable; they're wrong.


      Select a texture(example is "fx_tex_stealth"), and hit the button that says something about "View in hex editor". and then a screen pops up. At the bottom is an option for "ANSI"; hit it and scroll all the way down. You might have to check the en...

  20. Why did no one tell me this existed?!!!! ..I have always said (to myself and people I know) that if Ravensoft actually invested their resources by 1. updating the Jedi Knight engine, 2. Fleshing out a full story with believable and mature writing, and 3. Made a believable level of detail and level design, Jedi Knight Academy would actually have been an improvement of Outcast. Well, I've tinkered to try to make this a reality all of these years, and now I find out that people have already done it?! I feel an odd mixture of excitement at the prospect of it actually happening and disappointment at all of the hours I worked on something that was already there for years. __but I'll reserve my judgement until I actually play it__ Edit_ Installed and tried playing, but couldn't get out of lodge zone. After loading it up again, it kept crashing and saying that the UI wasn't found... aw well. :|
  21. I know this may sound crazy, but has anyone else had the "Upload Failed" message pop up when they try to upload an image as an attachment or into their gallery?

    1. bead-v


      image, no.. files, yes. The browser was the problem, though I don't remember which one, firefox or chrome..

    2. Malkior


      I'm using Chrome right now, so that's probably the problem. Thanks for the info!

  22. What do you mean a "Patched Version"? I have uniws, but when I try to use the utility it has TSL grayed-out. Is there a different version of uniws, or do I do something else? Also, the HUD patches all make my HUD either unusably offset or completely non-visible. Is there a patch that works with 16x9 monitors which puts the HUD in the right place?
  23. I agree with your option two. It makes more sense if you're lightside, that there would be another way other than muscling them away or killing them. Additionally, I think that the other guards would intervene at least partially if you killed the duo, but I know that would be much harder to implement with the way the factions are; so I like the idea at least.
  24. Eh.. I don't mean to be inflamatory. My primary statement was unnecessary. .. In other news, I found out that the skyboxes are animating at random intervals based on the physical location of the character. So, yeah, some coding may be required :|

  25. No, I'm talking the entire image tile. The images are all 512 px on their own, but it seems to cause a slowdown (or heat-up in my comp's case) with the full 24. I don't know how the engine handles textures, but the full 24 frames isn't divisible by two, so I'm having to consider more options. Basically what I'm getting at is whether having 24 full slides is causing the slowdown, or if it is just because 3072x2048 isn't divisible by 2. Do you mean, if I add more slides, it will perform better since it's divisible by two? I have no idea of how the engine processes textures.