Fallen Guardian

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Everything posted by Fallen Guardian

  1. Well, in mid-July I discovered a higher quality, slightly odd, version of the texture for the Ebon Hawk's computer panels. I fixed that up to look like the original, and the mod took off from there. Basically, this takes some of the most prominent Ebon Hawk textures that were really low-res and makes them nice and high-res. ReadMe Screenshots Comparison Screenshots (Posts 19, 24, 28, 34, and 40 within that thread) MediaFire Link: DOWNLOAD KotOR Files Link: DOWNLOAD Deadly Stream Link: DOWNLOAD
  2. Version 1.0


    In the vanilla version of Knights of the Old Republic many of the textures were of extremely low quality. Through the usage of pictures of actual material and some gems that were left behind in the game files I've taken some of the worst (and some of the most noticeable/prominent) and made them of much higher quality.
  3. I would say Taris would be the most changed, mainly because the amount of cut content on Taris was leaps and bounds ahead of any other planet. As for the missing files, well, a lot of it is just references to stuff or incomplete parts of scenes here and there. There's no real main place to find the cut content.
  4. I'll have to take a look at the files again but I think a save game should work.
  5. I'll take a look. If there are still a bunch of bugs that we haven't fixed yet I'll just release the Bolook fix but if there are only a couple left we'll fix those up and then release the whole patch.
  6. What's being worked on, no. There is a list of what has been comleted (as pointed out by Fair Strides) but more than likely you won't ever see a complete list until the mod is released. As of right now progress has been going slow, due mainly to real life, but I hope to finish up a couple things by January 1st that I've been working on for a while.
  7. I'll try it out sometime today around 6-7 EST.
  8. Bandicam works well for a screen recorder and it is free. (Free version limits you to ten minutes of recording in a row and slaps a watermark on the top) There's a function that can be called to adjust a creature's speed. I used it to slow down the party members because they always did a waddle walk when they were called by GetPartyMemberByIndex, so it should be possible to use it to speed creatures up.
  9. Yep, we'll work on fixing that. Probably will ask the author for usage of that mod... I've noticed this recently as well... I'll add it to the pile. Adding to the queue... I'm not on my computer so I can't look at this right now but I believe that's referring to the strength bonus that the armor gives. Thanks, and will do.
  10. Awesome! Definitely using this on my next playthrough.
  11. Well there's this Rodian that should talk to the PC practically as soon as he/she enters the lower city. What's happening sounds strange so I'll have to check it again.
  12. Good solution. Definitely smarter than uninstalling the whole thing. There's not much in that area of the lower city. Just that guy who was messing it up and then a couple civilians walking around.
  13. Strange... I remember testing that and that never happened. I'll go check again later today. For now I'd say uninstall the mod, load a save before entering the lower city, get through that glitched part, then reinstall the mod.
  14. IIRC the hologram textures are a mess and hard to decipher what goes where. I don't know if you can change stuff like transparency within the MDL file but if you can, it'd be better to go that route rather than a texture change.
  15. You could try to use open door armband to open the door. I remember something similar to this happening to me back when I had a patched 1.6 or 1.7 installed and some weird mod that messed with Visquis' UTC, and I used the open door armband to get in the room. Though, in the end, I think I just loaded a previous save before entering the Jek Jek Tar or possibly just started a new game..
  16. Wow, this thread is... old. Anyway, for those of you who heard (read) me say that I would attempt to add a scene showing Bao-Dur and T3 fixing up the ship, well, your desire have been party-way fulfilled! I still have some work to do on it but a lot of the work for it is done. I actually did most of it back in July but I had a big move since then and haven't had the time for this... until now. We'll see how future progress goes.
  17. Happens to me as well. I spam quick save and I usually get by with little to no crashing.
  18. I downloaded it but the TSLPatcher installation seems to be broken... I got GO-TO working in game however, and he looks awesome. He still makes the floating orb sounds that he made when he was floating orb whenever he walks, however. I'll see if I can't track down the source.
  19. Yes! Downloading this ASAP. It says in the ReadMe that there's a minor animation bug. What exactly is this?
  20. Certain modules of mine in Dantooine Tension seem like they'd be compatible, because they rely on the vanilla model. All my custom modules should work too, but they won't cycle through Night/Day without a proper patch/some edits, which I wouldn't be too sure how to go about. The Ebon Hawk script HH posted back in July looks as though it relies on room animations. Now having never worked with room animations I don't know if they need to be defined in the area model or if they are present in all models and just need a reference from a script.
  21. Knew about the soundset stuff, restoring bits and pieces of that. Also, I doubt we'll do anything with the Vandar and Dodonna soundsets. Not enough there to justify any sort of 'restoration'. Knew about the commoner heads, deciding where to put 'em in. Didn't know about the alien, nice find. Looks a bit like a Sullustan to me, but that's quite debatable.
  22. Looks interesting... What exactly do .pth files do?
  23. Should be.. Don't have the Steam version myself, but, well, Steam's kind of known for this stuff, right?