Kaidon Jorn

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Everything posted by Kaidon Jorn

  1. Version 1.0.0


    Modder's Resource Weapon Icon Backgrounds Kaidon Jorn - Dec 2024 These were the backgrounds for lightsaber icons that I used to use for my old HotOR, SLM, and DHRM mods. They are in .tga form on transparent backgrounds at 600x600 IIRC. Not sure if anyone would want to use them but here they are if you do. -KJ
  2. View File Default Hilt Replacement Mod 2024 Default Hilt Replacement Mod 2024 ---------------------- Kaidon Jorn - November 2024 This mod will replace all of the default game's lightsaber hilt models and adds new 3D blade models and textures - courtesy of Crazy34 and his crazy awesome modder's resource. I have, of course, tweaked his blade textures again to my own preferences and increased the ambient lighting glows by 0.2 on all single and double bladed lightsabers (short stayed the same). In this version I've removed most of my old hilt models and replaced them with ones that may have never been released before, but if I didn't replace the entire model then I remapped and reskinned that previously existing model. All saber icons have been remade to be consistent with my SLM2024 icon backgrounds (I know I said I wouldn't, but to heck with that). Much thanks to Crazy34 for use of his new 3D blade models and textures and thank you to Deadly Stream for hosting all my mods. To install run the .exe and choose the location of the game (not the override itself). To uninstall take them all back out. Submitter Kaidon Jorn Submitted 12/01/2024 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  3. 334 downloads

    Default Hilt Replacement Mod 2024 ---------------------- Kaidon Jorn - November 2024 This mod will replace all of the default game's lightsaber hilt models and adds new 3D blade models and textures - courtesy of Crazy34 and his crazy awesome modder's resource. I have, of course, tweaked his blade textures again to my own preferences and increased the ambient lighting glows by 0.2 on all single and double bladed lightsabers (short stayed the same). In this version I've removed most of my old hilt models and replaced them with ones that may have never been released before, but if I didn't replace the entire model then I remapped and reskinned that previously existing model. All saber icons have been remade to be consistent with my SLM2024 icon backgrounds (I know I said I wouldn't, but to heck with that). Much thanks to Crazy34 for use of his new 3D blade models and textures and thank you to Deadly Stream for hosting all my mods. To install run the .exe and choose the location of the game (not the override itself). To uninstall take them all back out.
  4. Get it while it's hot!

  5. Finally! Here is a patch of sorts to fix the Coruscant Knight's lightsabers to how I originally wanted them. Just had to remap and detach the faces on the model since it was mulching the UVW map or whatever. YAY. Well I finally got it mostly correct, but the grip area still has a bit of a problem with stretching the texture. Will continue to tinker with it and I'm forming an idea for the next version of the mod which will make saber building a bit more complicated. c_knights_remapped.zip Unzip this folder and drop the models and texture into SLM's patch data folder and let overwrite. Then just copy to override.
  6. Right. That's how it's supposed to work. But why isn't it granting the feat when you build your lightsaber?! Will investigate asap.
  7. So do you have an append.tlk file set up to install new entries to the existing dialog.tlk yet? I redownloaded it but want to go through and make sure it wont affect my current playthrough.
  8. Just play naturally and you'll end up getting most of them. Have you completed your lightsaber quest? Do you have a color crystal?
  9. Advising to NOT install this quite yet. Still needs some work. First thing to happen was my existing quest entries were removed. Needs to learn how to add new entries into the existing global.jrl file (from what I can tell) - dialog.tlk as well. ...and the headache goes on...
  10. Conundrum: This was going to be the orange/gold default... But trying to make that a double bladed would absolutely suck. So I'm trying to work out which of two other hilts I could use.. Either.... or... this bottom one doesn't line up nicely for a double bladed but also I've already used it in KSR. So I'm trying to formulate another plan...
  11. I did have to shorten it at the grip section by 4cm a side. Looks ok though. ...orange is going to be a *****.
  12. I might, but it wouldn't be for a little while as I'm still going through it and deciding on what I really want to use and not use texture wise. I was even thinking about just kind of redoing the mod itself to add or subtract different things to make it not just seem like just a big cheat box. You can test it out first if you want. Thank you very much.
  13. Success!!! Now you can tell it's there. woot. So I'm thinkin' this'll be a cool double bladed...default purple... Thankyou DP.
  14. Wow..ok. Alright, would I be able to import my old models into Blender to tinker with them? Also, all these mapping groups (UV islands) that are showing all the crazy lines are the ones I need to detach, correct? Thanks a bunch DP. Was totally clueless. But I remember now something about having to detach to element from years ago that I just forgot about and stopped doing.
  15. It is. I didn't change anything. But yeah let me get the model and texture posted tonight. EDIT: here is the model in question. Again, it just doesn't seem like Gmax will accept even slight changes to the map. I remapped the parts that don't show up, then saved it under a new name, rigged and exported again (rescaled it beforehand), but its still doing the same thing. KJ_YeloDbl.zip
  16. Alrighty. Let me get those to you tonight. If you could figure out what I'm doing wrong I could apply that info the next time it might happen.
  17. You mean....?? red green and blue are muted so its just the alpha (?)
  18. You mean like.. Like size matters? Naaaaaaaah that cant be it.
  19. Aight so....Remapped it one more time after the initial rig and export. Still no black indentions at the top of the body as shown here.... ,,,but this is what came out as the ASCII file which I converted to the new blade models and put them in override (this one is still messed up a bit because I scaled it down a bit too much while rigging) What gives? It did this with another hilt from SLM where it just would absolutely not accept a new map...what do I do?
  20. Why is Gmax such a P.O.S?!?!?😡

    1. LoneWanderer


      Because that's its main purpose - to make users suffer so much that people are willing to buy 3ds max at any price, just to be free of GMax.

    2. Kaidon Jorn
    3. DarthParametric


      Humorous, to be sure, but not entirely accurate. The primary reason is because it's a cut down version of 3DS Max 4 from circa 2000. It lacks many of the basic features seen in modern Max because the full fat v4 lacked them as well.

  21. Got a working red double bladed.... ...and this is the new red single blade hilt ...on to yellow purple orange silver viridian and bronze.