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Status Updates posted by Mandalore

  1. Word of advice: when you found Mando Advanced Tactics too simple for you, don't ry to console your boredom with a strategy game.

  2. They're taking the Hobbits to Isengard!

    1. bendarby24


      sweet, also they are making a lego lord of the rings

    2. Fair Strides

      Fair Strides

      NOOOOOOOO!!!!! Gandalf will look terrible! Not to mention the size of the hobbits! :)

    3. Mandalore


      Please let that not be true...

      Also, this (I think) is what I was referring to:

  3. Played Revenge of the sith on PS2 yesterday, brilliant game. Beat Dooku 3rd attempt, Grievous 5th (better than ever), found Mace the hardest thing I've played in years. Went to put it on today, now PS2 refuses to acknowledge its existence. Played Star Trek Online instead - got promoted.

    1. hkmandalore47


      2000 - 2008 was the golden age of star wars videogames...2008 is when TFU was made

    2. darthbdaman


      don't hate on TFU, the sceond one is far far worse...

    3. Fair Strides

      Fair Strides

      At least TFU had a storyline, albeit a bland one if you played it on the xbox 360 like me. Played it on the PS2 some time ago and there was a lot of content that you would have had to download from Xbox Live. :(

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  4. Star Wars Day is tomorrow!

    1. HK-47
    2. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      May the Fourth be with you!

    3. HK-47


      Irritated Statement: I got up to a thunder storm, and found one of my local news stations to be indicating that it's SW day, but their music of the day was NOT SW.


      Statement: On an ironic note, I went to sleep with almost all of the full SW scores that I have on my PC (that can be played in Media Player) playing without thinking about what day it is.

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  5. Boba Fett is Dead #1 comes out today. Have to wait another week to get it though, otherwise I'd be making 2 trips to comic book shop when I could just make 1 and get everything I need.

  6. Critical Success at Forbidden Planet with comic books. Dawn of the Jedi #1-3, KotOR War #4, and some Marvel stuff.

  7. Very good Qualifying in Bahrain, though I still don't think they should be there.

  8. Great race yesterday. Formula 1 shouldn't be going to Bahrain. Thor is a great film. Bounty Hunter is a brilliant game.

  9. Played Battlefront II for the first time in several years. I'd forgotten how much better it is than the PSP Battlefronts.

    1. bendarby24


      the owner of microsoft donates a lot of many to charity

    2. Mandalore


      Yeah, but he's also trying to take over the computing world. And I don't like anyone who invents Windows Vista.

    3. Plasticcaz


      Meh, He'll never conquer Linux... and will apple ever die?


    4. Show next comments  21 more
  10. Kill Disciple Mod has hit 800 downloads!

    1. Hassat Hunter

      Hassat Hunter

      Congrats. People must hate him 0_0

    2. Mandalore


      Thanks. People hated him enough to ask me to make the mod, but I really didn't expect this much...

    3. Tyvokka


      hah, congrats man :)

  11. Got bored with Imperial campaign in EaW, so started on the Zann Consortium.

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Have you posted a blog about EaW yet?

    2. bendarby24


      i havent but i thought mando... is doing it? if not i could do it if he does wount to. dw my english has inproved a lot of the last year (get A/B in english)

    3. Mandalore


      I could only have 1 thing in the Blog section, so it's a thread in the Star Wars section of the forum.

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  12. I need to get Dawn of the Jedi #1!

  13. Watched the F1 qualifying, then finally did my next blog.

  14. Formula 1 starts this weekend! Of course, since Sky bought half of it off the BBC, I have to avoid a lot of the Internet until I've seen the highlights.

  15. Ah, the grand life of a StarFleet captain. Upgrading a town's network firewall, then running around for 10 minutes to find a door.

    1. Mandalore
    2. Fair Strides

      Fair Strides


      There ya go. Extract it, run the setup, then move all of the files to the newly made directory. Works on XP, but Vista and 7 can't do it. At least as far as I can tell. Some people say it works if ran as administrator. Don't have either OS, so I can't test it.Has the latest patches, too.

    3. Fair Strides

      Fair Strides

      Also, forgot to mention this, but an in-depth guide can be found here:

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  16. AVG jumping at shadows in the KotOR 2 exe file...

    1. ZM90


      Avast > AVG in my opinion.

  17. RIP Ralph McQuarrie.

    1. HK-47


      Realization: I knew that last target looked familiar.

  18. Begun scripting Korriban's day/night cycle.

    1. Boilpoint
    2. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Once you have that complete, you ought to post a video of that (hopefully in HD) so we can all see how that looks.

    3. Mandalore


      Not K1R, Fair Strides' KotOR Day/Night Mod. There's a thread on Holowan Labs, I'kk talk to him about starting a WIP thread over here.

  19. Kill Disciple Mod has hit 700 downloads!

  20. Does anyone know anything of Mon Calamari art?

    1. hkmandalore47


      as in, the way the planet looks? sure, its a watery world. ill post a pic if u want

    2. Mandalore


      Not the planet, the species. I'm trying to take over the planet Thrawn-style.

  21. Star Trek Online: saved Kirk by fighting time-travelling Klingons, promoted to Commander but all the new ships are ugly.

  22. Star Trek Online: My ships fires quantum torpedoes.

  23. My Empire certainly is At War. And Black Sun probably hates me...

    1. hkmandalore47


      lol im almost done with crushing the consortium and alliance in medium mode for FOC. im playing on the biggest map.

    2. Mandalore


      I could make a Blog of War, yes...

    3. Mandalore


      Blog of War first post done.

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  24. Saw Phantom Menace in 3D yesterday. The 3d Wasn't great, but it's still seeing more Star Wars at the cinema.

    1. Mandalore


      3D Jar Jar was OK. It all looked more superimposed than actually standing out though. Not bad, but it would've been better to actually be flying next to podracers, for example.

    2. zbyl2


      I don't really care about 3D, just happy to see Star Wars in theatres again, even if it's TPM :)

      I gotta admit though, opening crawl looked awesome in 3D.

    3. Mandalore


      My thoughts exactly.

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