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Everything posted by gua543

  1. gua543

    Update on 1.8

    In the vanilla version, you get no XP from shooting the sith with the turret so, technically speaking, you get more XP. Sooooo I can get the robe on Dantooine, Onderon, Dxun, Korriban, Telos, the Ravager and (yes, I got Exar Kun's armor twice. Guess he had a spare one )/or Malachor V? That *someone*... you're not referring to me, right? Because I have no clue about source codes, scripts, etc. (Heh, and I'm learning to become a programmer. Keep dreaming, silly me, keep dreaming).
  2. Until I see a video I won't believe this. Not trying to anger you or anything but I just can't believe this. HK, your master was killed. So where were you? Twice.
  3. Revan was not humiliated, he was killed by four of the Empire's finest (or 2 guys with their companions, r 3 guys and one companion). Why can't you guys understand that?
  4. You can solo a world boss? Yeah right, and Revan really used the Force to teleport somewhere safe. Right.
  5. gua543

    Update on 1.8

    The loot system in KotOR 2 is so crazy (getting sith robes, gammorean gloves and a lightsaber from a Czerka soldier, one of the droids on Peragus and a refugee on Nar Shaddaa is just :confused: ) and, as I said, I could always use more easy XP (and it's rather fun shooting those sith troopers while they desperatly try to board my ship and waste ammo). The robes do look better but I have a question - from where do I get Natth's Cowling? I know how to get the others (with a mod from Shem, I think, which makes me actually buy something from the vendors instead of walking around, killing bad guys with 200k credits) but I've never seen that one. Btw there's a model of Jolee's robe in the game (available only thought cheating,not included in Shem's mod) so could you include it in your mod, too?
  6. gua543

    Update on 1.8

    I've always wondered - do you get XP for killing those sith with the Ebon Hawk's turret or you have to let them board the ship and then kick their asses? Might seem like a stupid question but I'm not the observant type.
  7. Is this on low resolution? Because everything looks... odd. Just like in the original mod.
  8. That's not a bug, that HK-47's programming. He can't shoot his own kind. Well, at least when he's with you. He kills plenty of HK-50s in the HK factory, when he's alone. Btw the time when I brought HK-47 with me at a fight with 3 HK-50s, I was around level 24 so I had no problem with them.
  9. Nuh-uh, I'm not that crazy. Even though I'm more experienced now and actually use stimulants and force powers, instead of just hacking and slashing and selling everything, I doubt I'll be able to leave Taris without cheating. I think they named it Impossible difficulty for a reason
  10. I think that a song with a lot of uncensored words would fit better. After all, I had huge problems with him on Normal difficulty and I can't imagine the hate I'll generate when after 1 hour I still can't beat him. Maybe my eyes will turn yellow, who knows
  11. Works for me, I could always use the XP.
  12. gua543

    Update on 1.8

    Yeah, I think everyone will be happy if you do this, Akven.
  13. gua543

    Update on 1.8

    Technically speaking there are no other clans. It's just clan Ordo. Or so I remember.
  14. gua543

    Update on 1.8

    Photoshop level: OVAR 9000!!!
  15. gua543

    Update on 1.8

    Woah, slow down pal. It was just an idea because not many people have the skills you have (I guess). And, don't get me wrong (again), but I think you're overreacting. Anyway, I apologise if I have offended you. Will you not send sounds of doom towards my house? Please?
  16. gua543

    Update on 1.8

    Yeah, I've seen the changelog. Have you seen what's done in 1.8? Besides, a sound editor might be useful in the M4-78 mod. Maybe add different "voices" for the droids we can talk to on the planet and stuff like that, idk. But they could work on it and it will be done much faster
  17. gua543

    Update on 1.8

    Guys, you do realize that if you haven't told us about those bugs with the sounds, we would have never noticed them. Hell, I don't notice them even now! So could I offer you to concentrate on more important stuff like the M4-78 Enhancement Mod? The last version of TSLRCM basically fixes some minor bugs so it's not that important, right?
  18. Um can't you find what's causing this stuff and fix it? I mean, you know a lot about the game engine, right?
  19. What do you mean by never matches up, VP?
  20. I kinda liked it more when Sion cut Atton's palm and lifted him half a meter above the ground. Could you combine the scenes or something?
  21. ^^You do realize that this sounds a liiitle bit creepy, right?
  22. gua543

    TSL Party Project

    Helped a lot, thanks.