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Everything posted by Quanon

  1. I think it's because of the hue of her skin and lack of details. I've updated her look to match more with one of my previous updates. It uses more color from her original skin mixed with my details. Giving back some brightness and contrast. Yeah, I haven't used any or very little highlights and shadows from her old skin. I might tweak this version some further for personal use. I just like it somehow, but it doesn't match with the look she had. Hahaha, the hands are silver because I didn't pay any attention to the alpha map on that part of her skin. No, worries, it will get fixed in short order. Yesterday I just wanted to test a few things on her leather armor. That was the main focus You'll be happy to hear, SuperSzym, I've gone back to that previous look. It's just the order on how I setup my layers in Photoshop. I've got various files on Bastila; so I can go back and copy the setups of previous versions if need be. So it's back with a little more eyeliner, make up and the red lips I'll call this the release version; for the head skin. It's done! I'll now move on to the underwear. Minor preview, on Dantooine, Tatooine and Ebon Hawk:
  2. Thanks ^^ Yes, the hair shows how low poly these models look; compared to more modern games or games from a few years later. Mind Kotor is very old, it's a dinosaur in the gaming scene There are a few tricks to get away with the spiky look on those strands of hair. And that is by applying a mask, making things transparent. With such a mask you can get the effect of loose fine strands, not just big lumps like in my preview from above. It still has it's limits, mostly on how the game engine from Kotor handles this stuff. I'm just happy to have gotten this far and make some progress on this project. Hopefully I can release this soon to the public. At this moment I'm playing around with some shiny effects on the leather, but I haven't decided yet if it's needed. It has it's drawbacks. Mainly in that the effect then also MUST be used on her head skin. Not just the body. I can't seem to have two effects. Anyway, just to show how it looks in game:
  3. What interests me is to spawn containers into an area, so people can find my created items. I know the basics, but I'dd like to see more ways on doing it. So far I've only used dialogues. I'd like to know any other posibilties of firing a script that doesn't break anybody elses game or the script not firing... :-s Mainly so it's compatible with most of the other mods out there.
  4. So, yesterday I got a PM from RedRob. He has finished work on fixing a few issues on Bastilas head UV-map. The skin now has less stretching and skewing on certain places, remapped a few sections to get better results. The best part is he made me a package so I could adjust my new skin to fit nicely on his new UV-map, creating a better results! This is just one of the many things I really like about our community Many, many, many thanks Redrob, if you ever land and visit Belgium, give me a heads up. I should buy you one of our, many many many many many finest beers, can't thank you enough! Just happens we have a lot of nice beers for such a tiny speck on the globe. Ofcourse, I got home and just had to start working. Very pleased so far. Bastila has had a few minor changes again. Yes, again There's still a minor oversight; the inside of the mouth is a bit light; so it really stands out against her lips. Contrast is just a bit to much right now. But I've darkened the hair, gave back some color to her skin. Adjusted the eye shadow, I just forgot she had a more purple tint. No idea how I got the blue I'll keep working on it. Aiming to get her regular clothes and head done tomorrow. So I can move on to her underwear and slave clothing. Here's a small peek on how things are looking: I'm overdoing the picture stuff? x-D
  5. Yes; the model I used doesn't look like Bastila at all, but I only use bits and pieces. These get scaled and warped a bit to fit on the UVmap. Then it all gets desaturated or turned black and white. Or color matched, any of these steps or a combination. It gives different effects. I picked that model because, I have a few more portrait shots of her. All with the same lighting setup. Which makes it easier to match up color and balance the contrast. More options to work with. And of course the size of the pictures. Nice choices though on your actors pick The funny thing is, it's still the same skin but I tweaked my layers a bit differently. It still feels a bit flat/ smooth though. I'dd like to have bit more complexion back into her skin. But at least, I now have a few more ideas on what I can do to get the result I have in mind. And, yeah, the hair has a good basis, but I need to adjust the flow of it. It goes straight and doesn't follow the model at all The eye shadow is really bright; which wasn't my intention, I still need darken that further Anyway, I'll keep working on this. Thanks everybody for all the feedback these last few days!
