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Everything posted by gua543

  1. Are you gonna re-skin the robe models that are already in the game or are you gonna create new ones (which seems kinda impossible)?
  2. Looks really cool but you gotta change the kolto tanks or bacta tanks or whatever they're called. It looks like those miners are floating in air, not in water.
  3. Isn't that fight part of TSLRCM?
  4. I know and I'm not pointing out this as an error. I was pretty amazed that not even one sith trooper on Taris didn't ask me why the hell am I caring those vibroblades. It's just the game, nothing to be fixed here. Although, if you insist on fixing something, you could make Bastila wear some dark jedi robes with a cape. There's a mod somewhere on Filefront, which adds them to the game, so maybe you can talk to the guy who made the mod. On the other side, you can completely ignore me and forget I ever said anything.
  5. A sith trooper with a lightsaber. Not even one sith notices it. Seems legit
  6. Wow, just wow. You gotta add more trees though. Yavin 4 isn't know for it's open fields.
  7. Okay, thanks for answering. Btw will HK and any of the previous associates to Revan and the Exile you include in the mod be voiced?
  8. I just have one question - I'm pretty sure you've read the Revan novel so you know T3's fate (SPOILER ALERT: T3 gets killed by the Emperor). So how can T3 be still alive in your mod? Also, how many years after KotOR 2 are we talking about? Because at that time Canderous must have been around 65 years old. Talking about Canderous, do you plan to include anybody from Revan's and the Exile's party members (except T3 and HK) in the game? Not as companions, of course, but as a quest givers or something like that.
  9. gua543

    Update on 1.8

    No custom sabers, just the original ones. The spare sabers were single hilted and I had equipped everybody with one or two single sabers.
  10. gua543

    Update on 1.8

    Talking about lightsaber training, I had a problem with it. When talking to Kreia on the Ebon Hawk, you have the option to ask her to train you in lightsaber combat. The first time I asked her, she said to come talk to her when I have a lightsaber for me and my adversary. I came when I had them, but she said the same thing. When I had equipped every force using member of my party with a lightsaber (basically everyone except T3, HK, Mandalore and G0-T0), including Kreia, and having two spare sabers I asked her to train me again. Guess what she said.
  11. This looks really good but I have a question - could you include rain in the mod, too? It will be easy for KotOR 2 (it's always raining in the Dxun jungle) but I guess you'll have to work a little bit for KotOR.
  12. gua543

    Sith Stalker Armor

    Needs some polishing but it is still an amazing feat that you managed to create this. Awesome job, mate, 10/10!
  13. Your character will have very high levels of ugliness, if you ask me.
  14. I'm not really sure if I understand you correctly, HH. Whatever, I'm too tired right now to think of an answer.
  15. Now, now, when did I say that I wanted just pure restored content? I only said that I don't want it to make jokes with canon lore, like TFU 2 (expert cloners will understand) and The Clone Wars, for example.
  16. If the newly added content is incompatible with BoS: SR then no, you should not add it (except if it's better than BoS: SR, which is highly doubtfull). If it fucks up with canon lore, then you shouldn't add it ("Persuade: Yeah, Bastila, why don't you come with us in the Sith Academy, I'm pretty sure the sith masters there don't know your face."). There are no such things, right? Except for the Bastila part, I could live with that ("Random sith master: Look at this fallen Jedi, he's bringing Bastila with him! Better not to intervene with his doings.").
  17. CONTENTCEPTION!!! Sorry, just had to say it.
  18. gua543

    Update on 1.8

    I totally agree with Darth Paulus about the galaxy map and manual travelling to Malachor V. After all, we had to manually travel to the Unknown World and the Star Forge.
  19. That's great! Too bad the Coruscant mod consists only of the Jedi Temple but there's XP and a new force power there.
  20. Does the M4-78EP change that?
  21. Those are actually graphic upgrades and planet reskins, which I don't really like, but thanks for sharing them. Btw isn't the Coruscant mod in-compatible with TSLRCM? Or was it the M4-78 one?
  22. Damn it, looks like I'm hunting for mods. Again. ...... *Predator mode + Epic music mode activated*
  23. Sooooooo what have you guys done? Two months have passed since the last post here so there should be something new done, right?
  24. Hey guys, I was wondering do you know any good mods that include reskins for robes, lightsabers and party members for KotOR 1 and 2? Maybe some additional lightsaber colors and heads for my character. I know that there are some but I just don't want to search in google and filefront for 2-3 hours to find them. New (not restored) content for both games is also acceptable but it must be good and it mustn't screw up with the story. EDIT: Of course, it must be compatible with TSLRCM 1.8 and M4-78EP. Still not sure about the Malachor VI mod, need more info.