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InSidious last won the day on February 23 2023

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241 Jedi Grand Master

About InSidious

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    Self-clos'd, all-repelling

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    This abominable Void/This soul-shudd'ring Vacuum

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  1. Soyuz nerushimy...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. InSidious


      No, I knew the lyrics were outdated. I chose them - and to post them on Friday - for a reason.

    3. superSzym


      I see, Trump & Putin's New Soviet Union. As a socialliberalist, I appreciate the idea of sanctioning companies which don't provide workplaces, though this should be limited to those who don't have completely any factories in the country. Otherwise, it becomes an assault on free market. Yet, though the first idea sounds socialist, Trump feels connected to his own wealth, so he plans to lower the taxes for the wealthiest. That doesn't sound to me like any known Political ide...

    4. xander2077


      @Insidious, yeah i get it, the whole thing in perspective is a huge joke (media/politics in general) but i don't get into that in the forums here.

      @superSzym, I'm an anarchist so i never really thought politics was practical. don't like it, doesn't really do anything for me. And why is my spell check offering doeskin as an alternative to doesn't?