  6. Yes, that's the idea. I'm certain I can get a nice effect with the envmap. It's just to obvious on the Bastila skin. With Mission and Canderous, it was all more subtle on the old skins. It didn't stick out so much. So I was able to use the old skin, a black/ white version, to get the highlights and shadows back for all the wrinkels in the clothing, leather, etc... Thanks, this should make things easier to get everything replaced in one go. No, I appreciate all the feedback I get. And, yes, honestly I'm not happy on how the head turned out. It keeps bugging me at some level. And it's clear it just isn't good enough. I feel it doesn't match the quality I had with my Mission and Canderous reskins. For all the curious, this is how the skin looks like in Photoshop, plus the fair lady I used as a basis. @SuperSzym: she isn't old, but I guess my work on her made her look old EDIT: Further tweaks applied. I did a little trip in Kotor, so I can show how much a skin can change, just depending where you're standing. The skin is still rather flat... On Manaan she really looks sick, Selkath smell bad? Although Bastila has a pale skin. I've tried to match it all better, but in the end, I'll just need to scrap and throw it up the junkpile I did get a few new ideas on how I should do my layers and effects for my next attempt on Bastila.
  7. Ah, Thanks for that. I already have the underwear model, but I should double check on the skins used on that. Héh, when I was testing it out again today, I noticed the flaps aren't really that nicely animated to go with her movement. They are rather stiff... But I'll finish this skin first and release it. I'm don't like getting bogged down again in to much crazy side projects... knowing myself, I never finish stuff Really? I haven't noticed anything off so far when I do some talking with Bastila, but perhaps I focus to much on other stuff. I'm in to do some more tests anyways, I'll get back to you on that. As I can't decide if her lips should have more of a purple tint or red tint? If you do get her head a better fix, just PM me, perhaps we could do another team effort ala Juhani ^^ It's one of my favourite things to do with mods, giving the users a few nice choices. Reminds me I do need to wrap up that Dark Jedi skin, see, got side tracked with Bastila... I've got a day off on Thursday, planning on getting some more work done then. There are still a few things bugging me, like the painted shine on her boots, I'll have to repaint that myself. So far I was able to use most of the old skin for colors and highlights. But the boots don't cut it for me.
  8. I'll keep that in mind, I might cut of the whole hair and do something a bit different. But that is a big IF, right now. I'll focus first on getting her "vanilla" look updated. There's a lot of testing and redoing when altering models. It is a huge time drain. So, I've been working at Bastila's clothes. Not finished yet and in 3Ds Max I seemed to have wrecked her flaps. :-s And I also forgot to include them in my UV-map, which means the idiot I am, I didn't work on those yet... I only noticed it all when I took a test run in the game Though another test run did reveal a small issue still on her head skin. So I need to fix/ tweak that again. It does help to run around with a new skin on all the planets. Each has a different lighting setup and it is odd how that makes things pop-up or soften. So things left to do: armor flaps, belt and the little pouches on her belt. Then the underwear model... Does she has a third model? When you free her on Taris?
  9. I've spend some more time on Bastila. The skin has been altered, not overly much. But just kept tweaking a few areas... contrast values etc... Endlessly Hair and eyes are back to how she really looks. I just need keep it up. Her lips are still the original color of the model I used as a basis. Also the ears need an update still. Preview from 3ds Max Ingame test:
  10. Yes, the idea is to get it close to the look I had for Canderous. I'm not going to alter the model... yet. The her nose looks different though, on the model it's more like a button. I might look into it. But I like to keep the re-skin mods simple. Lol; I was playing around with the colors of her hair and eyes. And wrinkles? Her face looks very flat right now I used a different method from the one I used on Canderous and it shows. I'm not content so far. Boy, Cache71 PM'ed me a mod package, including a game wide re-skin. To test it out and have a peek at. Every area has been changed. Lots of items... etc... It's top quality, but I don't think it's up and released just yet.
  11. I love the gold/ red look, I'm a big fan of Khorne And, yes, envmap is a must on things like these. Hahaha, yeah; had a serious hangover on Sunday... still tired on Monday But it was a blast indeed. Thanks for the input, I'll finish up this garish Q version first. I'll then alter it a bit to fit with a more silver/ metal look. I did start working on Bastila, early beginnings so far; lots of tweaks needed: Bit of a mess around her eyes, need to get back some contrast, skin details are not visible. Perhaps some extra grain... Her hair is something I'm testing... Lips need a touch up too. Got my work cut out for me
  12. File Name: Quanons Canderous Ordo Reskin File Submitter: Quanon File Submitted: 08 Nov 2016 File Category: Skins K1R Compatible: Yes This mod will replace and update Canderous texture files. It keeps the same look, but adds in more details. Click here to download this file
  13. Version 1.0


    This mod will replace and update Canderous texture files. It keeps the same look, but adds in more details.
  14. I guess that would be more orangy hued. Can't really think straight right now. I had a bit of a party evening, hang on to a steel beam in the bar, then played in a bear fountain... I was suddenly a bit sticky Rather crazy stuff going on, but really fun! Ahum, not really the point. I'm open to suggestions. As I feel this skin isn't finished just yet. And it might, come down, to changing the color . Anyway, tomorrow a in-game test, just to see what really pops out and is worth investing in.
  15. Instant download! Very happy to see, us modders kill all the murky blur in this game!
  16. Hahaha, I just wanted to add in a few smaller details and at 512x512 it just didn't work out the way I wanted it. So I redid the skin at 2048x2048. Work continue at a nice pace, since I knew what I wanted already. Added in the armor plates, well, they're more decorative then real protection. Still need a bit of work. The boots got extra studs and added a bit of chain mail to the mask. Wondering if these should also go "gold" or not. Even wondering if it wouldn't be better if I kicked out the gold color... The clothing looks a bit flat in the renders; I'll have to do a test run in the game.
  17. Lol, I was thinking of doing a stream session when I'm modelling I'dd like to follow, but I fear the time zones will make it very hard for me.
  18. No fear, once I get Canderous done for K1, I'll see to it he gets a spot in TSL. Although he never shows his face? This might need some 2DA editing then... Or just change his outfit outright? Anyway, as any modder I'm up into a lot of little on running projects. This one is a part of a pack, which is made by a few fellow modders. Here's a peek on my take of things. Not fully happy with it, might do it over. I do like the colors, some of the detail I got, but it needs further tweaking and shaping. Plus a larger size. Working at 512x512 was a mistake on my part.
  19. I've been wondering about that... A next step in the learning process Getting the same look for Canderous in TSL shouldn't be a problem. I've reworked the skin. I don't really consider it porting if this gets used in TSL. Neither do I think any of Devs really care anymore... Kotor games, are, what? 10+ years old?
  20. After a very late night/ early morning session of Kotor modding extravaganza madness. I still felt I had to keep rolling. After fixing Mission, I returned to Candy and worked on his pyjamas. I made good progress; getting the hang of this naked flesh thing So far his torso, arms and legs, plus underpants are done. Might need some minor fixes to blend the seams better. Details left, the tattoo, which... *sigh* Bioware UV mapped in 2 parts. One at the top and one at the bottom of the skin layout. Which means getting it all lined up will be bitchy.
  21. Could it be, that the mesh, I would guess a simple plane, is facing in the wrong direction. Instead of "projecting" the texture forwards it does so in the other direction. Making it not appear. It's something I never fully figured out how to tell MDLops or Kaurora that certain flat, mostly plane meshes, are 2-sided. Showing the texture in both directions instead of just 1 facing... Just an idea that popped up.
  22. File Name: Quanons Mission Vao Reskin File Submitter: Quanon File Submitted: 01 Nov 2016 File Category: Skins K1R Compatible: Yes This mod replaces all Mission Vaos textures. She will have an updated skin which has a bit more detail. It does keep the classic look from the game. This is version 1.1, minor tweaks have been made. Mainly the head texture. Click here to download this file
  23. A newer version is avaible! Things that got fixed or tweaked: Both head and body texture now have proper "shiney" effects. Looks like I never included the TXI files o_O Her tongue is now at least colored and not glaring white! The eyebrows have been raised, which changes her look. Less grumpy looking. A minor seam on her lekku should now be less obvious.
  24. The new updated Mission has been uploaded! Yahoo!

  25. Version 1.1


    This mod replaces all Mission Vaos textures. She will have an updated skin which has a bit more detail. It does keep the classic look from the game. This is version 1.1, minor tweaks have been made. Mainly the head texture.